127 research outputs found

    A hashtag como um sistema dinâmico complexo: efeitos da #corpoperfeito no instagram

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    This article aimed to reflect on the hashtag #corpoperfeito within the digital social network Instagram. We use the theoretical propositions of the Theory of Complex Dynamic Systems (TCDS), guided by Holland (1995) and Larsen-Freeman (2008), and we list the hashtag in question as a complex system, as well as the language itself. During the development of the article, we held discussions that demonstrated the complex, dynamic and adaptive functioning of the hashtag, as well as the concept of folksonomy, which helped us to understand the process of free indexing. It was possible to verify the existence of patterns in the posts indexed through #corpoperfeito that, in some way, can bring individual and social damage to users who have contact with such. Thus, we carried out the exercise of reflecting on what would be the possible impacts caused by the discursive statement that the body needs aesthetic interventions to become perfect.Este trabalho tem como objetivo refletir sobre a hashtag #corpoperfeito no âmbito da rede social digital Instagram. Utilizamos as proposições teóricas da Teoria dos Sistemas Dinâmicos Complexos (TSDC), orientadas por Holland (1995) e Larsen-Freeman (2008), e elencamos a hashtag em questão como um sistema complexo, assim como a própria língua(gem). Durante o desenvolvimento do artigo, realizamos discussões que demonstraram o funcionamento complexo, dinâmico e adaptativo da hashtag, assim como o conceito de folksonomia, que nos ajudou a compreender o processo de livre indexação. Foi possível verificarmos a existência de padrões nas postagens indexadas através da #corpoperfeito que, de alguma forma, podem trazer prejuízos individuais e sociais para usuários que possuam contato com a mesma. Assim, fizemos o exercício de refletir sobre quais seriam os possíveis impactos causados pela afirmação discursiva de que o corpo necessita de intervenções estéticas para tornar-se perfeito

    Evaluation of a preventive intervention in alcoholic and non-alcoholic drivers: a pilot study

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    In this pilot study, we evaluated the drinking and driving behavior and the concepts of selfassessment on this theme of people who had consumed alcohol and intended to drive a motor vehicle after leaving bars and restaurants. We also evaluated the efficacy of a preventive intervention on their future behavior. The participants had their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) evaluated, answered a questionnaire and received a booklet during a very brief intervention. Most of the participants (69%) had BAC below the legally permitted level, and 31% above it. One month later, they answered the questionnaire once more and no significant reduction was observed in the use of alcohol before driving after the intervention, indicating the need for more effective interventions.En este estudio piloto evaluamos los comportamientos de consumo de alcohol y los conceptosde autocrítica sobre este tema en personas con intención de conducir un vehículo automotordespués de salir de bares y restaurantes. También evaluamos la efcacia de una intervenciónpreventiva en comportamiento futuro de beber y conducir. Nosotros evaluamos el nivelde alcoholemia en la sangre (BAC) de los participantes, seguido de un cuestionario. Losparticipantes también recibieron durante la intervención un prospecto con información acercadel consumo de alcohol e accidentes de tráfco. La mayoría de los participantes (69%) estabanpor debajo de los límites legales de BAC y el 31% por encima de este límite. Después de unmes, el cuestionario se aplicó de nuevo y no detectamos ninguna reducción en la conductade beber y conducir, indicando la necesidad de intervenciones más efcaces.Neste estudo piloto avaliamos os comportamentos de beber e dirigir e os conceitos de autocrítica sobre este tema em indivíduos que pretendiam dirigir após a saída de bares e restaurantes. Também avaliamos a eficácia de uma intervenção preventiva em seus comportamentos futuros de beber e dirigir. Os participantes tiveram seus níveis de alcoolemia (BAC) avaliados e responderam um questionário, recebendo um folheto informativo durante a intervenção breve. A maioria dos participantes (69%) apresentaram BAC abaixo dos limites criminais estabelecidos por lei e 31% acima deste limite. Após um mês, o questionário foi novamente aplicado e não se observou redução significativa no comportamento de beber e dirigir após um mês, indicando a necessidade de intervenções mais efetivas

    Cognitive Aspects of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in Young Adults: Two Case Studies

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    Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) includes a specific pattern of cognitive deficits, including language and speech disorders. Two adult participants were studied by means of the Examination of Language Test and a battery of complementary tests to evaluate oral and written language. Our data indicated great results of the participant who had psychopedagogical and speech-language assistance than the other who did not receive none intervention. These findings suggest that early diagnosis and intervention are crucial to minimize sequelae in FAS.A Síndrome Fetal Alcóolica (SFA) inclui um padrão de déficit cognitivo, incluindo alterações de linguagem e fala. Estudou-se dois participantes adultos que foram diagnosticados com SFA na infância por meio do Teste de Exame de Linguagem e de uma bateria de testes complementares para avaliar aspectos da linguagem oral e escrita. Os dados indicaram que o participante que recebeu uma intervenção psicopedagógica apresentou melhores resultados que aquele que não tinha recebido nenhuma intervenção. Estes achados indicam que um diagnóstico precoce é fundamental para minimizar as sequelas da SFA

    Demandas de las actividades físicas y los esfuerzos en el baloncesto de elite

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    Existe una gran importancia en la descripción de las exigencias de esfuerzo físico de los jugadores en los juegos oficiales podemos organizar mejor la formación periodización. El objetivo de este estudio es proponer una nueva forma de demanda de calificación esfuerzo físico de los jugadores de baloncesto y analizar las cinco posiciones existentes en el juego. La clasificación se divide en cinco clases y sus subclases, como sigue: una clase de desplazamiento horizontal con su lado trasero hacia adelante par subclase, se detuvo y posición defensiva, la clase de intercambio contacto de potencia con sus subclases uno contra uno, rebote de protección, las cerraduras y las fallas, la clase de los desplazamientos verticales, el movimiento de los miembros superiores e regate. Se analizaron dos equipos en una sala de juegos Nuevo Baloncesto Brasil, los jugadores se dividieron por las posiciones / funciones que operan en el juego de baloncesto. diferencia encontrada entre la frecuencia, el tiempo medio y el tiempo total en el desplazamiento horizontal y clases de contacto de potencia de cambio entre las posiciones tanto, llegamos a la conclusión de que es necesario detallar las exigencias de esfuerzo físico y analizar cinco posiciones independientes, indicando la necesidad formación individualizada.There is a great importance in describing the demands of physical exertion of the players in official games for we can organize better periodization training. The aim of this study is to propose a new form of demand physical exertion rating of basketball players and analyze the five existing positions in the game. The classification was divided into five classes and their subclass, as follows: a displacement class with its subclasses: forward pair back side, stopped and defensive position, the class of power contact with its subclass one against one, box out, pick and faults, the class of jump, upper-body movements and dribble. We analyzed two teams in a game quarter of the New Basketball Brazil, the players were divided by the positions / functions operating in the basketball game. Found difference between the frequencies, medium time and total time in the displacement class and power contact between positions thus we conclude that it is necessary to detail the demands of physical exertion and analyze five separate positions indicating the need individualized training.Existe uma grande importância em descrever as demandas de esforço físico dos jogadores em jogos oficias para podemos organizar uma melhor periodização de treinamento. O objetivo deste estudo é propor uma nova forma de classificação da demanda de esforço físico de jogadores de basquetebol e analisar nas cinco posições existente no jogo. A classificação foi dividida em cinco classes e com as suas subclasses, sendo elas: a classe de deslocamento horizontais com as suas subclasses: para frente, par trás, lateral, parado e posição defensiva, a classe de troca de contato de força com as suas subclasses de um contra um, proteção de rebote, bloqueios e faltas, a classe de deslocamentos verticais, movimentação de membros superiores e drible. Analisamos dois times em um quarto de jogo do Novo Basquete Brasil, os jogadores foram divididos pelas posições/funções que atuam no jogo de basquete. Encontramos diferença entre a frequência, tempo médio e tempo total nas classes de deslocamento horizontais e troca de contato de força entre as posições, deste modo, podemos concluir que é necessário detalhar as demandas de esforço físico e analisar as cinco posições separadas, indicando a necessidade de treinamento individualizado.peerReviewe

    Demands of physical activities and efforts in elite basketbal

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    There is a great importance in describing the demands of physical exertion of the players in official games for we can organize better periodization training. The aim of this study is to propose a new form of demand physical exertion rating of basketball players and analyze the five existing positions in the game. The classification was divided into five classes and their subclass, as follows: a displacement class with its subclasses: forward pair back side, stopped and defensive position, the class of power contact with its subclass one against one, box out, pick and faults, the class of jump, upper-body movements and dribble. We analyzed two teams in a game quarter of the New Basketball Brazil, the players were divided by the positions / functions operating in the basketball game. Found difference between the frequencies, medium time and total time in the displacement class and power contact between positions thus we conclude that it is necessary to detail the demands of physical exertion and analyze five separate positions indicating the need individualized training

    A video-based framework for automatic 3d localization of multiple basketball players : a combinatorial optimization approach

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    Sports complexity must be investigated at competitions; therefore, non-invasive methods are essential. In this context, computer vision, image processing, and machine learning techniques can be useful in designing a non-invasive system for data acquisition that identifies players’ positions in official basketball matches. Here, we propose and evaluate a novel video-based framework to perform automatic 3D localization of multiple basketball players. The introduced framework comprises two parts. The first stage is player detection, which aims to identify players’ heads at the camera image level. This stage is based on background segmentation and on classification performed by an artificial neural network. The second stage is related to 3D reconstruction of the player positions from the images provided by the different cameras used in the acquisition. This task is tackled by formulating a constrained combinatorial optimization problem that minimizes the re-projection error while maximizing the number of detections in the formulated 3D localization problem8286CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPNão temNão temNão temWe would like to thank the CAPES, FAEPEX, FAPESP, and CNPq for funding their research. This paper has content from master degree’s dissertation previously published (Monezi, 2016) and available onlin

    Angle of attack of center of mass during the running of an entire 100m dash

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    The angle of attack is related to the body posture and changes during sprinting because of changes in the horizontal velocity. The aim of this study was to analyze the angle of attack of the center of mass and the horizontal velocity during a 100 m dash. Twelve video cameras were positioned along a running track to obtain the position of the center of mass. The horizontal velocity was derived from the position data. When the different sides were compared, the angles were lower on the right side than on the left side (P < 0.05), which tended to decrease with increasing horizontal velocity. The results show the variability of the angle of attack as associated to the horizontal velocity, and the differences considering laterality


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    The aim of this study was to propose a way to classify four different game situations in a basketball game and quantify the covered distances by player positions in each category, using a video-based system. One game of the season 2011/2012 New Basketball Brazil was analyzed. The data on distance covered by the players on both teams was obtained with a video-based manual tracking method (Dvideo System). The game situations were classified as: attack, defense, transition to attack or transition to defense. The distances covered are shown by each player’s position. Significant differences were observed between attack and defense vs. transition to attack and transition to defense, and also for transition to attack vs. transition to defense

    Human polyomaviruses and cancer: an overview

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    The name of the family Polyomaviridae, derives from the early observation that cells infected with murine polyomavirus induced multiple (poly) tumors (omas) in immunocompromised mice. Subsequent studies showed that many members of this family exhibit the capacity of mediating cell transformation and tumorigenesis in different experimental models. The transformation process mediated by these viruses is driven by viral pleiotropic regulatory proteins called T (tumor) antigens. Similar to other viral oncoproteins T antigens target cellular regulatory factors to favor cell proliferation, immune evasion and downregulation of apoptosis. The first two human polyomaviruses were isolated over 45 years ago. However, recent advances in the DNA sequencing technologies led to the rapid identification of additional twelve new polyomaviruses in different human samples. Many of these viruses establish chronic infections and have been associated with conditions in immunosuppressed individuals, particularly in organ transplant recipients. This has been associated to viral reactivation due to the immunosuppressant therapy applied to these patients. Four polyomaviruses namely, Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCPyV), Trichodysplasia spinulosa polyomavirus (TSPyV), John Cunningham Polyomavirus (JCPyV) and BK polyomavirus (BKPyV) have been associated with the development of specific malignant tumors. However, present evidence only supports the role of MCPyV as a carcinogen to humans. In the present review we present a summarized discussion on the current knowledge concerning the role of MCPyV, TSPyV, JCPyV and BKPyV in human cancers