35 research outputs found

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    DIAMOND, J.; ROBINSON, J. A. (Ed.). Natural experiments of History.Cambridge, Massachusetts: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press,2010. 288 p

    Os critérios de retorno do ICMS no Rio Grande do Sul: análise econômica e espacial da PEC 228/04

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    Neste trabalho, examinam-se as distorções na distribuição do retorno do ICMS pelo critério em vigor, comparando-se com a Proposta de Emenda Constitucional (PEC) 228/04. Destacam-se as diferenças entre os valores recebidos "per capita" nos municípios do Rio Grande do Sul e os diversos indicadores socioeconômicos. Mostra-se que a PEC 228/04, mais equilibrada, ameniza as maiores distorções dos critérios atuais

    Historical trades, skills and agglomeration economies

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    We exploit differences in the spatial distribution of industrial and liberal occupations in the years 1872 and 1920 to instrument for today's concentration of interpersonal and analytical skills in Brazil. The data suggest that the local supply of knowledge and manufacturing provided by these historical trades favored a growth path that has shaped the occupational structure until the present day, whereby the existence of a large local consumer market was a necessary condition for this development. By means of these instruments, we present causal evidence that the regional concentration of interpersonal and analytical skills generates positive wage externalities. Particularly university graduates and workers without formal education benefit most from these agglomeration economies

    Regulação da microgeração e minigeração distribuída de energia elétrica no Brasil: estimação da distribuição do subsídio

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    Este trabalho estima o índice de distribuição do subsídio aplicado ao mercado de micro e minigeração distribuída, proveniente da alocação de custos do Sistema de Compensação de Energia Elétrica (SCEE), de que trata a Resolução Normativa nº 482/2012, da Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica (ANEEL), substituída pela Resolução Normativa nº 1.059/2023. A hipótese é que a regra atual criou subsídios regressivos, pois grandes consumidores são especialmente beneficiados. A partir da base de dados da ANEEL, o estudo focou no Estado de Minas Gerais, dada a maior representatividade do mercado de geração distribuída no Brasil e por tornar o problema computacional mais tratável, e nas unidades consumidoras de pessoas jurídicas participantes do SCEE. Após quantificado o subsídio, foi possível cruzar com os dados da Relação Anual de Informações Sociais (RAIS 2019), evidenciando-se subsídios mais elevados para as empresas de maior porte. Foram aplicados indicadores convencionais de desigualdade, obtendo a Curva de Lorenz para a renda bruta das empresas antes e após o subsídio e as Curvas de Concentração. Como resultado, o estudo apresentou o Índice de Kakwani em 0.42, indicando a regressividade do subsídio e a ineficiência alocativa no setor.Este trabajo estima el índice de distribución del subsidio aplicado al mercado de la micro y minigeneración distribuida, resultante de la asignación de costos del Sistema de Compensación de Energía Eléctrica (SCEE), de que trata la Resolución Normativa N° 482/2012, de la Agencia Nacional de Energia Elétrica (ANEEL), derogada por Resolución Normativa nº 1.059/2023. La hipótesis es que la norma actual creó subsidios regresivos, ya que los grandes consumidores se ven especialmente beneficiados. Con base en la base de datos de la ANEEL, el estudio se centró en el Estado de Minas Gerais, dada la mayor representación del mercado de generación distribuida en Brasil y porque hace más manejable el problema computacional, y en las unidades consumidoras de personas jurídicas participantes en la SECS. Una vez cuantificado el subsidio, se pudo cruzar con datos del Listado Anual de Información Social (RAIS 2019), que arrojó mayores subsidios para las empresas de mayor tamaño. Posteriormente se aplicaron indicadores convencionales de desigualdad, obteniendo la Curva de Lorenz para el ingreso bruto de las empresas antes y después del subsidio y las Curvas de Concentración. Como resultado, el estudio presentó el Índice de Kakwani en 0,42, lo que indica la regresión del subsidio y la ineficiencia asignativa en el sector.This work estimates the distribution index of the subsidy applied to the distributed micro and minigeneration market, resulting from the allocation of costs of the Electric Energy Compensation System (SCEE), dealt with in Normative Resolution No. 482/2012, of the National Agency de Energia Elétrica (ANEEL), revoked by Normative Resolution No. 1,059/2023. The hypothesis is that the current rule created regressive subsidies, as large consumers are especially benefited. Based on the ANEEL database, the study focused on the State of Minas Gerais, given the greater representation of the distributed generation market in Brazil and because it makes the computational problem more manageable and on the consumer units of legal entities participating in the SECS. Once the subsidy was quantified, it was possible to cross-check with data from the Annual Social Information List (RAIS 2019), which showed higher subsidies for larger companies. After that, conventional inequality indicators were applied, obtaining the Lorenz Curve for the companies’ gross income before and after the subsidy and the Concentration Curves. As a result, the study presented the Kakwani Index at 0.42, indicating the regression of the subsidy and the allocative inefficiency in the sector.Revista do Serviço Público - RSP, v. 74, n. 4, 778-801 p.Métodos de Pesquisa. Métodos EstatísticosISSN Impresso: 0034-9240 ISSN Eletrônico: 2357-801

    "It is the economy, companheiro!": an empirical analysis of Lula's re-election based on municipal data

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    This paper discusses the reasons that led to the Lula's 2006 re-election. Spatial analysis methods revealed that, contrary to 2002, the President had more votes in less developed municipalities of Brazil. The econometric results cast doubt on the analyses that attribute to Bolsa Família Programme total responsibility for the re-election. Lula''s electoral success results from changes in the labor market, low inflation and an export boom that have reduced inequality and improved the real wages of the Brazilian poor.

    “Why so far?” : children’s mobility and urban structure in the Federal District

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    Este estudo analisa a mobilidade de crianças nos trajetos de casa para a escola e da escola para casa no Distrito Federal. Com base em um estudo que acompanhou crianças de duas instituições educacionais públicas situadas no Plano Piloto de Brasília (um Centro de Educação Infantil e uma Escola-Classe), foi possível traçar um perfil das práticas de circulação dessa população. Depois de apresentar a concepção inicial dos planejadores de Brasília para a mobilidade de crianças, o trabalho passa a analisar os dados gerados na pesquisa. Os resultados mostram que apenas 4% das crianças vão para a escola a pé e 57% têm que viajar mais de 20 km por dia apenas em seus trajetos casa-escola-casa. Ou seja, a estrutura urbana da cidade e a oferta limitada de educação pública não permitiram que a utopia idealizada para Brasília se realizasse.This study analyzes children’s mobility on school-home-school routes in the Federal District of Brazil. Based on a study of children who attend two public educational intuitions located in the Pilot Plan of Brasília (a day-care center and an elementary school), it was possible to profile their circulation patterns. After presenting the Brasília planners’ initial conception for children’s mobility, the study analyzes the data generated by the survey. Results show that only 4% of the children go to school on foot and 57% travel more than 20 km a day in their home-school-home routes. That is, the urban structure of the city and the limited supply of public education led to the failure of the utopian plans for Brasília

    RegBR : a novel Brazilian government framework to classify and analyze industryspecific regulations

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    Government transparency and openness are key factors to bring forth the modernization of the state. The combination of transparency and digital information has given rise to the concept of Open Government, that increases citizen understanding and monitoring of government actions, which in turn improves the quality of public services and of the government decision making process. With the goal of improving legislative transparency and the understanding of the Brazilian regulatory process and its characteristics, this paper introduces RegBR, the first national framework to centralize, classify and analyze regulations from the Brazilian government. A centralized database of Brazilian federal legislation built from automated ETL routines and processed with data mining and machine learning techniques was created. Our framework evaluates different NLP models in a text classification task on our novel Portuguese legal corpus and performs regulatory analysis based on metrics that concern linguistic complexity, restrictiveness, law interest, and industry-specific citation relevance. Our results were examined over time and validated by correlating them with known episodes of regulatory changes in Brazilian history, such as the implementation of new economic plans or the emergence of an energy crisis. Methods and metrics proposed by this framework can be used by policy makers to measure their own work and serve as inputs for future studies that could analyze government changes and their relationship with federal regulations

    Resenha bibliográfica

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    DIAMOND, J.; ROBINSON, J. A. (Ed.). Natural experiments of History.Cambridge, Massachusetts: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press,2010. 288 p