87 research outputs found

    The Role of Intentionality and Spontaneity in Enriching the Aesthetic Values of Pictorial and Ornamentational Designs

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    يمكن تلخيص السلوك القصدي والتلقائي في التصميم على النحو الآتي: يعتمد السلوك القصدي على الجانب الذاتي للمصمم، أي الإجراء الذي يقوم به المصمم تجاه موضوع التصميم، والجانب الموضوعي للتصميم، أي الموضوع المشار إليه من فعل المصمم، بينما يعتمد الجانب التلقائي على الحالات العاطفية والحسية للمصمم، وتدفق أفكاره أمام سطح التصميم. وتشكل هذه السلوكيات جزءًا من إطار العمليات الإجرائية في جميع أنحاء العمل وتطوير اللوحة الزخرفية. في العصر الحديث. ويعد الرسم الزخرفي جزءًا أساسيًا من الأدلة الحضرية، فقد كان للأعمال الجمالية أثر مهم في جماليات الأدلة وخدمة المجتمع. ويحمل الرسم الزخرفي محتوى واضحًا للمتلقي، حيث يزرع حاسة تذوق أكثر دقة بطريقة إجرائية. ويهدف إلى معرفة المزيد للشعور بالإحساس النقدي بالنرد، والحساسيات الجمالية، ومهارات القيادة. ويعمل التصميم الزخرفي وثيقة ذات معنى مرئي، ويوفر المعلومات والتوجيه والتوثيق المتعدد. ويكمن العائد المتوقع للدراسة في إمكانية تعريف مجالات التصميم الزخرفي فنا متشابكا مع الفنون التشكيلية الأخرى في الدافع لتوفير قيمة جمالية للوحة الزخرفية. اللوحة الزخرفية هي جزء مهم من الأدلة الحضرية وخدمة المجتمع، وتحمل رسالة واضحة لمتذوقين بفضل الطريقة التي يزرع بها الذوق. بالإضافة إلى وظيفتها الجمالية، تعمل كوثيقة ذات معنى بصري، وتوفر المعلومات والتوجيه والتوثيق. وتكون البحث من ثلاثة فصول. تناول الفضل الأول "مشكلة البحث  وأهمية البحث، والهدف من البحث" وحدوده  الزمانية والمكانية والموضوعية وتحديد المصطلحات.  أما الفصل الثاني فتناول ماهية اللوحة الزخرفية؟ والبنية القصدية لممارسة تصميم اللوحات الزخرفية، والهيكل التلقائي لممارسة التصميم المريح الزخرفي، وتأثير كل من العمل القصدي التلقائي في تصميم اللوحة الزخرفية. وتناول الفصل الثالث تحليل العينات والنتائج والاستنتاجات والتوصيات والمقترحات والمصادر.Intentional and spontaneous behavior in design can be summarized as follows: intentional behavior depends on the subjective aspect of the designer, that is, the action performed by the designer towards the subject of the design, and the objective aspect of the design, that is, the subject indicated by the act of the designer, while the automatic aspect depends on the emotional and sensory states of the designer, as well as the flow of his ideas in front of the design surface. These behaviors form part of the framework of procedural processes throughout the work and the development of the decorative panel. In modern times, decorative painting is an essential part of urban evidence, where aesthetic works play an important role in the aesthetics of evidence and community service. The decorative drawing carries a clear content for the recipient, cultivating a more accurate sense of taste through a procedural method. It aims to learn more in order to feel a critical sense of dice, aesthetic sensitivities, and leadership skills. The decorative design acts as a document with visual meaning, providing information, guidance and multiple documentation. The expected return of the study lies in the possibility of defining the fields of decorative design as an art intertwined with other plastic arts in the motivation to provide aesthetic value to the decorative painting. Decorative painting is an important part of urban guides and community service, carrying a clear message for connoisseurs thanks to the way the taste is cultivated. In addition to its aesthetic function, it acts as a document with visual meaning, providing information, guidance and documentation. The research consists of three chapters. The first credit deals with "the problem of research and the importance of research, the objective of the research" and its  temporal , spatial and objective boundaries and the definition of terms.  The second chapter deals with what is a decorative panel, the intentional structure of the practice of decorative panel design, the automatic structure of the practice of decorative ergonomic design, and the impact of both spontaneous intentional work on the design of the decorative panel. The third chapter deals with the analysis of samples, results, conclusions, recommendations, proposals and sources. &nbsp

    A Contemporary Aesthetic View of Digital Decorative Designs

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    تمثلت مشكلة البحث بالتساؤل التالي "هل يمكن التزاوج بين اللوحة الرقميّة واللوحة الزخرفية التعليمية في استحداث أعمال معاصرة؟) في حين هدف البحث الحالي إلى الكشف عن التصميمات الزخرفية الرقميّة المعاصرة عبر حدود البحث الموضوعية المتمثلة بالزخرفة النباتية في ضوء التقنيات الرقمية للمدة من 2017 – 2021م من الفنانين العاملين في مجال الزخرفة في العالم الإسلامي في (العراق-وسوريا) في حين تكون الفصل الثاني من مبحثين تضمن المبحث الأول " الزخرفة العربيّة مفهومها ومراحل تطورها"، أما المبحث الثاني فتمثل بـ"تقنيات التصميم الرقمي الزخرفي" في حين تكون الفصل الثالث من إجراءات البحث مجتمع البحث الذي (50) شكلاّ وقد اخترت عينة البحث بشكل قصدي عبر المنهج الوصفي التحليلي وبنسبة10% وقد أصبحت (5) نماذج. أما الفصل الرابع فتمثل بنتائج البحث وأهمها : ساهمت التقنيات الرقميّة بنتائج البحث تشكيلات وأهمها ساهمت التقنيات الرقمية بإنتاج تشكيلات مختلفة ومتعددة داخل الشكل الواحد ضمن إطار اللوحة أما الاستنتاجات فتتمثل بأن التعدد في التقنية الرقمية والأسلوب حققت للفنان السيطرة على الجهد والوقت الذي يبذله في إنتاج اللوحة التقليدية. وقد أوصت الباحثة الاستفادة من نتائج وتوصيات في إنتاج لوحات رقمية واقترحت الباحثة بإجراء دراسة مكملة (قراءة جمالية للتكوينات الخطية المعالجة رقمياً..).The research problem was represented by the following question: Is it possible to merge between digital painting and traditional decorative painting in creating contemporary works ?,  while the current research aimed to reveal contemporary digital decorative designs through the objective research boundaries represented by plant decoration in the light of digital technologies for the period (2010-2020)  by the working artists in the field of beauty of decoration in the Islamic world. While the second chapter was divided into two sections, the first one included "Arabic decoration, its concept and stages of development", while the second section was represented by "Digital Decorative Design Techniques". While the third chapter tackled with the research procedures, the research community, which consisted of (50) forms, the research sample was chosen intentionally and through the descriptive analytical approach at a rate of (60%) and it became (5) models. As for the fourth chapter, it represented the results of the research, the most important of which are: Digital techniques contributed to the production of various and multiple formations within the same shape within the framework of the painting. The conclusions are: The multiplicity of digital technology and style helps the artist to control the effort and time he spends in producing the traditional painting. The researcher recommended making use of the research results to produce digital paintings, and the researcher suggested a complementary study (An aesthetic reading of the digitally processed linear formations)


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    Chromatographic fractionation of the methanol extract of Antidesma bunius leaves afforded six polyphenols, namely, corilagin (1), gallic (2), ferrulic (3) and ellagic (4) acids in addition to the flavone vicinin II (5) and the dimmer amentoflavone (6). Their structures were elucidated by NMR and HRESI analysis. This is the first reported occurrence of the biflavone (amentoflavone) and vicinin in this species. The total phenolic content was estimated at 90 mg/ml of gallic acid equivalent (GAE) per 100 g plant extract using the Folin-Ciocalteu method. Antioxidant biochemical assay of the plant methanol extract was carried out using culture medium of hepatocyte cell lines. An increase in glutathione reductase enzyme and a reduction of the nitric oxide level in the cell culture revealed that A. bunius leaf extract possesses significant antioxidant activity in comparing with quercetine as a reference. The hepatotoxicity and hepatoprotective activities of A.bunius leaf extract and the pure isolated compounds: 1 , 2 and 5 were evaluated by adopting the MTT colorimetric assay. Compounds 1 and 2 revealed a margin of safety on the monolayer hepatocyte with an IC50 > 1000 μg/ml while for 5, IC50 was at 125 μg/ml. The hepatoprotective activities for A.bunius leaf extract, 1 and 2 in comparison to Silymarin (50 μg/ml) were at 6.5, <12.5 and 12.5 μg/ml respectively while 5 did not show hepatoprotective activity at the tested concentrations

    The Reciprocal Relationship between the Form and the Ground in the Typographic Decorative Designs

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       تبادلية العلاقة بين الشكل والأرضية واحدة من المتغيرات التي حدثت في تبادلية العلاقة وبالدراسة التي أجراها الباحثان على التصاميم الزخرفية الطباعية وجد بانها جديدة بالدراسة لذلك حدد الباحثان مشكلته بالتساؤول؟ ما تبادلية العلاقة بين الشكل والأرضية في التصاميم الزخرفية الطباعية. وتناول الباحثان في الإطار النظري بمبحثين يتضمن المبحث الأول الجوانب العقلية لإدراك العلاقة بين الأشكال والأرضيات. أما المبحث الثاني يتضن جماليات التصميمات الزخرفية القائمة على خامات وتقنيات عصر التكنولوجيا. أما الفصل الثالث  حيث اتبع الباحثان المنهج الوصفي التحليلي وحدد الباحثان مجتمع البحث الذي هو (50) شكلا واختيار عينته بشكل قصدي بنسبة 10%فكانت نموذجان (تصميم هندسي بالتقنية الطباعية) ونموذجان (تصميم مختلط بالتقنية الطباعية والمختلط يحتوي على زخارف نباتية وحيوانية). أما الفصل الرابع فيتمثل بنتائج البحث : يدرك الشكل دائما في أغلب الأحيان فوق الأرضية وأمامها، وأحيانا يحدث لها فجوات أو تكون المعالجات بها. أما الاستنتاجات فأدى استخدام التبادل في العناصر إلى تحقيق مدخل جديد لدراسة أثر الحركة الفعلية في تدعيم التصميم الطباعي وبذلك حقق جذب الانتباه وإثارة الاهتمام. وقد أوصى الباحثان بالاستفادة من البرامج الاإلكترونية والاجهزه المساعدة  لدعم العملية التربوية  في المجال الانتاجيThe reciprocal relationship between the figure and the floor is one of the variables that occurred in the reciprocal relationship. Through the study conducted by the researchers on the decorative typographic designs, it was found that it was worthy to be studied, so the researchers identified its problem by asking: What is the reciprocal relationship between the shape and the floor in the decorative typographic designs? While the two researchers dealt with the theoretical framework through two sections, the first section includes the mental aspects of realizing the relationship between shapes and floors . and the second section includes the aesthetics of decorative designs based on the materials and techniques of the era of technology. As for the third chapter, where the researchers followed the analytical descriptive approach, the researchers identified the research community, which is (50) forms, and its sample was intentionally chosen by 10%. The fourth chapter is the results of the research: The shape is always realized in most cases above and in front of the floor, and sometimes gaps occur in it or treatments are done through it. As for the conclusions, the use of exchange in the elements led to achieving a new approach to study the role of actual movement in supporting the typographic design, and thus achieved attracting attention and arousing interest. The researchers recommended taking advantage of electronic programs and assistive devices to support the educational process in the productive field

    The Effectiveness of the Graphic Art in Designing, and Marketing Children's Books

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    يهدف بحث(فاعلية فن الجرافيك على تصميم وتسويق كتب الأطفال) للتعرف على الأفكار والرؤى والطرق والبرامج الجرافيكية لتصاميم أغلفة كتب الاطفال في(العراق ومصر) ، ابتداءاً من التصميم وانتهاءاً بالمنجز الطباعي للغلاف, بما أن عملية تصميم اغلفة كتب الاطفال لا تقتصر على الفكرة الإخراجية الآنية المتمثلة بوضع الفكرة التصميمية لوحدها بمعزل عن الطريقة التنفيذية التي توصلنا للمخرج النهائي للمطبوع، قامت الباحثتان بتقسيم بحثهما على أساس: الأفكار والأساليب التصميمية بحسب نوع الكتاب: معرفي. ب- تعليمي. ج- تجاري. التقنيات الجرافيكية الحديثة للبرامج المستخدمة لتصاميم أغلقة كتب الاطفال . أ -أدوبي فوتوشوب   ب- واليستريتور ج- واندزاين ) الفئة العمرية للاطقال. ((3-6)) تقنيات التجليد والتغليف ونوع الخامة: أ -ورق كارتوني.   ب- كارتون مقوى (مشمع)  . إذ إن للخامة الطباعية أثرًا مهمًا في إظهار وإبراز جانب أو مقطع يراه المصمم ضرورياً لإخراج الفكرة الإعلانية والترويجية التي يستهدفها الغلاف أساساً، وبما أن الغلاف هو الرسالة المرئية الأولى التي تستهدف اجتذاب الطفل المتلقي وتسترعي اهتمامه، فقد عني المصممون باستخدام العناصر التيبوغرافية للغلاف لإيصال الفكرة في كثير من الأحيان عبر رسالتين الأولى نصية متمثلة بعنوان الكتاب والثانية صورية تتجلى بما يبحثه الكتاب في طياته. ويعد فن التصميم الجرافيكي أحد فنون الاتصال البصري المهمة الذى يكون ً فعالا وحيوياً فى شتى مجالات الحياة فى العالم الحديث، حيث يعتمد الطفل عند اختياره لكتاب على العناصر التصميمية المستخدمة التي تؤثر فى النهاية على التصميم ويجذبه الطفل ويجعله يحب هذا الكتاب على الأخص للشراء، ومن هنا يمكننا أن نقول: إن كتب الأطفال بائع صامت تسوق نفسها بنفسها من خلال التكامل بين عناصر التصميم ليتحقق الجذب للأطفال. وتناول البحث أربعة فصول فالفصل الاول تناول المشكلة والهدف والاهمية والحدود والمنهجية، والفصل الثاني تناول مبحثين الاول: الأسس والقواعد التشكيلية الراسخة فى تصميم الأغلفة الخاصة بسلسلة كتب الأطفال والمبحث الثاني: تسويق كتب الاطفال والفصل الثالث: إجراءات البحث، والفصل الرابع: تحليل النماذج لأغلفة كتب الاطفال، والنتائج واستنتاجات والتوصيات والمقترحات.The study (The Effectiveness of Graphic Art on Designing and Marketing Children's Books) aims to identify the ideas, visions, methods, and graphic programs for designing children's book covers in (Iraq-Egypt), starting from designing and ending with the cover print, since the design process for children's book covers is not limited to the immediate production idea. Represented by placing the design idea on its own in isolation from the operational method that we reached for the final output of the publication. 1- Design ideas and methods according to the type of book: A- Knowledge. B - educational. C- Commercial. 2- Modern graphic techniques for the programs used for closed designs for children's books. 3- a- adobe photoshop b- illustrator c- in design 4- The age group of the children.       ((3-6)) 5- Binding techniques and types of material: A - Carton paper. B- Corrugated cardboard. As the print material has an important role in showing and highlighting a side or a section that the designer deems necessary to bring out the advertising and promotional idea that the cover mainly targets, and since the cover is the first visual message aimed at attracting the recipient and drawing his attention, designers have been concerned with using the typographical elements of the cover to convey the idea in many Sometimes through two messages, the first is a text represented by the title of the book, and the second is graphic, which is reflected in what the book is looking for in its folds. The art of graphic design is considered one of the important visual communication arts, which is considered effective and vital in various areas of life in the modern world, where the child depends when choosing a book on the design elements used that ultimately affect the design and attract the child and make him love this book in particular to buy, and from here we can To say that children's books are a silent seller who markets themselves by integrating design elements to achieve the attraction of children. The research study also dealt with four chapters. The first chapter dealt with the problem, purpose, importance, limits and methodology, and the second chapter dealt with two topics. The research, and the fourth chapter deals with the analysis of models for children's book covers, the results, conclusions, recommendations and proposals. &nbsp

    Smart Transformation and Media Marketing Strategy and its Impact on Preserving the Environment

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    The impact of smart transformation and media marketing strategy on environmental preservation is explored in this study. It highlights the importance of collective efforts and integration between stakeholders to achieve societal goals related to decent work, economic growth, and technological advancements. The UAE serves as a prime example of successful development and technological advancements, with the involvement of leadership, ministries, institutions, and the general public. The research relies on various methodologies, including the analysis of published figures and statistics, annual reports, and opinion polls conducted among different segments of society. The findings shed light on the significance of smart applications in government institutions and their potential contributions to environmental conservation

    Assessment of Body Composition, Endurance and Nutrient Intakes among Females Team Players in Sports Club

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    Aim: The aim of the study was to assess the body composition, endurance level and usual nutrient intakes in female players representing a Sports Club in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. Materials and Methods: Twenty-six adult female players aged between 15-24 years were selected from three different teams (basketball=12, tennis=4, volleyball=10) using convenience sampling technique. All participants were assessed for body composition through bioelectrical impedance method, endurance level using step test and nutrient intakes using 24-hour recall method. Significant differences (P < 0.05) were determined among the three teams in relation to body composition, endurance levels and nutrient intakes. Results: Body composition of players in three sports was significantly different in terms of body mass index, body fat mass, and percentage body fat and fitness scores. Tennis players had significantly higher body fat mass (28.5 ± 8.2 kg) and percent body fat (41 ± 7%) in contrast to that in basketball players (body fat mass: 19.2 ± 10.5 kg; percent body fat: 30.6 + 7.9%) and tennis players (body fat mass: 13 ± 4.2 kg; percent body fat: 26.5 ± 6.5%), respectively. On the other hand, volleyball players had significantly higher fitness score (72.2 ± 3.5) as compared to basketball players (71 ± 6.7), and tennis players (63 ± 8.2). On an average, volleyball players scored “very good” endurance level in contrast to “good” scores in basketball and tennis team players. However, this difference was not statistically significant. The average intakes of all nutrients including energy, protein, vitamins and minerals were below the recommended intakes among players of all sports teams.   Conclusions: Body composition and endurance level differ with the type of sports. Volleyball team players had the lowest BMI, body fat mass as well as percent body fat and highest fitness score and endurance level. However, the overall nutrient intakes of the female players representing the three teams were less than the recommended allowances for highly active women and did not differ with the type of sports played

    Pharmaceutical Equivalence of Some Conventional Carbamazepine Tablets Marketed in Sudan

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    Background: Carbamazepine (CBZ) is commonly used in the treatment and control of epilepsy, seizures, and neuropathic pain. Due to its limited water solubility, CBZ have slow and variable absorption following oral administration. Effective CBZ plasma levels are achieved through multiple-dose administration of conventional CBZ tablets  which may result in serious side effects because of its narrow therapeutic index and toxicity levels. Objectives: This work aimed at comparing four commercial brands of CBZ tablets (A, B, C and D) manufactured by multinational and national companies including the originator (A) through evaluation of their pharmaceutical equivalence using pharmacoepial and nonpharmacoepial standard tests. Methods: Model-independent approach was used for determination of dissolution efficiency (% D.E) and fit factors.  Difference between brands was demonstrated through analysis of difference (f1) and similarity (f2) data. In addition various quality tests including weight variation, thickness, diameter, hardness, friability and disintegration time were carried out. Results: The study revealed that all brands complied with the USP specifications regarding weight variation, friability disintegration and drug content. The amount of drug released within 45 minutes were found satisfactory and ranged from 83.44% to 94.5%. Although clear differences in release profiles exist, all brands released about 90% of the labeled CBZ within 30 minutes which can satisfy the patient need. Only brand B failed to pass the nonpharmacoepial hardness test. Conclusion: Selected brands of CBZ tablets complied with all required pharmacoepial quality specifications

    An innovative state-of-the-art health storytelling technique for better management of type 2 diabetes

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    Background: Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a chronic lifelong disease that requires long-term prevention and management strategies in a community setting. A health story is a novel technique that may be used as an effective tool for better prevention and management of T2D. Objective: The main objective of this study is to develop a story to be used as a social health technique based on contemporary scientific knowledge that may be used at a community level for better communication and management of T2D. Methods: A community–academic partnership was formed with a not-for-profit Nutrition Education, Awareness, and Training (NEAT) organization in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. We agreed to develop a story that may be used as a health and nutrition education communication tool for better management of patients with T2D. The following phases were followed during the story creation process: (1) the theory phase, (2) the modeling phase, and (3) the evaluation phase. Raters evaluated the story to determine its literary and scientific quality, comprehensiveness, and T2D specificity. Results: The title of the story translated into English is “The Story of Diabetes—The Story of Success.” It is text based and contains 86 pages in the local language, “Pashto,” with an English translation. The story is divided into five chapters and describes the initial diagnosis, fear associated with the disease, issues related to referral to certified practitioners, the importance of a balanced diet, and related lifestyle habits. After story evaluation, the raters suggested its literary and scientific quality, comprehensiveness, and T2D specificity (Pearson correlation scores of \u3e0.8). Conclusion: This unique story was created for T2D and found to be of significant quality in terms of its literary and scientific quality, as well as its comprehensiveness and diabetes specificity. As a result, it may be suggested that it can be used in subsequent studies to improve T2D management among adult patients