67 research outputs found

    Aspergillus nidulans Pmts form heterodimers in all pairwise combinations

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    AbstractEukaryotic protein O-mannosyltransferases (Pmts) are divided into three subfamilies (Pmt1, Pmt2, and Pmt4) and activity of Pmts in yeasts and animals requires assembly into complexes. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Pmt1 and Pmt2 form a heteromeric complex and Pmt 4 forms a homomeric complex. The filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans has three Pmts: PmtA (subfamily 2), PmtB (subfamily 1), and PmtC (subfamily 4). In this study we show that A. nidulans Pmts form heteromeric complexes in all possible pairwise combinations and that PmtC forms homomeric complexes. We also show that MsbA, an ortholog of a Pmt4-modified protein, is not modified by PmtC

    Analysis of septins across kingdoms reveals orthology and new motifs

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Septins are cytoskeletal GTPase proteins first discovered in the fungus <it>Saccharomyces cerevisiae </it>where they organize the septum and link nuclear division with cell division. More recently septins have been found in animals where they are important in processes ranging from actin and microtubule organization to embryonic patterning and where defects in septins have been implicated in human disease. Previous studies suggested that many animal septins fell into independent evolutionary groups, confounding cross-kingdom comparison.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the current work, we identified 162 septins from fungi, microsporidia and animals and analyzed their phylogenetic relationships. There was support for five groups of septins with orthology between kingdoms. Group 1 (which includes <it>S. cerevisiae </it>Cdc10p and human Sept9) and Group 2 (which includes <it>S. cerevisiae </it>Cdc3p and human Sept7) contain sequences from fungi and animals. Group 3 (which includes <it>S. cerevisiae </it>Cdc11p) and Group 4 (which includes <it>S. cerevisiae </it>Cdc12p) contain sequences from fungi and microsporidia. Group 5 (which includes <it>Aspergillus nidulans </it>AspE) contains sequences from filamentous fungi. We suggest a modified nomenclature based on these phylogenetic relationships. Comparative sequence alignments revealed septin derivatives of already known G1, G3 and G4 GTPase motifs, four new motifs from two to twelve amino acids long and six conserved single amino acid positions. One of these new motifs is septin-specific and several are group specific.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our studies provide an evolutionary history for this important family of proteins and a framework and consistent nomenclature for comparison of septin orthologs across kingdoms.</p

    A Septin from the Filamentous Fungus A. nidulans Induces Atypical Pseudohyphae in the Budding Yeast S. cerevisiae

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    BACKGROUND: Septins, novel cytoskeletal proteins, form rings at the bases of emerging round buds in yeasts and at the bases of emerging elongated hyphal initials in filamentous fungi. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: When introduced into the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the septin AspC from the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans induced highly elongated atypical pseudohyphae and spore-producing structures similar to those of hyphal fungi. AspC induced atypical pseudohyphae when S. cerevisiae pseudohyphal or haploid invasive genes were deleted, but not when the CDC10 septin gene was deleted. AspC also induced atypical pseudohyphae when S. cerevisiae genes encoding Cdc12-interacting proteins Bem4, Cla4, Gic1 and Gic2 were deleted, but not when BNI1, a Cdc12-interacting formin gene, was deleted. AspC localized to bud and pseudohypha necks, while its S. cerevisiae ortholog, Cdc12, localized only to bud necks. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results suggest that AspC competes with Cdc12 for incorporation into the yeast septin scaffold and once there alters cell shape by altering interactions with the formin Bni1. That introduction of the A. nidulans septin AspC into S. cerevisiae induces a shift from formation of buds to formation of atypical pseudohyphae suggests that septins play an important role in the morphological plasticity of fungi

    The power of discussion : Support for women at the fungal Gordon Research Conference

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    We would like to thank Abigail LaBella for sharing the pictures taking during the session and Felicia Wu for her suggestions. We are grateful to all the colleagues that helped leading the discussion groups and all the participants of the session.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Development stage-specific proteomic profiling uncovers small, lineage specific proteins most abundant in the Aspergillus Fumigatus conidial proteome

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    Background The pathogenic mold Aspergillus fumigatus is the most frequent infectious cause of death in severely immunocompromised individuals such as leukemia and bone marrow transplant patients. Germination of inhaled conidia (asexual spores) in the host is critical for the initiation of infection, but little is known about the underlying mechanisms of this process. Results To gain insights into early germination events and facilitate the identification of potential stage-specific biomarkers and vaccine candidates, we have used quantitative shotgun proteomics to elucidate patterns of protein abundance changes during early fungal development. Four different stages were examined: dormant conidia, isotropically expanding conidia, hyphae in which germ tube emergence has just begun, and pre-septation hyphae. To enrich for glycan-linked cell wall proteins we used an alkaline cell extraction method. Shotgun proteomic resulted in the identification of 375 unique gene products with high confidence, with no evidence for enrichment of cell wall-immobilized and secreted proteins. The most interesting discovery was the identification of 52 proteins enriched in dormant conidia including 28 proteins that have never been detected in the A. fumigatus conidial proteome such as signaling protein Pil1, chaperones BipA and calnexin, and transcription factor HapB. Additionally we found many small, Aspergillus specific proteins of unknown function including 17 hypothetical proteins. Thus, the most abundant protein, Grg1 (AFUA_5G14210), was also one of the smallest proteins detected in this study (M.W. 7,367). Among previously characterized proteins were melanin pigment and pseurotin A biosynthesis enzymes, histones H3 and H4.1, and other proteins involved in conidiation and response to oxidative or hypoxic stress. In contrast, expanding conidia, hyphae with early germ tubes, and pre-septation hyphae samples were enriched for proteins responsible for housekeeping functions, particularly translation, respiratory metabolism, amino acid and carbohydrate biosynthesis, and the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Conclusions The observed temporal expression patterns suggest that the A. fumigatus conidia are dominated by small, lineage-specific proteins. Some of them may play key roles in host-pathogen interactions, signal transduction during conidial germination, or survival in hostile environments

    The Third International Symposium on Fungal Stress – ISFUS

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    Stress is a normal part of life for fungi, which can survive in environments considered inhospitable or hostile for other organisms. Due to the ability of fungi to respond to, survive in, and transform the environment, even under severe stresses, many researchers are exploring the mechanisms that enable fungi to adapt to stress. The International Symposium on Fungal Stress (ISFUS) brings together leading scientists from around the world who research fungal stress. This article discusses presentations given at the third ISFUS, held in São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil in 2019, thereby summarizing the state-of-the-art knowledge on fungal stress, a field that includes microbiology, agriculture, environmental science, ecology, biotechnology, medicine, and astrobiology

    Sequencing of \u3ci\u3eAspergillus nidulans\u3c/i\u3e and comparative analysis with \u3ci\u3eA. fumigatus\u3c/i\u3e and \u3ci\u3eA. oryzae\u3c/i\u3e

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    The aspergilli comprise a diverse group of filamentous fungi spanning over 200 million years of evolution. Here we report the genome sequence of the model organism Aspergillus nidulans, and a comparative study with Aspergillus fumigatus, a serious human pathogen, and Aspergillus oryzae, used in the production of sake, miso, and soy sauce. Our analysis of genome structure provided a quantitative evaluation of forces driving long-term eukaryotic genome evolution. It also led to an experimentally validated model of mating-type locus evolution, suggesting the potential for sexual reproduction in A. fumigatus and A. oryzae. Our analysis of sequence conservation revealed over 5,000 non-coding regions actively conserved across all three species. Within these regions, we identified potential functional elements including a previously uncharacterized TPP riboswitch and motifs suggesting regulation in filamentous fungi by Puf family genes. We further obtained comparative and experimental evidence indicating widespread translational regulation by upstream open reading frames. These results enhance our understanding of these widely studied fungi as well as provide new insight into eukaryotic genome evolution and gene regulation. Document includes all supplementary information (820 pages). Supplementary files are also attached below as Related files. THERE IS NO SUPPLEMENTARY FILE #7. PDF file size (with supplementary files included) is 10 Mbytes. An optimized version of the ARTICLE ONLY is attached as a Related File and is 1.9 Mbytes

    Sequencing of \u3ci\u3eAspergillus nidulans\u3c/i\u3e and comparative analysis with \u3ci\u3eA. fumigatus\u3c/i\u3e and \u3ci\u3eA. oryzae\u3c/i\u3e

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    The aspergilli comprise a diverse group of filamentous fungi spanning over 200 million years of evolution. Here we report the genome sequence of the model organism Aspergillus nidulans, and a comparative study with Aspergillus fumigatus, a serious human pathogen, and Aspergillus oryzae, used in the production of sake, miso, and soy sauce. Our analysis of genome structure provided a quantitative evaluation of forces driving long-term eukaryotic genome evolution. It also led to an experimentally validated model of mating-type locus evolution, suggesting the potential for sexual reproduction in A. fumigatus and A. oryzae. Our analysis of sequence conservation revealed over 5,000 non-coding regions actively conserved across all three species. Within these regions, we identified potential functional elements including a previously uncharacterized TPP riboswitch and motifs suggesting regulation in filamentous fungi by Puf family genes. We further obtained comparative and experimental evidence indicating widespread translational regulation by upstream open reading frames. These results enhance our understanding of these widely studied fungi as well as provide new insight into eukaryotic genome evolution and gene regulation. Document includes all supplementary information (820 pages). Supplementary files are also attached below as Related files. THERE IS NO SUPPLEMENTARY FILE #7. PDF file size (with supplementary files included) is 10 Mbytes. An optimized version of the ARTICLE ONLY is attached as a Related File and is 1.9 Mbytes