55 research outputs found

    Results and Consequences of Magnet Test and Cosmic Challenge of the CMS Barrel Muon Alignment System

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    In the last year - as part of the first test of the CMS experiment at CERN [1] called Magnet Test and Cosmic Challenge (MTCC) - about 25% of the barrel muon position monitoring system was built and operated. The configuration enabled us to test all the elements of the system and its function in real conditions. The correct operation of the system has been demonstrated. About 500 full measurement cycles have been recorded. In the paper the setup –including the read-out and control - is described and the first preliminary results are presented

    Duvalo (North Macedonia): A "volcano" without volcanic activity

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    T he Duvalo locality is located in the SW of the Republic of North Macedonia, in the Ohrid region, near the village of Kosel. It is an area of strong soil degassing, called “volcano” by the local people despite volcanic activity has never been documented in the recent geologic history of the area [1]. A large area (thousands of sqm) shows signs of strong alteration and is devoid of vegetation. Until the 19thcentury sulphur was mined from this area [1]. In August 2019, a campaign of soil CO2 flux measurements and soil gas sampling was made. Duvalo is sometimes referred to as an active geothermal feature but no signs of enhanced geothermal gradient were found and the soil temperatures at 50 cm depth in this campaign were always within the range of local mean air temperatures. Soil CO2 flux values ranged from 1.3 to 59,000 g/m2/d and can be modelled with the overlapping of 3 or 4 flux populations. A possible biological background is estimated in 6.8±1.8 g/m2/d while the other populations are characterized by an anomalous average flux ranging from 180 to 33,000 g/m2/d. The CO2 total emission, estimated both with a statistical and geostatistical approach, provided similar values in the order of 50 t/d. This has to be considered as a minimum value because only areas with evident signs of alteration have been investigated. Nevertheless, the estimated output is quite high for an area unrelated with recent volcanism or geothermal activity. The chemical composition of soil gases shows: CO2 (96.6%), N2 (1.8%), H2S (0.6%) and CH4 (0.3%) as the main gases. The present composition is almost indistinguishable from previous analyses made in 1957 and 1977 [1] pointing to a stability of the system in last decades. The isotope compositions indicate for CO2 (δ13C -0.2 ‰) a pure carbonate rock origin, for CH4 (δ13C -34.4 ‰ and δ2H -166 ‰) a thermogenic origin and for He (R/RA 0.10) a pure crustal origin. The H2S released at Duvalo may be produced by either microbial or thermochemical sulphate reduction favoured by hydrocarbons whose presence can be inferred by the uprise of thermogenic methane. Partial oxidation of H2S during its upflow, producing sulphuric acid, may be responsible of the production of abundant CO2 through dissolution of carbonate rocks. Similar processes have been evidenced also in other parts of North Macedonia [2]. These gases rise up through the N–S trending normal faults bordering the seismically active Ohrid basin graben [3] being released to the atmosphere through the soils of Duvalo “volcano”

    Properties of range-based volatility estimators

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    Volatility is not directly observable and must be estimated. Estimator based on daily close data is imprecise. Range-based volatility estimators provide significantly more precision, but still remain noisy volatility estimates, something that is sometimes forgotten when these estimators are used in further calculations. First, we analyze properties of these estimators and find that the best estimator is the Garman-Klass (1980) estimator. Second, we correct some mistakes in existing literature. Third, the use of the Garman-Klass estimator allows us to obtain an interesting result: returns normalized by their standard deviations are approximately normally distributed. This result, which is in line with results obtained from high frequency data, but has never previously been recognized in low frequency (daily) data, is important for building simpler and more precise volatility models

    Essays in Financial Economics

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    This dissertation attempts to contribute in two different fields: corporate finance and time-series econometrics. At the beginning of my PhD I started to work in the field of corporate finance and the third essay of this dissertation comes from that time. Later I became more interested in time-series econometrics, particularly volatility modelling. This interest resulted in essays 1 and 2 in this dissertation and several more essays which are not completed yet. Since my main interest during my PhD studies was volatility, I provide an introduction only into the field of volatility. Since there are many good review articles dealing with this topic (e.g. Poon and Granger (2003)), the introduction is very brief.nhhph

    Turning the page, about the materiality of reading object : semiotic observations, pedagogical perspectives

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    Que peut-il bien cacher ce titre ? Ou plutôt révéler ? Il laisse entendre une certaine inclinaison au jeu de mots. Ceci parle déjà du style. « Tourner la page » puisqu’il s’agit de livre, de lecture. « Tourner la page » puisque le temps du livre semble être compté, à en croire certains pronostics auxquels ce travail ne réagit pas. «Autour de la matérialité » puisque la page papier du codex tourne littéralement autour d’un axe matériel, soit-il cousu, broché ou collé. « Autour » encore car il est question de matérialité, qualité intrinsèque et fondamentale qui définit l’écriture, détermine le rapport au langage écrit et le distingue de sa version numérique. « Objet de lecture », terme qui permet d’élargir le cercle des supports de lecture traditionnellement représentés par des livres aux objets technologiques, tout en précisant qu’ils ne sont pas des livres. « Objet » encore, car l’approche sémio-pragmatique tient à souligner le côté objectal de la lecture face à son côté linguistique. « Observations », ce mot précise et qualifie le non-aboutissement et la teneur approximative de ce qui est dit et comment il est dit dans ce mémoire. « Sémiotiques » indique la méthode et le point de vue sous lequel le propos est déployé. « Perspectives pédagogiques », c’est pour annoncer l’ambition de cette étude de se projeter vers le domaine dont elle est inspirée et vers lequel elle retourne, en espérant créer des passerelles et y apporter des propositions pluridisciplinaires. Ce résumé en forme d’explicitation du titre prétend également servir de plan qui suit le cheminement de la réflexion sur le rapport de l’homme à l’écriture à la base de la matérialité de celle-ci.What could this title hide? Or reveal instead? It insinuates a certain tendency to a play on words. It hints at style. “Turn the page” since it’s about books, about reading practice. “Turn the page” because the days of books seem numbered, to believe certain prognostication to which this work does not address. However, there are new, digital pages. "About the materiality", since the paper page of the codex is turning literally around a material axis, sewn, stapled or glued. “Materiality", it is as an intrinsic quality of the book object which defines the products of writing. “Reading object,” it means different objects of reading, traditionally represented by printed books. While, now, it is possible to read technological objects too. “Object” once more, for the semio-pragmatic approach that desires to emphasize the material aspect of reading practice versus its linguistic aspect. “Observations,” it specifies and qualifies the approximate tenor of what is said and how it is said. “Semiotics,” it is the definition of the method and of the point of view under which these objects are investigated. “Pedagogical perspectives”, it is to refer to the field from which this study took its inspiration. Also, towards that it returns hoping to create bridges between several disciplines. This summary is a kind of explanation of the title, also intends to indicate the way of the reflection that develops the relationship of man to the written word that is based on the materiality

    Properties of range-based volatility estimators

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    This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in International Review of Financial Analysis, following peer review. The final publication International Review of Financial Analysis 2012, 23:20-29 is available at Elsevier via DOI: 10.1016/j.irfa.2011.06.012 .Volatility is not directly observable and must be estimated. Estimator based on daily close data is imprecise. Range-based volatility estimators provide significantly more precision, but still remain noisy volatility estimates, something that is sometimes forgotten when these estimators are used in further calculations. First, we analyze properties of these estimators and find that the best estimator is the Garman-Klass (1980) estimator. Second, we correct some mistakes in existing literature. Third, the use of the Garman-Klass estimator allows us to obtain an interesting result: returns normalized by their standard deviations are approximately normally distributed. This result, which is in line with results obtained from high frequency data, but has never previously been recognized in low frequency (daily) data, is important for building simpler and more precise volatility models

    Tourner la page : autour de la matérialité de l'objet de lecture : observations sémiotiques, perspectives pédagogiques

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    What could this title hide? Or reveal instead? It insinuates a certain tendency to a play on words. It hints at style. “Turn the page” since it’s about books, about reading practice. “Turn the page” because the days of books seem numbered, to believe certain prognostication to which this work does not address. However, there are new, digital pages. "About the materiality", since the paper page of the codex is turning literally around a material axis, sewn, stapled or glued. “Materiality", it is as an intrinsic quality of the book object which defines the products of writing. “Reading object,” it means different objects of reading, traditionally represented by printed books. While, now, it is possible to read technological objects too. “Object” once more, for the semio-pragmatic approach that desires to emphasize the material aspect of reading practice versus its linguistic aspect. “Observations,” it specifies and qualifies the approximate tenor of what is said and how it is said. “Semiotics,” it is the definition of the method and of the point of view under which these objects are investigated. “Pedagogical perspectives”, it is to refer to the field from which this study took its inspiration. Also, towards that it returns hoping to create bridges between several disciplines. This summary is a kind of explanation of the title, also intends to indicate the way of the reflection that develops the relationship of man to the written word that is based on the materiality.Que peut-il bien cacher ce titre ? Ou plutôt révéler ? Il laisse entendre une certaine inclinaison au jeu de mots. Ceci parle déjà du style. « Tourner la page » puisqu’il s’agit de livre, de lecture. « Tourner la page » puisque le temps du livre semble être compté, à en croire certains pronostics auxquels ce travail ne réagit pas. «Autour de la matérialité » puisque la page papier du codex tourne littéralement autour d’un axe matériel, soit-il cousu, broché ou collé. « Autour » encore car il est question de matérialité, qualité intrinsèque et fondamentale qui définit l’écriture, détermine le rapport au langage écrit et le distingue de sa version numérique. « Objet de lecture », terme qui permet d’élargir le cercle des supports de lecture traditionnellement représentés par des livres aux objets technologiques, tout en précisant qu’ils ne sont pas des livres. « Objet » encore, car l’approche sémio-pragmatique tient à souligner le côté objectal de la lecture face à son côté linguistique. « Observations », ce mot précise et qualifie le non-aboutissement et la teneur approximative de ce qui est dit et comment il est dit dans ce mémoire. « Sémiotiques » indique la méthode et le point de vue sous lequel le propos est déployé. « Perspectives pédagogiques », c’est pour annoncer l’ambition de cette étude de se projeter vers le domaine dont elle est inspirée et vers lequel elle retourne, en espérant créer des passerelles et y apporter des propositions pluridisciplinaires. Ce résumé en forme d’explicitation du titre prétend également servir de plan qui suit le cheminement de la réflexion sur le rapport de l’homme à l’écriture à la base de la matérialité de celle-ci

    Chemotherapeutische Nebenwirkungen bei Kolonkarzinom : eine qualitative Studie aus Betroffenensicht

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    Hintergrund: Das Kolonkarzinom ist eine häufige Erkrankung in Industrieländern. Die Kombination aus Operation, Chemo- und / oder Target-Therapien führt zu physischen, psychischen und sozialen Veränderungen im Alltag. Die Betroffenen setzen sich mit Ungewissheit, Vergänglichkeit und Kontrollverlust auseinander. Unklar ist, welche Strategien die Betroffenen anwenden, um das Selbstmanagement zu fördern. Ziel: Bewältigungsstrategien erkennen, die Personen mit Kolonkarzinom im Stadium III und IV im Umgang mit der Krankheit und deren Symptomen sowie den Nebenwirkungen der Chemotherapie entwickeln. Methode: Ein qualitativ-deskriptives Design mit leitfadengestützten Interviews wurde gewählt. Die Datenanalyse erfolgte induktiv mittels „Initial Coding“ anhand von vier Prozessschritten zur Kategorienentwicklung. Ergebnisse: Elf Betroffene berichten über den Verlust von Autonomie und Kontrolle im Alltag. Sie erleben ihre eigene Endlichkeit und persönlichen Grenzen. Die Betroffenen entwickeln Strategien, um den zunehmenden Kontrollverlust und die Abhängigkeit zu kompensieren. Sie suchen nach Fachwissen und versuchen, die Normalität und den Alltag aufrecht zu erhalten. Ihr Erleben oszilliert zwischen „Bangen und Hoffen“. Schlussfolgerungen: Für Menschen mit Kolonkarzinom stellt Hoffnung eine wichtige Bewältigungsstrategie dar. Personenzentrierte Beratungsgespräche während des ganzen Behandlungsprozesses helfen den Betroffenen im Umgang mit ihrer chronischen Erkrankung
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