29 research outputs found

    Dossier Deu anys d'arqueologia a Catalunya: 1981-1990

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    Screening the ability of natural feed ingredients to interfere with the adherence of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) K88 to the porcine intestinal mucus

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    The inhibition of the attachment of bacteria to the intestine by receptor analogues could be a novel approach to prevent enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) K88-induced diarrhoea in piglets. The objective of the present study was to screen the ability of different feed ingredients (FI) to bind to ETEC K88 (adhesion test, AT) and to block its attachment to the porcine intestinal mucus (blocking test, BT) using in vitro microtitration-based models. In the AT, wheat bran (WB), casein glycomacropeptide (CGMP) and exopolysaccharides exhibited the highest adhesion to ETEC K88 (P,0·001). In the BT, WB, CGMP and locust bean (LB) reduced the number of ETEC K88 attached to the intestinal mucus (P,0·001). For WB and LB, fractionation based on their carbohydrate components was subsequently carried out, and each fraction was evaluated individually. None of the WB fractions reduced the adhesion of ETEC K88 to the mucus as did the original extract, suggesting that a protein or glycoprotein could be involved in the recognition process. With regard to the LB fractions, the water-extractable material reduced the adhesion of ETEC K88 (P,0·001) to the mucus similar to the original extract (P,0·001), indicating, in this case, that galactomannans or phenolic compounds could be responsible for the recognition process. In conclusion, among the FI screened, the soluble extracts obtained from WB, LB and CGMP exhibited the highest anti-adhesive properties against ETEC K88 in the BT. These results suggest that they may be good candidates to be included in diets of weaned piglets for the prevention of ETEC K88-induced diarrhoea

    Surgeon-led 7-INCut Antibiotic Stewardship Intervention Decreases Duration of Treatment and Carbapenem Use in a General Surgery Service

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    Agents antibacterians; Ús terapèutic; Administració d'antimicrobians; Cirurgia general; EstàndardsAgentes antibacterianos; Uso terapéutico; Administración de antimicrobianos; Cirugía general; NormasAnti-bacterial agents; Therapeutic use; Antimicrobial stewardship; General surgery; StandardsAntibiotic stewardship programs optimize the use of antimicrobials to prevent the development of resistance and improve patient outcomes. In this prospective interventional study, a multidisciplinary team led by surgeons implemented a program aimed at shortening the duration of antibiotic treatment <7 days. The impact of the intervention on antibiotic consumption adjusted to bed-days and discharges, and the isolation of multiresistant bacteria (MRB) was also studied. Furthermore, the surgeons were surveyed regarding their beliefs and feelings about the program. Out of 1409 patients, 40.7% received antibiotic therapy. Treatment continued for over 7 days in 21.5% of cases, and, as can be expected, source control was achieved in only 48.8% of these cases. The recommendations were followed in 90.2% of cases, the most frequent being to withdraw the treatment (55.6%). During the first 16 months of the intervention, a sharp decrease in the percentage of extended treatments, with R2 = 0.111 was observed. The program was very well accepted by surgeons, and achieved a decrease in both the consumption of carbapenems and in the number of MRB isolations. Multidisciplinary stewardship teams led by surgeons seem to be well received and able to better manage antibiotic prescription in surgery

    Epidemiología del abuso de alcohol entre la población inmigrante en España

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    [EN] In recent years, the immigrant population has substantially increased in Spain. However, there is a lack of information in the knowledge of alcohol abuse among Spanish immigrants. We describe the epidemiology of alcohol abuse among foreign-born immigrants versus Spanish natives. We carried out a cross-sectional study that uses data from the European Survey of Health on the General Population of Spain of 2009. A sample of 22,188 subjects was analyzed (of whom, 3,162 were foreign). Proxies of problematic alcohol consumption were the prevalence of excessive average consumption and the prevalence of excessive episodic consumption (binge drinking). Descriptive analysis of the population, determination of area of origin with major alcohol consumption and related factors for each kind of consumption, separating immigrant and native population, were performed. The immigrant profile was heterogeneous, though predominantly aged between 35 and 54, and were living with their family and working. 3.4% of immigrants and 3.2% of natives were considered excessive drinkers; 8.9% and 10%, respectively, reported binge drinking in the last year. Immigrants from Northern and Western Europe, and Latin America, Andean countries had significantly a higher report of frequent alcohol consumption and/or binge drinking compared to native. On the contrary, born in Africa was a protective factor. Unemployment was the most relevant related factor, being more important in the immigrant population. The excessive alcohol consumption in immigrants is dissimilar; the interventions must be adapted to their social situation, environments and areas of origin. [ES] A pesar del gran incremento de la población inmigrante en los últimos años, su uso de alcohol está poco estudiado. Se describe la epidemiología del consumo de riesgo de alcohol en la población inmigrante residente en España, frente a la nativa. Se emplearon datos de 22188 respondientes a la Encuesta Europea de Salud de 2009, de los que 3162 eran extranjeros. Como indicadores de consumo problemático se usó la prevalencia de consumo excesivo promedio y el consumo excesivo episódico. Se realizaron análisis descriptivo de la población, determinación de zonas de procedencia con mayor consumo de alcohol y factores relacionados para cada tipo de consumo separando población inmigrante de autóctona. El perfil sociodemográfico del inmigrante fue heterogéneo, aunque predominantemente de entre 35 y 54 años, que vive en familia y trabaja. Se consideraron bebedores excesivos promedio al 3,4% de los inmigrantes por el 3,2% de los nativos, y bebedores excesivos episódicos en el último año el 8,9% frente al 10%. Los inmigrantes procedentes de Europa del Norte y del Oeste, y América latina, países andinos, fueron aquellos que presentaron mayores razones de prevalencia de bebedores de riesgo que la población nativa. Por el contrario, proceder de África fue un factor protector. De los factores relacionados con un mayor consumo, destaca el desempleo, siendo más relevante en la población inmigrante. El consumo excesivo de alcohol en inmigrantes es muy heterogéneo, debiendo adecuarse las intervenciones sobre el mismo a su situación social, diferentes entornos y áreas de procedencia.The authors thank the National Drug Plan (Plan Nacional sobre Drogas, órdenes SSI 2800/2012 and 131/2013) and the Health Strategic Agency (Agencia Estratégica en Salud (AES), PI13/00183 and PI 11/01396) for their financial help. This project has also received financing from the Active Disorders Network (Red de Trastornos Activos – RTA) (RD12/0028/0018) and from the 2011/059 project. The manuscript was produced with the help of the CD10/00128- Sara Borrell contract.S

    Classification of illicit drug-induced deaths in Spain: toward the adoption of the European standard criteria.

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    [ES] Objetivos: Describir los patrones de codificación CIE-10 de las muertes directamente relacionadas con drogas ilegales (DRDI) en el Registro General de Mortalidad (RGM), evaluar la aplicabilidad del criterio europeo (que no considera X44) para extraer estas muertes del RGM y estimar la mortalidad DRDI en España corrigiendo la subestimación. Métodos: Se extrajeron las muertes DRDI del RGM para 1999–2007 utilizando los criterios europeo y español, se compararon ambas cifras y se evaluaron las diferencias temporoespaciales en los patrones de codificación. Se estimó la mortalidad DRDI estatal aplicando un índice corrector de subestimación, procedente de un registro específico, a las muertes extraídas del RGM. Resultados: Utilizando el criterio español en 1999–2007 se extrajeron del RGM 5.878 muertes DRDI, un 88,4% del capítulo XX, principalmente de X42 (48,4%) y X44 (38,8%), y el resto del capítulo V, principalmente de F19 (11,5%). El capítulo V supuso un 6,6% en 1999, un 24,6% en 2003 y un 8,0% en 2007. En 2005–2007 las comunidades que más utilizaron el capítulo V fueron Cataluña y Andalucía (34,9% y 30,1%, respectivamente). Con el criterio europeo se extraen bastantes menos muertes DRDI que con el español. La mortalidad DRDI corregida por subnotificación utilizando el criterio español pasó de 4,7/100.000 habitantes de 15–49 años de edad en 1999 a 4,1/100.000 en 2007. Conclusiones: En España, aplicar el criterio europeo para extraer las muertes DRDI da problemas, porque a cada muerte DRDI se le asigna un único código, que además en ocasiones es bastante inespecífico. Hay que adoptar criterios estatales comunes de codificación en línea con los europeos. [EN] To describe patterns of ICD-10 classification of illicit drug-induced deaths (DID) in the General Mortality Register (GMR), to assess the applicability of the European criterion (which excludes the X44 code) to extract these deaths from the GMR, and to estimate drug-induced mortality in Spain by applying a correction index for underestimation. DID between 1999 and 2007 were extracted from the GMR using the European and the Spanish criteria. Both data sets were compared, and differences in classification patterns by time and space were assessed. Estimations of national mortality from DID were calculated by applying a correction index for underestimation, derived from a specific mortality register, to the deaths extracted from the GMR. Using the Spanish criterion, 5,878 DID were extracted from the GMR for 1999-2007, 88.4% within chapter XX, mainly X42 (48.4%) and X44 (38.8%), and the remaining within chapter V, mainly F19 (11.5%). Chapter V accounted for 6.6% in 1999, 24.6% in 2003 and 8.0% in 2007. Between 2005 and 2007, Catalonia and Andalusia were the autonomous regions showing greatest use of this chapter (34.9% and 30.1%, respectively). Substantially fewer deaths were extracted when the European criterion was used. When the Spanish indicator was used, the estimated DID mortality rate corrected by the underestimation index decreased slowly from 4.7/100,000 in 1999 to 4.1/100,000 inhabitants aged 15-49 years old in 2007. In Spain, applying the European criterion for extracting DID from the GMR created certain problems, because each DID is assigned a single code, which is sometimes non-specific. Common national criteria should be adopted, following the European criteria as far as possible.Proyecto FIS (PI070661) y RTA (RD06/0001/1018).S

    Quality deficits in the Spanish National Death Index: lessons learned from studying the mortality of two cohorts of people admitted to drug abuse treatment.

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    [ES] Objetivos: El uso sanitario del Índice Nacional de Defunciones (INDEF) está aumentando por su gratuidad y accesibilidad. Partiendo de hallazgos inesperados al cruzar dos cohortes de pacientes con el INDEF, se pretende valorar la calidad de la información de esta fuente. Métodos: Los registros individuales de dos cohortes de tratados por drogas en Barcelona (n=19.974) y Madrid (n=17.557) se cruzaron con el INDEF y luego con el Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE) para asignar el estado vital.Se obtuvieron la especificidad y la sensibilidad del INDEF enrelación al INE,y estimaciones de la mortalidad con ambos sistemas. Se calculó también la subestimación de la mortalidad en el conjunto de Espãna en el mismo periodo. Resultados: Durante1997-2008,en Madrid,la búsqueda independiente en el INDEF subestimó la mortalidad un 18,9% con respecto al INE. Una búsqueda individualizada posterior restringida a los muertos detectados en el INE pero no en el INDEF la redujo al 13,9%. En Barcelona,con búsqueda combinada (independiente más restringida),la subestimación fue del 3,3%.Durante 2001-2002 la subestimación con búsquedas combinadas llegó al 32,3% en Madrid y al 7,3% en Barcelona. La subestimación también se aprecia en el conjunto de la población española (1,8%en1997-2008y9,3% en 2001-2002).Durante1997-2008 la especificidad de las búsquedas independientes en el INDEF fue del 100%, pero su sensibilidad en Madrid fue sólo del 81%. Conclusiones:La calidad del INDEFes suficiente para muchos usos sanitarios, pero subestima la mortalidad con importantes variaciones temporoespaciales. Mejorar sus algoritmos de búsqueda, posibilitar tabulaciones online de los principales resultados, introducir controles de calidad y evaluarlo sistemáticamente, permitirían aumentar su calidad. [EN] Objective The use of the Spanish National Death Index (S-NDI) is increasing as it is free and easily accessible. Prompted by unexpected findings when linking two cohorts of patients with the S-NDI, this study was performed to evaluate the quality of mortality data from this source. Methods Individual records of two cohorts of persons admitted to drug abuse treatment in Barcelona (n = 19,974) and Madrid (n = 17,557) were linked with the S-NDI and then with the National Statistics Institute (NSI) to assign vital status. The sensitivity and specificity of the S-NDI in relation to the NSI and estimates of mortality with both systems were obtained. Underestimation of mortality by the S-NDI for the same period in the whole of Spain was also calculated. Results For Madrid, from 1997-2008, independent searches in the S-NDI underestimated mortality by 18.9% compared with the NSI. A subsequent individualized search limited to deaths detected by the NSI but not by the S-NDI reduced underestimation to 13.9%. For Barcelona, underestimation with a combined search (independent plus limited) was 3.3%. From 2001-2002, underestimation with combined searches reached 32.3% in Madrid and 7.3% in Barcelona. Underestimation was also seen in the general Spanish population (1.8% in 1997-2008 and 9.3% in 2001-2002). From 1997-2008, the specificity of independent searches in the S-NDI was 100%, but its sensitivity in Madrid was only 81%. Conclusions The quality of the S-NDI is good enough for many uses in the health sector, but this index underestimates mortality with substantial spatiotemporal variations. The quality of the S-NDI could be increased by improving its search algorithms, enabling on-line tabulations of the main results, and introducing quality controls and routine evaluations.Financiado por FIS (PI070661 y PI061807) y RTA (RD06/0001/1018)S

    Characteristics and outcomes by ceiling of care of subjects hospitalized with COVID-19 during four waves of the pandemic in a metropolitan area: a multicenter cohort study

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    Introduction The profiles of patients with COVID-19 have been widely studied, but little is known about differences in baseline characteristics and in outcomes between subjects with a ceiling of care assigned at hospital admission and subjects without a ceiling of care. The aim of this study is to compare, by ceiling of care, clinical features and outcomes of hospitalized subjects during four waves of COVID-19 in a metropolitan area in Catalonia. Methods Observational study conducted during the first (March–April 2020), second (October–November 2020), third (January–February 2021), and fourth wave (July–August 2021) of COVID-19 in five centers of Catalonia. All subjects were adults (>¿18 years old) hospitalized with a proven SARS-CoV-2 infection and with therapeutic ceiling of care assessed by the attending physician at hospital admission. Results A total of 5813 subjects were analyzed. Subjects with a ceiling of care were mainly older (difference in median age of 20 years), with more comorbidities (Charlson index 3 points higher) and with fewer clinical signs at baseline than patients without a ceiling of care. Some features of their clinical profiles changed among waves. There were differences in treatments received during hospital admission across waves, but not between subjects with and without a ceiling of care. Subjects with a ceiling of care had a death incidence more than four times the death incidence of subjects a without a ceiling of care (risk ratio (RR) ranging from 3.5 in the first wave to almost 6 in the third and fourth). Incidence of severe pneumonia and complications for subjects with a ceiling of care was around 1.5 times the incidence in subjects without a ceiling of care. Discussion Analysis of hospitalized subjects with SARS-CoV-2 infection should be stratified according to therapeutic ceiling of care to avoid bias and outcome misestimation.This study was partially funded by Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca del Departament d’Empresa i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya (2020PANDE00148).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version