281 research outputs found

    Validation of Student Peer Assessment of Effective Oral Communication in Engineering Degrees

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permissíon from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertisíng or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.[EN] Peer assessment is a form of collaborative learning in which students evaluate learning products prepared by other students. We present the results of an analysis of the assessment of oral presentations by students. A group of students solves a problem, writes a document with the solution, and makes an oral presentation in class to other students. Another group assesses the written document and oral presentation. To help students perform the assessments, two rubrics are provided along with other guidance documents that help in writing scientific documents and performing oral presentations. The rubric evaluates five factors of oral communication. The results of the student evaluations are compared with the simultaneous evaluations produced by two lecturers. When making a comparison of the global assessment between lecturers and students, we find significant differences. However, when the factor "use of auxiliary resources" is removed, these differences disappear as the factor introduces a difficult to justify dispersion. In addition, the assessment performed by students with and without the help of a rubric is compared and no significant differences are found.Meseguer Dueñas, JM.; Vidaurre, A.; Molina Mateo, J.; Riera Guasp, J.; Martínez Sala, RM. (2018). Validation of Student Peer Assessment of Effective Oral Communication in Engineering Degrees. IEEE-RITA: Latin-American Learning Technologies Journal. 13(1):11-16. https://doi.org/10.1109/RITA.2018.2801897S111613

    Validation of student peer assessment in effective oral communication in engineering degrees

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    [EN] Peer assessment is a form of collaborative learning in which the students evaluate learning products of other students. In this paper we present the results of the analysis of the assessment between students of oral presentations. A group of students solves a problem, writes a document with the resolution and makes an oral presentation in class for the rest of the students. Another group assesses both, the written document and the oral presentation. To help students to do the assessments two rubrics are provided along with other guidance documents which help in writing scientific documents and performing oral presentations. Regarding the oral communication, the rubric evaluates 5 factors. The result of the students¿ evaluation is compared with the simultaneous evaluation of two professors. When making a comparison of the global assessment between professors and students we find significant differences. However, when the factor ¿use of auxiliary resources¿ is removed these differences disappear, since that factor introduces dispersion difficult to be justified. In addition, the assessment performed by students with and without the help of a rubric is compared. In this case we do not find significant differences.Los autores desean agradecer al Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universitat Politècnica de València (España) el apoyo al Grupo de Innovación Docente e-MACAFI y el apoyo financiero a través del proyecto PIME/2014/A025Meseguer Dueñas, JM.; Vidaurre, A.; Molina Mateo, J.; Riera Guasp, J.; Martínez Sala, RM. (2017). Validación de la Evaluación entre Compañeros en la Comunicación Oral Efectiva en los Estudios de Ingeniería. VAEP-RITA. 5(2):70-75. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/153372S70755

    Circulating miRNAs as predictive biomarkers of type 2 diabetes mellitus development in coronary heart disease patients fromt he CORDIOPREV study

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    Circulating microRNAs (miRNAs) have been proposed as type 2 diabetes biomarkers, and they may be a more sensitive way to predict development of the disease than the currently used tools. Our aim was to identify whether circulating miRNAs, added to clinical and biochemical markers, yielded better potential for predicting type 2 diabetes. The study included 462 non-diabetic patients at baseline in the CORDIOPREV study. After a median follow-up of 60 months, 107 of them developed type 2 diabetes. Plasma levels of 24 miRNAs were measured at baseline by qRT-PCR, and other strong biomarkers to predict diabetes were determined. The ROC analysis identified 9 miRNAs, which, added to HbA1c, have a greater predictive value in early diagnosis of type 2 diabetes (AUC = 0.8342) than HbA1c alone (AUC = 0.6950). The miRNA and HbA1cbased model did not improve when the FINDRISC was included (AUC = 0.8293). Cox regression analyses showed that patients with low miR-103, miR-28-3p, miR-29a, and miR-9 and high miR-30a-5p and miR-150 circulating levels have a higher risk of disease (HR = 11.27; 95% CI = 2.61–48.65). Our results suggest that circulating miRNAs could potentially be used as a new tool for predicting the development of type 2 diabetes in clinical practice

    Data set on the effectiveness of Flip Teaching on engineering students' performance in the physics lab compared to Traditional Methodology

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    [EN] This paper shows the data of the Flip Teaching and Traditional Methodology on the laboratory practice in two subjects, Physics and Electricity, of a technical degree. The laboratory and final grades of these subjects were shown in four consecutive years. The characteristics of all four years were quite similar, except that the Traditional teaching Methodology (TM) was used in two, while Flip Teaching methodology (FT) was applied in the other two. For further discussion, please refer to the scientific article entitled "Effectiveness of flip teaching on engineering students' performance in the physics lab" [1]. Additional segmentation data in three levels are presented in this data in brief paper.This work was supported by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia [Project PIME/2018/B25 Convocatoria de Proyectos de Innovacion y Convergencia de la UPV].Gómez-Tejedor, J.; Vidaurre, A.; Tort-Ausina, I.; Molina Mateo, J.; Serrano, M.; Meseguer Dueñas, JM.; Martínez Sala, RM.... (2020). Data set on the effectiveness of Flip Teaching on engineering students' performance in the physics lab compared to Traditional Methodology. Data in Brief. 28:1-7. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2019.104915S1728Gómez-Tejedor, J. A., Vidaurre, A., Tort-Ausina, I., Molina-Mateo, J., Serrano, M.-A., Meseguer-Dueñas, J. M., … Riera, J. (2020). Effectiveness of flip teaching on engineering students’ performance in the physics lab. Computers & Education, 144, 103708. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2019.10370

    Severity of radiation pneumonitis, from clinical, dosimetric and biological features: a pilot study

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    Background and objective: Radiation pneumonitis (RP) could be a lethal complication of lung cancer treatment. No reliable predictors of RP severity have been recognized. This prospective pilot study was performed to identify early predictors of high grade lung toxicity and to evaluate clinical, biological or dosimetric features associated with different grades of toxicity. Method: Sixteen patients with non‐small cell lung cancer with indication of concurrent chemoradiotherapy using 60 Gy/2 Gy/fraction starting at cycle one of platinum based chemotherapy were included. Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), pulmonary function testing (PFT), and 18F‐2‐fluoro‐2‐deoxy‐D‐glucose positron‐emission tomography was per‐ formed before radiotherapy (RT), after three weeks of treatment, and two months post‐RT. For analysis, patients were grouped by grade (low [G1‐G2] vs. high [G3‐G5]). The two groups were compared to identify predictors of RP. Protein expression BAL and lung tissue metabolism was evaluated in two patients (RP‐G1 vs. RP‐G3). Categorical variables such as comorbidities, stages and locations were summarized as percentages. Radiation doses, pulmonary function values and time to RP were summarized by medians with ranges or as means with standard deviation. Longitudinal analysis PFT was performed by a T‐test. Results: All 16 patients developed RP, as follows: G1 (5 pts; 31.3%); G2 (5 pts; 31.3%); G3 (5 pts; 31.3%); and G5 (1 pts; 6.1%). Patients with high grade RP presented significant decrease (p = 0.02) in diffusing lung capacity for carbon monoxide (DLCO) after three weeks of RT. No correlation between dosimetric values and RP grades was observed. BAL analysis of the selected patients showed that CXCL‐1, CD154, IL‐1ra, IL‐23, MIF, PAI‐1 and IFN‐γ were overexpressed in the lungs of the RP‐G3 patient, even before treatment. The pre‐RT SUVmax value in the RP‐G3 patient was non‐ significantly higher than in the patient with RP‐G1. Conclusions: RT induces some degree of RP. Our data suggest that decrease in DLCO% is the most sensitive param‐ eter for the early detection of RP. Moreover, we detect biological differences between the two grades of pneumonitis, highlighting the potential value of some cytokines as a prognostic marker for developing high grade lung toxicity. Further multicenter studies with larger sample size are essential to validate these findings

    Evaluación entre compañeros de la comunicación oral efectiva

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    [EN] Peer assessment is a form of collaborative learning where students evaluate the product of learning of other students. In our case, students perform two types of evaluation related to effective communication: they evaluate quantitatively, in teamwork, problems solved by another team, and later they evaluate qualitatively oral presentations of problem solutions. They have been given guidelines on how to perform the evaluation. The result has been compared to the assessment made by teachers. In the qualitative assessment of the oral presentations, we have not found significant differences between students and professors. Furthermore, the arguments that support evaluations are rigorous and show their learning through work done by peers[ES] La evaluación entre compañeros es una forma de aprendizaje colaborativo en el que los estudiantes valoran el producto de aprendizaje de otros estudiantes. En nuestro caso, efectúan dos tipos de evaluación relacionados con la comunicación efectiva: en equipo evalúan cuantitativamente documentos con la resolución de problemas de otros equipos, y, posteriormente, evalúan cualitativamente las presentaciones orales de los ejercicios. Se les han dado pautas sobre como llevar a cabo la evaluación. El resultado ha sido comparado con la evaluación hecha por los profesores. En la evaluación cualitativa de las presentacions no se ha encontrado diferencias significativas entre la realizada por los alumnos en equipo y la de los profesores. Además, la argumentación que hacen a las valoraciones son rigurosas y muestran su aprendizaje a través del trabajo hecho por los compañeros.Los autores desean agradecer al Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universitat Politècnica de València (España) el apoyo al Grupo de Innovación Docente e-MACAFI y el apoyo financiero a través del proyecto PIME/2014/A025.Messeguer-Dueñas, J.; Vidaurre Garayo, AJ.; Molina Mateo, J.; Riera Guasp, J.; Martínez Sala, RM. (2016). Evaluación entre compañeros de la comunicación oral efectiva. En In-Red 2016. II Congreso nacional de innovación educativa y docencia en red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2016.2016.4295OC

    Practical Guidance for Interventions in Adults with Metabolic Syndrome: Diet and Exercise vs. Changes in Body Composition

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    (1) Objective: to establish practical guidance for the design of future clinical trials in MS (metabolic syndrome) patients aged 18 and older, based on a systematic review of randomized clinical trials connecting diet, physical exercise and changes in body composition. (2) Method: this systematic review of randomized clinical trials (RCT) is based on the guidelines recommended by PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses). Criteria of selection: ≥18 years of age; patients diagnosed with MS; intervention programs including diet, physical exercise and/or modifications in the style of life as treatment, as well as the magnitude of changes in body composition (BC); randomized clinical trial published between 2004 and 2018. (3) Results: the multidisciplinary interventions describe major changes in BC, and the recurring pattern in these clinical trials is an energy reduction and control in the percentage of intake of macronutrients along with the performance of regularly structured exercise; the most analyzed parameter was waist circumference (88.9% of the trials), followed by body weight (85.2%), BMI (77.8%) and body fat (55.6%). (4) Conclusions: The analysis of the information here reported sheds light for the design of future clinical trials in adults with MS. The best anthropometric parameters and units of measurement to monitor the interventions are related to dietary and physical exercise interventions. A list of practical advice that is easy to implement in daily practice in consultation is here proposed in order to guarantee the best results in changes of body composition.This research has been partially funded by “Generalitat Valenciana”, Grant GV/2017/177 and VIGROB-309 (University of Alicante)

    New Insights about How to Make an Intervention in Children and Adolescents with Metabolic Syndrome: Diet, Exercise vs. Changes in Body Composition. A Systematic Review of RCT

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    Objective: To record which interventions produce the greatest variations in body composition in patients ≤19 years old with metabolic syndrome (MS). Method: search dates between 2005 and 2017 in peer reviewed journals, following the PRISMA method (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses). The selection criteria were: diagnostic for MS or at least a criterion for diagnosis; randomized clinical trials, ≤19 years of age; intervention programs that use diet and/or exercise as a tool (interventions showing an interest in body composition). Results: 1781 clinical trials were identified under these criteria but only 0.51% were included. The most frequent characteristics of the selected clinical trials were that they used multidisciplinary interventions and were carried out in America. The most utilized parameters were BMI (body mass index) in kg/m2 and BW (body weight) in kg. Conclusions: Most of the clinical trials included had been diagnosed through at least 2 diagnostic criteria for MS. Multidisciplinary interventions obtained greater changes in body composition in patients with MS. This change was especially prevalent in the combinations of dietary interventions and physical exercise. It is proposed to follow the guidelines proposed for patients who are overweight, obese, or have diabetes type 2, and extrapolate these strategies as recommendations for future clinical trials designed for patients with MS.This research is partially supported by Generalitat Valenciana, Grant GV/2017/177

    Sistema de acciones para la orientación vocacional en las ciencias médicas: percepción de estudiantes y profesores sobre su calidad

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    Fundamento: en las carreras de las ciencias médicas existen problemas con el ingreso motivados por la carencia de una debida orientación vocacional. Objetivo: evaluar un sistema de acciones para potenciar la orientación vocacional en estudiantes de 12mo grado de los institutos preuniversitarios de la provincia de Cienfuegos. Métodos:investigación cuali-cuantititativa que incluyó 523 estudiantes del predestacamento de las ciencias médicas en Cienfuegos, así como 105 profesores de los preuniversitarios de la provincia y 20 funcionarios de Educación Provincial. Se estructuró en dos momentos, uno dirigido a la organización y planificación de las actividades a realizar con los estudiantes, y el segundo momento de implementación y evaluación. Se analizó el nivel de satisfacción de estudiantes y profesores con el sistema de acciones. Se realizó una prueba de independencia con el estadígrafo Chi cuadrado, con un 95 % de confianza, para determinar correspondencia del nivel de satisfacción. Resultados: las expectativas de los estudiantes fueron satisfechas teniendo en cuenta las vías de orientación vocacional, aumentó el nivel de conocimiento acerca de la profesión y se fortalecieron los vínculos entre los organismos e instituciones (MINED-MINSAP). Existió correspondencia entre el nivel de satisfacción de profesores, estudiantes y el consejo de dirección de los institutos preunivesitarios, pero todos consideraron que se debe aumentar la participación de la familia. Conclusiones: un sistema de acciones bien concebido favorece el desarrollo de la orientación vocacional en las ciencias médicas, pero debe aumentarse la participación de la familia, así como de los estudiantes pertenecientes a institutos preuniversitarios lejanos a la cabecera municipal

    Sistema de acciones para la orientación vocacional en las ciencias médicas: percepción de estudiantes y profesores sobre su calidad

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    Fundamento: en las carreras de las ciencias médicas existen problemas con el ingreso motivados por la carencia de una debida orientación vocacional. Objetivo: evaluar un sistema de acciones para potenciar la orientación vocacional en estudiantes de 12mo grado de los institutos preuniversitarios de la provincia de Cienfuegos. Métodos:investigación cuali-cuantititativa que incluyó 523 estudiantes del predestacamento de las ciencias médicas en Cienfuegos, así como 105 profesores de los preuniversitarios de la provincia y 20 funcionarios de Educación Provincial. Se estructuró en dos momentos, uno dirigido a la organización y planificación de las actividades a realizar con los estudiantes, y el segundo momento de implementación y evaluación. Se analizó el nivel de satisfacción de estudiantes y profesores con el sistema de acciones. Se realizó una prueba de independencia con el estadígrafo Chi cuadrado, con un 95 % de confianza, para determinar correspondencia del nivel de satisfacción. Resultados: las expectativas de los estudiantes fueron satisfechas teniendo en cuenta las vías de orientación vocacional, aumentó el nivel de conocimiento acerca de la profesión y se fortalecieron los vínculos entre los organismos e instituciones (MINED-MINSAP). Existió correspondencia entre el nivel de satisfacción de profesores, estudiantes y el consejo de dirección de los institutos preunivesitarios, pero todos consideraron que se debe aumentar la participación de la familia. Conclusiones: un sistema de acciones bien concebido favorece el desarrollo de la orientación vocacional en las ciencias médicas, pero debe aumentarse la participación de la familia, así como de los estudiantes pertenecientes a institutos preuniversitarios lejanos a la cabecera municipal