869 research outputs found

    From Lurkers to Listeners: Introducing the Concept of Online Listening into Political Communication Studies

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    Palabras clave: ciudad, espacio urbano, ofertas culturales, consumo cultural, multicultural

    The development of tourism in Ayamonte

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    This study is based on a specific location in the southwest corner of Spain, with unique qualities for the development of tourism. It’s a coastal town called Ayamonte, where the main tourist motivation is sun and sand tourism, although it has other attractions to offer. These complementary attractions are its gastronomy, historical buildings, sports facilities, culture and traditions.Este estudio está basado en una ubicación específica en la esquina suroeste de España, con cualidades únicas para el desarrollo del turismo. Es un pueblo costero llamado Ayamonte, donde la motivación turística principal es el turismo de sol y playa, aunque tiene otros atractivos que ofrecer. Estos atractivos complementarios son su gastronomía, edificios históricos, instalaciones deportivas, cultura y tradiciones.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Turism

    Standard procedure for the control and monitoring of the building area of the company Emilio Proyectos S.A.S. applying PMI.

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    49 páginas : tablas.El presente trabajo presenta la realización de un procedimiento estándar para el control y seguimiento del área de construcción de la compañía Emilio Proyectos S.A.S., aplicando PMI. El documento presenta el levantamiento del procedimiento actual de todo el proceso de la compañía, mediante un flujograma, para la realización del procedimiento de control y seguimiento bajo la metodología PMI, se basó en la gestión del alcance, del tiempo, del costo para lo cual se presenta la EDT, el PERT/CPM y los costos en los que se incurre, también se presenta el flujo grama de cada proceso del procedimiento y las herramientas que soportarán el procedimiento nuevo. A través de la ejecución del documento presentado, fue posible obtener el procedimiento que permite a personal y a los directivos realizar el control y seguimiento del área de construcción de la compañía, mejorando alcance tiempo, costo y calidad de los proyectos, basados en la metodología PMI.The present work presents the realization of a standard procedure for the control and monitoring of the construction area of the company Emilio Proyectos S.A.S., applying PMI. The document presents the lifting of the current procedure of the whole process of the company, by means of a flow chart, to carry out the control and monitoring procedure under the PMI methodology, based on the management of the scope, time, cost for which the EDT, the PERT / CPM and the costs incurred are presented, the flow of each process of the procedure and the tools that will support the new procedure are also presented. Through the execution of the document presented, it was possible to obtain the procedure that allows personnel and managers to control and monitor the construction area of the company, improving the time, cost and quality of the projects, based on the PMI methodology

    Youth in the face of disinformation: A qualitative exploration of Mexican college students’ attitudes, motivations, and abilities around false news

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    This paper aims to deepen our understanding of the relationship between young people in Mexico and disinformation, while shedding light on their practices and perceptions around this phenomenon. I have chosen a qualitative perspective to delve into the ways that Mexican college students interact and deal with the growing problem of false news in the current media landscape. Thus, I conducted semi-structured interviews (N = 28) using an elicitation technique, during which participants were exposed to real samples of disinformation content to encourage a conversation around the type of false news that they come across in their daily lives. Results reveal nuances in the ways that college students prefer social media over traditional media, even though they report finding more disinformation in the former. They also show the impact that students’ attitudes and habits have on their relationship with disinformation. Moreover, the study presents evidence that college students critically question disinformation, do not take it at face value, and are not prone to share it. However, findings also highlight differences related to the format in which the false content is presented. For example, TikTok videos were more likely to effectively deceive the viewer, more so than images shared on Facebook. Students also believe that older people are more likely to believe in disinformation, potentially indicating a third-person effect of this content. Lastly, this exploration emphasizes the need to further examine the broader consequences of disinformation and believing in false content, such as a reduced interest in political information

    La creencia en fake news y su rol en el acatamiento de medidas contra COVID-19 en México

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    During the COVID-19 pandemic, fake news proliferated along with the concern that they would affect behavior regarding the disease. With a semi-representative survey in Mexico (N= 1211), this study analyzes a mediational process to determine the impact of the use of traditional and social media on compliance with contagion prevention measures, through the perception of veracity of fake news about COVID-19. As anticipated, results indicate that believing fake news leads to less compliance of preventive measures. Likewise, the analysis indicates that, consistent with our hypothesis, using social media leads to more belief in fake news, but contrary to our expectations, consuming traditional media also leads to a greater belief in fake news. In particular, the study explored the mediating role of belief in fake news on the effect that using traditional and social media has on compliance with preventive measures. We found evidence for this indirect effect: use of traditional and social media is a predictor of believing fake news about COVID-19, which then results in lower compliance with measures. In contrast, the direct effect of using traditional and social media on compliance with measures has a positive direction. Thus, this work evinces that fake news can hinder the resolution of the health crisis, by discouraging compliance with preventive strategies.Durante la pandemia por la COVID-19, las fake news proliferaron y con ello la preocupación de que estas afecten el comportamiento ante la enfermedad. Mediante una encuesta semi-representativa en México (N=1211), este estudio analiza un proceso mediacional para determinar el impacto del uso de medios tradicionales y sociales en el acatamiento de medidas de prevención de contagio, a través de la percepción de veracidad de fake news sobre COVID-19. Como se anticipaba, los resultados indican que creer en noticias falsas conduce a un menor cumplimiento de medidas preventivas. Asimismo, el análisis indica que, en congruencia con nuestra hipótesis, usar redes sociales lleva a creer más en fake news, pero contrario a lo esperado, consumir medios tradicionales también deriva en mayor creencia de noticias falsas. Particularmente, el estudio exploró el rol mediador de la creencia en fake news en el efecto del uso de medios tradicionales y sociales en el seguimiento de medidas preventivas. Se encontró evidencia de este efecto indirecto: el uso de medios tradicionales y sociales es un predictor de creer fake news sobre COVID-19, lo cual resulta en un menor acatamiento de medidas. En cambio, el efecto directo de usar medios tradicionales y sociales sobre el acatamiento de medidas tiene una dirección positiva. Así, este trabajo evidencia que las fake news pueden obstaculizar la resolución de la crisis sanitaria, desincentivando el cumplimiento de estrategias precautorias

    Quality of Institutions, Technological Progress, and Pollution Havens in Latin America. An Analysis of the Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis

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    A set of 17-year panel data (1996–2013) across a representative sample from eighteen Latin American countries is used to respond four research questions: Did Latin American Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions prove the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis? Did the quality of institutions play a compensating role for income on environmental stress? Did technological progress help decouple income from environmental stress? Has the Pollution Haven Hypothesis (PHH) been proven? In order to answer the research questions, the paper expands the traditional EKC approach by including an exclusive quality analysis of institutions, technological progress, and PHH as part of the model. This innovation is developed considering the most recent literature about EKC as a starting point. Major findings show that the relationship between income and GHG emissions is adjusted to the traditional EKC hypothesis for the analyzed period. They also show that the quality of institutions and technological progress improve environmental sustainability. However, the variables, Foreign Direct Investment and International Trade, provide a negative answer to the fourth question. The main methodological contribution of this paper is to use a threefold extended classic EKC model to conduct the feasible generalized least squares method. The paper also contributes to the growing body of PHH literature.Junta de Andalucía proyecto SEJ-132Cátedra de Economía de la Energía y del MedioUniversidad Autónoma de Chil

    Referentes conceptuales en torno a la caracterización de las competencias intersectoriales en discapacidad

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    El presente documento refleja el proceso adelantado en el Componente de Inclusión Social, en el marco del Proyecto “Implementación de la política sectorial en salud para la prevención y el manejo de la discapacidad en Bogotá”, convenio de cooperación interinstitucional entre la Secretaría Distrital de Salud y la Universidad del Rosario a través del grupo de investigación de Rehabilitación e Integración Social de la Persona con Discapacidad, de la Facultad de Rehabilitación y Desarrollo Humano. Los referentes que aquí se presentan con el fin de proponer lugares de conocimiento en torno a las competencias intersectoriales en discapacidad, se ubican desde tres perspectivas; el concepto de red, el concepto de intersectorialidad y el concepto de competencias

    Lay Concept of Aging Well According to Age: A ReAnalysis

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    Thus, as the document Futurage (2011), published as a Research Road Map in Europe, stated: “there is an urgent need to explore through multi-disciplinary and multi-country studies, involving qualitative and quantitative components, how older people themselves define healthy aging, including the oldest old.”Peer Reviewe

    Art Therapy and Speech Pathologist Language in The Empowerment of Communication Skills In Young People with Intellectual Disabilities

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    Este es un trabajo investigativo cuyo objetivo fue explorar la modalidad del arteterapia como nueva estrategia de intervención que puede utilizar el fonoaudiólogo en la potenciación y estimulación de aquellas habilidades del lenguaje que se encuentran disminuidas o ausentes. Dicha investigación se realizó en personas con discapacidad intelectual, teniendo en cuenta que generalmente poseen dificultades en la adquisición, desarrollo, consolidación y uso del lenguaje verbal y no verbal, presentando así problemas en el desempeño de actividades escolares, laborales, sociales e incluso en actividades de la vida cotidiana y por supuesto en simbolizar el mundo.Researchwork whose aim was to explore the mode of artistic endeavors as a new intervention strategy that can be used in enhancing the speech pathologist language and stimulation of those language skills that are diminished or absent in people with intellectual disabilities. Given that people with this diagnosis have difficulty in the acquisition, development, consolidation and use of verbal and non-verbal language, thus presenting problems in the performance of school, work, social activities and even activities of daily life and symbolize course in the world