58 research outputs found

    First results from the Very Small Array -- I. Observational methods

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    The Very Small Array (VSA) is a synthesis telescope designed to image faint structures in the cosmic microwave background on degree and sub-degree angular scales. The VSA has key differences from other CMB interferometers with the result that different systematic errors are expected. We have tested the operation of the VSA with a variety of blank-field and calibrator observations and cross-checked its calibration scale against independent measurements. We find that systematic effects can be suppressed below the thermal noise level in long observations; the overall calibration accuracy of the flux density scale is 3.5 percent and is limited by the external absolute calibration scale.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, MNRAS in press (Minor revisions

    Searching for non-Gaussianity in the VSA data

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    We have tested Very Small Array (VSA) observations of three regions of sky for the presence of non-Gaussianity, using high-order cumulants, Minkowski functionals, a wavelet-based test and a Bayesian joint power spectrum/non-Gaussianity analysis. We find the data from two regions to be consistent with Gaussianity. In the third region, we obtain a 96.7% detection of non-Gaussianity using the wavelet test. We perform simulations to characterise the tests, and conclude that this is consistent with expected residual point source contamination. There is therefore no evidence that this detection is of cosmological origin. Our simulations show that the tests would be sensitive to any residual point sources above the data's source subtraction level of 20 mJy. The tests are also sensitive to cosmic string networks at an rms fluctuation level of 105μK105 \mu K (i.e. equivalent to the best-fit observed value). They are not sensitive to string-induced fluctuations if an equal rms of Gaussian CDM fluctuations is added, thereby reducing the fluctuations due to the strings network to 74μK74 \mu K rms . We especially highlight the usefulness of non-Gaussianity testing in eliminating systematic effects from our data.Comment: Minor corrections; accepted for publication to MNRA

    Estimating the bispectrum of the Very Small Array data

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    We estimate the bispectrum of the Very Small Array data from the compact and extended configuration observations released in December 2002, and compare our results to those obtained from Gaussian simulations. There is a slight excess of large bispectrum values for two individual fields, but this does not appear when the fields are combined. Given our expected level of residual point sources, we do not expect these to be the source of the discrepancy. Using the compact configuration data, we put an upper limit of 5400 on the value of f_NL, the non-linear coupling parameter, at 95 per cent confidence. We test our bispectrum estimator using non-Gaussian simulations with a known bispectrum, and recover the input values.Comment: 17 pages, 16 figures, replaced with version accepted by MNRAS. Primordial bispectrum recalculated and figure 11 change

    First results from the Very Small Array -- III. The CMB power spectrum

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    We present the power spectrum of the fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background detected by the Very Small Array (VSA) in its first season of observations in its compact configuration. We find clear detections of first and second acoustic peaks at l~200 and l~550, plus detection of power on scales up to l=800. The VSA power spectrum is in very good agreement with the results of the Boomerang, Dasi and Maxima telescopes despite the differing potential systematic errors.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure, MNRAS in press. (Minor revisions - accepted 17 December 2002

    Divulgación científica: aprender haciendo y coevaluando

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    [EN] Objective/s: To assess the process of acquiring competence in scientific dissemination among students at the La Fe School of Nursing in Valencia. Development of the innovation: Four cycles of group work were implemented. Each group creates scientific dissemination documents focused on a work topic related to the subject of Physical Activity and Health Promotion in Nursing. Each work is co-evaluated by peers using an analytical rubric, with 10 learning domains, and this evaluation is returned before the creation of the next document. At the end of the 4 work cycles, 8 teachers external to the activity assessed the dissemination papers using the same co-assessment rubric, anonymously and blinded. Results: Acquisition of competence in the domains studied showed significant improvements with repetition of the tasks. The study differentiated by groups shows that learning becomes uniform in 6 of the 10 competencies, showing significant differences in learning between groups in 4 of the domains. Conclusions: Repetition of the task and co-assessment improves the acquisition of competences in science popularisation. The moment of greatest evolution occurs between the second and third repetition of the task, slowing down this benefit between the third and fourth repetition.[ES] Objetivo: Valorar el proceso de adquisición de la competencia en divulgación científica del alumnado de la Escuela de Enfermería de la Fe de Valencia. Desarrollo de la innovación: Se implementaron cuatro ciclos de trabajo grupal. Cada grupo crea documentos de divulgación científica centrados en una temática de trabajo relacionada con la asignatura de Actividad física y Promoción de la salud en Enfermería. Cada trabajo es coevaluado por pares mediante rúbrica analítica, con 10 dominios de aprendizaje, y se devuelve esta evaluación antes de la creación del siguiente documento. Finalizados los 4 ciclos de trabajo, 8 docentes externos a la actividad valoraron los documentos de divulgación utilizando la misma rúbrica de coevaluación, de forma anónima y cegada. Resultados: La adquisición de competencia en los dominios estudiados mostraron mejoras significativas con la repetición de las tareas. En el estudio diferenciado por grupos se muestra que el aprendizaje se vuelve uniformen en 6 de las 10 competencias, mostrando diferencias significativas de aprendizaje entre grupos en 4 de los dominios. Conclusiones: La repetición de la tarea y la coevaluación mejora la adquisición de competencias en divulgación científica. El momento de mayor evolución se produce entre la segunda y tercera repetición de la tarea, ralentizando este beneficio entre la tercera y cuarta repetición.García-Martinez, P.; Saus-Ortega, C.; García-Molina, P.; Balaguer-López, E.; Celda-Belinchón, L.; Sosa-Palanca, E.; Buck Sainz-Rozas, P.... (2022). Divulgación científica: aprender haciendo y coevaluando. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 161-172. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2022.2022.1583516117

    Cosmological parameter estimation using Very Small Array data out to l=1500

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    We estimate cosmological parameters using data obtained by the Very Small Array (VSA) in its extended configuration, in conjunction with a variety of other CMB data and external priors. Within the flat Λ\LambdaCDM model, we find that the inclusion of high resolution data from the VSA modifies the limits on the cosmological parameters as compared to those suggested by WMAP alone, while still remaining compatible with their estimates. We find that Ωbh2=0.02340.0014+0.0012\Omega_{\rm b}h^2=0.0234^{+0.0012}_{-0.0014}, Ωdmh2=0.1110.016+0.014\Omega_{\rm dm}h^2=0.111^{+0.014}_{-0.016}, h=0.730.05+0.09h=0.73^{+0.09}_{-0.05}, nS=0.970.03+0.06n_{\rm S}=0.97^{+0.06}_{-0.03}, 1010AS=233+710^{10}A_{\rm S}=23^{+7}_{-3} and τ=0.140.07+0.14\tau=0.14^{+0.14}_{-0.07} for WMAP and VSA when no external prior is included.On extending the model to include a running spectral index of density fluctuations, we find that the inclusion of VSA data leads to a negative running at a level of more than 95% confidence (nrun=0.069±0.032n_{\rm run}=-0.069\pm 0.032), something which is not significantly changed by the inclusion of a stringent prior on the Hubble constant. Inclusion of prior information from the 2dF galaxy redshift survey reduces the significance of the result by constraining the value of Ωm\Omega_{\rm m}. We discuss the veracity of this result in the context of various systematic effects and also a broken spectral index model. We also constrain the fraction of neutrinos and find that fν<0.087f_{\nu}< 0.087 at 95% confidence which corresponds to mν<0.32eVm_\nu<0.32{\rm eV} when all neutrino masses are the equal. Finally, we consider the global best fit within a general cosmological model with 12 parameters and find consistency with other analyses available in the literature. The evidence for nrun<0n_{\rm run}<0 is only marginal within this model

    High sensitivity measurements of the CMB power spectrum with the extended Very Small Array

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    We present deep Ka-band (ν33\nu \approx 33 GHz) observations of the CMB made with the extended Very Small Array (VSA). This configuration produces a naturally weighted synthesized FWHM beamwidth of 11\sim 11 arcmin which covers an \ell-range of 300 to 1500. On these scales, foreground extragalactic sources can be a major source of contamination to the CMB anisotropy. This problem has been alleviated by identifying sources at 15 GHz with the Ryle Telescope and then monitoring these sources at 33 GHz using a single baseline interferometer co-located with the VSA. Sources with flux densities \gtsim 20 mJy at 33 GHz are subtracted from the data. In addition, we calculate a statistical correction for the small residual contribution from weaker sources that are below the detection limit of the survey. The CMB power spectrum corrected for Galactic foregrounds and extragalactic point sources is presented. A total \ell-range of 150-1500 is achieved by combining the complete extended array data with earlier VSA data in a compact configuration. Our resolution of Δ60\Delta \ell \approx 60 allows the first 3 acoustic peaks to be clearly delineated. The is achieved by using mosaiced observations in 7 regions covering a total area of 82 sq. degrees. There is good agreement with WMAP data up to =700\ell=700 where WMAP data run out of resolution. For higher \ell-values out to =1500\ell = 1500, the agreement in power spectrum amplitudes with other experiments is also very good despite differences in frequency and observing technique.Comment: 16 pages. Accepted in MNRAS (minor revisions

    First results from the Very Small Array -- II. Observations of the CMB

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    We have observed the cosmic microwave background temperature fluctuations in eight fields covering three separated areas of sky with the Very Small Array at 34 GHz. A total area of 101 square degrees has been imaged, with sensitivity on angular scales 3.6 - 0.4 degrees (equivalent to angular multipoles l=150-900). We describe the field selection and observing strategy for these observations. In the full-resolution images (with synthesised beam of FWHM ~ 17 arcmin) the thermal noise is typically 45 microK and the CMB signal typically 55 microK. The noise levels in each field agree well with the expected thermal noise level of the telescope, and there is no evidence of any residual systematic features. The same CMB features are detected in separate, overlapping observations. Discrete radio sources have been detected using a separate 15 GHz survey and their effects removed using pointed follow-up observations at 34 GHz. We estimate that the residual confusion noise due to unsubtracted radio sources is less than 14 mJy/beam (15 microK in the full-resolution images), which added in quadrature to the thermal noise increases the noise level by 6 %. We estimate that the rms contribution to the images from diffuse Galactic emission is less than 6 microK. We also present images which are convolved to maximise the signal-to-noise of the CMB features and are co-added in overlapping areas, in which the signal-to-noise of some individual CMB features exceeds 8.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS. Replaces original version - more detailed abstract, corrected typo

    The CMB power spectrum out to l=1400 measured by the VSA

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    We have observed the cosmic microwave background (CMB) in three regions of sky using the Very Small Array (VSA) in an extended configuration with antennas of beamwidth 2 degrees at 34 GHz. Combined with data from previous VSA observations using a more compact array with larger beamwidth, we measure the power spectrum of the primordial CMB anisotropies between angular multipoles l = 160 - 1400. Such measurements at high l are vital for breaking degeneracies in parameter estimation from the CMB power spectrum and other cosmological data. The power spectrum clearly resolves the first three acoustic peaks, shows the expected fall off in power at high l and starts to constrain the position and height of a fourth peak.Comment: 6 pages with 5 figures, MNRAS in press (minor corrections