25 research outputs found

    Nurses presenting in English: Needs and requirements in the Spanish University

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    Disseminating nursing research in English is always a difficult task when English is not a primary language. In the case of Spanish nurses, the literature suggests that while nurses are starting to get used to the idea of delivering presentations in English, they still find it a more difficult process than writing for publication. The aim of this research was to better understand how nurses view presenting in English from two perspectives: both as presenters and as listeners. In addition, we also wanted to find out how nurses approach the task of giving presentations in English and what assistance they need with these presentations, in both the preparation and the performance stages. The study follows a micro-ethnographic approach based on a questionnaire and selected follow-up interviews. Participants were working as nurses and/or in higher education as nursing lecturers, and all of them had participated in international academic conferences as speakers or attendees. The results provide a view of the dissemination of nursing research in Spain and give a more accurate picture of how the presentation of nursing research in international forums is still in its infancy. Our findings will also be useful for teaching purposes

    Estado nutricional e fatores associados em pessoas acima de 75 anos não institucionalizadas

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    Objetivo: determinar los factores relacionados con el riesgo de desnutrición en la población de mayores de 75años no institucionalizada. Método: estudio transversal realizado mediante cuestionario en una muestra de 326 individuos mayores de 75 en Castellón (España), durante 2015. Seleccionados mediante muestreo intencionado. Resultados: Prevalencia de desnutrición 2,8%. El 26,9% de los individuos están en riesgo de desnutrición, las mujeres lo presentan en mayor proporción (31,5%). Las mujeres presentan una salud general buena en menor proporción que los hombres, el 55% frente a 69%. Tienen menor riesgo de desnutrición los individuos que tienen una percepción positiva y los que tienen una buena salud general. Los mayores frágiles presentan un mayor riesgo de desnutrición (57,5%) frente a los no frágiles (20,2%) p< 0.001. Conclusión: Se relacionan con mayor riesgo de desnutrición, mujeres fragilidad, percepción de la salud, salud global y utilización de Servicios sanitarios (consulta de la enfermería).Objective: to determine the factors related to the risk of malnutrition in a non-institutionalized population over 75 years of age. Method: a cross-sectional study was conducted using a questionnaire in a sample of 326 individuals over 75 years of age in Castellón (Spain), during 2015, and selected through intentional sampling. Results: Malnutrition prevalence was 2.8%. 26.9% of the individuals were at risk of malnutrition, whereas women presented a higher rate (31.5%). Women with a good overall health status showed a lower rate than men, 55% and 69%, respectively. Individuals that showed a lower risk of malnutrition are those with a positive perception than those who have a good overall health. Frail elderly people showed a higher risk of malnutrition (57.5%) compared to non-frail subjects (20.2%) p< 0.001. Conclusion: Frail women, self-assessed health, overall health, and use of health care services (nursing consultation) were related to a higher risk of malnutrition.Objetivo: determinar os fatores relacionados com o risco de desnutrição na população acima de 75 anos não institucionalizada. Método: estudo transversal realizado mediante questionário em uma amostra de 326 indivíduos acima de 75 anos em Castellón (Espanha), durante 2015, e que foram selecionados por meio de amostragem intencional. Resultados: prevalência de desnutrição de 2,8%. 26,9% dos indivíduos correm risco de desnutrição, sendo que as mulheres se apresentam em maior proporção (31,5%). As mulheres apresentam uma boa saúde geral em menor proporção que os homens, 55% e 69%, respectivamente. Os indivíduos que apresentam um menor risco de desnutrição são os que têm uma percepção positiva e os que têm uma boa saúde geral. Os idosos frágeis apresentam um risco maior de desnutrição (57,5%) comparado aos não frágeis (20,2%) p< 0.001. Conclusão: relacionam-se com maior risco de desnutrição as mulheres frágeis, a percepção da saúde, a saúde global e a utilização dos serviços de saúde (consulta de enfermagem)

    Envejecer es crecer. Reaprendiendo día a día

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    Introducción: Las patologías de Parkinson y la demencia son de gran importancia en las personas de edad avanzada, de ahí nuestro interés en ellas. Este estudio trata de un varón de 80 años que padece ambas patologías. Nuestro objetivo es crear un plan de cuidados enfermeros para aumentar su independencia, además de su calidad de vida. método: El plan de cuidados se basó principalmente en ejercicios de rehabilitación, prevención del riesgo de caídas, estimulación multisensorial y en talleres de aprendiza-je. resultados: Los resultados han sido satisfactorios para los objetivos establecidos, ya que observamos un aumento de la independencia del paciente y una mejora en su calidad de vida. conclusiones: Se puede concluir que si se individualizan los cuidados se obtiene una mejora en la calidad de vida y un aumento de su autonomía.Introduction: The pathology of Parkinson and dementia are of great importance in the elderly, hence our interest in them. This study is about a man of 80 who suffers from both diseases. Our goal is to create a plan of nursing care to prevent the progression of the dis-ease and increase their independence, in addition to his quality life. method: The care plan was based mainly on rehabilitation exercises, preventing the risk of falls, multisensory stimulation and learning workshops. results: The results have been satisfactory according to the objectives set, as we observed an increased patient independence and improved quality of life. conclusions: We may conclude that if cares are individualized, an improve-ment in the quality of life and a higher autonomy can be obtained

    Sleep problems in the elderly

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    Objectives: To compare sleep in different types of patients and see how our variables influences on it. Methodology: Transversal descriptive observational study through the administration of an autoadministered questionary to the sample of 57 patients in Residencia San Llorenç of Vila-real, province of Castellón, Comunidad Valenciana in the period of time that this study lasts. Results: After analyzing the data obtained by the questionary on the SPSS, are obtained results as the most frequent sex where appear sleep disorders are male with a 69.2% in front of the 52% of the women. As well as the group of age where they are given are between 86 and 95 years with a 64.7% of incidence. Also, it has been proven that a 69% of the residents who take pills sleep bad. No relevant results were obtained in terms of physical activity or the underlying disease. Conclusions: As a result of the investigation we can conclude that not all the variables that are proposed influence in the elderly only do the gender, the age and the medication in a relevant way. Te signifcance of the study is the quantity of elderly who have a sleep disorder and the poor control that we have over it.Objetivos: Comparar el sueño en los diferentes tipos de paciente y ver cómo influyen en este las diferentes variables, como la toma de fármacos para dormir, la realización de actividad física o las enfermedades asociadas. Metodología: Estudio observacional descriptivo transversal mediante la administración de un cuestionario autoadministrado a la muestra de 57 pacientes en la Residencia San Llorenç de Vila-real, provincia de Castellón, Comunidad Valenciana, en el período que dura el estudio. Resultados: Tras analizar los datos obtenidos del cuestionario en el SPSS se obtienen resultados, como el sexo donde aparecen con más frecuencia trastornos del sueño, que es el masculino, con un 69,2% frente al 52% de las mujeres, así como también el grupo de edad donde más se presentan, que es entre los 86 y los 95 años, con un 64,7% de incidencia. Además, se ha comprobado que un 69% de los residentes que toman medicación duermen mal. No se han obtenido resultados relevantes en cuanto a la actividad física o sobre la patología de base. Conclusiones: Como resultado de la investigación podemos concluir que no todas las variables que se propusieron influyen en el anciano; tan solo lo hacen el sexo, la edad y la medicación de forma relevante. La signifcación del estudio reside en la cantidad de ancianos que padecen trastornos del sueño y el mal control que se tiene sobre este

    Prevalence and associated factors of fear of falling in older adults in Castellón de la Plana

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    Objectives: To know the prevalence of fear of falling and to identify its associated factors in the major community population aged 75 and over in the city of Castellón de la Plana. Methodology: Descriptive, cross-sectional study. In the Primary Care Centers, Castellón. A total of 316 persons aged 75 years or older, who had a health card and resided in single-family homes, were sampled intentionally. The data source comes from the fragility survey in Castellón (FRALLE survey). The variables used were fear of falling, sociodemographic factors, health status, health related quality of life. Results: The prevalence of fear of falling from 46%. After analysis, the only factors associated with fear of falling are age ( p <0.001), impaired balance and gait ( p 0.001), depressive symptoms ( p 0.010), self-perception of health ( p 0.001), fragility ( p <0.001), falls ( p <0.001) and quality of life ( p <0.001). Conclusions: This study shows the situation of the elderly population living in the community of Castellón de la Plana, where we see the importance of the fear of falling transmitted by the elderly and this can affect their health and quality of lifeObjetivos: conocer la prevalencia del miedo a caer e identificar sus factores asociados en la población mayor comunitaria de 75 años o más, de la ciudad de Castellón de la Plana. Metodología: estudio descriptivo, transversal, realizado en los centros de atención primaria de Castellón. Se incluyó a 316 personas de 75 años o más, que disponían de tarjeta sanitaria y residían en viviendas familiares, a través de un muestreo intencionado. La fuente de datos proviene de la encuesta de fragilidad en Castellón (Encuesta FRALLE). Las variables utilizadas fueron el miedo a caer, los factores sociodemográficos, el estado de salud y la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud. Resultados: una prevalencia del miedo a caer del 46%. Tras el análisis, los únicos factores asociados al miedo a caer son edad ( p < 0,001), alteraciones del equilibrio y la marcha ( p = 0,001), síntomas depresivos ( p = 0,010), autopercepción de la salud ( p 0,001), fragilidad ( p < 0,001), caídas ( p < 0,001) y calidad de vida ( p < 0,001). Conclusiones: este estudio nos muestra la situación de la población mayor que vive en la comunidad de Castellón de la Plana, donde vemos la importancia del miedo a caer que transmiten las personas mayores, lo que puede afectar a su salud y a la calidad de vid

    Psychological distress in relatives of critically ill patients: Risk and protective factors

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    The admission to an intensive care unit can result in a significant burden of emotional distress in the family. This study analyzes the psychological distress of 89 relatives of intensive care unit patients and the potential risk/protective factors for such distress. Families show high levels of anxiety, depression, and stress. Regarding risk factors, having steady partner, being a woman, and being a mother are associated with increased risk of anxiety, depression, and stress. Contrarily, being younger and having higher educational level are associated with reduced anxiety and stress. Influencing these trends could change positively the suffering course experienced by relatives and intensive care unit patients indirectly

    Factores asociados a la depresión en personas mayores de 75 años de edad en un área urbana

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    Introduction: Depression in older adults is a major health problem, and it is considered the most common psychiatric disorder among this population in developing countries. It is associated with suffering and increased prevalence and poor evolution of health problems. The aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence of depression and related factors in people over the age of 75 years in the city of Castellón de la Plana, Spain. Methodology: This was an observational, cross-sectional, and analytical study in which a questionnaire was administered to a sample of 400 community-dwelling older adults over the age of 75 and who were selected using purposive sampling in 2015. Results: the overall prevalence of depression symptoms was 30.5%, a percentage higher among women (40.1%). Older adults living alone presented more symptoms of depression, 26.6% compared with 16.1% (p = 0.011). Good self-perceived health was related to fewer depression symptoms. Nonfrail individuals presented lower rates of depression symptoms (12.1%) than frail (30.8%), and pre-frail individuals (57%) p<0.05. Negative aspects in social relationships showed a lower mean score (0.003) in individuals without depression symptoms (p = 0.006). Conclusions: There is a link between the presence of depression symptoms and gender, selfperceived health, living condition, and frailty.Introducción: La presencia de síntomas depresivos en los mayores es un problema importante de salud, se puede considerar como la alteración de la salud mental, más frecuente en ancianos en los países desarrollados. Se asocia al sufrimiento y a un incremento de la prevalencia y mala evolución de los problemas de salud. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de la depresión y factores asociados en personas mayores de 75 años de la ciudad de Castellón de la Plana. Material y métodos: Estudio observacional, transversal y analítico, realizado mediante cuestionario sobre una muestra de 400 individuos mayores de 75 años residentes en la comunidad, que fueron seleccionados mediante muestreo intencionado durante el año 2015. Resultados: Prevalencia de síntomas depresivos 30,5%, las mujeres los presentan en mayor proporción (40,1%). Los mayores que viven solos presentan en mayor medida síntomas de depresión 26,6% frente al 16,1% (p= 0,011). La buena autopercepción de la salud se relaciona con menor proporción de síntomas depresivos y en relación a la fragilidad, los individuos no frágiles presentan síntomas depresivos en menor proporción (12,1%) que los frágiles (30,8%) y los prefragiles (57%) p<0,05. Los aspectos negativos en las relaciones sociales obtienen una puntuación media menor (0,003) en los individuos sin síntomas depresivos (p=0.006) Conclusiones: Existe asociación entre la presencia de síntomas depresivos y el sexo, autopercepción de salud, convivencia y fragilidad

    Mental health-related stigma in the geriatric patient: an integrative review

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    Objetivos: Analizar el estigma asociado a la enfermedad mental. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión integradora de carácter descriptivo, realizando una búsqueda bibliográfica utilizando palabras clave relacionadas con el estigma social, el estigma personal y la enfermedad mental. Resultados: Tras la aplicación de los criterios de inclusión establecidos, se seleccionaron y estudiaron un total de 21 artículos. Conclusiones: La literatura consultada muestra que el estigma hacia los trastornos mentales sigue siendo un problema en la sociedad actual, y que acarrea graves consecuencias tanto para los pacientes como para sus familiares.Objectives: To analyze the stigma associated with mental illness. Methodology: An integrative descriptive review was carried out. The bibliographic search was accomplished using keywords related to social stigma, personal stigma and mental illness. Results: After applying the established inclusion criteria, a total of 21 articles were selected and studied. Conclusions: The spoted literature shows that stigma towards mental disorders continues to be a problem in today’s society, and that it has serious consequences for both patients and their families

    Validity and reliability of an android device for the assessment of fall risk in older adult inmates

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    Aim: To validate the Android device, FallSkip, as a tool to assess the fallers in older adult inmates. Design: A cross-sectional descriptive and analytical study. Methods: For the validation of the FallSkip, the diagnostic criterion used was the risk of having suffered a fall during the last year. Results: The results for the FallSkip tool were as follows: sensitivity 60.7%; specificity 83.0%; positive predictive value 65.4%; negative predictive value 80.0%; accuracy 75.3%. In total, 32.1% of participants were found to be at high risk of falls, 23.5% were at mild risk and 7.4% were found to have no risk. Conclusion: The FallSkip device is shown to be a very suitable tool for fall risk assessment. The sample studied presented a statistically significant percentage of fall risk, which made it necessary to carry out interventions through physical activities to improve balance and stability

    Hyperoxemia and excess oxygen use in early acute respiratory distress syndrome : Insights from the LUNG SAFE study

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2020 The Author(s). Copyright: Copyright 2020 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.Background: Concerns exist regarding the prevalence and impact of unnecessary oxygen use in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). We examined this issue in patients with ARDS enrolled in the Large observational study to UNderstand the Global impact of Severe Acute respiratory FailurE (LUNG SAFE) study. Methods: In this secondary analysis of the LUNG SAFE study, we wished to determine the prevalence and the outcomes associated with hyperoxemia on day 1, sustained hyperoxemia, and excessive oxygen use in patients with early ARDS. Patients who fulfilled criteria of ARDS on day 1 and day 2 of acute hypoxemic respiratory failure were categorized based on the presence of hyperoxemia (PaO2 > 100 mmHg) on day 1, sustained (i.e., present on day 1 and day 2) hyperoxemia, or excessive oxygen use (FIO2 ≥ 0.60 during hyperoxemia). Results: Of 2005 patients that met the inclusion criteria, 131 (6.5%) were hypoxemic (PaO2 < 55 mmHg), 607 (30%) had hyperoxemia on day 1, and 250 (12%) had sustained hyperoxemia. Excess FIO2 use occurred in 400 (66%) out of 607 patients with hyperoxemia. Excess FIO2 use decreased from day 1 to day 2 of ARDS, with most hyperoxemic patients on day 2 receiving relatively low FIO2. Multivariate analyses found no independent relationship between day 1 hyperoxemia, sustained hyperoxemia, or excess FIO2 use and adverse clinical outcomes. Mortality was 42% in patients with excess FIO2 use, compared to 39% in a propensity-matched sample of normoxemic (PaO2 55-100 mmHg) patients (P = 0.47). Conclusions: Hyperoxemia and excess oxygen use are both prevalent in early ARDS but are most often non-sustained. No relationship was found between hyperoxemia or excessive oxygen use and patient outcome in this cohort. Trial registration: LUNG-SAFE is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT02010073publishersversionPeer reviewe