69 research outputs found

    International Competitiveness in Services in Some European Countries: Basic Facts and a Preliminary Attempt of Interpretation.

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    In spite of the increasing economic and social importance of services, the analysis of their international competitiveness is still in its very preliminary stages. The lack of adequate statistical information and theoretical background explains that backwardness. The aim of this paper is to contribute to a better understanding of competitiveness in services activities of European countries. To carry out this task the investigation is divides into two parts: the first consists of the classification of the competitive position of the economies along 1990-2001 according to the competitiveness matrix developed by the UNO and the World Bank. Secondly, a first attempt of interpretation is made by exploring the factors which can explain the different behaviour of the countries, giving an especial importance to elements related to knowledge incorporation. In both cases, three sub-sectors are considered: transport and communication, travel and other business services. Finally, a number of recommendations as well as future research topics are included in the conclusions.A pesar de la creciente importancia económica y social de los servicios, el análisis de su competitividad internacional está todavía en sus fases preliminares, como consecuencia de las dificultades de información estadística existentes, así como por el escaso desarrollo de una teoría convincente. El propósito de este estudio es contribuir a un mejor conocimiento de la competitividad de los países europeos en los servicios. Para llevar a cabo esta tarea la investigación se divide en dos pare complementarias: la primera consiste en una clasificación de la posición competitiva de los países siguiendo la matrices de competitividad desarrolladas por la ONU y el Banco Mundial, la segunda incluye una primer intento de interpretación de aquellas posiciones y su evolución en el tiempo, dando especial importancia a factores relacionados con el conocimiento. En ambas fases el estudio se hace para tres sectores ampliamente representativos: transporte y comunicaciones, viajes y otros servicios a empresas. Por último, en las conclusiones se ofrecen algunas recomendaciones de actuación, así como futuras líneas de trabajo.Services, Competitiveness, Internationalisation, knowledge, Servicios, competitividad, internacionalización, conocimiento.

    Avoidant Attachment, Withdrawal-Aggression Conflict Pattern, and Relationship Satisfaction: A Mediational Dyadic Model

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    This study was conducted with the purpose of analyzing the combined and mediating effect of actor's withdrawal-partner's demand conflict resolution strategies between avoidance attachment dimension and relationship satisfaction. We conducted a dyadic study with 175 heterosexual couples (aged between 18 and 72 years) who filled in the questionnaires. Six hypotheses were tested using the actor-partner interdependence model with mediation analysis (APIMeM). Results showed that the avoidance dimension of attachment was more strongly associated with actor's withdrawal strategy than with demand/aggression strategy. Furthermore, avoidance attachment was negatively associated with both actor's and partner's relationship satisfaction, the actor effect being higher. Withdrawal strategy was a mediator between actor's avoidance and actor's relationship satisfaction, but it was not a mediator for partner's relationship satisfaction. The interactive pattern of actor's withdrawal-partner's demand/aggression was associated with low levels of both actor's and partner's relationship satisfaction. These results point out to the need of discerning the interactive pattern of conflict-solving strategies as well as their intertwined effect on relationship satisfaction.This research was supported by a predoctoral grant from the Education Department of the Basque Government (PRE_2016_1_0138) awarded to IB under IA-A's supervision, two grants by Basque Government Research Groups ("Culture, Cognition, and Emotion" Consolidated Group, IT1187-19 and IT1598-22), and a grant by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation ("Culture, coping, and emotional regulation: well-being and community coping"; PID2020-115738GB-I0)

    Modelling of surface and inner wall temperatures in the analysis of courtyard thermal performances in Mediterranean climates

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    Courtyards are an effective passive strategy for improving the energy performance of buildings. However, there is a lack of accurate simulation tools for their thermal performance due to their complex thermodynamics. This paper’s contribution is the coupling of a CFD model with a system of differential equations at the walls, governing surface and inner wall temperatures, providing an accurate computation of courtyard thermal performance. On this basis, boundary conditions for the standard Boussinesq equations governing temperatures, wind velocity, and pressure within the courtyard are established. Modelling results are compared with monitored data in two days of different months in a courtyard in Seville (Spain). Simultaneously, simulations carried out by existing software were performed. Resulting data showed more accuracy than existing tools, with a Root Mean Square Error of 1.19 (August) and 1.59 (October), while the corresponding values with ENVI-met were 3.31-3.4, and with Ladybug Tools 2.59-4.49.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MTM2015-64577-C2-1-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad MTM2015-64577-C2-2-RMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades RTI2018-093521-B-C31Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades RTI2018-093521-B-C33Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte FPU17/0503

    Plan de negocio para la creaci?n de una marca de ropa Business Casual y su comercializaci?n en el mercado femenino dentro del sector B

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    El presente plan de negocios est? dirigido al segmento femenino de mujeres profesionales en ascenso econ?mico del nivel socioecon?mico B de Lima Metropolitana, quienes requieren un vestuario ejecutivo y casual (business casual) acorde al c?digo de vestimenta que un entorno profesional sugiere; sin perder tiempo en la b?squeda, selecci?n y decisi?n de compra al momento de complementar un vestuario profesional y vers?til. El modelo de negocio comprende la creaci?n y comercializaci?n de una nueva marca femenina denominada ?Lady N?a?, como una alternativa que garantiza dise?o original y vers?til en prendas de vestir femeninas que puedan complementarse como un vestuario ?nico para toda ocasi?n; exclusividad en los modelos con detalles y acabados ?nicos que permitan personalizar atuendos acorde el estilo personal de la mujer; entalle y corte a la medida del cuerpo femenino; aportando en el balance de la silueta corporal de la mujer Lady N?a que valora ser aut?ntica y original a la vez; la propuesta de negocio se complementa con una experiencia de compra diferente y excelencia en el servicio

    Effect of a dietary intervention based on the mediterranean diet on the quality of life of patients recovered from depression: analysis of the PREDIDEP randomized trial

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    Introduction: There is substantial evidence supporting that improving diet quality leads to improved healthrelated quality of life (HRQoL). Our major aim was to assess the effectiveness of a Mediterranean diet–based nutritional intervention to improve HRQoL in the context of a secondary prevention trial of depression. Secondarily to assess its effectiveness among adults aged 60 or more years. Methods: The PREDIDEP study is a 2-year multicentre, randomized, single-blinded nutritional trial. At baseline and at 1-year and 2-year follow-up, SF-36 health survey questionnaire was collected to evaluate participants' HRQoL (total and specific range for each of the 8 dimensions: 0 to 100 points). Mixed effect linear models were used to assess changes in HRQoL according to adherence to the Mediterranean diet. The trial was registered at ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03081065. Results: After 2 years of intervention, the Mediterranean Diet intervention group compared to control group (without nutritional intervention, only usual clinical care) showed an improvement in some dimensions of HRQoL such as Mental Health (7.22; 95 % CI = 2.22–12.22) (between-group difference: 6.79; 95 % CI − 0.14–13.73, p = 0.055); Vitality (9.51; 95 % CI = 4.00–15.03) (between-group difference: 9.00; 95 % CI 1.75–16.25, p = 0.020); Mental Summary Component (2.83; 95 % CI = 0.55–5.11) (between-group difference: 1.17; 95 % CI = − 1.96–4.30, p = 0.462); and General Health (10.70; 95 % CI = 5.58–15.81) (between-group difference: 6.20; 95 % CI = − 0.89–13.28, p = 0.086). Similar results were observed for participants aged 60 or more years. Conclusion: The intervention based on Mediterranean diet in patients with previous depression seems to be effective in improving HRQoL, especially the mental dimensions. This effect is also observed among participants aged 60 or more years.This study was externally funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Carlos III National Health Institute-ISCIII), PI16/01274

    A longitudinal analysis of diet quality scores and the risk of incident depression in the SUN project

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    Background: Some studies have pointed out that several dietary patterns could be associated with a reduced risk of depression among adults. This association seems to be consistent across countries, cultures and populations. The objective of the study was to compare and to establish the type of relationship between three diet quality scores and depression in the SUN (Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra) Cohort study. Methods: We performed a dynamic cohort study based on Spanish university graduates free of depression at baseline. Dietary intake was repeatedly assessed at baseline and after 10 years of follow-up with a validated semi-quantitative foodfrequency questionnaire. Three previously described diet quality scores: Mediterranean Diet Score (MDS), Pro-vegetarian Dietary Pattern (PDP) and Alternative Healthy Eating Index-2010 (AHEI-2010) were built. Participants were classified as having depression if they reported a new clinical diagnosis of depression by a physician or initiated the use of an antidepressant drug during follow-up. Time-dependent Cox regression models with cumulative averages of diet and restricted cubic splines were used to estimate hazard ratios of depression according to quintiles of adherence to the MDS, PDP and AHEI-2010. Results: One thousand and fifty one incident cases of depression were observed among 15,093 participants from the SUN Cohort after a median follow-up of 8.5 years. Inverse and significant associations were observed between the three diet quality scores and depression risk. The hazard ratios and 95 % confidence intervals for extreme quintiles (fifth versus first) of updated adherence to MDS, PDP and AHEI-2010 were 0.84 (0.69–1.02), 0.74 (0.61–0.89) and 0.60 (0.49–0.72), respectively. The dose–response analyses showed non-linear associations, suggesting that suboptimal adherence to these dietary patterns may partially be responsible for increased depression risk. Conclusions: Better adherence to the MDS, PDP and AHEI-2010 was associated with a reduced risk of depression among Spanish adults. However, our data suggested a threshold effect so that although the risk of depression was reduced when comparing moderate versus lower adherence, there was not much extra benefit for the comparison between moderate and high or very high adherence

    Microevolution, reinfection and highly complex genomic diversity in patients with sequential isolates of Mycobacterium abscessus

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    Mycobacterium abscessus is an opportunistic, extensively drug-resistant non-tuberculous mycobacterium. Few genomic studies consider its diversity in persistent infections. Our aim was to characterize microevolution/reinfection events in persistent infections. Fifty-three sequential isolates from 14 patients were sequenced to determine SNV-based distances, assign resistance mutations and characterize plasmids. Genomic analysis revealed 12 persistent cases (0-13 differential SNVs), one reinfection (15,956 SNVs) and one very complex case (23 sequential isolates over 192 months), in which a first period of persistence (58 months) involving the same genotype 1 was followed by identification of a genotype 2 (76 SNVs) in 6 additional alternating isolates; additionally, ten transient genotypes (88-243 SNVs) were found. A macrolide resistance mutation was identified from the second isolate. Despite high diversity, the genotypes shared a common phylogenetic ancestor and some coexisted in the same specimens. Genomic analysis is required to access the true intra-patient complexity behind persistent infections involving M. abscessus.This work was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III [AC16/00057, FIS15/01554, PI21/01823, PI19/00331, FI20/00129, PI21/01738], co-financed by European Regional Development Funds of the European Commission: “A way of making Europe”; a Miguel Servet Contract (ISCIII) CPII20/00001 to LPL. FI22/00145 contract from a PFIS (ISCIII) to SBS and Ministerio de Ciencia (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, grant PID2020-112865RB-I00).Peer reviewe

    Immune response generated with the administration of autologous dendritic cells pulsed with an allogenic tumoral cell lines lysate in patients with newly diagnosed DIPG

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    Background and objective. Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG) is a lethal brainstem tumor in children. Dendritic cells (DCs) have T-cell stimulatory capacity and, therefore, potential antitumor activity for disease control. DCs vaccines have been shown to reactivate tumor-specific T cells in both clinical and pre-clinical settings. We designed a phase Ib immunotherapy (IT) clinical trial with the use of autologous dendritic cells (ADCs) pulsed with an allogeneic tumors cell-lines lysate (ATCL) in patients with newly diagnosed DIPG after irradiation (RT). Methods. Nine patients with newly diagnosed DIPG met enrollment criteria. Autologous dendritic cell vaccines (ADCV) were prepared from monocytes obtained by leukapheresis. Five ADCV doses were administered intradermally during induction phase. In the absence of tumor progression, patients received 3 boosts of tumor lysate every three months during the maintenance phase. Results. Vaccine fabrication was feasible in all patients included in the study. Non-specific KLH (9/9 patients) and specific (8/9 patients) antitumor response was identified by immunologic studies in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). Immunological responses were also confirmed in the T lymphocytes isolated from the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of 2 patients. Vaccine administration resulted safe in all patients treated with this schema. Conclusions. These preliminary results demonstrate that ADCV preparation is feasible, safe and generate a DIPG-specific immune response detected in PBMC and CSF. This strategy shows a promising backbone for future schemas of combination immunotherapy

    experiencias de profesores para las comunidades universitarias

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    Libro Completo.En esta compilación de diferentes visiones del conocimiento de las múltiples disciplinas que cobijan la formación de los profesionales de la actualidad, encontrarán la visión y la exposición de las diferentes dinámicas pedagógicas y profesionales de los profesores de la Rectoría Cundinamarca de la Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios. Desde las diferentes perspectivas de la docencia, en los distintos programas académicos, se comprenderá y situará la visión estratégica y conceptual que redunda en la interdisciplinariedad, la integralidad y, por supuesto, la trasversalidad de las disciplinas profesionales. Será un recorrido a través de más de quince miradas de diversos profesionales dedicados a la academia, a diferentes conceptos que van desde la discusión de las ciencias sociales, pasando por la comprensión de las dinámicas de los sujetos y la visión de su diario vivir y, por supuesto aterrizándolas en conceptos de las ciencias exactas que, resaltarán la importancia del ejercicio disciplinar de diferentes profesiones. Asimismo, las temáticas conceptuales aquí expuestas son un material de consulta constante para otros profesores, estudiantes y público general, que tienen el deseo de ir más allá en la ampliación de sus saberes. Por lo anterior, se describen aquí dinámicas de reconocimiento conceptual y práctico de diferentes temáticas discutidas que le apuntan a cuatro líneas de saberes, pertenecientes al Plan de Desarrollo Profesoral 2020 – 2025 de la Rectoría de Cundinamarca

    experiencias de profesores para las comunidades universitarias

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    Libro Completo.En esta compilación de diferentes visiones del conocimiento de las múltiples disciplinas que cobijan la formación de los profesionales de la actualidad, encontrarán la visión y la exposición de las diferentes dinámicas pedagógicas y profesionales de los profesores de la Rectoría Cundinamarca de la Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios. Desde las diferentes perspectivas de la docencia, en los distintos programas académicos, se comprenderá y situará la visión estratégica y conceptual que redunda en la interdisciplinariedad, la integralidad y, por supuesto, la trasversalidad de las disciplinas profesionales. Será un recorrido a través de más de quince miradas de diversos profesionales dedicados a la academia, a diferentes conceptos que van desde la discusión de las ciencias sociales, pasando por la comprensión de las dinámicas de los sujetos y la visión de su diario vivir y, por supuesto aterrizándolas en conceptos de las ciencias exactas que, resaltarán la importancia del ejercicio disciplinar de diferentes profesiones. Asimismo, las temáticas conceptuales aquí expuestas son un material de consulta constante para otros profesores, estudiantes y público general, que tienen el deseo de ir más allá en la ampliación de sus saberes. Por lo anterior, se describen aquí dinámicas de reconocimiento conceptual y práctico de diferentes temáticas discutidas que le apuntan a cuatro líneas de saberes, pertenecientes al Plan de Desarrollo Profesoral 2020 – 2025 de la Rectoría de Cundinamarca