322 research outputs found

    Sleep improvements on days with later school starts persist after 1 year in a flexible start system

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    Early school times fundamentally clash with the late sleep of teenagers. This mismatch results in chronic sleep deprivation posing acute and long-term health risks and impairing students' learning. Despite immediate short-term benefits for sleep, the long-term effects of later starts remain unresolved. In a pre-post design over 1 year, we studied a unique flexible school start system, in which 10–12th grade students chose daily between an 8:00 or 8:50AM-start. Missed study time (8:00–8:50) was compensated for during gap periods or after classes. Based on 2 waves (6–9 weeks of sleep diary each), we found that students maintained their ~ 1-h-sleep gain on later days, longitudinally (n = 28) and cross-sectionally (n = 79). This gain was independent of chronotype and frequency of later starts but attenuated for boys after 1 year. Students showed persistently better sleep quality and reduced alarm-driven waking and reported psychological benefits (n = 93) like improved motivation, concentration, and study quality on later days. Nonetheless, students chose later starts only infrequently (median 2 days/week), precluding detectable sleep extensions in the flexible system overall. Reasons for not choosing late starts were the need to make up lost study time, preference for extra study time and transport issues. Whether flexible systems constitute an appealing alternative to fixed delays given possible circadian and psychological advantages warrants further investigation

    La valeur collective d'une réduction du nombre des blessés de la route

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    Le travail présente dans ce rapport et celui effectue sur la valeur collective de la sauvegarde d'une vie humaine (Duval et al., 1993, 1996) s'inscrivent dans un cadre théorique commun et relèvent des mêmes hypothèses : estimer les valeurs collectives unitaires d'une réduction du nombre des blessés de la route respectivement graves et légers présente quelques difficultés : -la première consiste à définir et à articuler des concepts (chapitre 1), -la deuxième, à construire une méthode de calcul fidèle (chapitre 2), -la troisième, à concevoir un logiciel de calcul à options (chapitre 3). Le chapitre 4 présente quelques estimationsCOUT;STATISTIQUE;METHODE;SOCIOLOGIE;ACCIDENT;RENTABILITE;ECONOMIE;BLESSURE;TUE;CALCUL

    Atmospheric parameters of 82 red giants in the Kepler field

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    Context: Accurate fundamental parameters of stars are essential for the asteroseismic analysis of data from the NASA Kepler mission. Aims: We aim at determining accurate atmospheric parameters and the abundance pattern for a sample of 82 red giants that are targets for the Kepler mission. Methods: We have used high-resolution, high signal-to-noise spectra from three different spectrographs. We used the iterative spectral synthesis method VWA to derive the fundamental parameters from carefully selected high-quality iron lines. After determination of the fundamental parameters, abundances of 13 elements were measured using equivalent widths of the spectral lines. Results: We identify discrepancies in log g and [Fe/H], compared to the parameters based on photometric indices in the Kepler Input Catalogue (larger than 2.0 dex for log g and [Fe/H] for individual stars). The Teff found from spectroscopy and photometry shows good agreement within the uncertainties. We find good agreement between the spectroscopic log g and the log g derived from asteroseismology. Also, we see indications of a potential metallicity effect on the stellar oscillations. Conclusions: We have determined the fundamental parameters and element abundances of 82 red giants. The large discrepancies between the spectroscopic log g and [Fe/H] and values in the Kepler Input Catalogue emphasize the need for further detailed spectroscopic follow-up of the Kepler targets in order to produce reliable results from the asteroseismic analysis.Comment: 16 Pages, 12 Figures, accepted for publication in A&

    A 4-year longitudinal study investigating the relationship between flexible school starts and grades

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    The mismatch between teenagers’ late sleep phase and early school start times results in acute and chronic sleep reductions. This is not only harmful for learning but may reduce career prospects and widen social inequalities. Delaying school start times has been shown to improve sleep at least short-term but whether this translates to better achievement is unresolved. Here, we studied whether 0.5–1.5 years of exposure to a flexible school start system, with the daily choice of an 8 AM or 8:50 AM-start, allowed secondary school students (n = 63–157, 14–21 years) to improve their quarterly school grades in a 4-year longitudinal pre-post design. We investigated whether sleep, changes in sleep or frequency of later starts predicted grade improvements. Mixed model regressions with 5111–16,724 official grades as outcomes did not indicate grade improvements in the flexible system per se or with observed sleep variables nor their changes—the covariates academic quarter, discipline and grade level had a greater effect in our sample. Importantly, our finding that intermittent sleep benefits did not translate into detectable grade changes does not preclude improvements in learning and cognition in our sample. However, it highlights that grades are likely suboptimal to evaluate timetabling interventions despite their importance for future success

    Solar-like oscillations in cluster stars

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    We present a brief overview of the history of attempts to obtain a clear detection of solar-like oscillations in cluster stars, and discuss the results on the first clear detection, which was made by the Kepler Asteroseismic Science Consortium (KASC) Working Group 2.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figures, accepted by Astronomische Nachrichte

    Low thermal conductivity of the layered oxide (Na,Ca)Co_2O_4: Another example of a phonon glass and an electron crystal

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    The thermal conductivity of polycrystalline samples of (Na,Ca)Co_2O_4 is found to be unusually low, 20 mW/cmK at 280 K. On the assumption of the Wiedemann-Franz law, the lattice thermal conductivity is estimated to be 18 mW/cmK at 280 K, and it does not change appreciably with the substitution of Ca for Na. A quantitative analysis has revealed that the phonon mean free path is comparable with the lattice parameters, where the point-defect scattering plays an important role. Electronically the same samples show a metallic conduction down to 4.2 K, which strongly suggests that NaCo_2O_4 exhibits a glass-like poor thermal conduction together with a metal-like good electrical conduction. The present study further suggests that a strongly correlated system with layered structure can act as a material of a phonon glass and an electron crystal.Comment: 5 pages 3 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Uncertainties in models of stellar structure and evolution

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    Numerous physical aspects of stellar physics have been presented in Ses- sion 2 and the underlying uncertainties have been tentatively assessed. We try here to highlight some specific points raised after the talks and during the general discus- sion at the end of the session and eventually at the end of the workshop. A table of model uncertainties is then drawn with the help of the participants in order to give the state of the art in stellar modeling uncertainties as of July 2013.Comment: Proc. of the workshop "Asteroseismology of stellar populations in the Milky Way" (Sesto, 22-26 July 2013), Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, (eds. A. Miglio, L. Girardi, P. Eggenberger, J. Montalban

    Lamost observations in the kepler field. I. Database of low-resolution spectra*

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    The nearly continuous light curves with micromagnitude precision provided by the space mission Kepler are revolutionizing our view of pulsating stars. They have revealed a vast sea of low-amplitude pulsation modes that were undetectable from Earth. The long time base of Kepler light curves allows for the accurate determination of the frequencies and amplitudes of pulsation modes needed for in-depth asteroseismic modeling. However, for an asteroseismic study to be successful, the first estimates of stellar parameters need to be known and they cannot be derived from the Kepler photometry itself. The Kepler Input Catalog provides values for the effective temperature, surface gravity, and metallicity, but not always with sufficient accuracy. Moreover, information on the chemical composition and rotation rate is lacking. We are collecting low-resolution spectra for objects in the Kepler field of view with the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST, Xinglong observatory, China). All of the requested fields have now been observed at least once. In this paper, we describe those observations and provide a useful database for the whole astronomical communit

    A common behavior of thermoelectric layered cobaltites: incommensurate spin density wave states in [Ca2_2Co4/3_{4/3}Cu2/3_{2/3}O4_4]0.62_{0.62}[CoO2_2] and [Ca2_2CoO3_3]0.62_{0.62}[CoO2_2]

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    Magnetism of a misfit layered cobaltite [Ca2_2Co4/3_{4/3}Cu2/3_{2/3}O4_4]xRS_x^{\rm RS}[CoO2_2] (xx \sim 0.62, RS denotes a rocksalt-type block) was investigated by a positive muon spin rotation and relaxation (μ+\mu^+SR) experiment. A transition to an incommensurate ({\sf IC}) spin density wave ({\sf SDW}) state was found below 180 K (= TConT_{\rm C}^{\rm on}); and a clear oscillation due to a static internal magnetic field was observed below 140 K (= TCT_{\rm C}). Furthermore, an anisotropic behavior of the zero-field μ+\mu^+SR experiment indicated that the {\sf IC-SDW} propagates in the aa-bb plane, with oscillating moments directed along the c axis. These results were quite similar to those for the related compound [Ca2_2CoO3_3]0.62RS_{0.62}^{\rm RS}[CoO2_2], {\sl i.e.}, Ca3_3Co4_4O9_9. Since the {\sf IC-SDW} field in [Ca2_2Co4/3_{4/3}Cu2/3_{2/3}O4_4]0.62RS_{0.62}^{\rm RS}[CoO2_2] was approximately same to those in pure and doped [Ca2_2CoO3_3]0.62RS_{0.62}^{\rm RS}[CoO2_2], it was concluded that the {\sf IC-SDW} exist in the [CoO2_2] planes.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures. accepted for publication in J. Phys.: Condens. Matte