439 research outputs found

    Resonant and coherent transport through Aharonov-Bohm interferometers with coupled quantum dots

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    A detailed description of the tunneling processes within Aharonov-Bohm (AB) rings containing two-dimensional quantum dots is presented. We show that the electronic propagation through the interferometer is controlled by the spectral properties of the embedded dots and by their coupling with the ring. The transmittance of the interferometer is computed by the Landauer-B\"uttiker formula. Numerical results are presented for an AB interferometer containing two coupled dots. The charging diagrams for a double-dot interferometer and the Aharonov Bohm oscillations are obtained, in agreement with the recent experimental results of Holleitner {\it et al}. [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 87}, 256802 (2001)] We identify conditions in which the system shows Fano line shapes. The direction of the asymetric tail depends on the capacitive coupling and on the magnetic field. We discuss our results in connection with the experiments of Kobayashi {\it et al} [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 88}, 256806 (2002)] in the case of a single dot.Comment: 30 pages, 12 figure

    Transient regime in non-linear transport through many-level quantum dots

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    We investigate the nonstationary electronic transport in noninteracting nanostructures driven by a finite bias and time-dependent signals applied at their contacts to the leads. The systems are modelled by a tight-binding Hamiltonian and the transient currents are computed from the non-equilibrium Green-Keldysh formalism. The numerical implementation is not restricted to weak coupling to the leads and does not imply the wide-band limit assumption for the spectral width of the leads. As an application of the method we study in detail the transient behavior and the charge dynamics in single and double quantum dots connected to leads by a step-like potential, but the method allows as well the consideration of non-periodic potentials or short pulses. We show that when the higher energy levels of the isolated system are located within the bias window of the leads the transient current approaches the steady state in a non-oscillatory smooth fashion. At moderate coupling to the leads and fixed bias the transient acquires a step-like structure, the length of the steps increasing with the system size. The number of levels inside a finite bias window can be tuned by a constant gate potential. We find also that the transient behavior depends on the specific way of coupling the leads to the mesoscopic system.Comment: RevTeX, 12 pages, 11 include .eps figure

    Adiabatic non-equilibrium steady states in the partition free approach

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    Consider a small sample coupled to a finite number of leads, and assume that the total (continuous) system is at thermal equilibrium in the remote past. We construct a non-equilibrium steady state (NESS) by adiabatically turning on an electrical bias between the leads. The main mathematical challenge is to show that certain adiabatic wave operators exist, and to identify their strong limit when the adiabatic parameter tends to zero. Our NESS is different from, though closely related with the NESS provided by the Jak{\v s}i{\'c}-Pillet-Ruelle approach. Thus we partly settle a question asked by Caroli {\it et al} in 1971 regarding the (non)equivalence between the partitioned and partition-free approaches

    Geometrical effects and signal delay in time-dependent transport at the nanoscale

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    The nonstationary and steady-state transport through a mesoscopic sample connected to particle reservoirs via time-dependent barriers is investigated within the reduced density operator method. The generalized Master equation is solved via the Crank-Nicolson algorithm by taking into account the memory kernel which embodies the non-Markovian effects that are commonly disregarded. We propose a physically reasonable model for the lead-sample coupling which takes into account the match between the energy of the incident electrons and the levels of the isolated sample, as well as their overlap at the contacts. Using a tight-binding description of the system we investigate the effects induced in the transient current by the spectral structure of the sample and by the localization properties of its eigenfunctions. In strong magnetic fields the transient currents propagate along edge states. The behavior of populations and coherences is discussed, as well as their connection to the tunneling processes that are relevant for transport.Comment: 26 pages, 13 figures. To appear in New Journal of Physic

    Hofstadter butterflies of carbon nanotubes: Pseudofractality of the magnetoelectronic spectrum

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    The electronic spectrum of a two-dimensional square lattice in a perpendicular magnetic field has become known as the Hofstadter butterfly [Hofstadter, Phys. Rev. B 14, 2239 (1976).]. We have calculated quasi-one-dimensional analogs of the Hofstadter butterfly for carbon nanotubes (CNTs). For the case of single-wall CNTs, it is straightforward to implement magnetic fields parallel to the tube axis by means of zone folding in the graphene reciprocal lattice. We have also studied perpendicular magnetic fields which, in contrast to the parallel case, lead to a much richer, pseudofractal spectrum. Moreover, we have investigated magnetic fields piercing double-wall CNTs and found strong signatures of interwall interaction in the resulting Hofstadter butterfly spectrum, which can be understood with the help of a minimal model. Ubiquitous to all perpendicular magnetic field spectra is the presence of cusp catastrophes at specific values of energy and magnetic field. Resolving the density of states along the tube circumference allows recognition of the snake states already predicted for nonuniform magnetic fields in the two-dimensional electron gas. An analytic model of the magnetic spectrum of electrons on a cylindrical surface is used to explain some of the results.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures update to published versio

    Coherent manipulation of charge qubits in double quantum dots

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    The coherent time evolution of electrons in double quantum dots induced by fast bias-voltage switches is studied theoretically. As it was shown experimentally, such driven double quantum dots are potential devices for controlled manipulation of charge qubits. By numerically solving a quantum master equation we obtain the energy- and time-resolved electron transfer through the device which resembles the measured data. The observed oscillations are found to depend on the level offset of the two dots during the manipulation and, most surprisingly, also the on initialization stage. By means of an analytical expression, obtained from a large-bias model, we can understand the prominent features of these oscillations seen in both the experimental data and the numerical results. These findings strengthen the common interpretation in terms of a coherent transfer of electrons between the dots.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Exploring the Consequences of Nonbelieved Memories in the DRM Paradigm

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    In the current experiments, we attempted to elicit nonbelieved memories (NBMs) using the Deese/Roediger–McDermott (DRM) false memory paradigm. Furthermore, by using this approach, we explored the consequences of nonbelieved true and false memories. In Experiments 1 and 2, participants received several DRM wordlists and were presented with a recognition task. After the recognition task, participants’ statements were contradicted by giving them feedback about true and false items. In this way, we succeeded in eliciting nonbelieved true and false memories. In Experiment 2, participants were also involved in a modified perceptual closure task after receiving belief-relevant feedback. In this task, participants received degraded visual representations of words (e.g., false and true) that became clearer over time. Participants had to identify them as fast as possible. We also measured dissociation, compliance, and social desirability. We found that undermining belief had contrasting consequences for true and false memories. That is, nonbelieved true memories were identified more slowly whereas nonbelieved false memories were identified more quickly. We did not find any relation between our individual differences measures and the formation of NBMs

    Time-dependent bond-current functional theory for lattice Hamiltonians: fundamental theorem and application to electron transport

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    The cornerstone of time-dependent (TD) density functional theory (DFT), the Runge-Gross theorem, proves a one-to-one correspondence between TD potentials and TD densities of continuum Hamiltonians. In all practical implementations, however, the basis set is discrete and the system is effectively described by a lattice Hamiltonian. We point out the difficulties of generalizing the Runge-Groos proof to the discrete case and thereby endorse the recently proposed TD bond-current functional theory (BCFT) as a viable alternative. TDBCFT is based on a one-to-one correspondence between TD Peierl's phases and TD bond-currents of lattice systems. We apply the TDBCFT formalism to electronic transport through a simple interacting device weakly coupled to two biased non-interacting leads. We employ Kohn-Sham Peierl's phases which are discontinuous functions of the density, a crucial property to describe Coulomb blockade. As shown by explicit time propagations, the discontinuity may prevent the biased system from ever reaching a steady state.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure
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