558 research outputs found

    Quality utility modelling for multimedia applications for Android mobile devices

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    With the advances in mobile technologies, smart mobile computing devices have become increasingly affordable and powerful, leading to a significant growth in both the number of advanced mobile users and their bandwidth demands. Moreover multimedia streaming to these high-end mobile devices has become widespread. However, multimedia applications are known to be resource-hungry and in order to cope with this explosion of data traffic, operators have started deploying different, overlapping radio access network technologies. One important challenge in such a heterogeneous wireless environment is to ensure an Always Best Experience to the mobile user, anywhere and anytime. This paper proposes the Quality Utility, a realistic mapping function of the received bandwidth to user satisfaction for multimedia streaming applications. The Quality Utility is mapped to a Google Nexus One Android Mobile device and validated through objective and subjective tests

    The influence of three endodontic sealers on bone healing: an experimental study

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    Background: The aim of this experimental study is to assess the bone healing phenomenon produced in the presence of 3 dental materials used for the root canal obturation. Materials and methods: The biocompatibility of 3 endodontic sealers (a self-curing epoxy resin — AH Plus, a dual cure urethane dimethacrylate resin — RealSeal and a new dual cure endodontic hydroxyapatite based filling material) was investigated after intra-osseous implantation of the materials in rats’ calvaria. Tissue reaction was studied at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 weeks after implantation using calibrated image retrieval by Olympus. We took into consideration the presence of inflammatory cells (polymorphonuclear leukocytes, macrophages, plasma cells, lymphocytes and giant cells) and classified the aspects of the histological samples according to the following scale: 0 — no inflammation, 1 — mild, isolated inflammation, 2 — moderate, localised inflammatory reaction, 3 — severe, diffuse and intense inflammatory reaction. Results: The inflammatory reaction was present at the 6 intervals for all the tested materials, but a decrease of the inflammatory infiltrate, statistically significant, until extinction for all tested materials was observed at the end of the experimental period. The reaction of bone tissue recovery was most intense in the case of the control area. Lower intensity osteogenesis phenomenon was observed in case of all 3 tested sealers at the end of the experimental period. Conclusions: Biocompatibility and bone healing induction of the new hydroxyapatite based endodontic filling material is comparable to other commercial materials, AH Plus and RealSeal

    Crystallographic Structure, Intermolecular Packing Energetics, Crystal Morphology and Surface Chemistry of Salmeterol Xinafoate (Form I).

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    Single crystals of salmeterol xinafoate (form I), prepared from slow cooled supersaturated propan-2-ol solutions, crystallise in a triclinic P‾1 symmetry with two closely related independent salt pairs within the asymmetric unit, with an approximately double unit cell volume compared to the previously published crystal structure(1). Synthonic analysis of the bulk intermolecular packing confirms the similarity in packing energetics between the two salt pairs. The strongest synthons, as expected, are dominated by coulombic interactions. Morphological prediction reveals a plate-like morphology, dominated by the {001}, {010} and {100} surfaces, consistent with experimentally grown crystals. Though surface chemistry of the slow growing {001} face comprises of large sterically hindering phenyl groups, weaker coulombic interactions still prevail from the alcohol group present on the phenyl and hydroxymethyl groups. The surface chemistry of the faster growing {010} and {100} faces are dominated by the significantly stronger cation/anion interactions occurring between the carboxylate and protonated secondary ammonium ion groups. The importance of understanding the cohesive/adhesive nature of the crystal surfaces of an API, with respect to their interaction with other API crystals and excipients and how that may impact formulation design is highlighted

    Методические аспекты повышения качества услуг в сфере транспортной логистики

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    Розробка методичних аспектів підвищення якості обслуговування в транспортно-логістичних компаніях на основі вимог міжнародних стандартів якості ISO 9000:2008 з використанням простих інструментів контролю якості.Article on developing methodological aspects of service quality improvement in transportation and logistics companies, based on the requirements of international quality standards ISO 9000:2008, using simple tools of quality control. This paper defines the key issues to improve the quality of logistics services, approaches to the selection of methods and tools to ensure continuous improvement of transport and logistics companies. The mechanisms of implementing the requirements of the standard relating to the measurement of the quality of the provision of logistics services. The essence of the method and the role of «six sigma» in implementing the concept of «zero defects». Defines the approaches to the selection criteria and evaluation methodology for outsourcing companies, and recommendations on the use of quality control tools to improve the quality of logistics services.Разработка методических аспектов повышения качества обслуживания в транспортно-логистических компаниях на основе требований международных стандартов качества ISO 9000:2008 с использованием простых инструментов контроля качества

    Low-Cost Transceiver Architectures for 60 GHz Ultra Wideband WLANs

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    Millimeter-wave multiport transceiver architectures dedicated to 60 GHz UWB short-range communications are proposed in this paper. Multi-port circuits based on 90° hybrid couplers are intensively used for phased antenna array, millimeter-wave modulation and down-conversion, as a low-cost alternative to the conventional architecture. This allows complete integration of circuits including antennas, in planar technology, on the same substrate, improving the overall transceiver performances

    Prilagodba usnih organa kod nekih podzemnih holevina (Cholevinae) (Coleoptera, Leiodidae)

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    Cholevinae are a group of beetles with many cave representatives that are mainly detritivorous or saprophagous. Some species show modifications of the mouthparts on account of their dietary niche, being adapted to a semi-aquatic way of life, or on account of the degree of adaptation to the life in caves. Differences are obvious also among the genera, and cave species that are at the same level of adaptation. The main modifications concern the shape and structure of the different parts, as well as their length and the disposal of hairs, bristles and setae. The adaptation to an aquatic dietary niche has modified the mandibles, which acquired a spoon-like form to bring water near the mouth, the lacinia taking on the role of stirring and the galea of filtering the organic particles with its fine and very dense hairs. The apparent uniformity of the subterranean environmental conditions and of the trophic resources, together with the scarcity of the latter, might mistakenly lead to the conclusion of a one-way evolution for the underground colonizers. The observed differences between the mouthparts of the studied species can be good material for taxonomists, who can include some of these features in their studies, often difficult due to the homogenous morphology of many inhabitants of the underground. As a contribution to the comparative study of the mouthparts at some representatives of cholevin beetles, we can also highlight the effect of adaptation to cave life on the mouthparts and the evidence of a divergent evolution in a relatively constant environment in terms of climate and food input.Holevine su skupina kornjaša s mnogo podzemnih predstavnika koji su pretežno detritivorni ili saprofagni. Neke vrste pokazuju modifikacije usnih organa zbog svoje prehrambene niše, prilagođavajući se poluakvatičkom načinu života, ili zbog stupnja adaptacije na život u špilji. Razlike su očite i među rodovima i špiljskim vrstama koje su na istom stupnju adaptacije. Glavne modifikacije tiču se oblika i strukture različitih dijelova, kao i njihove duljine, i rasporeda dlaka, čekinja i seta. Prilagodba na akvatičku prehrambenu nišu modificirala je čeljusti, koje su dobile oblik žlice kojom se voda prinosi ustima; lacinia preuzima ulogu miješanja, a galea filtriranja organskih čestica svojim finim i vrlo gustim dlačicama. Očita jednoličnost uvjeta u podzemnom okolišu, te izvora hrane, zajedno s njenom rijetkošću, mogu pogrešno upućivati na jednosmjernu evoluciju stanovnika podzemlja. Uočene razlike između usnih organa proučavanih vrsta mogu biti dobar materijal za taksonomiste koji neke od tih osobina mogu uključiti u svoj rad, obično težak zbog homogene morfologije mnogih stanovnika podzemlja. Kao doprinos komparativnoj studiji usnih organa nekih predstavnika holevina, na temelju usnih organa naglašavamo efekt prilagodbe na špiljski život te dokaz divergentne evolucije u relativno konstantnom okolišu, u smislu klime i dotoka hrane

    Epileptic Encephalopathies of Childhood: The New Paradigm of Genetic Diagnosis

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    INTRODUCTION: Epileptic encephalopathies of childhood are characterized by early seizure-onset and adverse neurological outcomes. The development of new genetic techniques has allowed an exponential identification of the genes that are involved. Over the last years, we have observed a revolution in the diagnostic paradigm. However, there are no international guidelines regarding the diagnosis of genetic epileptic encephalopathies. We aim to discuss the current knowledge about the genetic architecture of epileptic encephalopathies of childhood. MATERIAL AND METHODS: review of the literature about infantile epileptic encephalopathies and the genetic tests currently available. A systematic approach and a diagnostic algorithm to use in clinical practice were proposed. RESULTS: Initially the patient's phenotype should be determined based on the seizure type, electroencephalogram pattern and neuroimaging. Patients with unclear etiology after brain magnetic resonance imaging should undergo an appropriate metabolic investigation to promptly exclude treatable conditions. Further studies should also include other genetic causes, mainly if associated with particular phenotypic features. Chromosomal microarray analysis should be firstly considered, particularly if dysmorphic or polymalformative abnormalities are present. If this is negative and/or there are no physical features, the next step should be next-generation sequencing multigene panels or whole-exome sequencing. Single gene study should only be considered when the patient's phenotype is highly suggestive of a specific syndrome. CONCLUSION: The revolution of the genetic knowledge about epileptic encephalopathies of childhood has led to a complex diagnostic approach. This new paradigm poses significant implications in genetic counselling, treatment and prognosis.Introdução: As encefalopatias epilépticas da infância constituem um grupo de patologias de início precoce e prognóstico neurológico reservado. O desenvolvimento das novas técnicas de estudo genético foi responsável pela identificação de novos genes implicados. Nos últimos anos, assistimos a uma revolução no seu paradigma diagnóstico. Contudo, actualmente não existem recomendações internacionais consensuais sobre a abordagem à investigação das encefalopatias epilépticas genéticas. Pretendemos discutir o conhecimento actual sobre a arquitectura genética das encefalopatias epilépticas infantis. Material e Métodos: Realizou-se uma revisão da literatura das encefalopatias epilépticas infantis genéticas e estudos utilizados no seu diagnóstico. Propomos uma abordagem sistematizada através de um algoritmo diagnóstico a utilizar na prática clínica. Resultados: Inicialmente deve-se determinar o fenótipo do doente com base no tipo de crises, padrão electroencefalográfico e neuroimagem. Nos doentes sem etiologia após resultados de ressonância magnética cranioencefálica, deve-se realizar estudo metabólico apropriado para o diagnóstico prioritário de doenças metabólicas tratáveis. A investigação de outras causas genéticas deve ser considerada, sobretudo perante características fenotípicas sugestivas. Primeiro deve-se realizar a análise de microarray cromossómico, principalmente se existirem alterações dismórficas ou polimalformativas. Se esta for negativa e/ou não existirem elementos físicos distintivos, o próximo passo deve ser realizar os painéis multigénicos ou sequenciação de exoma. Os estudos dirigidos do gene devem ser reservados para quando o fenótipo é indicativo de uma síndrome específica. Conclusão: A marcha diagnóstica das encefalopatias epilépticas tornou-se complexa com a expansão de conhecimentos genéticos. Este novo paradigma apresenta implicações terapêuticas, prognósticas e de aconselhamento familiar.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio