7 research outputs found

    Insulin-like growth factor 2 overexpression induces β-Cell dysfunction and increases beta-cell susceptibility to damage

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    The human insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2) and insulin genes are located within the same genomic region. Although human genomic studies have demonstrated associations between diabetes and the insulin/IGF2 locus or the IGF2 mRNA-binding protein 2 (IGF2BP2), the role of IGF2 in diabetes pathogenesis is not fully understood. We previously described that transgenic mice overexpressing IGF2 specifically in β-cells (Tg-IGF2) develop a pre-diabetic state. Here, we characterized the effects of IGF2 on β-cell functionality. Overexpression of IGF2 led to β-cell dedifferentiation and endoplasmic reticulum stress causing islet dysfunction in vivo. Both adenovirus-mediated overexpression of IGF2 and treatment of adult wild-type islets with recombinant IGF2 in vitro further confirmed the direct implication of IGF2 on β-cell dysfunction. Treatment of Tg-IGF2 mice with subdiabetogenic doses of streptozotocin or crossing these mice with a transgenic model of islet lymphocytic infiltration promoted the development of overt diabetes, suggesting that IGF2 makes islets more susceptible to β-cell damage and immune attack. These results indicate that increased local levels of IGF2 in pancreatic islets may predispose to the onset of diabetes. This study unravels an unprecedented role of IGF2 on β-cells function

    Estudi de cas en el tractament de les addiccions no tòxiques: l'addicció a les TIC en adolescents

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    Curs 2017-2018Avui en dia considerem Internet com una eina que ens proporciona molts beneficis i que ha impactat especialment en la comunitat més jove de la nostra societat. L’ús d’Internet es considera positiu sempre que no condicioni la vida quotidiana de la persona, i passa a ser negatiu quan provoca aïllament social, afecta a l’autoestima i fa perdre a l’individu la capacitat de control. El concepte d’Addicció a les TIC, tot i que no apareix categoritzat com a tal en els manuals diagnòstics vigents, intenta explicar l’ús abusiu i la pèrdua de control sobre la tecnologia. Aquest tipus d’addicció té un origen multifactorial, per tant, s’han de tenir en compte diferents variables, com ara la vulnerabilitat psicològica, els factors estressants i el suport familiar i social. Per això és important establir estratègies preventives tant en l’àmbit familiar com en l’escolar. L’objectiu principal del present treball és abordar el problema de l’ús inadequat de pantalles. Primerament es realitzarà una síntesi teòrica de la problemàtica i seguidament s’exposarà un cas real, tractat a la Unitat de Joc Patològic i Altres Addiccions No Tòxiques de la Fundació Althaia. Es detallarà com s’ha realitzat la detecció del cas, així com l’avaluació i la intervenció.Director/a: Dominica Díez Marce

    Effectiveness of a Pilot Partner Notification Program for New HIV Cases in Barcelona, Spain.

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    BACKGROUND: An estimated 30% of HIV cases in the European Union are not aware of their serological status. This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of a pilot HIV partner notification program. METHODS: HIV cases diagnosed between January 2012 and June 2013 at two healthcare settings in Barcelona were invited to participate in a prospective survey. We identified process and outcome measures to evaluate this partner notification program, including the number of partners identified per interviewed index case, the proportion of partners tested for HIV as a result of the partner notification, and the proportion of new HIV diagnoses among their sex or needle-sharing partners. RESULTS: Of the 125 index cases contacted, 108 (86.4%) agreed to provide information about partners. A total of 199 sexual partners were identified (1.8 partners per interviewed index case). HIV outcome was already known for 58 partners (70.7% were known to be HIV-positive), 141 partners were tested as result of partner notification, and 26 were newly diagnosed with HIV. The case-finding effectiveness of the program was 18.4%. CONCLUSION: This pilot program provides evidence of the effectiveness of a partner notification program implemented in healthcare settings. This active partner notification program was feasible, acceptable to the user, and identified a high proportion of HIV-infected patients previously unaware of their status

    Preclinical evaluation of a COVID-19 vaccine candidate based on a recombinant RBD fusion heterodimer of SARS-CoV-2

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    Current COVID-19 vaccines have been associated with a decline in infection rates, prevention of severe disease and a decrease in mortality rates. However, SARS-CoV-2 variants are continuously evolving, and development of new accessible COVID-19 vaccines is essential to mitigate the pandemic. Here, we present data on preclinical studies in mice of a receptor-binding domain (RBD)-based recombinant protein vaccine (PHH-1V) consisting of an RBD fusion heterodimer comprising the B.1.351 and B.1.1.7 SARS-CoV-2 variants formulated in SQBA adjuvant, an oil-in-water emulsion. A prime-boost immunisation with PHH-1V in BALB/c and K18-hACE2 mice induced a CD4 + and CD8 + T cell response and RBD-binding antibodies with neutralising activity against several variants, and also showed a good tolerability profile. Significantly, RBD fusion heterodimer vaccination conferred 100% efficacy, preventing mortality in SARS-CoV-2 infected K18-hACE2 mice, but also reducing Beta, Delta and Omicron infection in lower respiratory airways. These findings demonstrate the feasibility of this recombinant vaccine strategy

    Carns vermelles i salut

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    The purpose of this paper is to present a scientific consideration of the consumption of red meats as it relates to health and to the sustainability of our planet, and to help professionals and consumers to reflect on this matter and make suitable decisions in this respect. An interdependence clearly exists between climate change, our dietary models and our health, and all of this involves various factors. It should be kept in mind that not all types of foods, diets or alimentary patterns have the same environmental impact. The most highly “questioned” foods include intensively produced red meats and processed foods. These types of foods are consumed in larger quantities and with greater frequency in the developed societies, and above all in the most highly urbanised areas. It is known that 22% of the deaths in our world may be attributed to diet (overeating, poor diets or malnutrition) and this obliges us to consider the importance of carefully choosing the foods that we eat, together with the quantities of these foods and the frequency with which we eat them. It should also be recalled that 14% of the greenhouse gases (GHGs) come from livestock and 30% are related to the food system, which explains the great influence of livestock on food sustainability. A balanced diet based on varied foods, above all including those of vegetable origin, is a possible solution for reducing greenhouse gas emissions (per gramme of protein and per calorie ingested). Such a diet is also healthier, helping to reduce the risk of non-communicable chronic illnesses. Progress should be made towards the achievement of environmentally more sustainable livestock management and a careful monitoring of impacts should be carried out, while increasing the production of vegetable foods and their consumption in different fields.L’objectiu d’aquest article és presentar una visió científica sobre el consum de les carns vermelles en relació amb la salut i la sostenibilitat del planeta, i ajudar els professionals i els consumidors a reflexionar-hi i prendre les seves decisions. Hi ha una clara interdependència del canvi climàtic amb els models alimentaris i la nostra salut, tot relacionat amb diferents factors. Cal tenir present que no totes les formes d’alimentació, dietes o patrons alimentaris generen els mateixos impactes ambientals. Entre els aliments més «qüestionats» hi ha les carns vermelles de producció intensiva i els aliments processats. Aquest tipus d’aliments són consumits en majors quantitats i freqüència en les societats desenvolupades i sobretot en les zones més urbanitzades. Sabem que el 22 % de les morts que es produeixen al món es poden atribuir a l’alimentació (sobrealimentació, mala alimentació o desnutrició) i aquesta dada ens fa reflexionar sobre la importància d’escollir bé els aliments que prenem, les quantitats i la freqüència. També, cal ser conscients que el 14 % dels gasos amb efecte d’hivernacle (GEH) provenen del bestiar, i un 30 % té a veure amb el sistema alimentari, la qual cosa aclareix la dimensió important de la influència del bestiar en la sostenibilitat alimentària. Una dieta equilibrada, basada en aliments variats, sobretot d’origen vegetal, és una alternativa possible per a la disminució de l’emissió de gasos (per gram de proteïna i caloria ingerida), i també és més saludable per reduir el risc de l’aparició de malalties cròniques no transmissibles. Caldrà avançar en una gestió ramadera ambiental més sostenible, fer un seguiment acurat d’impactes i eixamplar la producció vegetal (i el seu consum) en diversos sentits