733 research outputs found

    Theoretical study of the structural stability, electronic and magnetic properties of XVSb (X == Fe, Ni, and Co) half-Heusler compounds

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    The structural, electronic and magnetic properties of half-Heusler compounds XVSb (X == Fe, Co and Ni) are investigated by using the density functional theory with generalized gradient approximation (GGA), and Tran-Blaha modified Becke-Johnson (TB-mBJ) exchange potential approximation. It is found that the half-metallic gaps are generally reasonably widened by mBJ as compared to the GGA approximation. The magnetic proprieties of XVSb (X == Fe, Co and Ni) are well defined within mBJ with an exact integer value of magnetic moment. The band gaps given by TB-mBJ are in good agreement with the available theoretical data. The FeVSb exhibits a semiconductor nature. The CoVSb and NiVSb present half-metallic behaviour with total magnetic moment of 1μB1\mu_\text{B} and 2μB2\mu_\text{B} in good agreement with Slater-Pauling rule. These alloys seem to be a potential candidate of spintronic devices.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Fluid-structure interaction and homogenization: from spatial averaging to continuous wavelet transform

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    Fluid-structure interaction (FSI) is classicaly modeled according a separated and local approach. It enables to take full advantage of the numerical methods specifically designed for each medium. However, it requires to take great care of the interface, and to exchange, between the algorithms, the information related to boundary conditions [1]. This treatment of the interface can quickly become too cumbersome in complex flow geometries, as in the industrial case study driving this work: an inviscid compressible flow interacting with French PWR fuel assemblies (Fig. 1a). In such specific applications, where the solid medium exhibits a discontinuous but periodic design, an homogenized and global approach is preferred [2]. Inspired by porous media [3, 4], multiphase flows, or Large Eddy Simulation (LES), it relies on a spatial averaging of the balance equations, thus allowing to remove all interfaces. However, such filtering techniques exhibit two major limitations: first, they do not deal properly with boundary conditions, due to the non-commutativity between the filtering operator and spatial derivatives, as detailed in [5, 6, 7] for LES; second, filtering implies loss of microscopic information, and thus requires a closure model to describe interactions between resolved and unresolved scales

    Sparse wavelet-based solutions for the M/EEG inverse problem

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    This paper is concerned with variational and Bayesian approaches to neuro-electromagnetic inverse problems (EEG and MEG). The strong indeterminacy of these problems is tackled by introducing sparsity inducing regularization/priors in a transformed domain, namely a spatial wavelet domain. Sparsity in the wavelet domain allows to reach ''data compression'' in the cortical sources domain. Spatial wavelets defined on the mesh graph of the triangulated cortical surface are used, in combination with sparse regression techniques, namely LASSO regression or sparse Bayesian learning, to provide localized and compressed estimates for brain activity from sensor data. Numerical results on simulated and real MEG data are provided, which outline the performances of the proposed approach in terms of localization

    Carrier-induced ferromagnetism in n-type ZnMnAlO and ZnCoAlO thin films at room temperature

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    The realization of semiconductors that are ferromagnetic above room temperature will potentially lead to a new generation of spintronic devices with revolutionary electrical and optical properties. Transition temperatures in doped ZnO are high but, particularly for Mn doping, the reported moments have been small. We show that by careful control of both oxygen deficiency and aluminium doping the ferromagnetic moments measured at room temperature in n-type ZnMnO and ZnCoO are close to the ideal values of 5mB and 3mB respectively. Furthermore a clear correlation between the magnetisation per transition metal ion and the ratio of the number of carriers to the number of transition metal donors was established as is expected for carrier induced ferromagnetism for both the Mn and Co doped films. The dependence of the magnetisation on carrier density is similar to that predicted for the transition temperature for a dilute magnetic semiconductor in which the exchange between the transition metal ions is through the free carriers.Comment: 14 pages pd

    Passive Strategies for Building Retrofitting: Performances Analysis and Incentive Policies for the Iranian Scenario

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    A large amount of the Iranian energy demand is related to the building sector, mainly due to its obsolescence. In this paper, a second-skin system has been implemented as a retrofit action for an office building, evaluating the effect of a tensile material as second-skin in terms of primary energy saving, carbon dioxide equivalent emissions, and simple payback period. The analysis was carried out through numerical simulations across a whole year and for four Iranian cities (Tabriz, Teheran, Yazd, and Bandar Abbas) in four different climates (cold, temperate, hot-dry, and hot-wet), and with the building aligned at either north-south or east-west. Moreover, an economic analysis was carried out suggesting different incentive policies to promote building energy refurbishment. The simulation results highlighted a favorable orientation for buildings in Iran, suggesting a guideline for new constructions. Indeed, the best results were achieved for an east-west orientation of the building (up to a primary energy saving of 13.6% and reduction of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions of 45.5 MgCO2,eq, in Yazd), with a decrease of the annual specific total (cooling and thermal) energy demand of 37.9 kWh/m2 /year. The simple payback period values were also lower in the east-west orientation than the north-south one

    Etude ethnobotanique de quelques lavandes marocaines spontanées

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    Le genre Lavandula est l'un des plus importants genres de la famille des Lamiacées et est riche en plantes à usage multiple, alimentaire, fourrager, aromatique, cosmétique et médicinal. Au Maroc, la bibliographie fait allusion à plusieurs espèces de ce genre, communément appelées lavandes, à écologie et phytogéographie diversifiées et dont d’une part la distinction taxinomique n’est pas des plus faciles et d’autre part l’éventualité d’un usage différent selon les localités et ou les espèces n’est pas investie. Aussi, l’objectif du présent travail est de rechercher les lavandes dans différentes régions du Maroc ; puis, par le biais d’investigations ethnobotaniques auprès d’herboristes et de vendeurs de plantes aromatiques et médicinales (PAM), inventorier leurs principaux usages traditionnels. Ainsi, durant l’année 2014, des prospections floristiques à la recherche de lavandes sauvages ont permis de repérer et localiser Lavandula stoechas L et L. atlantica Braun-Blanq , L. pedunculata Mill, L. multifida L, L. dentata L, L. maroccana Murb respectivement au plateau central « Oulmès, et Aguelmous » et au moyen atlas central « Ait Amro Ouali », la plaine de Sais « Ain Jerri », et en haut atlas occidental « bassin versant d’Ourika ». Les enquêtes ethnobotaniques menées auprès d’herboristes et vendeurs dans chaque site de récolte, via un questionnaire préétabli ont permis de dresser la liste des noms vernaculaires utilisés pour chaque espèce et ont révélé que les lavandes ont essentiellement des vertus thérapeutiques, que les feuilles et les fleurs sont les parties les plus utilisées surtout sous forme de décoction pour le traitement d’affections broncho-pulmonaires, gastrointestinales et uro-génitales.Mots clés : Lavandula, plantes aromatique et médicinales, enquête ethnobotanique, Maroc

    Risk factors caused by scorpion stings and envenomations in the province of Kelâa Des Sraghna (Morocco)

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    The present study aims to elucidate the risk factors involved in deaths caused by scorpion envenomation. A retrospective study was carried out in the province of Kelâa des Sraghna from 2003 to 2004. The hospital charts of scorpion envenomation cases treated in the Essalama Hospital in Kelâa des Sraghna were exhaustively analyzed. Our study contains 31 cases of death among 470 hospitalization cases. Most stings had occurred during the hot period peaking in July and August (54.6%). Moreover, the scorpion stings occurred at night in 60.1% of the cases, between 6:00 pm and 6:00 am. In addition, all age groups were affected by envenomation, with a higher frequency in children aged less than 15 years (68.3%). The envenomation rate (class II + class III) was 70.9%. The statistical analysis of the data shows that being less than 15 years old, having been stung during the night and belonging to class III are risk factors that aggravate vital prognosis of hospitalized patients. Furthermore, clinical severity factors, elicited by relative risk analysis, are cardiovascular, respiratory and neurological vital distresses, with relative risks of 14.84, 11.92 and 48.33, respectively. The results of our study clearly displayed the severity and extent of the scorpion envenomation problem. Thus, great attention must be paid to this region of Morocco by the national health authorities

    Hyperglycemia decreased medial amygdala projections to medial Preoptic area in experimental model of diabetes mellitus

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    In Wistar rats, reproductive behavior is controlled in a neural circuit of ventral forebrain including the medial amygdala (Me), bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) and medial preoptic area (MPOA) via perception of social odors. Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a widespread metabolic disease that affects many organs in a variety of levels. DM can cause central neuropathies such as neuronal apoptosis, dendritic atrophy, neurochemical alterations and also causes reproductive dysfunctions. So we hypothesized damage to the nuclei of this circuit can cause reproductive dysfunctions. Therefore in this project we assessed diabetic effect on these nuclei. For this purpose neuron tracing technique and TUNEL assay were used. We injected HRP in the MPOA and counted labeled cells in the Me and BNST to evaluate the reduction of neurons in diabetic animals. Also, coronal sections were analyzed with the TMB histochemistry method. Animals in this study were adult male Wistar rats (230 ± 8g) divided to control and 10-week streptozotocin-induced diabetic groups. After data analysis by SPSS 16 software, a significant reduction of HRP-labeled neurons was shown in both Me and BNST nuclei in the diabetic group. Moreover, apoptotic cells were significantly observed in diabetic animals in contrast to control the group. In conclusion, these alterations of the circuit as a result of diabetes might be one of the reasons for reproductive dysfunctions. © 2015 Tehran University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved