2,252 research outputs found

    Internship Program As a Strategy for Employability in Bahrain

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    This article discusses the available literature on the human capital theories and that are related to vocational education and training in some of the developing countries. Issues and concerned were discussed. Although University College Bahrain (UCB) is not an institution that solely runs on VET but the idea of VET is related. UCB introduces courses that applied internship practice in its degree program as a major strategy for employability as presented in this article. It also took into account the concerned and the challenges faced by the institution.     Keywords: Internship Program, VET, Empowering Educatio

    Spectral tau-Jacobi algorithm for space fractional advection-dispersion problem

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    In this paper, we use the shifted Jacobi polynomials to approximate the solution of the space fractional advection-dispersion. The method is based on the Jacobi operational matrices of fractional derivative and integration. A double shifted Jacobi expansion is used as an approximating polynomial. We apply this method to solve linear and nonlinear term FDEs by using initial and boundary conditions

    Electroencephalogram (EEG) pattern for human smoke habit

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    The brain is most important part of the human body. Smoking cigarettes is a bad habit, however the total numbers of smokers continue developing. Most smokers give 'to release stress and bored' as a purpose behind smoking. Under this circumstance, the interested of brain condition for smoke affinity are useful for varies biomedical field. The essential motivation behind this research is to investigate the Electroencephalogram (EEG) pattern for smoker using sub-band of theta, alpha and beta groups focus on Power Spectral Density (PSD). EMOTIV Pure•EEG™, SPSS and Excel is used as the software while Emotiv Insight is used as the hardware in this research. 5 smokers and 5 non-smokers were tested for this exploration. EEG data was recorded for 5 minutes. Results demonstrated that smokers have lesser theta band which shows a less stressed on feeling as contrasted with non-smokers with a higher theta band. Smokers additionally higher alpha band which shows that they are more casual contrasted with non-smokers with lower alpha band. In any case, smokers are lower beta band that shows they are less�cognizant contrasted with non-smokers. Recently, electronic cigarettes (e�cigarette) have been proposed as a successful instrument for smoking restraint

    Deeper discussion of Schr\"odinger invariant and Logarithmic sectors of higher-curvature gravity

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    The aim of this paper is to explore D-dimensional theories of pure gravity whose space of solutions contains certain class of AdS-waves, including in particular Schrodinger invariant spacetimes. This amounts to consider higher order theories, and the natural case to start with is to analyze generic square-curvature corrections to Einstein-Hilbert action. In this case, the Schrodinger invariant sector in the space of solutions arises for a special relation between the coupling constants appearing in the action. On the other hand, besides the Schrodinger invariant configurations, logarithmic branches similar to those of the so-called Log-gravity are also shown to emerge for another special choice of the coupling constants. These Log solutions can be interpreted as the superposition of the massless mode of General Relativity and two scalar modes that saturate the Breitenlohner-Freedman bound (BF) of the AdS space on which they propagate. These solutions are higher-dimensional analogues of those appearing in three-dimensional massive gravities with relaxed AdS_3 asymptotic. Other sectors of the space of solutions of higher-curvature theories correspond to oscillatory configurations, which happen to be below the BF bound. Also, there is a fully degenerated sector, for which any wave profile is admitted. We comment on the relation between this degeneracy and the non-renormalization of the dynamical exponent of the Schrodinger spaces. Our analysis also includes more general gravitational actions with non-polynomial corrections consisting of arbitrary functions of the square-curvature invariants. The same sectors of solutions are shown to exist for this more general family of theories. We finally consider the Chern-Simons modified gravity in four dimensions, for which we derive both the Schrodinger invariant as well as the logarithmic sectors.Comment: This paper is dedicated to the memory of Laurent Houar


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    Purpose – This paper aims to examine the association between internal corporate governance and earnings management and to compare earnings management practices in Islamic banks versus conventional banks in the MENA region. Design/methodology/approach – This paper uses an unbalanced panel data of 20 Islamic banks and 100 conventional banks, from eleven countries in the MENA region over the period 2012-2017. Discretionary accruals are used to measure earnings management by estimating loan loss provision. Regression analysis is used to test the hypotheses. Findings – The results indicate that Islamic banks provide fewer earnings management practices compared to conventional banks. Besides, the results show that among the six corporate governance mechanisms studied in this paper only board meetings, board size, and board independence can help in mitigating earnings management for conventional banks. Whereas, for the case of Islamic banks, corporate governance mechanisms have no impact on reducing earnings management. Practical implications – This paper could offer some recommendations for policymakers, regulators, and users of financial statements. The results of this study could assist in improving the monitoring role of the board of directors and understanding the relationship between corporate governance mechanisms and earnings management. Originality/value – This paper contributes by investigating the effect of new mechanisms on earnings management, and by examining earnings management practices in Islamic banks compared to conventional banks in unexamined countries and periods. Keywords Earnings management, Earnings quality, Islamic banks, Conventional banks, Corporate governance mechanisms, Annual reports, MENA region. Paper type Research pape

    Physico-mechanical properties and bacterial adhesion of resin composite CAD/CAM blocks : an in-vitro study

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    The recent introduction of CAD/CAM technology has been strongly impacting the workflow in dental clinics and labs. Among the used CAD/CAM materials, resin composite CAD/CAM blocks offer several advantages. The aim of this study was to evaluate the physic

    Controller Energy management for hybrid renewable energy system

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    A new modified configuration for the stand-alone photovoltaic- wind ndash diesel generator system with and without battery to electrify a remote area household load in Egypt is presented. The displaying, reenactment, and operational control technique for the framework is produced. The created control intends to enhance the energy flow inside the framework, with the end goal that the heap is fulfilled autonomous on the varieties in insolation, the temperature and the wind speed. Additionally, it means to ensure the battery against overcharging or excessive discharging. Also, it means to secure the worldwide framework against the unpredictable excess or defict of the available energy

    Multiscale characterization of pore spaces using multifractals analysis of scanning electronic microscopy images of carbonates

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    Pore spaces heterogeneity in carbonates rocks has long been identified as an important factor impacting reservoir productivity. In this paper, we study the heterogeneity of carbonate rocks pore spaces based on the image analysis of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) data acquired at various magnifications. Sixty images of twelve carbonate samples from a reservoir in the Middle East were analyzed. First, pore spaces were extracted from SEM images using a segmentation technique based on watershed algorithm. Pores geometries revealed a multifractal behavior at various magnifications from 800x to 12 000x. In addition, the singularity spectrum provided quantitative values that describe the degree of heterogeneity in the carbonates samples. Moreover, for the majority of the analyzed samples, we found low variations (around 5%) in the multifractal dimensions for magnifications between 1700x and 12 000x. Finally, these results demonstrate that multifractal analysis could be an appropriate tool for characterizing quantitatively the heterogeneity of carbonate pore spaces geometries. However, our findings show that magnification has an impact on multifractal dimensions, revealing the limit of applicability of multifractal descriptions for these natural structures
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