1,392 research outputs found

    Higher-dimensional black holes with a conformally invariant Maxwell source

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    We consider an action for an abelian gauge field for which the density is given by a power of the Maxwell Lagrangian. In d spacetime dimensions this action is shown to enjoy the conformal invariance if the power is chosen as d/4. We take advantage of this conformal invariance to derive black hole solutions electrically charged with a purely radial electric field. Because of considering power of the Maxwell density, the black hole solutions exist only for dimensions which are multiples of four. The expression of the electric field does not depend on the dimension and corresponds to the four-dimensional Reissner-Nordstrom field. Using the Hamiltonian action we identify the mass and the electric charge of these black hole solutions.Comment: 5 page

    Pengaruh Pelatihan terhadap Kompetensi (Penelitian Tentang Pelatihan pada Calon Tenaga Kerja Indonesia di PT Tritama Bina Karya Malang)

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    The aim of this research is to know the influence of the variables of Training Method (X1), Training Material (X2), Training Instructor (X3) on Labor Competence (Y) simultaneously and partially. This type of training is explanatory research (explanation) with quantitative approach and conducted by questionnaire method. This research is done by giving a written question to all employees of PT Tritama Bina Karya Malang distribution of labor services which amounted to 106 people and located Ki Ageng Gribig street Kedungkandang, Malang City. Data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis with F (simultaneous) and t test (partial). Based on F test, it can be seen that F arithmetic> F table is 46,439> 2,694 or sig value. F (0,000) <α = 0.05 then the regression analysis model is significant because H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. So it can be concluded that the dependent variable (Labor Competence) can be significantly affected by the independent variables of Training Methods, Training Materials, and Training Instructors simultaneously. Based on t test results it can be seen that each independent variable (Training Method, Training Material, and Training Instructor) has a partially significant influence on the dependent variable (Labor Competency). Kеywords: Training Methods, Training Materials, Training Instructors and Labor Competencies АBSTRАK Jenis pelatihan ini adalah explanatory research (penjelasan) dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan dilakukan dengan metode kuesioner. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan memberikan seperangkat pertanyaan tertulis kepada seluruh tenaga kerja PT Tritama Bina Karya Malang penyaluran jasa tenaga kerja yang berjumlah 106 orang dan berlokasi jalan Ki Ageng Gribig Kedungkandang, Kota Malang. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan analisis regresi linier berganda dengan uji F (simultan) dan uji t (parsial). Berdasarkan uji F yang dilakukan dapat diketahui bahwa F hitung>F tabel yaitu 46,439 > 2,694 atau nilai sig. F (0,000) < α = 0.05 maka model analisis regresi adalah signifikan karena H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa variabel terikat (Kompetensi Tenaga Kerja) dapat dipengaruhi secara signifikan oleh variabel bebas Metode Pelatihan, Materi Pelatihan, dan Instruktur Pelatihan secara simultan. Berdasarkan hasil uji t dapat diketahui bahwa masing-masing variabel bebas (Metode Pelatihan, Materi Pelatihan, dan Instruktur Pelatihan) mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan secara parsial terhadap variabel terikat (Kompetensi Tenaga Kerja). Kаtа Kunci: Metode Pelatihan, Materi Pelatihan, Instruktur Pelatihan dan Kompetensi Tenaga Kerj

    Improving reverse supply chain performance: The role of supply chain leadership and governance mechanisms

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    Recently, a growing interest has been devoted to the role of buying firms in promoting sustainability across supply chains. However, relatively little attention has been given to how the behaviour of a buying firm affects the performance of reverse supply chains. Within this context, this paper investigates the role of Supply Chain Leadership styles on suppliers' performance dimensions related to reverse product flows. Furthermore, the mediating role of two governance mechanisms (namely trust and legal-legitimate power) on this relationship is examined. This study employs structural equation modelling to analyse data collected from 190 manufacturing companies in Malaysia. The paper concludes that transformational and transactional leaderships are significant and positive contributors to suppliers’ reverse supply chain performance; trust and power significantly mediate these relationships

    Electroencephalogram (EEG) pattern for human smoke habit

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    The brain is most important part of the human body. Smoking cigarettes is a bad habit, however the total numbers of smokers continue developing. Most smokers give 'to release stress and bored' as a purpose behind smoking. Under this circumstance, the interested of brain condition for smoke affinity are useful for varies biomedical field. The essential motivation behind this research is to investigate the Electroencephalogram (EEG) pattern for smoker using sub-band of theta, alpha and beta groups focus on Power Spectral Density (PSD). EMOTIV Pure•EEG™, SPSS and Excel is used as the software while Emotiv Insight is used as the hardware in this research. 5 smokers and 5 non-smokers were tested for this exploration. EEG data was recorded for 5 minutes. Results demonstrated that smokers have lesser theta band which shows a less stressed on feeling as contrasted with non-smokers with a higher theta band. Smokers additionally higher alpha band which shows that they are more casual contrasted with non-smokers with lower alpha band. In any case, smokers are lower beta band that shows they are less�cognizant contrasted with non-smokers. Recently, electronic cigarettes (e�cigarette) have been proposed as a successful instrument for smoking restraint

    Xylitol biological production: a review of recent studies

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    Xylitol is an alternative sweetener that is recommended for use in food and pharmaceutical products, as it has some health benefits. It is currently produced on a large scale using a chemical reduction that requires high energy and is costly. Biological conversion of xylitol using microorganisms is an alternative process that is environmentally friendly and cost-effective. This process has been studied in an effort to provide one that is high yielding and competitive with chemical processes. This article reviews recent studies in the development of biological conversion processes for the production of xylitol, including biomass conversion, fermenting microorganisms, and new technology for full-scale process development

    The influence of surfactant/co-surfactant hydrophilic-lipophilic balance on the formation of limonene-based microemulsion as vitamin C carrier

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    This research was conducted to produce a limonene-based microemulsion system as vitamin C carrier. The microemulsion was produced using limonene as the oil phase, tween20 and tween80 as surfactants while propylene glycol, polyethylene glycol 400 and glycerol as co-surfactants. Pseudo-ternary phase diagrams were constructed to determine the microemulsion area by using the water titration method at 25°C. The effect of hydrophilic-lipophilic balance (HLB) value of the mixture of S/CoS on the formation of limonene-based microemulsion was studied. The HLB value calculated for the mixture of tween20/propylene glycol in the different ratio was between 10.1 and 13.4. From the experiment, the preparation of limonene-based microemulsion system with tween20/propylene glycol was able to provide large and high stability of microemulsion region on ternary phase diagram (23.6%) while higher HLB value resulted in larger microemulsion area in ternary phase diagrams. The sole formulation with propylene glycol was further selected to carry out the physicochemical characterization of system’s stability, particle size and electrical conductivity. All microemulsion systems showed good stability for four weeks at temperature of 4, 25 and 40°C without any phase change and separation. Particle size characterization results elucidated that all microemulsion systems consisted particle size between 20 and 100 nm. The study of electrical conductivity showed that water-in-oil microemulsion was formed from 5-45% wt. of water whereas bicontinuous microemulsion was formed from 50-90% wt. of water content. Overall, the result showed that microemulsion tween20/propylene glycol/limonene/water was potential as a carrier system of vitamin C

    Potensi Kuala Sanglang, Perlis sebagai destinasi agro pelancongan: satu kajian tanggapan pelancong

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    Agropelancongan adalah cabang sektor pelancongan di mana aktiviti pelancongan adalah berteraskan pertanian, ternakan, perikanan dan industri asas tani. Kajian ini menilai potensi Ladang Nipah Kipli Kipli sebagai destinasi agropelancongan di Kuala Sanglang, Perlis berdasarkan persepsi pelancong, faktor penolakan dan faktor penarikan, dan mencadangkan langkah yang sesuai bagi memajukan seterusnya Ladang Nipah Kipli. Data primer diperolehi dari hasil soalselidik 80 orang pelancong yang disampel secara rawak mudah dan dianalisis dengan program SPSS versi 2.0. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa Ladang Nipah Kipli ditanggapi oleh 95 peratus responden sebagai amat berpotensi untuk dijadikan destinasi agropelancongan. Kebanyakan pelancong berkunjung ke Ladang Nipah Kipli untuk menikmati keindahan alam semulajadi sambil menikmati minuman nira nipah segar yang dijual di dalam Ladang Nipah Kipli. Namun, masih terdapat masalah dari segi kekurangan kemudahan infrastruktur, tempat letak kereta yang kecil dan kekurangan tandas.Walau bagaimanapun, pelancong masih lagi ingin berkunjung ke Ladang Nipah Kipli memandangkan kawasan ini menarik dan berpotensi maju sebagai destinasi agropelancongan

    The effect of corporate governance, risk and ESGtowards bank performance: does Fintech matter?

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    This thesis examines how corporate governance, risk, and ESG affect bank performance and providesa novel theoretical framework for incorporating fintech into the relationship in the context of EU banks.The banking sector is transitioning to become increasingly digitised. Corporate governance, risk, andESG management in banking are changing, and fintech involvement is currently popular on the market.First, the study identifies a positive significant relationship between corporate governance and bankperformance. It demonstrates how improved corporate governance can boost bank performance andhow, in accordance with Agency Theory, improved governance will prevent the agency problem inbanks. Additionally, the results suggested that fintech acts as a moderator to enhance the relationship.Second, the study find that bank risk negatively affects bank performance, suggesting that performancewould decrease as risk rises. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that fintech has a moderating impact onthe relationship between risk and bank performance. It demonstrates how fintech intervention helpsbanks improve risk management by minimising and controlling the risk, in line with the ConsumerTheory's suggestion that an initiative like fintech or the enhancement of existing products and services,improvement of operations to minimise risk, improved performance in banks. Third, it has beendiscovered that ESG has a positive impact on bank performance, suggesting that implementing morerobust ESG practises will improve bank performance. According to the Theory of Stakeholders, it isthe obligation of a bank to add value for its stakeholders, and one way to do this is through ESG.Additionally, it was concluded that fintech mediates the link between ESG and bank performance. Thisindicates that banks with higher fintech engagement have better ESG results, which has indirectlyboosted performance.Secondary data for the analysis was gathered from a variety of sources, including Orbis Bank Focus,Refinitiv data stream, annual financial reports, the World Bank's Development Indicators, WorldwideGovernance Indicators, and CrunchBase (CB). The analysis included both static and dynamic paneldata approaches, including the fundamental Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Model (PLSSEM), the second generation of data analysis, and Ordinary Least Square (OLS) for robustness. Thisstudy will be useful to a wide range of stakeholders, including investors and managers, lenders, andpolicymakers in the EU region and around the world. It will also provide academicians and researcherswith future research directions in the banking and fintech fields