479 research outputs found

    O direito à memória e o ensino da História do conflito armado colombiano em um ambiente museal.

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    O direito à memória é o direito que tem a sociedade de conhecer, lembrar e procurar a verdade sobre seu próprio passado, sobretudo em situações de violência recente como é o conflito armado colombiano. O direito à memória pode ser garantido ou negado no campo da didatização da história. O ensino de história também acontece em espaços não escolarizados como os museus. O tema da pesquisa é: como os estudantes constroem explicações históricas sobre o conflito armado colombiano em um ambiente museal, e sua relação com o direito à memória. O trabalho de campo se desenvolve na Casa Museu Jorge Eliécer Gaitán (Bogotá - Colômbia), com estudantes das três últimas séries do sistema escolar colombiano. Partimos do pressuposto de que a Casa Museu Gaitán está vinculada não só a um passado doloroso, mas também a um presente conflituoso. As temporalidades superpostas deste espaço museal, são analisadas através das relações entre história acadêmica, história escolar e história cotidiana. Por isto, dialoga-se também com os conteúdos propostos para à área de Ciências Sociais e o livro didático. Garantir um direito à memória através do ensino de história, passa por combater as pretensões oficiais de impor uma memória única do passado, e oferecer ferramentas para que os estudantes possam construir explicações históricas a partir do raciocínio crítico. Isto é possível quando os estudantes confrontam as diferentes vozes que relatam o passado recente. No caso colombiano, garantir o direito à memória através do ensino de história da violência recente, é ainda mais complexo pela função que desenvolve o próprio Estado colombiano no meio do conflito armado

    Analyzing Pili Nut Value Chains in Sorsogon Province, Philippines

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    The importance of the pili nut (Canarium ovatum Engl.) industry cannot be discounted due to its immense domestic potential in Sorsogon Province, Philippines, where 62% out of the total volume of canarium nut production in the Bicol Region is concentrated. This paper examined the pili nut value chain network in the study area. Supplemented by secondary data sources, primary data gathering was conducted involving interviews with 15 pili farmers, 30 processors, and 20 traders located in Sorsogon City and 5 other pili-growing towns in Sorsogon Province. Analytical tools such as descriptive and net margin analyses were used. Results showed that farmers, processors, processor-wholesaler-retailers, processor-retailers, wholesaler-retailers, and retailers comprised the value chain. Four pili pulp and shelled pili chains where processors were not participants were identified while 12 dried kernel chains were mapped out. Selling dried kernel pili during the lean season gives farmers the highest value at PhP147.94 per kilogram rather than selling raw or shelled pili where returns are only one-fifth of this value. Traders refrain from buying dried kernel pili from farmers since they prefer buying pili with pulp and shelled pili so they can do the processing themselves. Chain problems include the lack of technical, financial, and information support; scattered location of pili farms; and low levels of product innovation. Recommendations offered include forming a cooperative or consolidating group to assemble all harvests, justify the purchase of depulping and other processing equipment, hasten production and processing technology transfer, and increase competitiveness

    Effect of femoral head size, subject weight and activity level on acetabular cement mantle stress following total hip arthroplasty

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    In cases where cemented components are used in total hip arthroplasty, damage or disruption of the cement mantle can lead to aseptic loosening and joint failure. Currently, the relationship between subject activity level, obesity and prosthetic femoral head size and the risk of aseptic loosening of the acetabular component in cemented THA is not well understood. This study aims to provide an insight into this. Finite element models, validated with experimental data, were developed to investigate stresses in the acetabular cement mantle and pelvic bone resulting from the use of three prosthetic femoral head sizes, during a variety of daily activities and one high impact activity (stumbling) for a range of subject body weights. We found that stresses in the superior quadrants of the cortical bone‐cement interface increased with prosthetic head size, patient weight and activity level. In stumbling, average von Mises stresses (22.4 MPa) exceeded the bone cement yield strength for an obese subject (143 kg) indicating that the cement mantle would fail. Our results support the view that obesity and activity level are potential risk factors for aseptic loosening of the acetabular component and provide insight into the increased risk of joint failure associated with larger prosthetic femoral heads

    Origen del sistema de galerías (grietas) en la zona de Tesistán (Santa Lucía-Nextipac), Zapopan, Jalisco

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      El 29 de junio de 2004 se formó, de manera repentina, una grieta de 1 245 m de longitud en las inmediaciones de Nextipac, en el municipio de Zapopan. La galería afloró durante una intensa tormenta que había anegado toda el área. Afectó principalmente zonas de cultivo, y en menor medida, viviendas. Este fenómeno no ha sido el único, ya que por lo menos se ha presentado en cinco ocasiones durante los últimos noventa años. El origen de estas grietas se ha asociado con una serie de variables, en donde la sufosión e hidrocompactación son unas de las principales variables. Es importante entender e identificar el fenómeno para cartografiar zonas susceptibles de presentarlo, y así definir mejor las posibilidades para asignar uso del suelo en el Valle de Tesistán


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    From an IoT point of view, the continuous growth of cheap and versatile sensor technologies has generated a massive data flow in communication networks, which most of the time carries unnecessary or redundant information that requires larger storage centers and more time to process and analyze data. Most of this redundancy is due to fact that network nodes are unable to identify environmental cues showing measurement changes to be considered and instead remain at a static location getting the same data. In this work we propose a multi-agent learning framework based on two theoretical tools. Firstly, we use Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) to make each node capable of getting information from the environment based on its current measurement and the measurements taken by its neighbors. Secondly, we use the rate distortion function to define a boundary where the information coming from the environment is neither redundant nor misunderstood. Finally, we show how the framework is applied in a mobile sensor network in which sensors decide to be more or less exploratory by means of the parameter s of the Blahut-Arimoto algorithm, and how it affects the measurement coverage in a spatial area being sensed

    Planeamiento estratégico para el sector de biocombustibles en Colombia

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    A 2013, el sector de los biocombustibles en Colombia se ha convertido en uno de los sectores más importantes en el desarrollo agrícola del país, no solo por la intención del Gobierno de mezclar combustibles fósiles con biocombustibles, sino también por el impacto social que tiene en las diferentes regiones agrícolas. En el presente planeamiento estratégico del sector, se han analizado diferentes aspectos internos y externos, a los que posteriormente se les plantearon las estrategias con los objetivos a largo y corto plazo, con los cuales se lograrán los crecimientos y las metas planteadas en la visión que está proyectada a 2020. Al inicio se describió la situación actual de Colombia y del sector de combustibles a nivel mundial, regional, y nacional, luego sus antecedentes y se plantearon la visión, misión, los valores, y código de ética del mismo. Posteriormente, se realizó la evaluación externa a través del análisis tridimensional de las naciones, el análisis competitivo del sector, y el análisis PESTE; luego la evaluación interna a través del análisis AMOFHIT. Se compararon los intereses del sector y los objetivos a largo plazo, posteriormente dentro del proceso estratégico se desarrollaron las matrices. Como resultado de la planeación se propusieron cuatro objetivos a largo plazo y seis estrategias para el sector relacionadas con penetración de productos, desarrollo de nuevos mercados, integración horizontal, y alianzas estratégicas. Sigue la implementación estratégica; donde los planes se vuelven acciones para lograr los objetivos, y se medirá y revisará el cumplimiento de las metas a través del Tablero de Control Integrado, lo que permitirá que se realicen acciones correctivas de ser necesario. Al final, se determinan las conclusiones, las recomendaciones, y el futuro del sector de biocombustibles en Colombia a 2020.On the last few years, the Biofuels sector in Colombia has become one of the most important sectors in the agriculture development of the country. Not only due to the intention of the government to mix Biofuels with fossil fuels, but also because of the high social impact that it represents for agricultural regions. The present strategic plan for the Colombian Biofuel sector has analyzed different internal and external factors, and proposes strategies with long and short term objectives that promote growth and the targets established for the 2020 vision. The present plan starts with a description of Colombia’s and global´ s current fuel background, with national and regional analysis; we state a vision, mission, values and ethical code for the Colombian biofuels sector. We proceed with the external evaluation through the analysis in three different dimensions, the competitive analysis of the sector, the PESTE analysis and the internal evaluation based on the AMOFHIT research. Then we compare the interests of the sector and the long terms objectives. As a result of the strategic planning process, we developed four long term objectives and six different strategies for the sector related to product penetration, new market developments, horizontal integration and strategic joint ventures. We continue the analysis with the strategic implementation, where the plans become actions in order to achieve the targets. These must be measured and revised in order to accomplish the goals using the balance score card, which must generate corrective actions if it´s necessary. We complete the analysis with the conclusions, recommendations and the possible future of the Biofuel sector in Colombia for 2020.Tesi

    Expanding Primary Metabolism Helps Generate the Metabolic Robustness To Facilitate Antibiotic Biosynthesis in Streptomyces

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    Abstract The expansion of the genetic repertoire of an organism by gene duplication or horizontal gene transfer (HGT) can aid adaptation. Streptomyces bacteria are prolific producers of bioactive specialized metabolites that have adaptive functions in nature and have found extensive utility in human medicine. Whilst the biosynthesis of these specialized metabolites is directed by dedicated biosynthetic gene clusters, little attention has been focussed on how these organisms have evolved robustness into their genomes to facilitate the metabolic plasticity required to provide chemical precursors for biosynthesis during the complex metabolic transitions from vegetative growth to specialized metabolite production and sporulation. Here we examine genetic redundancy in Actinobacteria and show that specialised metabolite producing bacterial families exhibit gene family expansion in primary metabolism. Focussing on a gene duplication event we show that the two pyruvate kinases in the genome of S. coelicolor arose by an ancient duplication event and that each have evolved altered enzymatic kinetics, with Pyk1 having a 20-fold higher Kcat than Pyk2 (4703 sec-1 compared to 215 sec-1 respectively) yet both are constitutively expressed. The pyruvate kinase mutants were also found to be compromised in terms of fitness when compared to wild-type Streptomyces. These data suggest that expanding gene familes can help maintain cell functionality during metabolic perturbation such as nutrient limitation and/or specialized metabolite production. Importance The rise of antimicrobial resistant infections has prompted a resurgence in interest in understanding the production of specialized metabolites by Streptomyces such as antibiotics. The presence of multiple genes encoding the same enzymatic function is an aspect of Streptomyces biology that has received little attention, however understanding how the metabolic expansion influences these organisms can help enhance production of clinically useful molecules. Here we show that expanding the number of pyruvate kinases enables metabolic adaptation, increases strain fitness and represents an excellent target for metabolic engineering of industrial specialized metabolite producing bacteria and the activation of cryptic specialized metabolites

    Performances of Student- Applicants from Selected Feeder Schools in the DLSU

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    The research was carried out to determine the performances of student- applicants from selected Feeder High Schools in the DLSU- Dasmariñas College Entrance Test for three consecutive School Years (2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015). This study also determined the significant difference in the results of College Entrance Test (CET) based on type of school (public and private. There were 579 respondents on selected feeder schools in the college entrance examination of De La Salle University- Dasmariñas for three consecutive years. The result of the study showed that no significance differences were found in the performance of the public and private school students in mathematics, science and inductive reasoning (IR) during SY 2012-2013, and SY 2013-2014. While in SY 2014-2015 students from private feeder schools have higher performance in all areas considered in the examination than students from public schools. Moreover, result indicated that students from private schools have better performance in Mathematics during SY 2014-2015.As regards to geographic location, the result indicated that students from Bacoor schools have the same performance in English, mathematics, science, inductive reasoning (IR) and general scholastic aptitude (GSA) for the SY 2014-2015. In addition, according to the type of colleges, the (COEd) College of Education showed that there is a significant difference in the performance in English for the 3 consecutive school years. While no significant difference exists in the other subjects

    Structural basis for CRISPR RNA-guided DNA recognition by Cascade

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    The CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) immune system in prokaryotes uses small guide RNAs to neutralize invading viruses and plasmids. In Escherichia coli, immunity depends on a ribonucleoprotein complex called Cascade. Here we present the composition and low-resolution structure of Cascade and show how it recognizes double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) targets in a sequence-specific manner. Cascade is a 405-kDa complex comprising five functionally essential CRISPR-associated (Cas) proteins (CasA1B2C6D1E1) and a 61-nucleotide CRISPR RNA (crRNA) with 5′-hydroxyl and 2′,3′-cyclic phosphate termini. The crRNA guides Cascade to dsDNA target sequences by forming base pairs with the complementary DNA strand while displacing the noncomplementary strand to form an R-loop. Cascade recognizes target DNA without consuming ATP, which suggests that continuous invader DNA surveillance takes place without energy investment. The structure of Cascade shows an unusual seahorse shape that undergoes conformational changes when it binds target DNA.