309 research outputs found

    Businesses as one of the key elements of a regions sustainable development.

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    International audienceThe regionalization and local development, encouraged by the European Union involves the notion of territory. Today territory or region should be seen as a system of actors. The concept of sustainable development should be taken into account by these actors. Businesses (especially SMEs) whose aim is to assure local development, economic growth and job creation are one of the key elements of territorys sustainability.La régionalisation favorisée par lUnion Européenne implique la notion de territoire. Des acteurs sexpriment dans des systèmes complexes et le concept de développement durable doit être globalement pris en compte. Les entreprises, acteurs de ces territoires pour assurer le développement économique et lemploi, se retrouvent au cur de la problématique de développement durable

    Ecologization of economics and ecologo-economic efficiency

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    A Numerical Analysis of Phononic-Assisted Control of Ultrasound Waves in Acoustofluidic Device

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    AbstractThe ability to precisely sort individual microparticles/cells/droplets in suspension is important for various chemical and biological applications such as cancer cell detection, drug screening etc. The past decade, label- free particle handling of particle suspensions by ultrasonic radiation forces and streaming has received much attention, since it relies solely on mechanical properties such as particle size and contrast in density and compressibility. We present a theoretical study of phononic-assisted control of ultrasound waves in acoustofluidic devices. We propose the use of phononic crystal diffractors, which can be introduced in acoustofluidic structures. These diffractors can be applied in the design of efficient resonant cavities, directional sound waves for new types of particle sorting methods, or acoustically controlled deterministic lateral displacement. The PnC-diffractor-based devices can be made configurable, by embedding the diffractors, all working at the same excitation frequency but with different resulting diffraction patterns, in exchangeable membranes on top of the device

    Dysadaptation Mechanisms of the Human's in Antarctic

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    Long-term complex monitoring medical-biological researches of the human's functional systems status at the prolonged stay in the conditions of isolation at the off-shore (coast) Antarctic station were focused on finding out of mechanisms of dysadaptative disorders development of integrative and oxygen-transport systems of organism in the absence of essential reduction of the oxygen content in atmospheric air. Work was based on the results of medical-biological studies, which were conducted with participation of the crew members of the Antarctic station Academician Vernadskiy (Vernadsky – 65° 14'43"S; 64° 15'24"W).Многолетние комплексные мониторинговые медико-биологические исследования состоянияфункциональных систем человека при длительном пребывании в условиях изоляции на прибрежной антарктической станции направлены на определение механизмов развития дизадаптационных нарушений интеграционных и кислородтранспортных систем организма при отсутствии существенного снижения наличия кислорода в атмосферном воздухе. Работа выполнена при участии членов экипажей (130 мужчин в возрасте 39,8±2,4 года) антарктической станции Академик Вернадский (Vernadsky – 65°14'43" S; 64°15'24" W)


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    The author in the article proves the necessity to harmonize knowledge and experience of preschool children as the conditions of child's individuality development. On the basis of scientific literature the essence of such phenomena as “experience”, “acquired experience”, “well-turned experience” and its main characteristics are revealed


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    This article contains information about creating a single electronic registry of patients in modern medical practice in Ukraine. Shows the basic information security system in the implementation of an electronic database patients.У статті містяться відомості про створення єдиного електронного реєстру пацієнтів у сучасній медичній практиці України. Висвітлені основні системи захисту інформації у процесі впровадження електронної бази пацієнтів.


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    The author in the article determines the result of research on the problem of professional and pedagogically-oriented forming as basic part of teacher’s culture