9 research outputs found

    Lichens and allied fungi new for Latvia

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    Six lichenized fungi (Calicium parvum, C. trabinellum, Carbonicola anthracophila, C. myrmecina, Peltigera extenuata, Pycnora sorophora), two lichenicolous (Clypeococcum hypocenomycis and Illosporium carneum), and two saprobic calicioid fungi (Chaenothecopsis savonica and Microcalicium arenarium) are reported as new for Latvia.

    The main drivers for the occurrence of six red-listed epiphytic bryophytes and lichens in the boreo-nemoral forest landscape, Latvia

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    Forest landscape plays a significant role in rare cryptogam distribution. However, data about the environmental demands of rare epiphytic bryophytes and lichens in boreo-nemoral forest landscapes are not complete. In this study, we focused on finding the main environmental predictors influencing the occurrence of three red-listed epiphytic bryophytes and three red-listed epiphytic lichens in the Latvian boreo-nemoral forest landscape. We obtained the records of species from the Natural Data Management System OZOLS database, which is a national information system on all rare taxa. We analyzed the occurrence of species in relation to forest stand age and area, forest type, heterogeneity and tree bark pH class. We found that selected red-listed bryophyte and lichen occurrence was mainly influenced by forest stand age and area. However, each of the red-listed epiphytic bryophyte and lichen has their own ecological demands in the boreo-nemoral landscape

    Where the interesting species grow – remarkable records of lichens and lichenicolous fungi found during a Nordic Lichen Society meeting in Estonia

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    In August 2019, the Nordic Lichen Society held its bi-annual meeting and excursion in south-western Estonia. The most remarkable findings of lichenized and lichenicolous fungi are recorded herewith, including nine new species (of them two lichenicolous), and one new intraspecific taxon for the country. Full species lists are provided for two notable locations, sandstone outcrop at the river Pärnu and an oak woodland in the Naissoo Nature Reserve, for which no previous data were available, to illustrate the importance of collective survey effort.   2019. a augustis toimus Eestis korraline, iga kahe aasta järel korraldatav Põhjamaade Lihhenoloogide Ühingu kokkutulek ja ekskursioon. Artiklis anname ülevaate huvitavatest lihheniseerunud ja lihhenikoolsete liikide leidudest, sealhulgas üheksa (neist kahe lihhenikoolse) liigi esmaleiust Eestis ja ühe liigisisese taksoni esmaleiust. Lisaks esitatakse lihheniseerunud, lihhenikoolsete ja neile lähedaste seente täisnimekirjad, mis koostati kahe elupaiga – Tori Põrgu Maastikukaitseala liivakivipaljandi ning Naissoo Looduskaitseala koosseisu jääva Naissoo tammiku – kohta

    Lichens and allied fungi from the Gauja National Park (Latvia), including new records for the country

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    In summer and autumn 2020, a lichenological inventory took place in the Gauja National Park (Latvia, Northern Europe). In total, 60 species of lichenized fungi, six non-lichenized saprophytic fungi and three non-lichenized fungi are reported as new for Gauja National Park. Among them, ten species are new to Latvia. Data on habitats, substrates, main characteristics and distribution in the neighbouring countries to Latvia are provided. The total number of lichenized and closely related fungi for the Gauja National Park is 346

    New records of lichens and lichenicolous fungi from Latvia, with a list of lichenicolous fungi reported from Latvia

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    Four species of lichen-forming fungi (Calicium pinastri, Chaenotheca laevigata, Lecania croatica and Pycnora praestabilis) and two lichenicolous fungi (Arthrorhaphis aeruginosa and Chaenothecopsis epithallina) are reported as new for Latvia. The first comprehensive list of lichenicolous fungi in Latvia is also presented, including their hosts and distribution in Latvia (northern Europe)

    The potential antifeedant activity of lichen-forming fungal extracts against the invasive Spanish slug (Arion vulgaris)

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    The protection of horticultural crops from slug feeding can be achieved using slug pellets; however, application of molluscicides is not always safe to the environment. There is a need for alternative methods to reduce the palatability of crop plants. Chemical properties of secondary compounds from lichens influence the feeding behaviour of slugs. Liquid extracts of three lichen species, Cladonia rangiferina (L.) F.H. Wigg., Cladonia stellaris (Opiz) Pouzar Vězda and Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.) Zopf, were applied to three different crops and tested for their antifeedant properties against an important agricultural pest, the Spanish slug Arion vulgaris (Moquin-Tandon, 1855). All three extracts had specific activity, showing a decrease in grazing intensity and also slug weight loss after feeding on treated food. Slugs significantly gained weight after feeding under control condition; however, they did not gain weight when fed on extract-treated food. The most effective extract was from P. furfuracea. We propose to use properties of lichen extracts to develop new environmentally friendly molluscicides.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author

    Ninety-one species of lichens and allied fungi new to Latvia with a list of additional records from Kurzeme

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    The results of lichenological excursions of the 19th Symposium of Baltic Mycologists and Lichenologists (BMLS) in Latvia, Kurzeme region, 22–26 September 2014, are reported. A list of 290 species is presented, of which 238 are lichenized, 43 lichen-inhabiting, and nine saprotrophic fungi: ninety-one species are new to Latvia, twelve of which (Caloplaca duplicata, Cresporhaphis wienkampii, Ellisembia lichenicola, Gallowayella weberi, Gregorella humida, Lichenochora weillii, Parmelia serrana, Polycauliona phlogina, Reconditella physconiarum, Stictis brunnescens, Thelocarpon superellum, and Verrucaria tectorum) are also new for the Baltic States. Athallia alnetorum is reported here for the first time in northern Europe. The presence of Ochrolechia androgyna s. str., Athallia holocarpa and A. pyracea is confirmed for Latvia, and Parmelia submontana is reported as a new host for Homostegia piggotii