406 research outputs found

    Polymodality of the verbs of perception : As exemplified by the western romance languages

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    This article considers the verbs of perception in the three Western Romance languages: French, Italian and Spanish. The objective of this research is the analysis of the polymode operation of the verbs of perception. The basis of polymodality is formed by the cognitive mechanisms of the perceptual human activity. The meanings of modi of the examined verbs are expressed in the mental,emotive terms, in terms of volition, etc.yesBelgorod State Universit

    Verbs of perception in western romanic languages and phenomenon of Deixis

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    This article considers the verbs of perception in the three Western Romanic languages: French, Italian and Spanish. In the present paper the bond between deixis and verbs of perception is being investigated. The research has revealed a fundamental difference between a field of indication and a symbolic field, which refers to cognitive, emotional, axiological moduses derived from the modus of perception. The analysis of the material has given grounds to introduce correlative notions of primary and secondary deixis. Depending on the conduct of agential, time and spatial coordinates in the discourse they form primary and secondary deixis of the deictic-field and primary and secondary deixis of the symbolic fieldyesBelgorod State Universit

    Adsorptive Voltammetry of 4-chlordehydromethyltestosterone

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    The article presents the results of the study of the electrochemical behavior of the anabolic steroid 4-chlordehydromethyltestosterone. The studies detected operating conditions for the voltammetric determination of anabolic glassy carbon electrode. The influence of such factors as pH, supporting electrolyte, the electrolysis and adsorption component on the analytical signal of the analyte was studied. The algorithm of sample preparation is presented and conditions for the quantitative determination of the active ingredient of the drug “Turinabol” by voltammetry is proposed. The evaluation of the proposed method accuracy was conducted

    Bacterial Carriage of Pathogenic Antibiotic-resistant Staphylococci Among Conditionally Healthy Infants and Preschool-age Children

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    Staphylococci are related to opportunistic microorganisms and are part of normal human microflora. However, there are varieties that can cause pyoinflammatory diseases in organisms with weakened immune status. In the event of an inadequate therapeutic approach, they are preserved in the body, and the person becomes a bacterial carrier and a source of dissemination of pathogenic microorganisms. The formation of antibiotic resistance also plays a significant role in the emergence of bacterial carriage. The situation is especially serious in organized children’s groups, where children are in close contact with one another. Thus, the study of the prevalence rate of antibiotic resistance among pathogenic strains of staphylococci in children’s groups is topical and worthy of attention. The purpose of this work is to identify carriers of pathogenic and antibiotic resistant staphylococci isolated from the microflora of the oral cavity of preschool children considered healthy. The results of the research can prove useful in practical healthcare and, particularly, in pediatric practice. Keywords: staphylococci, pathogenic cocci, bacterial carriage, antibiotic resistance, infant morbidity rat

    Human capital as a base for regional development : a case study

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    Purpose: The main aim of this article is to consider the main trends observed in the labor market in the regional agricultural sector. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study uses the statistical method, the method of analogy and comparison, as well as the positive and normative approach. Findings: The study indicated that in the agricultural sector there are several problems associated with the formation of human resources. This is evidenced by the presence of negative trends that have been observed over the past 20 years. The main problems are the low educational level of workers, aging professional staff, and a reduction in the number of employees in all positions. Practical implications: The socio-economic problems considered in the article indicate the urgent need to develop a mechanism of state support for agricultural workers. Originality/Value: The authors define the concept of human capital and reveal the essence of the factors influencing its formation, revealing them from the perspective of the socio-economic development of the region.peer-reviewe

    Nephelometric Method for Determination of Growth Parameters of Chlorella Culture

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    Nephelometric method for the determination of growth parameters of chlorella culture using a photoelectric colorimeter was described. Use of photoelectric colorimeter for cell counting in suspension requires periodic calibration of meter readings using chlorella standard culture (with a certain cell concentration). Chlorella vulgaris IPPAS С-66, IPPAS С-111 and IPPAS С-2019 strains served as object of research. Density of initial in vitro suspensions (after inoculation) was 0.9 mln cells/ml. Cultivation was carried out during 12 days on a Hoagland medium with a pH of 7 (temperature of 35∘C, illumination of 10 klx). Sample selection for analysis and measurement was carried out daily, three times per day. Based on the obtained data, readings of photoelectric colorimeter KFK-3.01 were calibrated via direct count of chlorella cells quantity in Goryaev’s chamber. Use of calibration curve made it possible to reduce significantly time and error in determination of cell number in suspension cultures. The proposed technique allows counting chlorella cells in the growth and development dynamics with sufficient accuracy, high sensitivity, reproducibility and speed. It can be used for comparative determination of the growth parameters of strains in vitro, standardization of suspension cultures, semi-quantitative determination of chlorella biomass in order to predict the yield of desired product

    Analysis of radiation effects on chicken eggs and meat irradiated by nanosecond electron beams

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    Chicken and eggs are considered the most common product in the world. Microorganisms on the surface and inside these food products reduce the shelf life and may be the causative agents of the disease among consumers. To solve this problem various methods of thermal and chemical treatment are used, which have several disadvantages. Radiation processing is a modern method of suppressing contamination of bacteria and increasing the shelf life of food products. Unfortunately, this technology has a negative effect on the physico-chemical and organoleptic properties of the product. Therefore, for food and hatching eggs the dose level is limited about 3 kGy. However to solve this problem it is possible to use a low-energy electron beam. This approach allows irradiating with a disinfecting dose only the surface and a shallow depth of products. Experiments on the irradiation of chicken meat and eggs were carried out at the accelerators URT-0.5 and URT-1. Studying the effect of irradiation with a nanosecond electron beam (NEB) on edible chicken eggs showed no significant changes in the eggs structure and physico-chemical properties. This is primarily due to the low depth of electron penetration. Therefore, most of the product is not irradiated by electrons. Thus, irradiation using the URT accelerators will reduce the main problem of the food radiation technology. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2020.Russian Science Foundation, RSF: 16-16-04038Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, project No. 16-16-04038. The authors would like to thank Balezin M.E for irradiation the samples

    Study of Antibiotic Resistance of the Oropharyngeal Hemolytic Microflora in Preschool Children

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    It is impossible to imagine modern medical practice without antibiotic therapy. However, the rapid development of the pharmaceutical industry expands free access of the population to antibacterial drugs. At the same time, the illiteracy of people with respect to the principles of rational antibiotic therapy also increases. The problem of microbial resistance to antibacterial drugs remains relevant to this day. Special attention should be paid to rational antibiotic therapy applied to children.The purpose of this work was to study the resistance of hemolytic microorganisms, which are often the cause of upper respiratory infection in preschool children, to the main antibacterial drugs used in pediatric practice. The results of this scientific research can be advisory and useful to pediatricians and other specialists whose professional activities are related to children’s health. Keywords: hemolytic active microorganisms, bacterial carriage, antibiotic resistance, children’s healt

    On chiral corrections to nucleon GPD

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    Within the pion-nucleon chiral perturbation theory we derive the leading chiral correction to the nucleon GPD at ξ=0\xi=0. We discuss the difficulties of consideration of nonlocal light-cone operators within the theory with a heavy particle and the methods to solve the difficulties. The consideration of the chiral corrections directly for nonlocal operators allows to resolve the ambiguity of the inverse Mellin transformation. In particular, we show that the mixing between axial and vector GPDs are of order mπ2/MN2m_\pi^2/M_N^2, which is two orders of magnitude less that it follows from the Mellin moments calculation.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure; minor corrections in the tex


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    Current article presents the results of using a solid carbon-containing electrochemical sensor modified with arenediazonium salts (ME-ADT-COOH) for the joint determination of copper and mercury in human hair. The sensitivity of the determination of copper and mercury ions using a graphite electrode modified with gold and arenediazonium salts with a substituent carboxy group is higher compared to the other carbon-containing modified electrodes. The influence of the concentration of arenediazonium tosylates with various substituents on the obtained analytical signal was studied. The conditions for the manufacturing the new carbon-containing modified electrochemical sensor have been developed. The effective surface area of the modified electrode was calculated, which was estimated using a cyclic voltammogram against the background of 0.1 M KCl with the addition of potassium hexacyanoferrate (С=5*10-4mol/l) salts and calculated using the Randles-Ševčík equation for the reversible electrode process. A linear range of determined concentrations in the voltametric determination of microelements on the arendiazonium-modified gold-graphite electrode was established - from 0.1 to 12 µg/g. The error of the determination did not exceed 25 %. The correctness of the results of the determination of copper and mercury in real objects by the “introduced-found” method, which correlates well with the known values, has been verified.Keywords: voltammetry, modifier, arenediazonium tosylates, gold-graphite electrode, copper, mercury, hairDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2022.26.2.004G.B. Slepchenko, M.S. Ostapenko, Yu.A. Akeneev, E.S. MoiseevaNational Research Tomsk Polytechnic University,Lenina Avenue, 30, Tomsk, 634050, Russian FederationПредставлены результаты использования твердого углеродсодержащего электрохимического сенсора, модифицированного солями арендиазония (МЭ-ADT-СООН), для совместного определения меди и ртути в волосах человека. Чувствительность определения ионов меди и ртути с использованием графитового электрода, модифицированного золотом и арендиазониевыми солями с заместителем карбокси-группой, выше по сравнению с другими углеродсодержащими модифицированными электродами. Изучено влияние концентрации тозилатов арендиазония с различными заместителями на получаемый аналитический сигнал. Разработаны условия изготовления нового углеродсодержащего модифицированного электрохимического сенсора. Произведен расчет эффективной площади поверхности модифицированного электрода, которая оценивалась с помощью циклической вольтамперограммы на фоне 0.1 M KCl с добавкой солей гексацианоферрата калия (С = 5·10-4 моль/л) и рассчитывалась с использованием уравнения Рэндлса-Шевчика для обратимого электродного процесса. Установлен линейный диапазон определяемых концентраций при вольтамперометрическом определении микроэлементов на модифицированном арендиазонием золото-графитовом электроде – от 0.1 до  12 мкг/г. Погрешность их определения не превышала 25 %. Проверена корректность результатов определения меди и ртути в реальных объектах методом «введено-найдено», хорошо коррелирующего с известными значениями.Ключевые слова: вольтамперометрия, модификатор, арендиазоний тозилат, органо-модифицированный электрод, медь, ртуть, волосыDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2022.26.2.00