166 research outputs found


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    The site of Orgnac 3 shows changes of its morphology alongtime. At the beginning of the human settlement, the site was a cave, then a shelter and at the end an open-air site. The sequence is dated from the OIS 9 and the beginning of the OIS 8. Human frequently came while the shape site changed, living along the walls and staying around the fire places. This site is also a good example to observe the spatial organisation in various technological context. The Levallois debitage appears at the top of the sequence, around 300 000 BP. The both analysis of the artefacts and the bone remains of two levels, the levels 6 and 2, give evidence of different activities.In spite of these activities, human live and organise in thesame way their settlement, whatever the length of theoccupation (several short occupations, one long occupation), the hunted species and the technological behaviour.Le site d'Orgnac 3 a changé d'aspect au cours de son histoire, offrant aux hommes une grotte, un abri sous roche et une doline en plein air. La séquence est datée par méthodes radiométriques et biostratigraphiques de l'OIS 9 et du début de l'OIS 8. Les hommes sont revenus régulièrement s'installant principalement en bordure de la paroi, celle-ci induisant l'organisation de l'espace structurée également autour des foyers. Ce site est aussi un cas idéal pour examiner la façon de gérer l'espace dans des contextes techniques très différentes. Le débitage Levallois apparaît au sommet de la séquence, vers 300 000 BP. L'analyse conjointe des restes lithiques et osseux et leur distribution horizontale permet dans les niveaux 6 et 2 pris en exemple de constater des types d'occupation différents. Malgré des activités variées, le siteest occupée de la même manière, et ceci indifféremment à la durée de l'occupation (plusieurs allers et venues, longueoccupation humaine), aux espèces chassées et auxcomportements techniques


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    This paper discusses a Megatherium americanum atlas from the Pampas region of Argentina, which is currently housed at the Museo di Storia Naturale di Firenze, Italy. Traces of anthropic cut marks were found on the dorsal and ventral faces of the posterior part, in articulation with the axis. This is the first time that this type of evidence has been documented on this element of this species. The position of these marks suggests that they resulted from the act of separating the head from the postcranial skeleton. They were therefore most likely made in an effort to exploit the contents of the head. Current research focusing on museum collections employing modern methods can provide new and valuable information, despite the general lack of contextualization of these pieces. In the case studied here, these methods have allowed us to delve deeper into the first dispersal of Homo sapiens and their interaction with the native fauna in the South American Southern Cone.&nbsp


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    International audienceIn southeastern France, many Final Acheulean/Early Middle Palaeolithic and Middle Palaeolithic assemblages have yielded bone retouchers. The oldest are dated to the Middle Pleistocene: from MIS 11 at Terra Amata; MIS 9 at Orgnac 3; and MIS 6-7 at Payre F, Sainte-Anne I and Le Lazaret. However, this early evidence of bone tool use only concerns a few dozen pieces among thousands of faunal and lithic remains. These re-touchers indicate behavioural changes from MIS 11-9 onwards in southeastern France, associated with a mosaic of technological and subsistence changes that became more common during the Middle Palaeolithic. The frequency of these bone artefacts increases during MIS 7, becoming much more numerous after MIS 5, sometimes totaling more than a hundred items at one site, such as Saint-Marcel Cave. Bone retoucher frequency is still highly variable throughout the Middle Palaeolithic and seems to be determined by the type of occupation and activities rather than the associated lithic technologies. This broad, regional comparative analysis contributes to a better understanding of the technical behaviour developed by Neanderthals, as well as their Middle Pleistocene ancestors, and their ability to recover and use bones


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    This paper offers a preview of the excavations of a Palaeolithic site in the southern Iberian Peninsula, the Cueva del Ángel (Lucena, Córdoba). Since 1995, the year in which its archaeological potential was discovered, there have been four excavation campaigns and there is now a 5-metre deep stratigraphic sequence. Together with the on-site excavations, there is also the technological and typological analysis of the lithic industry, an on-going zoological study, as well as a geological exploration of both the cavity and the sedimentary deposit that filled it. The fauna and material produced by the lithic industry recovered, together with the absolute dating offered by the stratigraphic sequence, enables us to conclude that this is a Middle and late Pleistocene site.En el presente artículo se da cuenta de los trabajos realizados en la Cueva del Ángel (Lucena,Córdoba), un nuevo yacimiento paleolítico en el sur de la Península Ibérica. Desde el descubrimiento en el año 1995 de su gran potencial arqueológico, se ha excavado durante cuatro campañas y, hasta el momento, presenta una estratigrafía de unos 5 metros de potencia. Paralelamente se analizan también la tecnología y tipología lítica, la fauna, la geología de la cavidad y su relleno sedimentario. La fauna, la industria lítica y las dataciones absolutas obtenidas hasta el momento sitúan el yacimiento en el Pleistoceno medio y el Pleistocenosuperior antiguo

    Dissection of cell wall assembly dynamics during early embryogenesis in the brown alga Fucus

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    Zygotes from Fucus species have been used extensively to study cell polarization and rhizoid outgrowth, and in this model system cell wall deposition aligns with the establishment of polarity. Monoclonal antibodies are essential tools for the in situ analysis of cell wall glycans, and here we report the characteristics of six monoclonal antibodies to alginates (BAM6–BAM11). The use of these, in conjunction with monoclonal antibodies to brown algal sulfated fucans, has enabled the study of the developmental dynamics of the Fucus zygote cell walls. Young zygotes are spherical and all alginate epitopes are deposited uniformly following cellulose deposition. At germination, sulfated fucans are secreted in the growing rhizoid wall. The redistribution of cell wall epitopes was investigated during treatments that cause reorientation of the growth axis (change in light direction) or disrupt rhizoid development (arabinogalactan-protein-reactive Yariv reagent). Alginate modeling was drastically impaired in the latter, and both treatments cause a redistribution of highly sulfated fucan epitopes. The dynamics of cell wall glycans in this system have been visualized in situ for the first time, leading to an enhanced understanding of the early developmental mechanisms of Fucus species. These sets of monoclonal antibodies significantly extend the available molecular tools for brown algal cell wall studies

    BRANCHED1: A Key Hub of Shoot Branching

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    Shoot branching is a key process for plant growth and fitness. Newly produced axes result from axillary bud outgrowth, which is at least partly mediated through the regulation of BRANCHED1 gene expression (BRC1/TB1/FC1). BRC1 encodes a pivotal bud-outgrowth-inhibiting transcription factor belonging to the TCP family. As the regulation of BRC1 expression is a hub for many shoot-branching-related mechanisms, it is influenced by endogenous (phytohormones and nutrients) and exogenous (light) inputs, which involve so-far only partly identified molecular networks. This review highlights the central role of BRC1 in shoot branching and its responsiveness to different stimuli, and emphasizes the different knowledge gaps that should be addressed in the near future

    L'apport de la faune à la connaissance de l'environnement et de la chronologie

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    Moigne Anne-Marie. L'apport de la faune à la connaissance de l'environnement et de la chronologie. In: Les Nouvelles de l'archéologie, n°11, printemps 1983. Archéozoologie. pp. 12-14

    Compte rendu du Premier congrès -international de paléontologie humaine et du colloque international du CNRS. Nice, 16-21 octobre 1982

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    Moigne Anne-Marie. Compte rendu du Premier congrès -international de paléontologie humaine et du colloque international du CNRS. Nice, 16-21 octobre 1982. In: Les Nouvelles de l'archéologie, n°10, Octobre-décembre 1982. pp. 100-101

    Compte rendu du Premier congrès -international de paléontologie humaine et du colloque international du CNRS. Nice, 16-21 octobre 1982

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    Moigne Anne-Marie. Compte rendu du Premier congrès -international de paléontologie humaine et du colloque international du CNRS. Nice, 16-21 octobre 1982. In: Les Nouvelles de l'archéologie, n°10, Octobre-décembre 1982. pp. 100-101