199 research outputs found

    Revisiting the anatomy of the right ventricle in the light of knowledge of its development

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    Controversies continue regarding several aspects of the anatomy of the morphologically right ventricle. There is disagreement as to whether the ventricle should be assessed in bipartite or tripartite fashion, and the number of leaflets to be found in the tricuspid valve. In particular, there is no agreement as to whether a muscular outlet septum is present in the normally constructed heart, nor how many septal components are to be found during normal development. Resolving these issues is of potential significance to those investigating and treating children with congenitally malformed hearts. With all these issues in mind, we have revisited our own experience in investigating the development and morphology of the normal right ventricle. To assess development, we have examined a large number of datasets, prepared by both standard and episcopic microscopy, from human and murine embryos. In terms of gross anatomy, we have compared dissections of normal autopsied hearts with virtual dissections of datasets prepared using computed tomography. Our developmental and postnatal studies, taken together, confirm that the ventricle is best assessed in tripartite fashion, with the three parts representing its inlet, apical trabecular, and outlet components. The ventricular septum, however, has only muscular and membranous components. The muscular part incorporates a small component derived from the muscularised fused proximal outflow cushions, but this part cannot be distinguished from the much larger part that is incorporated within the free-standing muscular infundibular sleeve. We confirm that the tricuspid valve itself has three components, which are located inferiorly, septally, and antero-superiorly.<br/

    Revisiting the anatomy of the right ventricle in the light of knowledge of its development

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    Controversies continue regarding several aspects of the anatomy of the morphologically right ventricle. There is disagreement as to whether the ventricle should be assessed in bipartite or tripartite fashion, and the number of leaflets to be found in the tricuspid valve. In particular, there is no agreement as to whether a muscular outlet septum is present in the normally constructed heart, nor how many septal components are to be found during normal development. Resolving these issues is of potential significance to those investigating and treating children with congenitally malformed hearts. With all these issues in mind, we have revisited our own experience in investigating the development and morphology of the normal right ventricle. To assess development, we have examined a large number of datasets, prepared by both standard and episcopic microscopy, from human and murine embryos. In terms of gross anatomy, we have compared dissections of normal autopsied hearts with virtual dissections of datasets prepared using computed tomography. Our developmental and postnatal studies, taken together, confirm that the ventricle is best assessed in tripartite fashion, with the three parts representing its inlet, apical trabecular, and outlet components. The ventricular septum, however, has only muscular and membranous components. The muscular part incorporates a small component derived from the muscularised fused proximal outflow cushions, but this part cannot be distinguished from the much larger part that is incorporated within the free-standing muscular infundibular sleeve. We confirm that the tricuspid valve itself has three components, which are located inferiorly, septally, and antero-superiorly.<br/

    Ubc9p and the conjugation of SUMO-1 to RanGAP1 and RanBP2

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    AbstractThe yeast UBC9 gene encodes a protein with homology to the E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes that mediate the attachment of ubiquitin to substrate proteins [1]. Depletion of Ubc9p arrests cells in G2 or early M phase and stabilizes B-type cyclins [1]. p18Ubc9, the Xenopus homolog of Ubc9p, associates specifically with p88RanGAP1 and p340RanBP2[2]. Ran-binding protein 2 (p340RanBP2) is a nuclear pore protein [3,4], and p88RanGAP1 is a modified form of RanGAP1, a GTPase-activating protein for the small GTPase Ran [2]. It has recently been shown that mammalian RanGAP1 can be conjugated with SUMO-1, a small ubiquitin-related modifier [5–7], and that SUMO-1 conjugation promotes RanGAP1's interaction with RanBP2 [2,5,6]. Here we show that p18Ubc9 acts as an E2-like enzyme for SUMO-1 conjugation, but not for ubiquitin conjugation. This suggests that the SUMO-1 conjugation pathway is biochemically similar to the ubiquitin conjugation pathway but uses a distinct set of enzymes and regulatory mechanisms. We also show that p18Ubc9 interacts specifically with the internal repeat domain of RanBP2, which is a substrate for SUMO-1 conjugation in Xenopus egg extracts

    Furin, a transcriptional target of NKX2-5, has an essential role in heart development and function

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    The homeodomain transcription factor NKX2-5 is known to be essential for both normal heart development and for heart function. But little is yet known about the identities of its downstream effectors or their function during differentiation of cardiac progenitor cells (CPCs). We have used transgenic analysis and CRISPR-mediated ablation to identify a cardiac enhancer of the Furin gene. The Furin gene, encoding a proprotein convertase, is directly repressed by NKX2-5. Deletion of Furin in CPCs is embryonic lethal, with mutant hearts showing a range of abnormalities in the outflow tract. Those defects are associated with a reduction in proliferation and premature differentiation of the CPCs. Deletion of Furin in differentiated cardiomyocytes results in viable adult mutant mice showing an elongation of the PR interval, a phenotype that is consistent with the phenotype of mice and human mutant for Nkx2-5. Our results show that Furin mediate some aspects of Nkx2-5 function in the heart

    Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP): A novel method to prepare Cr-doped UO2 nuclear fuel

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    The addition of Cr2O3 to modern UO2 fuel modifies the microstructure so that, through the generation of larger grains during fission, a higher proportion of fission gases can be accommodated. This reduces the pellet-cladding mechanical interaction of the fuel rods, allowing the fuels to be “burned” for longer than traditional UO2 fuel, thus maximising the energy obtained. We here describe the preparation of UO2 and Cr-doped UO2 using Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP), as a potential method for fuel fabrication, and for development of analogue materials for spent nuclear fuel research. Characterization of the synthesised materials confirmed that high density UO2 was successfully formed, and that Cr was present as particles at grain boundaries and also within the UO2 matrix, possibly in a reduced form due to the processing conditions. In contrast to studies of Cr-doped UO2 synthesised by other methods, no significant changes to the grain size were observed in the presence of Cr

    FGF10 promotes regional foetal cardiomyocyte proliferation and adult cardiomyocyte cell-cycle re-entry

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    © The Author 2014. Aims Cardiomyocyte proliferation gradually declines during embryogenesis resulting in severely limited regenerative capacities in the adult heart. Understanding the developmental processes controlling cardiomyocyte proliferation may thus identify new therapeutic targets to modulate the cell-cycle activity of cardiomyocytes in the adult heart. This study aims to determine the mechanism by which fibroblast growth factor 10 (FGF10) controls foetal cardiomyocyte proliferation and to test the hypothesis that FGF10 promotes the proliferative capacity of adult cardiomyocytes. Methods and results Analysis of Fgf10-/- hearts and primary cardiomyocyte cultures reveals that altered ventricular morphology is associated with impaired proliferation of right but not left-ventricular myocytes. Decreased FOXO3 phosphorylation associated with up-regulated p27kip1 levelswas observed specifically in the right ventricle of Fgf10-/- hearts. In addition, cell-type-specific expression analysis revealed that Fgf10 and its receptor, Fgfr2b, are expressed in cardiomyocytes and not cardiac fibroblasts, consistent with a cell-type autonomous role of FGF10 in regulating regional specific myocyte proliferation in the foetal heart. Furthermore, we demonstrate that in vivo overexpression of Fgf10 in adult mice promotes cardiomyocyte but not cardiac fibroblast cell-cycle re-entry. Conclusion FGF10 regulates regional cardiomyocyte proliferation in the foetal heart through a FOXO3/p27kip1 pathway. In addition, FGF10 triggers cell-cycle re-entry of adult cardiomyocytes and is thus a potential target for cardiac repair

    WDR11-mediated Hedgehog signalling defects underlie a new ciliopathy related to Kallmann syndrome

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    WDR11 has been implicated in congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (CHH) and Kallmann syndrome (KS), human developmental genetic disorders defined by delayed puberty and infertility. However, WDR11's role in development is poorly understood. Here, we report that WDR11 modulates the Hedgehog (Hh) signalling pathway and is essential for ciliogenesis. Disruption of WDR11 expression in mouse and zebrafish results in phenotypic characteristics associated with defective Hh signalling, accompanied by dysgenesis of ciliated tissues. Wdr11-null mice also exhibit early-onset obesity. We find that WDR11 shuttles from the cilium to the nucleus in response to Hh signalling. WDR11 regulates the proteolytic processing of GLI3 and cooperates with the transcription factor EMX1 in the induction of downstream Hh pathway gene expression and gonadotrophin-releasing hormone production. The CHH/KS-associated human mutations result in loss of function of WDR11. Treatment with the Hh agonist purmorphamine partially rescues the WDR11 haploinsufficiency phenotypes. Our study reveals a novel class of ciliopathy caused by WDR11 mutations and suggests that CHH/KS may be a part of the human ciliopathy spectrum.Peer reviewe

    Loss of Extreme Long-Range Enhancers in Human Neural Crest Drives a Craniofacial Disorder

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    Non-coding mutations at the far end of a large gene desert surrounding the SOX9 gene result in a human craniofacial disorder called Pierre Robin sequence (PRS). Leveraging a human stem cell differentiation model, we identify two clusters of enhancers within the PRS-associated region that regulate SOX9 expression during a restricted window of facial progenitor development at distances up to 1.45 Mb. Enhancers within the 1.45 Mb cluster exhibit highly synergistic activity that is dependent on the Coordinator motif. Using mouse models, we demonstrate that PRS phenotypic specificity arises from the convergence of two mechanisms: confinement of Sox9 dosage perturbation to developing facial structures through context-specific enhancer activity and heightened sensitivity of the lower jaw to Sox9 expression reduction. Overall, we characterize the longest-range human enhancers involved in congenital malformations, directly demonstrate that PRS is an enhanceropathy, and illustrate how small changes in gene expression can lead to morphological variation
