349 research outputs found


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    MAINTENANCE MACHINE CNC MILLING LUNAN XHS7145Mohd FadhilNIM : 1604002010013Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Program Diploma IIIFakultas Teknik Universitas Syiah KualaEmail: [email protected] production process can run effectively and efficiently when the machines used in the production process are in good condition and normal. Although the treatment system is done by the company during this time using the system preventive and corrective maintenance, but in the implementation there are still problems. The problem is due to unplanned and the absence of Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) in the Maintenance section to overcome the damage of CNC milling machine. Companies that do production activities without regard to maintenance activities, then the company is at risk of sacrificing the machine and the future of the company, because in the long term the company will have difficulties in the production process.The purpose of maintenance in Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Milling type machine, Brand: Lunan, type: XHS7145, is to perform maintenance steps on mechanic part XHS7145 system in accordance with standard Operation Procedure (In Operation Manual Book. Manage machine maintenance system maintenance.The stage that must be implemented so that the research can run smoothly and produce maximum data that is preparation of materials, preparation of equipment, implementation of observation, implementation of research, implementation of treatment, Data. The types of treatments planned according to the schedule of treatment period preventive are classified into inspections, small repairs, medium repairs, and total disassemblyPassword : Maintenance, Computer Numerical Control (CNC), Standart Operation Procedure (SOP


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    Pendidikan Agama Islam sangat penting untuk menciptakan masyarakat yang cerdas, damai, terbuka,  demokratis dan berakhlak. Apabila hasil Pendidikan Agama Islam ingin ditingkatkan, maka harus melakukan perubahan dan penyempurnaan, termasuk penyempurnaan kurikulum. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Depdikbud), merencanakan perubahan kurikulum mulai tahun ajaran 2013/2014, seperti yang  telah dilakukan oleh Kemendikbud dengan mengubah kurikulum tingkat satuan pendidikan (KTSP) menjadi Kurikulum 2013. Penerapan kurikulum 2013 akan mengedepankan pelajaran moral dan akhlak. Mata pelajaran agama, yang semula hanya dua jam per minggu, ditambah menjadi tiga jam per minggu. Di dalamnya termasuk penambahan pelajaran     budi pekerti. Berbagai komponen yang terdapat dalam pendidikan ini sering berjalan apa adanya, alami dan tradisional, karena dilakukan tanpa perencanaan konsep yang matang, akibat dari keadaan demikian, mutu pendidikan Islam sering kurang menggembirakan. Untuk merealisasikan permasalahan tersebut maka dibutuhkanya manajemen, apalagi setelah adanya penggabungan mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Budi Pekerti dalam Kurikulum 2013

    The Framework of Factors for the Improvement of the Significant Clauses in the Standard Form of Contract for the IBS Construction Approach in Malaysia

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    The Industrialised Building System (IBS) was introduced over 10 years ago in Malaysia, with well-documented benefits and strong support from the government. Apparently, the adoption and implementation of IBS is still low and below the government target. When adopting IBS, construction players mostly face different issues and challenges, particularly on contractual aspects, which contribute to the low adoption of IBS in Malaysia. There is also a lack of provision in the significant clauses of the Malaysian standard contract form to fit the development of IBS to date. The aim of this paper is thus to establish a system of factors underpinned by Deming's Theory for the improvement of the significant clauses in the standard contract form for IBS construction in Malaysia. A multi-method approach was used to achieve its aim, including an extensive literature review, findings from the previous study via document analysis, preliminary survey, questionnaire survey and semi-structured interviews. The research revealed that there are five significant clauses with important factors that can be improved in the existing Malaysian standard form of contract in relation to the IBS construction. The research also developed a framework that would be able to assist the policy and decision-makers in understanding what the improvement factors that need to be considered in the significant clauses in the standard form of contract in relation to the IBS construction. The research output (the framework) was validated by the prominent industry players on the practicality, suitability to its purposes for the related stakeholders. The developed framework would be able to accelerate the adoption of IBS construction in parallel with the initiatives (P3) in the Construction Industry Transformation Programme (CITP)

    Purification And Characterization Of Phospomolybdate Reductase Produced By Locally Isolated Serratia Marcescens Strain Dr.Y5

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    The threat of heavy metal pollution to public health and wildlife has led to an increased in developing systems that can remove or neutralise its toxic effect in soil, sediments and wastewater. In this work, a local molybdenum reducing bacterium was isolated. This bacterium is Gram negative and identified as Serratia marcescens Strain Dr.Y5 based on Biolog ID system and 16s rRNA molecular phylogenetics studies matched 99.96% to Serratia marcescens. The isolate was originally isolated from the grounds of King Edward VII (2) primary school in Taiping, Perak. The optimum carbon source for Mo-blue production was sucrose at 1.0% concentration and optimally grown at 40 °C. While the optimum concentration for nitrogen source was 0.2(w/v) % and optimum yeast concentration was 0.05(w/v) %. The Mo-blue production were optimum at pH 6.0 with the best ratio of phosphate to molybdate giving optimum reduction was 2.9 mM to 20 mM, respectively. Molybdenum reducing activity of the enzyme extract was assayed at 865 nm using 20 mM 10:4 molybdophosphoric acid and 2 mM NADH at room temperature. Purification of phosphomolybdate reductase was done by using anion exchange on Macro Prep High Q and gel filration on Zorbax GFX-250. The enzyme was assayed using NADH or NADPH as the electron donor and phosphomolybdate as the electron acceptor. The assay was completed in less than 5 minutes and produced an intense blue color with a wavelength maximum at 865 nm. The best electron donor for the enzyme is NADH (12-MP as electon acceptor) with a maximum initial velocity, Vmax of 25.07 nmole molybdenum blue produced/min/mg/protein and a Michaelis constant, Km at 0.44 mM. The best electron acceptor substrate is 10:4 molybdophosphate, with a Km of 3.87 mM and a Vmax of 24.18 nmole molybdenum blue/min (NADH as electron donor at saturated concentrations). The phosphomolybdate reductase activity has an optimum temperature at 30 °C. At 40 °C of incubation for a period of one hour, the residual phosphomolybdate reductase activity remains 80% of the control, indicating that the enzyme is stable below 40 °C. The enzyme was inactivated rapidly at temperatures higher than 54 °C and was inactivated totally at 70 °C within 30 minutes of incubation

    Financial Management Practices among Small Non-Manufacturing Companies

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    Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have been very important in many countries including Malaysia because of its role for the country's economic growth. This paper explores the level of awareness towards the importance of financial management from the preparation of accounting reports and its information usage in the business. The research focuses on small non manufacturing companies because very few studies have been conducted in this area. Besides, the findings will help to reveal some of the key points that can contribute to the decision making and growth especially in the context of small companies. The research is conducted on a case study manner which is to concentrate more and consider a situation that is similar to the previous research done. The situation considered is among small non manufacturing companies which can provide useful tool to study the financial management in the companies and the usage of accounting information. Sources of data are gathered from primary and also from secondary data. The primary data is collected and gathered through an interview technique. The findings from the primary data are then is used with secondary data which is taken from previous researcher. This study found that the level of awareness on the importance of financial management is still very poor in small firms. It is found that lack of accounting knowledge has been the factor that causes them unable to use the accounting information wisely. Moreover, the companies still do not have the effort to find alternatives to improve themselves to increase the level of their knowledge. This problem of lack of accounting knowledge and the perception that they had on the financial matters at the end may affect the accuracy of the information and the credibility in decision making. In addition, in this paper the level of awareness on the importance of using information technology (IT) in managing companies' financial also has been identified. The results show the difference in accounting preparation whether manually or computerized and its impact on the accounting information produced. The findings also show that companies that manage their financial using IT are still at minimal stages and prefer to use simple programmes such as Microsoft Excel and Word. Thus it can be concluded that most companies did not have proper and systematic financial records and the used of IT to assist in managing financial are not fully utilized

    Performance assessment of cassava peel starch and alum as dual coagulant for turbidity removal in dam water

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    The agricultural and food processing industries generate a significant portion of residues, refuse and waste. Conversion of these wastes into useful end product would be beneficial not only to the economy but also the environment as it reducing the solid waste disposal problem. The present study was aimed to investigate the performance of cassava peel starch (CPS) extracted from cassava peel waste in combination with alum to act as dual coagulant for turbidity removal in raw water from Sembrong dam. Comparative studies by employing both alum and CPS as primary coagulant using several series of Jar test were also conducted. Results showed that the usage of alum-CPS as dual coagulant not only enhanced the turbidity removal with maximum achievement up to 91.47%, but also significantly improve the coagulation process by reducing both alum dosage and settling time up to 50% which indicates broad prospects to be further developed as emerging green coagulant

    The Enhancement of Micro Grinding Process by Using NdFeB to Seize Material Dust

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    By the substitution of ferrite to NdFeB materials, the process of seizing material dust in micro grinding process will be faster. Magnetic, chemical, corrosion, mechanical and magnetisation properties of the different materials are described and compared to enable the replacement. The concept design of magnetic steel attachment is to build a close steel attachment that can be adhered to pressure vessel so that the material dust will not be plunged out to the environment work. The sample of bonded NdFeB magnet is prepared by mixing die NdFeB powder with 5% of epoxy binder, NdFeB magnet also undergoes Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and X-Ray Diffraction (X-RD) test for further analysis. The final test would be the micro grinding process is operated with NdFeB bonded magnet placed at the base of the steel attachment