3,487 research outputs found

    Serangga akuatik sebagai indikator kualiti air di Johor

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    Serangga akuatik diketahui sebagai alat pemonitoran kualiti air dan kajian ini menentukan potensi serangga sebagai indikator kualiti air di Johor. Pembangunan pesat di negeri Johor boleh menyebabkan pencemaran sumber air sehingga memerlukan satu program pemantauan kualiti air yang lebih cekap. Objektif kajian ini adalah (i) mengumpul, mengenalpasti, menentukan dan menghasilkan data taburan kepelbagaian serangga akuatik di sungai-sungai terpilih di Johor, (ii) mengaitkan kehadiran kepelbagaian serangga akuatik dengan beberapa ciri-ciri fizikal sungai-sungai di Johor dan (iii) membandingkan kecekapan beberapa indek biotik berdasarkan data serangga akuatik di sungai-sungai di Johor. Tujuh kawasan persampelan dipilih atas dasar taburan geografi serta kegunaan jasad air tersebut kepada komuniti setempat: Taman Negara Johor Endau Rompin (PETA) (TNJER-PETA), Taman Hutan Lagenda Gunung Ledang (THLGL), Hutan Lipur Soga Perdana (HLSP), Hutan Lipur Gunung Belumut (HLGB), Hutan Lipur Sungai Bantang (HLSB), Hutan Lipur Gunung Pulai 1 (HLGP1) dan Sungai Sayong Pinang. Persampelan serangga menggunakan kaedah jaring tendang dan berbeza mengikut jenis mikrohabitat. Sejumlah 11,647 individu serangga akuatik terdiri dari 68 famili mewakili sembilan order telah disampel. Sebanyak 69% serangga terkumpul merupakan indikator air berkualiti baik antaranya adalah famili Hydropsychidae dari order Trichoptera, famili Baetidae dari order Ephemeroptera dan famili Simuliidae dari order Diptera. Berdasarkan kepada kepelbagaian famili mengikut indek kepelbagaian Shannon (H’), TNJER- PETA direkodkan sebagai yang mempunyai indeks tertinggi (H’= 3.215) diikuti HLSP (H’= 2.791) dan HLGB (H’= 2.482). Berdasarkan ciri-ciri fizikal, tapak kajian dikelaskan kepada tiga kategori (i) kawasan paling disukai oleh serangga akuatik (HLSB, THLGL, HLGP1 dan HLGB), (ii) kawasan pertengahan paling disukai (TNJER-PETA dan HLSP) dan (iii) kawasan paling kurang disukai (Sg. Sayong). Berdasarkan hasil pembandingan antara indeks biotik, mendapati indeks biotik Malaysia (MFBI, BMWP-My dan ASPT-My) lebih baik berbanding indeks biotik asal (HFBI, BMWP dan ASPT) berdasarkan data serangga akuatik di tapak kajian. Oleh itu, hasil ini membayangkan bahawa kualiti air sungai di Johor boleh dipantau menggunakan serangga sebagai penunjuk biologi kerana kelimpahan, taburan dan tindakbalas yang cepat serangga akuatik terhadap keadaan persekitaran

    Analysis of major fragrant compounds from citrus grandis flowers extracts

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    Various sampling techniques such as hydrodistillation, Soxhlet extraction and solid phase micro extraction (SPME) were used to extract compounds, i.e. the active components attributed to fragrance of C. grandis flowers. Gas chromatograph mass spectrometry was then used to identify and quantify the active components obtained from the techniques. The results thus far showed that, buds and blossoms of this flower which possesses a strong floral-, jasmine- and orange-like aroma contain β-myrcene, limonene, ocimene, linalool and caryophyllene as the major compounds. In hydrodistillation technique the levels of ocimene and linalool detected in blossom were higher than in the bud at 7.37 and 15.93%, respectively, while in the bud, limonene was the highest, i.e. 4.57%. In Soxhlet extraction, however the bud was found to consist of limonene (27.25%), ocimene (5.55%) and linalool (2.97%). The performance of three available SPME fibers was compared to evaluate the recoveries of volatile compounds in C.grandis flowers and 100 μm polydimethylsiloxane was found to be the most effective

    GMAW Parameters Effects On Microstructural And Mechanical Properties Of TOW SS304 And BS1387

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    Tailored orbital welding is a joining process of tubular product with dissimilar material and size depending on the application environment. One of the most common industries that apply this process is in power plant boiler water piping system. Dissimilar material is used to transmit water at various temperature, either in extremely high temperature water or room temperature water. In order to reduce cost and dependence on high-skill welder, tailored orbital welding of dissimilar material of Stainless Steel (SS) 304 and British Steel (BS) 1387 were performed by Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) with automated fixed nozzle-rotational jig. The fixed nozzle-rotational jig was used to provide “steady hand” and constant travel speed for welding process. Thus, it will increase productivity and repeatability of the process, reducing the weld defects and produce good quality weldment. The study was focused on GMAW parameters variation effects on microstructure formation and mechanical properties of SS304 and BS1387 dissimilar material tailored orbital welding. The weldment quality was tested by performing non-destructive test and weld bead properties was studied to verify the influence of welding parameters variations. The study on microstructure formation, micro hardness and tensile strength were conducted to relate the solidification formation and mechanical properties. In addition, thermal effect was studied to understand the microstructure and micro hardness variations of tailored orbital welding. In this study, Design of Experiment (DOE) was employed to generate process parameter using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) method. Welding parameters include arc current, arc voltage and travel speed as input response, whilst, mechanical properties include micro hardness and tensile strength as output response. The effects of welding parameters on mechanical properties were also studied. Results from non-destructive test show no major defect was occurred. The weld bead dimension studies showed variation in welding parameters affect the weld bead formation. The heat generated during welding process also affect the microstructural and mechanical properties. The micro hardness value and tensile strength at weldment is higher than base material. The mathematical model for predicting hardness and tensile value was generated and validated. The validation fell within 90% prediction interval. The optimize parameters were generated in maximizing hardness and tensile value

    Analyzing ethnic and cultural materials : insights into ELT materials

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    Ethnic and cultural materials and English Language Teaching (ELT) materials are related especially in terms of the emphasis on cultural knowledge and skills as well as the language and critical thinking skills. This study intends to research on ethnic and cultural materials within the perspectives of English language materials design. Specifically, the objectives of the study are to investigate the relevance and implications of such materials to ELT materials. The materials were selected from the content of Ethnic Relations course as it contained rich ethnic and cultural elements. When examining such materials from the perspectives of English language materials design, three aspects are considered: learner factors, text factors and task factors. The instrument used for the study was a checklist derived from works by Contazzi and Jin (2001), Nunan (2001), Tomlinson (2001) and Banks (1990). Basically, the checklist consists of 25 items and it was divided into three parts, learner factors, text factors, and task factors. The materials were analyzed using the checklist according to the specified criteria and the data obtained were represented in the form of description, examples and evidence. In addition, lecturers’ perceptions on the materials were attained using a set of interview questions. The findings indicate that a) ethnic and cultural materials have positive impacts on students’ interest and motivation, b) such materials include useful cultural elements and are comprehensible to students, and c) the tasks given are relevant and meaningful. The study also proves that lecturers dealing with ethnic and cultural contents are aware of the benefits of using such materials for teaching language and culture as it can foster critical thinking and develop communicative competence. Thus, the use of ethnic and cultural materials has a direct and significant implication to English language teaching and learning if the same criteria were to be applied when selecting and using ELT materials

    Automatic image restoration technique for Under/over exposed region.

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    Pelbagai kaedah telah dicadangkan untuk meningkatkan kejelasan, kualiti, dan memulihkan imej yang berada dalam keadaan kurang atau lebih dedahan. Dalam pemulihan imej, tujuan utamanya adalah untuk meningkatkan kejelasan imej. Many methods have been proposed to improve the clarity, quality and to compensate the underexposed or over-exposed regions of an image. In image restoration, the main goal is to improve the clarity in the image

    The application of integrated sustainability tool for production of cyclohexanone

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    The sustainability problem for reactor systems which is consists of simultaneous calculation of the three sustainability index (one-dimensional index, two-dimensional index, three-dimensional index) in one single analysis and is shown in Figure 1. 1D sustainability analysis is developed according to Shadiya and High (2012), in which a one by one index is calculated for all three indicators. The environmental indicator is divided into two different indexes, which are environmental metric and resource usage metric. Economic indicator is evaluated by using a set of metrics for the cost effectiveness. Whereas, the social indicator is measured by using total inherent safety index and also health risk. Then, for 2D sustainability analysis is developed by referring to Ulhman and Sailing (2010), in which a 2D sustainability indicator is introduced by simultaneous assessment of two criteria out of three. The categories involved are economicenvironmental, socioeconomic and socio-environmental which are expressed in term of mass, water and energy intensity index. Furthermore, 3D sustainability analysis is based on Martins et. al. (2007). Here, the indexes used are energy intensity, material intensity, potential chemical risk and potential environmental impact. In this case, those four indexes are located inside a 3D index that complies all aspects in sustainability

    Effect Of Water Quality And Marine Phytoplankton Community Structure On Shrimp Production In Tropical Ponds

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    Production of giant black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) in earthen ponds in the tropical region may vary as the pond matures, depending on water quality and phytoplankton community structure. The objectives of the present study were to determine water quality and marine phytoplankton succession in ponds of different ages, to nutritional value of isolated species of a dominant cyanobacterium in the shrimp ponds in comparison with a beneficial diatom and green alga and to investigate how phytoplankton community structure could be affected by alteration of macronutrient concentrations in mixed cultures. The field study was carried out in an intensive shrimp farm in Kuala Selangor, Malaysia. Phytoplankton and water samples were collected from ponds of different ages categorized as new (<1yr), intermediate (2-5yrs) and old (>10yrs), for 16 weeks of shrimp culture. Fluctuation of nutrient and chlorophyll-a concentrations were not different from other tropical shrimp ponds in the region. Cyanobacteria (five genera), diatoms (24 genera), dinoflagellates (four genera) and green algae (three genera) were four dominant groups of phytoplankton found in all the shrimp ponds. Diatoms were dominant during the early stage of the culture in new ponds whilst blue–green algae dominated intermediate and old ponds throughout the culture period. Shrimp production in new ponds were significantly higher than intermediate and old ponds (p<0.05) probably due to the abundance of diatoms at the beginning of the culture cycle, suitable as live feed for zooplankton and shrimp larvae. Pseudanabaena tenuis was found abundant in all pond categories throughout the culture period. The cyanobacterium was isolated for surface structure and proximate analysis in the laboratory. Result showed that P. tenuis have lower nutritional value in comparison with a common diatom (Chaetoceros calcitrans) and a green alga (Chlorella pyrenoidosa), indicating that is was not part of consumable algae among grazers. All the above microalgae species were used in the nutrient enrichment bioassays in the laboratory to determine the growth and competition among species when grown singly and in mixed cultures. The result showed that the diatom grew well in single cultures and competed successfully over other microalgae in mixed cultures when silica concentrations increased whilst other essential growth nutrients were not limited. This present research gives an idea of how shrimp production in ponds of different ages could be affected by water quality and phytoplankton community structure and how alteration of nutrient concentrations could be use to stimulate growth of beneficial algae and suppress harmful algae in mixed culture systems which need further research for better understandings

    Hubungan Stail Kepemimpinan Guru Besar Dengan Iklim Sekolah Dan Pencapaian Akademik Murid-Murid Di Sekolah-Sekolah Rendah Daerah Kuala Kangsar, Perak

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    The leadership of the headmaster is often connected with the style of management and the achievement of the school. There are differences in leadership style of each headmaster in schools at present. Hence, a study was done to highlight the relationship of the headmaster’s leadership with the school’s climate and the students academic achievements. The study was done in forty Primary Schools chosen in Kuala Kangsar district, Perak. There were one hundred and fifty teachers teaching Bahasa Melayu, English and Mathematics in year six chosen at stratum random for this experiment. The instrument used was adapted from Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire (LBDQ) created by HaIpin (1966) and Climate Profile Questionnaire (CPQ) suited from School Climate Profile Questionnaire (CFK Limited, 1974). The technique which is used to collect the data is a set of self-administrated questionnaire. The correlation Pearson Technic and ANOVA is used to test the creation of the hipothesis. The result of the study showed that there was a significant relationship between the style of leadership, the school’s climate, general factors, programmes factors, processes factors and environmental factors. There seemed to be a different perception among male and female teachers towards the headmaster’s style of leadership. Whereas, it was found that the location and the grade of the school, experiences in teaching did not contribute to any significant difference. The result also showed that there was no significant relationship between the style of leadership and the school’s climate with the academic achievements

    Pengaruh kecerdasan emosi terhadap stres dan komitmen guru novis

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    The literature review on novice teachers shows 33 percent teachers leave the teaching profession at the early stage meanwhile local studies emphasis mainly on the aspects related to classroom, effectiveness and the quality of the Post Graduate Teacher Training Programme. It also showed that aspects related to emotional intelligence, work stress and work commitment amongst novice teachers are less researched on although it is proven that they have high impact on these teachers. Hence, this research aims to thoroughly look into the influence of emotional intelligence on the stress and commitment levels among novice teachers in the northern region of Peninsular Malaysia. Three data collection methods used in this research were Assessing Emotions Scale, Teachers Stress Inventory and Organisational Commitment Questionnaire. Observational research design was conducted through stratified random sampling and simple random sampling. Sample of respondents comprised of 325 novice teachers with one to three years of teaching experience. Various data analysis techniques were applied in this research such as mean, correlation analysis and Structural Equation Model. Multiple Group Analysis was carried out whereby the result shows no demographic differences except for gender and age of the novice teachers. However, correlation analysis showed low positive value whereas the emotional intelligence and stress factors showed 18 percent changes of the variant towards novice teachers’ commitment. The analysis from SEM also showed that emotional intelligence and work stress contribute to the teachers’ level of work commitment. Work stress also influences 91 percent of the relationship between emotional intelligence and work commitment. Hence, this research shows that it is important for novice teachers to have a solid emotional intelligence. They should be able to manage their work stress wisely in order to improve their work commitment in the teaching profession. This strength will help to develop and maintain human capital amongst teachers and to undergo dynamic changes in the education

    Design of an aluminum can crusher / Mohd Zamzuri Zakaria

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    This thesis is about to design aluminium can crusher for home purpose usage. By referring to the in-vention of aluminium can crusher, there is a fact that cannot be denied that recyclable products such as aluminium cans have become popular in the beverage industry. But, there is a problem when alu-minium cans become too much and when returning to the recycling station, consumers usually send in a bulk and inconvenience condition. Nowadays, the home-based consumer typically enjoys the cans or beverages from a recyclable can but they are not aware about the recycling processes and disposing the empty cans. For some of the consumer, the task of crushing cans for disposal in the recycling bin can be time consuming for them. In order to cope with this problem, the design of this simple and portable can crusher is used to solve this problem. In designing stage, the author used the high technology design software CATIA to design it virtually before fabricate the desired design. Besides that, this device also friendly user because the user did not have to worry about the spaced required and it is easily to carry anywhere. It is only need a space about 300 mm x 200 mm area. The material used to fabricate its prototype is made from aluminium. So the weight of this device is not too heavy to remove and can avoid corrosion. Furthermore, all the parts involved are assembling by using screws to make it easy to resemble and dissemble. Besides that, this device is fully mechanical operated and can be operated in any condition. By the design of this device, it is hoping that the consumer can save their time, money and also can increase their awareness about the environment