Hubungan Stail Kepemimpinan Guru Besar Dengan Iklim Sekolah Dan Pencapaian Akademik Murid-Murid Di Sekolah-Sekolah Rendah Daerah Kuala Kangsar, Perak


The leadership of the headmaster is often connected with the style of management and the achievement of the school. There are differences in leadership style of each headmaster in schools at present. Hence, a study was done to highlight the relationship of the headmaster’s leadership with the school’s climate and the students academic achievements. The study was done in forty Primary Schools chosen in Kuala Kangsar district, Perak. There were one hundred and fifty teachers teaching Bahasa Melayu, English and Mathematics in year six chosen at stratum random for this experiment. The instrument used was adapted from Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire (LBDQ) created by HaIpin (1966) and Climate Profile Questionnaire (CPQ) suited from School Climate Profile Questionnaire (CFK Limited, 1974). The technique which is used to collect the data is a set of self-administrated questionnaire. The correlation Pearson Technic and ANOVA is used to test the creation of the hipothesis. The result of the study showed that there was a significant relationship between the style of leadership, the school’s climate, general factors, programmes factors, processes factors and environmental factors. There seemed to be a different perception among male and female teachers towards the headmaster’s style of leadership. Whereas, it was found that the location and the grade of the school, experiences in teaching did not contribute to any significant difference. The result also showed that there was no significant relationship between the style of leadership and the school’s climate with the academic achievements

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