139 research outputs found

    Tanzihu Ulil Adyaan Min Tadhlil Gulaamul Qaadiyaan (Karangan Sayid Husain Syahab)

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    This article discusses Ahmadiyah Qodiyan, an Islamic sect established at the end of 19\u27h century in India, in the view of Sayyid Husein Shahab\u27s Thoughts. He defeated Mirza Ghulam Ahmad\u27s thoughts on the debate about the seal of the prophet hood that Muhammad is the true seal of the ever revealed prophets. This discourse is to response to the Qrannically widespread ideas bringing about the decrease of the faith of the believers in all aspects of their very life. This discouse is still very actual today, as now, there happens some movements to forbid Ahmadiyah from its development in Indonesia

    A study on prevalence of hearing impairment and ear diseases in Kelantan

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    Objective To determine the prevalence of hearing impairment and ear diseases in Kelantan. Methodology It was a prospective population based cross-sectional study. The study was conducted in the chosen subjects that based on two-stage stratified random sampling in nine districts in Kelantan. Enumeration blocks (EB) were selected from each district. Eight living quarters were selected from each EB. All households who live in the living quarters and consented to get involved in the study were screened for hearing impairment and ear diseases by using questionnaire, ear examination and audiological test at their house. Each participant was subjected to otoacoustic emission test. Subjects were then underwent behavioral test according to their age. The behavioral tests include distraction test and pure tone audiometry (air conduction only). Result A total of 502 participants were screened. For the ear diseases, 500 were able to be examined and the prevalence was 11.8o/o. Impacted wax was the most common ear disease found followed by chronic suppurative otitis media. Whereas for the hearing impairment, the prevalence based on OAE was 30.2o/o and this figure was reduced to 16.8% when the participants were screened with behavioral tests. Presbyacusis was most common finding of the cause of hearing impairment followed by noise induced hearing loss. Conclusion Result from the study has shown that significant prevalence of ear diseases and hearing impairment among population of Kelantan and effort should continue even harder to tackle the problems. Providing education toward good ear care and screening program to detect hearing impairment as early as possible and thus early rehabilitation should be carried out


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    Android platform has become a leading mobile operating system since it frrst appearance on November 2007. Latest statistic based on July market data in U.S shown that Android smartphone has gain 40% of market share compare to iOS and Blackberry which hold only 28% and 7% respectively. While Android operating system is only maturing with just about 3 years old, it already exceeds their close competitor. This growth is driven by the availability of many high-end products and the variety of applications in Android Market. Android smartphone gives the advantage of touchscreen display with multi-touch, internet access, efficient storage system and many other Application Programming Interfaces (APis) depending on the software versions. In this project, an offiine maps application will be develop for Android platform using android Software Development Kit (SDK) and Integrated Development Environment (IDE) software. The maps are design for the usage of Electrical and Electronic (EE) students where it will show maps for EE department, search lecturer infonnation and provide direction to the desired destination. The process of developing the maps includes designing an interactive User Interface (UJ), programming the structure of the application, creating and connecting databases oflecturer information such as room number and location, office phone number, and email address. The application will not only help student searching lecturer's details and location, but also can be used by lecturers and visitors

    Study of weed population and growth performance of different rice varieties under aerobic condition / Muhammad Nazhif Mohd Sayuti

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    Rice is a main source of food for more than half of the world population, and more than 90% of rice worldwide is grown and consumed in Asia. Aerobic rice was one of the planting techniques that could overcome water scarcity or drought problems in Malaysia. This is because aerobic rice can be planted in non-puddled and non-saturated condition which reduce water consumption more than 50% compared to irrigated rice. Sustainable weed management strategy in aerobic rice system would be beneficial from both economic and environmental perspectives. However, weed infestation is one of the major limitation in aerobic rice production due to no standing water upon rice germination. Objectives of this study was to identify weed population and rice growth performance under different types of rice varieties. A glass house experiment was conducted to evaluate the competitive ability of three rice varieties, namely AERON 1, MRIA 1, and MR 219 in RCBD with 3 replications. Results revealed that MR 219 had the lowest weed dry weight and weed density and the highest weed dry weight was recorded in AERON 1. Grasses were the most dominant weeds which occupied more than 60% of sum dominance ratio, where Leptochloa chinensis was the most dominant weeds in glass house. MRIA 1 with characteristics of taller plant stature and short growth duration competed better with weed as compared to other varieties with shorter plant and longer growth duration. Weed competition had negative impact on rice plants. Result for plant height showed that MRIA1 had the highest plant height while for the result number of tillers indicated that MR219 had the highest number of tiller then result for leaves chlorophyll revealed that AERON 1 had highest leaves chlorophyll content

    Task mapping and routing optimization for hard real-time Networks-on-Chip

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    Interference from high priority tasks and messages in a hard real-time Networks-on-Chip (NoC) create computation and communication delays. As the delays increase in number, maintaining the system’s schedulability become difficult. In order to overcome the problem, one way is to reduce interference in the NoC by changing task mapping and network routing. Some population-based heuristics evaluate the worst-case response times of tasks and messages based on the schedulability analysis, but requires a significant amount of optimization time to complete due to the complexity of the evaluation function. In this paper, we propose an optimization technique that explore both parameters simultaneously with the aim to meet the schedulability of the system, hence reducing the optimization time. One of the advantages from our approach is the unrepeated call to the evaluation function, which is unaddressed in the heuristics that configure design parameters in stages. The results show that a schedulable configuration can be found from the large design space


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    Android platform has become a leading mobile operating system since it frrst appearance on November 2007. Latest statistic based on July market data in U.S shown that Android smartphone has gain 40% of market share compare to iOS and Blackberry which hold only 28% and 7% respectively. While Android operating system is only maturing with just about 3 years old, it already exceeds their close competitor. This growth is driven by the availability of many high-end products and the variety of applications in Android Market. Android smartphone gives the advantage of touchscreen display with multi-touch, internet access, efficient storage system and many other Application Programming Interfaces (APis) depending on the software versions. In this project, an offiine maps application will be develop for Android platform using android Software Development Kit (SDK) and Integrated Development Environment (IDE) software. The maps are design for the usage of Electrical and Electronic (EE) students where it will show maps for EE department, search lecturer infonnation and provide direction to the desired destination. The process of developing the maps includes designing an interactive User Interface (UJ), programming the structure of the application, creating and connecting databases oflecturer information such as room number and location, office phone number, and email address. The application will not only help student searching lecturer's details and location, but also can be used by lecturers and visitors

    The relationship between technology acceptance model (TAM) and employees' motivation in using technology / Eza Elhanis Mohd Sayuti

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    This study was conducted to analyze the relationship between technology acceptance model (TAM) and employees' motivation in Ministry of Tourism and Culture (MOTAC). The rapid growth of technology have prompted many difficulties and changes also it bring some beneficial and improve work efficiency. Both results can influence on their motivation. Using a survey method by distributing questionnaires, data were gathered from 80 respondents from MOTAC, Putrajaya. According to Hazlin and Faridah (2010), technology acceptance model was used to determine the relationship between perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness of using technology towards employees' motivation. The result shows that the issues of technology acceptance are positively and significantly correlated with employees' motivation. The study concludes that technological issues investigated were very important in ensuing the relationship between technology acceptance and employees' motivatio

    Characterizing the Digital Design Patterns Bio-Inspired by Mangrove Species

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    Forty different mangrove species found their home in Sungai Merbok, Sungai Petani, Kedah, the highest among other mangrove ecosystems in Malaysia. This region is notable for its magnificent landscape and also rich environment, which the United Nations have recognised as one of the world's few significant biospheres. However, several species, particularly in Merbok, are threatened. Therefore, the objective of this project is to identify the mangrove species as the main bio-inspiration for the digital design patterns and to provide awareness of mangrove preservation and environmental sustainability. This research used an approach of pragmatic qualitative analysis to achieve the research outcomes. Keywords: Bio-inspired; Digital Design; Mangroves; Pattern eISSN: 2398-4287© 2022. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians/Africans/Arabians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI


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    Latar belakang penulis mengangkat permasalahan ini adalah karena penulis melihat bahwa tidak ramai anggota masyarakat yang kurang faham mengenai hukum khutbah jumaat. Maka, fonomena ini menarik perhatian penulis untuk mengkaji dalam sebuah penelitian : Pertama, bagaimana hukum khutbah jum’at menurut Imam al-Qurthubi dan Asy-Syaukani. Kedua, bagaimana dalil Imam al-Qurtubi dan Asy-Syaukani mengenai hukum khutbah Jum’at. Ketiga, bagaimana analisis hukum khutbah Jum’at menurut Imam al-Qurtubi dan Asy-Syaukani. Penelitian ini adalah bersifat Library Reseach iaitu studi kepustakaan dan sumber primer dalam kajian ini adalah Kitab Al-Jum’ah dan Kitab al-Hakim adz-Dhahabi dan al-Bani. Manakala sumber kedua pula diperoleh dari pelbagai literarur yang ada kaitannya dengan permasalahan penelitian ini. Menurut Imam al-Qurthubi hukum menyelenggarakan khutbah jum’at adalah wajib kerana merupakan syarat sah untuk melaksanakan ibadah jum’at. Sedangkan menurut Imam Syaukani, hukum menyelenggarakan khutbah jum’at itu bukanlah wajib melainkan sunnah. Dari hasil penelitian ini, penulis berpendapat bahwa pandangan Imam al-Qurthubi lebih kuat untuk diamalkan kerana didukung oleh syariah baik nash maupun jiwanya

    Early Design Space Exploration of Hard Real-Time Embedded Networks-on-Chip

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    Networks-On-Chip (NoC) is seen as a solution for addressing the limitation of the current bus-based communication in embedded systems. Some of these systems are designed for executing hard real-time services. In such systems, the services have to deliver output within strict timing constraints since the lateness in output delivery could cause severe consequences to human life. Task mapping is a crucial step for integrating an application and a hardware platform during system design. Existing schedulability analyses are available to evaluate the hard real-time performance of task mapping, but exploring the vast number of task mappings at the early design stage can be challenging due to several issues. These issues are caused by the influence of other design parameters on the hard real-time performance produced by task mapping, the existence of conflicting design objectives with the hard real-time system constraints, the restriction of the current hard real-time evaluation functions for searching alternative task mappings and the enormous evaluation of population-based search heuristics in the current task mapping techniques. This thesis proposes several design space exploration techniques to address these issues. The first technique is proposed for addressing the problem of optimising multiple design parameters while keeping all tasks and messages in the system fully schedulable. The second technique addresses the conflicting objectives problem using a multi-objective optimisation approach. The third technique yields a new metric that is useful for improving task mappings with unschedulable tasks and messages. Finally, the last technique is a new mapping algorithm for constructing a feasible task mapping rather than have to evaluate a population of task mappings to achieve the same objective