515 research outputs found

    Clathrate Hydrates in Refrigeration System

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    Effects of Aerodynamics Changes on A Car Caused by Another in Its Proximity: An Experimental Study

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    The study of road vehicle aerodynamics is quite different from that of an aircraft aerodynamics which mainly focuses on producing lift. The subject does not lend itself to traditional methods such as mathematical analysis where there are no straightforward methods for predicting how air will flow around a given vehicle shape and no equivalent of the simple formulae used in earlier days for determining the lift and drag of an aircraft from its geometry. With regards to this Final Year Project (FYP), Experiments is to be conducted to study the effect of aerodynamics change on a car caused by another in its proximity. For this experimentation project, the Kelisa car’s is to be considered as the model which enable in achieving dimensional similarity and more accurate in getting the experimental result. In the experiments, certain ranges of distance between the two cars were to be highlighted in order to show the drag force and other aerodynamic changes that might occur. The aerodynamic changes are to be studied on two model vehicles using a wind tunnel equipped with the necessary measuring equipment. The study is focused on the effects of the wake of a vehicle to another vehicle in tailing position (back-to-back), where the experiment is done using wind tunnel and scaled vehicle models. The model is to be manufactured by using CNC machining process

    2-D strength prediction of single-row multi-bolted joints woven fabric kenaf composites

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    Implementation of multi-bolts arrangements in structures connections are commonplace in steel design to allow for joint efficiency and stronger connections. Woven fabric kenaf fibers are potentially used as reinforcement in composite materials due to excellent specific strength, renewability and less hazardous during handling as compared to commercial fibers. A two-dimensional Extended Finite Element Method (XFEM) framework of single-row multi-bolted joints has been developed to study the stress distribution and predict the joint bearing stress at failure. Stress distribution among adjacent bolts were compared along the hole boundary and net-tension plane, suggesting net-tension failure occurred at end-bolt. The predicted bearing strength from finite element modelling are validated against experimental framework. The testing series under investigated consists of four datasets from single-row 2 bolts and 3 bolts single-lap joints. Current study showed that the XFEM models demonstrated good agreements with the experimental results

    Assessments of healthy lifestyle practices using fuzzy / Mohd Khairi Mohd Adnan

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    The changes in the health behaviour of most individual nowadays are showing a trend towards a less healthy lifestyle. There are low levels of awareness about their health states. Health experts now describe lifestyle as one of the most important factors affecting health. In fact, it is estimated that as many as seven of the ten leading causes of death could be reduced through common-sense changes in lifestyle. Lifestyle assessment or evaluate is the process of identifying behavioural risk factors particular to an individual with the intent to encourage behaviour change for the prevention of poor health outcomes in the future. Improving the health of people living requires an initial assessment of their health status. Various instruments exist to measure perceived health. One such instrument is simply a question that asks people to rate their health as poor, fair, good, very good, or excellent. Six categories of lifestyle behaviour has used in this research, there are cigarette smoking, alcohol and drugs, eating habits, exercise/fitness, stress control and last one is safety. As fuzzy method has high potential of reasoning capability, the purpose of this research study is to investigate and develop an assessment system using fuzzy which are able to rate the health lifestyle practices based on behaviour of those six categories by answering a few provided questionnaire related to health style


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    A soccer game is designed to simulate a real soccer game that is played all over the world. The more realistic the game is, the more it will be played by people. The development of soccer games nowadays are moving towards creating 3D graphics that are almost human-like and artificial intelligence that are nearly perfect as a real soccer players. Some of them allow multiplayer gameplay which allows two people at different places connect to each other or to a game server and play the same game as opponent or teammates. This entire feature requires a personal computer which has fast processing power, a lot of memories, and a high-speed graphic processing chip. The objective of this project is to design a 2D soccer game which has the AI capability and multiplayer gameplay but only need minimum requirement to play it. To design such game, a lot of study and research had to be done in the field of artificial intelligence and networking. The scope of study also involves the research on the physics of the ball, such as the movement and interaction with other players. This system is developed using Visual ' Studio 2005 with the installment of Microsoft .NET 2.0 framework. Coding is done using WinSocks programming for the multiplayer mode, GDI+ Programming (.NET APis) for graphical details and Visual Basic language for AI and other features. All features in the game have meet the targeted requirements. There are still rooms for improvements mostly on the AI

    Assessments of healthy lifestyle practices using fuzzy / Mohd Khairi Mohd Adnan

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    The changes in the health behaviour of most individual nowadays are showing a trend towards a less healthy lifestyle. There are low levels of awareness about their health states. Health experts now describe lifestyle as one of the most important factors affecting health. In fact, it is estimated that as many as seven of the ten leading causes of death could be reduced through common-sense changes in lifestyle. Lifestyle assessment or evaluate is the process of identifying behavioural risk factors particular to an individual with the intent to encourage behaviour change for the prevention of poor health outcomes in the future. Improving the health of people living requires an initial assessment of their health status. Various instruments exist to measure perceived health. One such instrument is simply a question that asks people to rate their health as poor, fair, good, very good, or excellent. Six categories of lifestyle behaviour has used in this research, there are cigarette smoking, alcohol and drugs, eating habits, exercise/fitness, stress control and last one is safety. As fuzzy method has high potential of reasoning capability, the purpose of this research study is to investigate and develop an assessment system using fuzzy which are able to rate the health lifestyle practices based on behaviour of those six categories by answering a few provided questionnaire related to health style

    Kefahaman dan pengalaman akhlak dalam kalangan pelajar Politeknik Sultan Abdul Halim Mu'adzan Shah

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    Akhlak yang baik adalah hasil daripada kefahaman ilmu pengetahuan yang diperolehi secara formal dan tidak formal.Dewasa ini, kepincangan akhlak timbul dalam masyakat yang sukar dibendung lagi. Kurangnya penghayatan akhlak Islam di pengaruhi oleh pelbagai faktor antaranya faktor kefahaman pelajar serta sikap pelajar.Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti tahap kefahaman dan pengamalan akhlak dalam kalangan pelajar, untuk menentukan perbezaan kefahaman dan pengamalan akhlak berdasarkan demografi jantina dan tempat tinggal. Seramai 381 pelajar Politeknik Sultan Abdul Halim Mu’adzam Shah dipilih sebagai responden untuk menjawab soal selidik.Data yang diperolehi daripada borang kaji selidik dianalisis menggunakan perisian program Statistical Packages For Social Science (SPSS) versi 20.0 dan dapatan kajian dihuraikan dengan menggunakan kaedah statistik deskriptif dan inferensi untuk menganalisa hipotesis kajian.Analisa data melibatkan min dan ujian-t.Kebolehpercayaan Alpha Cronbach bagi item borang kaji selidik soalan kefahaman akhlak iaitu 0.94 dan soalan pengamalan akhlak iaitu 0.97 adalah tinggi.Dapatan kajian mendapati tahap kefahaman ajaran Islam meliputi akhlak dalam kalangan responden berada pada tahap yang tertinggi bagi setiap aspek yang dikaji. Manakala dapatan kajian mendapati tahap pengamalan ajaran Islam meliputi akhlak juga tinggi.Namun terdapat sebahagian kecil responden tidak mengamalkan apa yang mereka faham terutama perkara-perkara yang berkaitan akhlak. Oleh itu, implikasi kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa penekanan aspek pengamalan ajaran Islam sangat penting agar pelajar menjadi seorang muslim yang mengamalkan akhlak yang baik dalam kehidupan harian berlandaskan al-Quran dan as-Sunnah

    Toxic Effects Of Signal Grass (Brachiaria Decumbens) On Drug- Metabolizing Enzyme Activities In Sheep

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    Signal grass (Brachiaria decumbens) is widely grown on livestock farms in many countries including Malaysia due to its high productivity and nutritive value. Unfortunately, it is toxic to sheep and goats causing a severe hepatic and renal damage, and death. Two experiments were conducted to determine the effect of the toxicity of signal grass (B. decumbens) on the activity of drug-metabolizing enzymes (DME) in sheep and cattle. It was hypothesized that the activities of selected enzymes would be affected during intoxication and that differences in the activity level of the enzymes in the two species might explain why cattle were safe from the toxic effect of the grass. Twenty-three healthy Wiltshire-Malin crossed rams, aged 1 4- 1 6 months were used, fifteen for the first experiment and eight for the later. In the first experiment, aniline 4-hydroxylase (A4H), aminopyrine N-demethylase (AND), UDP-glucuronyl transferase (UDPGT), glutathione S-transferase (GST) and cytochrome P450 of the liver and kidney of the control and intoxicated sheep wer

    Improvements in separation of peptides using capillary electrophoresis

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    In this review, various aspect concerning the resolution of capillary electrophoresis for nine standard peptides ( namely, bradykinin, bradykinin fragment 1-5, substance P, Arg-vasopressin, luteinizing hormone·releasing hormone (LHRH), bombesin, leucine-enkephalin, methionine-enkephalin and oxytocin). The experiment were carried out using 100 mM phosphate buffer as the separation buffer, added with acetonitrile (ACN) and triethylamine (TEA) as an additive at low pH. The resolution of these peptides was examined at different concentrations of ACN ( 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 %) and TEA ( 0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 ppm) at their respective final pH. The results showed that the resolution was improve when 10 % of ACN added in the BGE. The optimum resolution found at 40 % ACN where all peptides were resolved at baseline. The shape was perfectly symmetrical. As for the TEA addition, adding 5 ppm already improve the peaks and addition of 30 ppm TEA gives the optimum resolution compare to all. For both ACN and TEA, adding more concentrated additive gives poor resolution of peptides. The investigation was continued by applying voltage ( 23, 24, 25,26 and 27 kV). Shorter time separation achieved when voltage increased. The best resolution found at 25 kV. However, more voltage caused poor resolution

    Awareness of zakat distribution by UiTM Zakat Centre among UiTM Puncak Alam Students / Muammar Mohd Khairi

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    This research is aimed to analyses the awareness Awareness of Zakat distribution by UiTM Zakat centre among students of UiTM Puncak Alam. The design of this study is quantitatively. A number of faculty ware choosen which is ACIS, Faculty of Health Science and Faculty of Business Management in UiTM Puncak Alam have been used as respondents for this research. The instrument used is a survey and set of questionnaires. This study also will create respondent profile, knowing the level of awareness and the how significant is the data when compared by gender and faculty