212 research outputs found

    Wind hazard risk assessment due to topographical condition

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    The number of wind related disasters in Malaysia has increased suddenly. The further understanding related to wind characteristic in Malaysia are very significant in order to improve the quality of building to resist wind load. Previous study has shown that the topographical location give a significant impact to wind speed. Wind speed variations caused by small scale topography and roughness changes. This study was carried out to determine the relationship between geographical condition, its effect on the wind speed and damage ratio. By using Geographical Information System (GIS) software, 38 cases of wind related disasters in peninsular Malaysia from 2010 to 2013 were identified and analyzed. From the result, it sums up that topography are favourly significant to the wind speed and damage ratio. Then it can be conclude that the topography effect wind speed and affecting the damage ratio

    Hisbah Institution and Its Role Environmental Conservation in Islamic Civilization

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    Islamic civilization has achieved glorious times through its achievements that have covered many areas of human need. The objectives of this paper are to explain the fundamental knowledges of hisbah, the existence of hisbah institutions in Islamic civilization, and also the roles of hisbah institutions in Islamic civilization, especially in matters that related to the environmental preservation. Hisbah institutions have been established to ensure that all activities of human life are constantly monitored and refined to meet the requirements of Islamic teachings. This study is a qualitative study with content analysis of documents from classic and current books. This article concludes that the presence of this particular institution has made a huge impact in ensuring that the environment is clean and suitable for living.  It discovers the principles of amar ma'ruf (command the good) and nahi munkar (forbid the evil) have been successfully implemented through the roles played by this institution

    Computer self efficacy: teacher readiness in accepting Malaysian EduwebTV

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    The role of Library and Media Teacher (LMT) as a catalyst for the implementation to the technology programs conducted in schools is a challenge to the LMT which is to be more open and innovative towards innovations introduced in schools from time to time. This study is to determine the level of computer self-efficacy (CSE) of the Library and Media Teacher (LMT) and to see its relations with the acceptance of EduwebTV a new innovation that has been implemented. The study involved 546 respondents of Library and Media Teacher; randomly selected from four states in Malaysia. The findings showed that the level of computer self-efficacy (CSE) of the LMT to use the EduwebTV is moderate compare to their confidence to disseminate the EduwebTV innovation. The analysis also showed a positive correlation to the perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness in acceptance of EduwebTV innovation. From these findings we can conclude that the computer self-efficacy of teachers may help to influence their perception of ease of use and usefulness of EduwebTV where it is important in this process of innovation acceptance. Computer self-efficacy has a strong positive relationship to the perception of ease of use of the EduwebTV and the perception of usefulness of the EduwebTV. This means that the higher computer self efficacy of a teacher, the easier they accept the EduwebTV. Hence the computer self-efficacy can be regarded as the basic needs of technology acceptance as it can provide positive control of the stimulus

    Pilgrimage as a form of transcendental communication: A study at the burial site of Habib Abdurrahman bin Abdullah Al-Habsyi

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    Transcendental communication is a part of ritual communication. This form of communication is the least discussed in the discipline of communication. This study discusses transcendental communication in a pilgrimage to the burial site of Habib Abdurrahman in Cikini, Jakarta. The paradigm of this study is a constructivist paradigm using a qualitative approach with a case study method. The techniques used for data collection are interviews, observation, literature study, and documentation. The results show that the meaning of pilgrimage as a medium for transcendental communication is built on three things, namely, communicative situations, communicative events, and communicative acts, all of which can be observed from the attitudes of the pilgrims. These three elements are based on spiritual values in Islamic religious beliefs strengthened by the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad and continued by generations after that until today. Thus, this study contributes to the existence of Islamic communication scholarship where every communication behavior in everyday life is always based on human personal communication with the creator.***Salah satu bentuk komunikasi ritual adalah komunikasi transendental. Bentuk komunikasi transendental ini paling sedikit dibicarakan dalam disiplin ilmu komunikasi. Studi ini bertujuan membahas komunikasi transendental dalam ziarah ke makam Habib Abdurrahman di Cikini, Jakarta. Paradigma pada penelitian ini adalah paradigma konstruktivis dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi, studi kepustakaan dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan makna ziarah sebagai media komunikasi transendental dibangun pada 3 hal yaitu, situasi komunikatif, peristiwa komunikatif, dan tindak komunikatif, yang ketiganya dapat diamati dari sikap para peziarah. Ketiga elemen itu didasari atas nilai-nilai spiritual dalam keyakinan agama Islam yang dikuatkan oleh Sunnah Nabi Muhammad dan dilanjutkan oleh generasi-generasi setelahnya sehingga saat ini. Dengan demikian, studi ini berkontribusi bagi eksistensi keilmuan komunikasi Islam dimana setiap perilaku komunikasi berbasis pada komunikasi personal manusia dengan sang pencipta

    Pilgrimage as a form of transcendental communication: A study at the burial site of Habib Abdurrahman bin Abdullah Al-Habsyi

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    Transcendental communication is a part of ritual communication. This form of communication is the least discussed in the discipline of communication. This study discusses transcendental communication in a pilgrimage to the burial site of Habib Abdurrahman in Cikini, Jakarta. The paradigm of this study is a constructivist paradigm using a qualitative approach with a case study method. The techniques used for data collection are interviews, observation, literature study, and documentation. The results show that the meaning of pilgrimage as a medium for transcendental communication is built on three things, namely, communicative situations, communicative events, and communicative acts, all of which can be observed from the attitudes of the pilgrims. These three elements are based on spiritual values in Islamic religious beliefs strengthened by the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad and continued by generations after that until today. Thus, this study contributes to the existence of Islamic communication scholarship where every communication behavior in everyday life is always based on human personal communication with the creator.***Salah satu bentuk komunikasi ritual adalah komunikasi transendental. Bentuk komunikasi transendental ini paling sedikit dibicarakan dalam disiplin ilmu komunikasi. Studi ini bertujuan membahas komunikasi transendental dalam ziarah ke makam Habib Abdurrahman di Cikini, Jakarta. Paradigma pada penelitian ini adalah paradigma konstruktivis dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi, studi kepustakaan dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan makna ziarah sebagai media komunikasi transendental dibangun pada 3 hal yaitu, situasi komunikatif, peristiwa komunikatif, dan tindak komunikatif, yang ketiganya dapat diamati dari sikap para peziarah. Ketiga elemen itu didasari atas nilai-nilai spiritual dalam keyakinan agama Islam yang dikuatkan oleh Sunnah Nabi Muhammad dan dilanjutkan oleh generasi-generasi setelahnya sehingga saat ini. Dengan demikian, studi ini berkontribusi bagi eksistensi keilmuan komunikasi Islam dimana setiap perilaku komunikasi berbasis pada komunikasi personal manusia dengan sang pencipta

    Development and evaluation of an automotive air-conditioning test rig

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    To evaluate an air-conditioning system performance on board of a car is quite cumbersome and tedious process due to the limitation of space in the engine compartment. This paper presents the process of designing and the result from the automotive refrigeration system simulation that have been integrated into the test rig. To perform the test on automotive refrigeration simulator the location for the temperature measurement selected and thermocouples were installed. The locations of the temperature probes are at the inlet and outlet of compressor, condenser outlet and the inlet of the evaporator. The gas pressure was measured at low and high pressure sides located at evaporator outlet and receiver-drier respectively. The test results were analyzed using the properties table of the refrigerant used. The coefficient of performance (COP), cooling load of the system and compressor power consumption were determined. The variable parameters used are the evaporator blower speed and the air velocity passes through the condenser. The experimental results obtained show that increasing the blower speed will reduce the COP of the refrigeration system. The maximum COP of the system is 4.3 at the lowest evaporator blower speed. The power consumption will be reduced when the air flow velocity through the condenser is varied from 0 to 70 km/hr respectively

    Hidup berkeluarga melalui didikan amalan Q-Rohani (afektif): satu pendekatan Fuzzy Delphi

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    Pelbagai pendekatan telah digunakan dalam membentuk sebuah keluarga yang sejahtera dan salah satunya adalah pendekatan kerohanian. Oleh itu, artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti elemen Q-Rohani berdasarkan kesepakatan pakar dalam usaha membentuk sebuah keluarga yang sejahtera. Pakar-pakar kajian terdiri daripada 12 orang pakar yang dipilih berdasarkan kepakaran mereka di dalam bidang kekeluargaan, kaunseling dan nilai. Selain itu, pakar yang dipilih juga terdiri dari mereka yang mempunyai pengalaman melebihi 10 tahun dalam bidang masing-masing. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah Fuzzy Delphi dalam menganalisa data yang diperoleh. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa kesemua elemen Q-Rohani diterima kecuali elemen mengurangkan atau mengelakkan mendengar lagu-lagu. Elemen ini ditolak apabila peratusan persetujuan kumpulan pakar adalah kurang 75%, dan nilai ambang (threshold value, d) melebihi daripada 0.2. Elemen menanam rasa kasih sayang sesama keluarga dan mukmin menjadi keutamaan dalam pembentukan keluarga sejahtera dan ia merupakan elemen terpenting dalam melahirkan insan yang bersifat pengasih dan disukai Allah. Elemen utama tersebut berserta sub elemen digunakan bagi menghasilkan kerangka keutamaan elemen-elemen Q-Rohani (afektif) dalam hidup berkeluarga

    Systematic Literature Review of Social Entrepreneurship Phenomenon: Perspectives and Theoretical Lenses

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    Social entrepreneurship (SE) is an emerging subject in the field of entrepreneurship research since previous years. However, there has been a significant increase in social entrepreneurship research based on multifaceted literature reviews. Still, this field required more research to mature the concept of social entrepreneurship studies with different dimensions. The established SE literature shows a lack of studies classifying this phenomenon through the theoretical and practical lenses. The current study fills the gap by studying practical and theoretical perspectives of social entrepreneurship. This study used a systematic review spanning 2010 to 2020 to understand social entrepreneurship conceptual and theoretical perspectives. Based on the study findings, poverty reduction, economic growth, social innovation, job creation, and social entrepreneurship orientation is the cluster of social entrepreneurship. This study also describes few theories that explained the social entrepreneurship phenomenon, e.g. social capital theory, institutional theory, economic innovation theory, complex and ecosystem theory, holistic theory of individual decision making, and behavioural entrepreneurship theory in different perspectives; despite these theories, a multidimensional theoretical perspective needs to be discussed to explain social entrepreneurship comprehensively. Moreover, future directions are also suggested in this study to fill the potential in this field

    A Systematic Review of Entrepreneurial Family: Perspectives and Theoretical

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     The research on entrepreneurial family business is increasing from the last decades with different perspectives. The entrepreneurial family researches contributed different ways of conceptualizing the entrepreneurial family business based on highly complex literature reviews. Still, this field is emerging, and potential for further research to fill the gaps in different areas. The current research presented a systematic review based on the period of 2010 to 2020 for understanding family business content and theoretical perspective comprehensively. The study findings highlighted how entrepreneurial family business pursues through different conceptualization and theoretical perspectives. A plethora of study is found on family businesses worldwide based on organizational performance, business ownership, corporate governance, business succession and organizational culture. However, few studies corroborated theories to explain the entrepreneurial family business phenomenon. The theories discussed in this review are resource based view theory, agency theory, stewardship theory, multi and meso level theory and sociological theory for describing the entrepreneurial family business. Moreover, the future direction is also given in this study to fill the potential in this field

    Examination on the Denoising Methods for Electrical and Acoustic Emission Partial Discharge Signals in Oil

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    Partial discharge (PD) measurements either through electrical or acoustic emission approaches can be subjected to noises that arise from different sources. In this study, the examination on the denoising methods for electrical and acoustic emission PD signal is carried out. The PD was produced through needle-plane electrodes configuration. Once the voltage reached to 30 kV, the electrical and acoustic emission PD signals were recorded and additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) was introduced. These signals were then denoised using moving average (MA), finite impulse response (FIR) low/high-pass filters, and discrete wavelet transform (DWT) methods. The denoising methods were evaluated through ratio to noise level (RNL), normalized root mean square error (NRMSE) and normalized correlation coefficient (NCC). In addition, the computation times for all denoising methods were also recorded. Based on RNL, NRMSE and NCC indexes, the performances of the denoising methods were analyzed through normalization based on the coefficient of variation (). Based on the current study, it is found that DWT performs well to denoise the electrical PD signal based on the RNL and NRMSE index while MA has a good denoising NCC and computation time index for acoustic emission PD signal