23 research outputs found

    Biology, Life History Traits and Conservation of the Vulnerable Souss Valley Tortoise in Arid Areas of West Central Morocco

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    The Souss Valley tortoise, Testudo graeca soussensis, is endemic to the semi-arid and arid low quality habitats of west central Morocco. Populations of this area are among the best-investigated populations in western Mediterranean. The long-term conservation of these declining populations is of particular management concern for this endemic and threatened subspecies. Here we present a data review on biological and ecological aspects of this subspecies dealing with morphology, distribution range and climatic niche, habitat use, food habits, activity cycle, and thermal responses to arid hot conditions, post-hatching growth, sexual maturity, sexual dimorphism, breeding ecology and demographics. After an analysis of the major threats on populations, we proposed management actions required to improve the conservation outcomes for this endangered tortoise in arid areas of west central Morocco. Conservation and restoration potentials of the declining populations and their habitat are also described, including habitat restoration and a captive breeding program

    Intra- and inter-drainage variation in population structure, body condition, shape morphology and sexual dimorphism in Mauremys leprosa saharica from southern Morocco

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    The Mediterranean pond turtle Mauremys leprosa is widely distributed in Morocco. Significant variations could be observed in this species due to the fact that it occupies a vast and environmentally diverse area. Thus, the analysis of population parameters is crucial in elucidating the differences between populations. Differences between individuals may be linked to environmental factors, including many habitat characteristics. In the present study, variation in population structure, body condition, morphology and sexual dimorphism, were examined for the Sahara Desert blue-eyed turtle M. l. saharica in southern Morocco from seven distinct localities distributed in four different drainages in southern Morocco. A total of 224 turtles were captured, sexed, weighed and then measured for their carapace and tail dimensions before being released. Among the studied populations, four were dominated by adult individuals (Taakilt: 96%, Oued Guir: 87%, Oued Ziz: 75%, Sidi ElMehdaoui: 70%), two comprised 100% of adults (Oued Noun and Tarmigt) and one population consisted of 50% adults (Lower Draa). The sex ratio was significantly different between populations, being balanced in two populations (Tarmigt and Sidi El Mehdaoui), male-biased in three populations (Oued Zizi, Oued Noun, Lower Draa) and female-biased in the two remaining populations (Oued Guir and Taakilt). Body Condition Index (BCI, g/cm3) was significantly different among populations but not between sexes, or for the Sex × Locality interaction. The Sexual Size Dimorphism (SSD), females being larger than males, varies among population with the greatest degree observed in Oued Guir population (SSD = 0.41) and the lowest in Sidi El Mehdaoui population (SSD = -0.14). Length-Weight Relation (LWR) shows that M. l. saharica has isometric growth for both male and female of Oued Guir and Tarmigt, for female of Oued Ziz, Taakilt, Oued Noun and lower Draa and hypo-allometric for male of Oued Ziz, Taakilt, Oued Noun, Lower Draa and for both male and female of Sidi El Mehdaoui. Morphological variation of carapace is shown in this species associated with population variation among basins. Increased understanding of population characteristics and their fitness status must be considered in conservation and management action plans for the species and its habitat

    Partage des ressources spatiales et trophiques au sein d'un peuplement de lézards insectivores des Jbilets centrales (Maroc occidental)

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    Spatial and trophic resource partitioning among seven sympatric insectivorous lizard species was investigated in arid area in the central Jbilet mountains (Western Morocco) during spring 1995 . Two foraging guilds are apparent: a specialist sit-and-wait (Agama impalearis, Tarentola mauritanica et Saurodactylus brosseti) and a generalist one (Eumeces algeriensis, Chalcides polylepis, Acanthodactylus erythrurus and Mesa/ina simoni). The studied !izard species differentiate from each other in substrate use relatively to their respective adaptive morphological traits. A. impalearis and T. mauritanica occur mainly in rocky areas, E. algeriensis and M. simoni appear mostly on rocky and pebbly-bare ground substrates, A. erythrurus and C. po/y/epis are found on sandy-pebbly substrates while S. brosseti occurs in pebbly soils. By contrast, there were large overlaps in the taxonomie composition of their diets which are numerically dominated by Formicidae, lsoptera, Coleoptera and Araneidae with different proportions according to lizard species. However, important prey-size differences between species allowed to reduce trophic overlap. A selectivity analysis of lizard diet revealed patterns of prey selection based on criteria inherent either to predator (foraging behaviour, morphological constraints) or prey (size, abundance and activity). Results suggest that spatial and trophic segregation along with taxonomie divergence make possible the coexistence of these lizard speciesLa différenciation des niches spatiale et trophique de sept espèces sympatriques de lézards insectivores a été étudiée dans un milieu aride des Jbilets centrales (Maroc occidental) durant le printemps 1995. Deux guildes ont été distinguées sur la base du mode d'acquisition des proies : la guilde des espèces chassant à l'affût (Agama impalearis, Tarentola mauritanica et Saurodactylus brosseti) et celle des espèces pratiquant la chasse extensive (Eumeces algeriensis, Chalcides polylepis, Acanthodactylus erythrurus et Mesalina simoni). Les espèces étudiées se séparent par une utilisation différentielle du substrat, vraisemblablement en relation avec leurs traits morphologiques spécifiques. A. impalearis et T mauritanica affectionnent essentiellement les terrains rocheux, E. algeriensis et M. simoni investissent surtout les substrats rocheux et caillouteux-terreux, A. erythrurus et C. polylepis fréquentent les substrats sableux ou terreux, tandis que S. brosseti peuple les biotopes à dominance caillouteuse ou pierreuse. En terme de composition taxinomique, il existe de forts recouvrements des spectres alimentaires des différentes espèces étudiées. Les principaux types de proies consommées sont les Formicidés, les Isoptères, les Coléoptères, et les Aranéides. Toutefois, les différences importantes de taille des proies ingérées par chacune des espèces, permettent de réduire les recouvrements des niches trophiques. La comparaison entre les régimes alimentaires observés et les ressources effectivement disponibles a permis de déceler des choix commandés par divers critères inhérents aussi bien aux prédateurs (stratégie de chasse, contraintes morphologiques) qu'à leurs proies (abondance, taille, activité). L'ensemble des résultats obtenus montre que les sept espèces de lézards different plus dans l'utilisation des microhabitats que dans l'exploitation de proies de tailles différentes. De plus, la divergence phylogénétique des espèces étudiées et leur différence de taille importante permettent de réduire les recouvrements de leurs niches écologiques ce qui favorise leur coexistence

    Assessment of the Food Habits of the Moroccan Dorcas Gazelle in M’Sabih Talaa, West Central Morocco, Using the trnL Approach

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    Food habits of the Moroccan dorcas gazelle, Gazella dorcas massaesyla, previously investigated in the 1980s using microhistological fecal analysis, in the M’Sabih Talaa Reserve, west central Morocco, were re-evaluated over three seasons (spring, summer and autumn 2009) using the trnL approach to determine the diet composition and its seasonal variation from fecal samples. Taxonomic identification was carried out using the identification originating from the database built from EMBL and the list of plant species within the reserve. The total taxonomic richness in the reserve was 130 instead of 171 species in the 1980s. The diet composition revealed to be much more diversified (71 plant taxa belonging to 57 genus and 29 families) than it was 22 years ago (29 identified taxa). Thirty-four taxa were newly identified in the diet while 13 reported in 1986–87 were not found. Moroccan dorcas gazelle showed a high preference to Acacia gummifera, Anagallis arvensis, Glebionis coronaria, Cladanthus arabicus, Diplotaxis tenuisiliqua, Erodium salzmannii, Limonium thouini, Lotus arenarius and Zizyphus lotus. Seasonal variations occurred in both number (40–41 taxa in spring-summer and 49 taxa in autumn vs. respectively 23–22 and 26 in 1986–1987) and taxonomic type of eaten plant taxa. This dietary diversification could be attributed either to the difference in methods of analysis, trnL approach having a higher taxonomic resolution, or a potential change in nutritional quality of plants over time

    Comportement socio-sexuel et organisation spatiale chez l'Agame de Bibron, Agama impalearis

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    The social and sexual behaviour of a marked group of Agama impalearis was observed under natural conditions in an arid area of the central Jbilet mountains (Western Morocco) during spring 1995. Supplementary observations were made either in laboratory or in the field on unmarked individuals at different periods of the yearfrom 1993 to 1996. We examined the behavioural repertoire of adults. A quantitative analysis of field data allowed to assess relative time proportions and frequencies of the main behavioural categories. The diurnal emergence of animals from their refuges appears to be greatly influenced by temperature as agamas were observed to emerge in the field at different times of the day but at closely similar thermal conditions. The lizards are highly heliophilous and predominantly sit-and-wait foragers. Feeding behaviour, escape from ennemies, courtship, oviposition and other behaviours were described. Adult males are strongly territorial and have specific display action-patterns of aggressive behaviour. The displays involve postural change, pushups and head nodds. They were able to rapidly change their colours. The two sexes showed differences in nuptial colours and behavioural attitudes. Contrary to males, females exhibited neither pushup nor head nodds but a specific display with mouth-gaping when males are courting them. Monogamy is the predominant mating system and there is no real social hierarchy. Home ranges were larger in males and showed low overlaps. Basking and alert postures are predominant through activity time and pushups are the most frequent display.Le comportement socio-sexuel d’un groupe d’Agama impalearis a été observé en milieu naturel en zone aride dans les Jbilets centrales (Maroc occidental) au cours du printemps 1995. D’autres observations ont été faites, au laboratoire, et sur le terrain sur des individus non marqués, à différentes périodes de l’année, de 1993 à 1996. Une analyse quantitative de données recueillies sur le terrain a permis d’estimer les durées relatives et les fréquences des principales catégories comportementales. L’émergence matinale des animaux de leurs refuges semble être dépendante de la température ; les agames apparaissent à l’extérieur à différents moments de la journée mais dans des conditions de température similaires. Les lézards sont très héliophiles et pratiquent essentiellement la chasse à l’affût. Le comportement alimentaire, l’échappement aux prédateurs, la parade nuptiale, l’oviposition et d’autres comportements sont décrits. Les mâles adultes sont fortement territoriaux et montrent un comportement agressif exprimé par des manifestations spécifiques. Ces dernières impliquent des modifications posturales, des mouvements saccadés du tronc et de la tête, et des hochements de la tête. Ils manifestaient des changements de coloration rapides. Les animaux des deux sexes diffèrent quant à leurs parures nuptiales et leurs attitudes comportementales. À la différence des mâles, les femelles ne montrent ni mouvements saccadés du tronc et de la tête ni hochements de la tête, mais elles manifestent un comportement spécifique de gueule ouverte lorsque les mâles leur font la cour. Agama impalearis est essentiellement monogame et il n’existe pas de véritable hiérarchie sociale. Les domaines vitaux des mâles étaient plus grands que ceux des femelles et présentaient de faibles chevauchements. Les bains de soleil et les postures d’alerte prédominaient au cours de la période d’activité et les élévations et les abaissements alternés du tronc et de la tête représentaient la manifestation la plus fréquente.Znari Mohammed, Benfaida Hilal. Comportement socio-sexuel et organisation spatiale chez l'Agame de Bibron, Agama impalearis. In: Revue d'Écologie (La Terre et La Vie), tome 56, n°4, 2001. pp. 321-338

    Socio-sexual behaviour and spacing organization of Agama impalearis

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    The social and sexual behaviour of a marked group of Agama impalearis was observed under natural conditions in an arid area of the central Jbilet mountains (Western Morocco) during spring 1995 . Supplementary observations were made either in Iaboratory or in the field on unmarked individuals at different periods of the year from 1993 to 1996. We examined the behavioural repertoire of adults. A quantitative analysis of field data allowed to assess relative time proportions and frequencies of the main behavioural categories. The diurnal emergence of animais from their refuges appears to be greatly influenced by temperature as agamas were observed to emerge in the field at different times of the day but at closely similar thermal conditions. The lizards are highly heliophilous and predominantly sit-and-wait foragers. Feeding behaviour, escape from ennemies, courtship, oviposition and other behaviours were described. Adult males are strongly territorial and have specific display action-patterns of aggressive behaviour. The displays involve postural change, pushups and head nodds. They were able to rapidly change their colours. The two sexes showed differences in nuptial colours and behavioural attitudes. Contrary to males, females exhibited neither pushup nor head nodds but a specific display with mouth-gaping when males are courting them. Monogamy is the predominant mating system and there is no real social hierarchy. Home ranges were larger in males and showed low overlaps. Basking and alert postures are predominant through activity time and pushups are the most frequent displayLe comportement socio-sexuel d'un groupe d'Agama impalearis a été observé en milieu naturel en zone aride dans les Jbilets centrales (Maroc occidental) au cours du printemps 1995. D'autres observations ont été faites, au laboratoire, et sur le terrain sur des individus non marqués, à différentes périodes de l'année, de 1993 à 1996. Une analyse quantitative de données recueillies sur le terrain a permis d'estimer les durées relatives et les fréquences des principales catégories comportementales. L'émergence matinale des animaux de leurs refuges semble être dépendante de la température ; les agames apparaissent à l'extérieur à différents moments de la journée mais dans des conditions de température similaires. Les lézards sont très héliophiles et pratiquent essentiellement la chasse à l'affût. Le comportement alimentaire, l'échappement aux prédateurs, la parade nuptiale, l'oviposition et d'autres comportements sont décrits. Les mâles adultes sont fortement territoriaux et montrent un comportement agressif exprimé par des manifestations spécifiques. Ces dernières impliquent des modifications posturales, des mouvements saccadés du tronc et de la tête, et des hochements de la tête. Ils manifestaient des changements de coloration rapides. Les animaux des deux sexes diffèrent quant à leurs parures nuptiales et leurs attitudes comportementales. A la différence des mâles, les femelles ne montrent ni mouvements saccadés du tronc et de la tête ni hochements de la tête, mais elles manifestent un comportement spécifique de gueule ouverte lorsque les mâles leur font la cour. Agama impalearis est essentiellement monogame et il n'existe pas de véritable hiérarchie sociale. Les domaines vitaux des mâles étaient plus grands que ceux des femelles et présentaient de faibles chevauchements. Les bains de soleil et les postures d'alerte prédominaient au cours de la période d'activité et les élévations et les abaissements alternés du tronc et de la tête représentaient la manifestation la plus fréquente

    Habitat d’alimentation et régime alimentaire de la Sterne hansel, Gelochelidon nilotica, en période de nidification à Sebkha Zima, centre-ouest du Maroc

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    Analysis of pellets from a colony of Gull-billed Terns, Gelochelidon nilotica, nesting in Sebkha Zima, West-central Morocco, revealed a reduced food spectrum in this species. Its diet is predominantly made of preys from areas around the nesting site. Terrestrial invertebrates ; Orthoptera (Acrididae), Coleoptera (Scarabeidae and Lucanidae), Scorpionidae along with Acanthodactylus lizards were the major prey items. Aquatic invertebrates rather secondary prey categories.L’analyse du régime alimentaire par examen de pelotes de réjection au niveau d’une colonie de la Sterne hansel, Gelochelidon nilotica, nichant à Sebkha Zima, centre-ouest du Maroc, a montré un spectre alimentaire réduit chez cette espèce. Son régime alimentaire est caractérisé par la prédominance des proies des régions environnantes du site de nidification. Les invertébrés terrestres : Orthoptères (Acrididés), Coléoptères (Scarabéidés et Lucanidés), des Scorpionidés et les lézards acanthodactyles constituent les proies principales. En revanche, les invertébrés aquatiques Artemiidea et Dytiscidés constituent des proies secondaires.Aourir Mohamed, Radi Mohamed, Znari Mohammed. Habitat d’alimentation et régime alimentaire de la Sterne hansel, Gelochelidon nilotica, en période de nidification à Sebkha Zima, centre-ouest du Maroc. In: Ecologia mediterranea, tome 39 n°2, 2013. pp. 31-38

    When do yearling male Black-bellied Sandgrouse Pterocles orientalis>/i> reach sexual maturation?

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    In the present study, a histological and morphometric investigation of testes in  yearling male Black-bellied Sandgrouse Pterocles orientalis was performed during the reproductive period. The trial was conducted on four randomly selected yearling male birds that originated from eggs collected in the wild and artificially incubated. Upon sacrifice, testes were removed and routinely processed for light microscopic examination. Only two birds developed heavy testes, with enlarged tubular diameter of seminiferous tubules. A high correlation was observed between the mean paired testes weight and the total length, diameter of seminiferous tubules and relative seminiferous volume. Two birds presented tubules with a multilayered epithelium and germ cells developed until the stage of round spermatids and spermatozoa. The remaining two birds presented quiescent testes. In conclusion, the yearling males had apparently a relatively shorter breeding cycle and delayed sexual maturation than yearling females, which could explain the low fecundity rate observed in yearling birds of this species in captivity.Keywords: breeding, histology, Pterocles orientalis, reproduction, sexual maturation, teste

    Plumage development and moult in captive Black-bellied Sandgrouse Pterocles orientalis: age and sex variations

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    The sandgrouse, family Pteroclididae, are a group of birds adapted to open, arid habitats and powerful fliers but information on their plumage development and moult is scarce. In this study, the annual cycle of body plumage development, sequence and duration of primary flight feathers moult were investigated in Black-bellied Sandgrouse Pterocles orientalis, from hatching to the adult stage. Body plumage differed among juvenile, immature and subadult birds before their first breeding season. Yearling Black-bellied Sandgrouse showed three annual moults with only the pre-breeding one being complete. Juvenal body plumage was acquired shortly before the first attempts to fly at 5–6 weeks of age. The acquisition of definitive adult body plumage took place after the breeding season in late August, when birds were about 10–12 months old. The species typically replaced all primaries annually with a gradual descendent moult at a slow rate, taking 10–11 months for their completion, from December to September, including the breeding period. This study provides the first detailed analysis of flight feather development and moulting in the Black-bellied Sandgrouse, which provides useful ageing criteria based on the patterns of both primary growth and moult.Keywords: duration, feathers, moult, plumage, sandgrouse, sequenc