32 research outputs found

    Prevalence of Bovine Tuberculosis Gross Lesions in Doukkala slaughterhouses, Morocco

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    In Morocco, tuberculosis (TB) is a major zoonotic disease with very serious hygienic and economic impacts. Our study aimed to investigate bovine tuberculosis in two Moroccan slaughterhouses in Doukkala area based on the observation of macroscopic gross lesions. 4198 cattle were examined for tuberculosis lesions during the period of end of May 2014 to July 2015.The results showed that 64.4% of cattle with TB lesions were male with a dominant age of less than or equal to 2 years (67.2%). Females represented only 35.6% with a dominant age between 4 and 8 years (62.3%). The dominant breed was the cross breed of imported and local breeds with 95.4%. Tuberculosis-like lesions were observed in 194 animals (4.6%) including 10 (5.15 %) of generalized and 184 (94.85 %) of localized lesions, mainly encountered in the lungs (44.83%), the head lymph nodes (42.32%) the liver and its associated lymph nodes (9.41%). An estimated overall daily prevalence of 4.6% and a daily average of 5.4% (95% CI: 4.7 - 6.1%) were noted. Compared data obtained from the slaughter database 1.97 % (95% CI: 1.8 – 2.4), this prevalence is more than twice of estimated average (RR=2.34). This assumes that routine inspection leaves more than 50% of animals with suspicious lesions. On the other hand, 390 gross lesions were collected for culturing. An isolation frequency of Mycobacterium of 85.6% was obtained and the LPJ and Herrold seem to be the best culture media

    Trust-based management in IoT federations

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    This paper presents a trust-based evolutionary game model for managing Internet-of-Things (IoT) federations. The model adopts trust-based payoff to either reward or penalize things based on the behaviors they expose. The model also resorts to monitoring these behaviors to ensure that the share of untrustworthy things in a federation does not hinder the good functioning of trustworthy things in this federation. The trust scores are obtained using direct experience with things and feedback from other things and are integrated into game strategies. These strategies capture the dynamic nature of federations since the population of trustworthy versus untrustworthy things changes over time with the aim of retaining the trustworthy ones. To demonstrate the technical doability of the game strategies along with rewarding/penalizing things, a set of experiments were carried out and results were benchmarked as per the existing literature. The results show a better mitigation of attacks such as bad-mouthing and ballot-stuffing on trustworthy things

    Rupture du tendon rotulien avec fracture fermée distale du fémur homolatéral

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    Un patient de 45 ans a subi un traumatisme du genou droit à la suite d'un accident de la voie publique occasionnant chez lui une fracture distale supra condylienne comminutive du fémur droit et une rupture du tendon rotulien ipsilatérale. Cette association est exceptionnelle et aucun cas n'a été retrouvé dans la littérature. Un diagnostic précis clinique et radiologique suivi d'une prise en charge précoce et adaptée par une ostéosynthèse interne et une rééducation fonctionnelle précoce et adaptée ont permis d'obtenir de bons résultats à long terme

    Lymphome splénique à lymphocytes villeux révélé par une anémie hémolytique auto-immune.

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    Le lymphome splénique à lymphocytes villeux est un syndrome lymphoprolifératif chronique rare à lymphocytes B, qui représente moins de 2 % de l’ensemble des lymphomes non hodgkiniens et qui est considéré comme un stade leucémique du lymphome de la zone marginale de la rate.  Il est caractérisé par la présence de cellules lymphoïdes villeuses circulantes qui permettent dans un premier temps d’orienter le diagnostic.Nous rapportons à travers cette observation le cas d’un patient chez lequel le SLVL a été révélé par une anémie hémolytique auto-immune, et dont l’étude du frottis sanguin a permis d’évoquer un diagnostic initial, confirmé secondairement par un immunophénotypage

    Liver damage in COVID-19 infected patients: A series of 299cases: Mohammed VI Hospital University experience

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    COVID-19 infection is a viral infection with a particular tropism for lung tissue. However, organs involvementother than lung have been reported. Liver is also reported to be injured during infection by COVID-19 infection, which is most often revealed by an early elevation of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and/or aspartate aminotransferase (AST).Involvement of liver could be explained by interaction of the virus with the hepatocytes directly through infecting them or through ischemia secondary to lung lesions. Drugs used in COVID-19 management have also been reported to be hepatotoxic.Our work is a retrospective study that was about 299 COVID-19 infected patients. We aim through this study to report the occurrence of liver damage in COVID-19 infection. All subjects of our study have been admitted to the Oujda Mohammed VI university hospital of Morocco. All biological explorations in our series have been performed in the central laboratory of the same establishment

    Development and biodistrubition modeling of 99mTc-DTPA

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    Purpose: In this study, the team modeled the biodistribution and the efficiency of two 99m-technetium diethylene triamine penta acetate (99mTc-DTPA) based radiopharmaceuticals.Methods: The first radiopharmaceutical (DTPA-CNESTEN) is developed at the laboratories of the radiopharmaceutical production unit of the National Center for Nuclear Energy, Sciences and Technologies (CNESTEN-Morocco), and the second one is the commercial DTPA (DTPA-ref). Freeze-dried kits were successfully radiolabeled (radiochemical purity >95%) with the 99m Tc. Then drugs were injected to male BALB/c mice. In each 2 min, 5 min, 15 min, 1 h and 2 h time points after injections we evaluate tissue’s distributions characteristics. At the end, an automatic modeling of the data were recorded from thyroid, blood and urinary excretion kinetics and biodistribution in mice using both DTPA kits. The study aimed to extract the parameters of the function used to fit the recorded data. Results and Conclusion: the team concluded that the biodistribution of 99mTc-DTPA can be modeled using a combination of two exponential parts. Moreover, the resultant plots showed that there is strong correlation between the formula found in literature and the one derived on the basis of the fit of data sets in this study. In addition, it was found that the biodistribution behaviors of the developed kit and the commercial one were very close. The obtained results suggest that the developed DTPA has practically the same kinetics as the commercial one

    The prevalence of brucellosis and bovine tuberculosis in ruminants in Sidi Kacem Province, Morocco

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    Bovine tuberculosis (BTB) and brucellosis are major endemic zoonoses in ruminants in Morocco that impact on both animal and human health. This study presents an assessment of the epidemiological and socioeconomic burden of bacterial zoonoses in Sidi Kacem Province in Northern Morocco from a cross-sectional survey of 125 cattle and/or small ruminantowning households. In total, 1082 sheep and goats were examined from 81 households. The single intradermal comparative cervical test to screen for bovine tuberculosis was undertaken on 1194 cattle from 123 households and all cattle were blood sampled. Cattle and small ruminant sera were tested for brucellosis using the standard Rose Bengal Test (sRBT) and the modified Rose Bengal Test (mRBT). Bacteriology was performed on 21 milk samples obtained from cattle that were seropositive for brucellosis for isolation and phenotyping of circulating Brucella strains. Individual and herd prevalence for BTB in cattle of 20.4% (95% CI 18%-23%) and 57.7% (95% CI 48%-66%), respectively, were observed in this study. The prevalence of brucellosis in cattle at individual and herd level was 1.9% (95% CI 1.2%-2.8%) and 9% (95% CI 4.5%-1.5%), respectively. Brucella pathogens were isolated from three cattle milk samples and were identified as B. abortus using Bruceladder (R) multiplex PCR and B. abortus biovar 1 by classical phenotyping. All small ruminants were seronegative to sRBT, two were positive to mRBT. A higher risk of BTB and brucellosis was observed in cattle in intensive livestock systems, in imported and crossed breeds and in animals from larger herds (>15). The three risk factors were usually present in the same herds, leading to higher transmission risk and persistence of both zoonoses. These results highlight the importance of implementing control strategies for both BTB and brucellosis to reduce productivity losses and the risk of transmission to humans. Prioritising control for BTB and brucellosis in intensive livestock production systems is essential for human and animal health

    Impact de l'ouverture des maisons médicales de garde sur la fréquentation des services d'urgence (modalités de collaboration entre ces structures)

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    Un recensement des maisons médicales de garde (MMG) a été effectué auprès des conseils départementaux de l'ordre des médecins. Une enquête a été effectuée auprès de 79 MMG et des services d'urgence proches respectifs, portant sur des aspects fonctionnels des MMG (horaires d'ouverture, régulation, visites) ; des aspects structurels et organisationnels (tableaux de garde, nombre de médecins participants, nombre de secteurs de permanence des soins couverts, participation financière des médecins au fonctionnement de la MMG) ; des aspects collaboratifs avec les services hospitaliers (partage des locaux, de services et de personnel médical et non médical, orientation des patients), et enfin d'efficacité (désengorgement des services d'urgence, satisfaction respective des acteurs, impact sur la fréquentation des S.U).TOULOUSE3-BU Santé-Centrale (315552105) / SudocSudocFranceF