45 research outputs found

    Gastric Polyp: A rare cause of Chronic Volvulus in an Adult

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    Gastric volvulus is a rare but potentially life-threatening cause of upper gastrointestinal obstruction. It presents clinically with epigastric pain radiating to the back and or left thoracic area or left abdominal quadrant and retching. This is a case of a 60 years old woman, who had a six-years history of an episodic epigastric pain related to meals. The pain was equally brought about by recumbence and relieved by decumbency. Three months prior to admission, her pain got worse and it was associated with vomiting. Abdominal ultrasound showed a gastric outlet soft tissue mass. Barium meal revealed a huge filling defect at the pyloric antrum. Oesophagogastrodudenoscopy showed a twisted gastric mucosa, brought about by a huge pedunculated gastric polyp. She was labelled to have a gastric volvulus and showed a good response to the conservative management. Surgical opinion was sought with the possibility of polypectomy and gastropexy. Surgery was postponed because she went into a hypertensive cardiac failure. We concluded that by twisting and de-twisting, gastric polyp may cause gastric volvulus that runs a chronic course. Therefore it has to be included in the differential diagnosis of chronic abdominal pain.Key words: Gastric Volvulus, Gastric Polyp, Abdominal Pain, Sudan

    Why Do People Participate in Surveys in Qatar?

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    In this paper, we assesses respondent participation in academic public opinion surveys in the State of Qatar. Rates of participation in SESRI’s face-to-face surveys remain at levels that far exceed those observed in Western and even other Middle Eastern countries and require no incentives. An examination of respondents’ self-reported reasons for participation accords with major theories on participation in survey research. Subgroup analysis found the main distinction primarily on “national loyalty” as a participation motivator which was higher among older, better educated, and city-dwelling Qataris. Among younger Qataris, “expressing opinion” was a significantly higher motivator than among older. At this time results indicate no reason to explore using incentives in the immediate future

    Prevalence of Hepatitis-B and Hepatitis-C viruses among HIV infected subjects attending Wad Medani VCT/ART centre, Gezira State, Sudan

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    Objectives: This is a descriptive, prospective, cross-sectional, hospital based study to determine the prevalence of Hepatitis B Virus and Hepatitis C Virus among Human Immunity deficiency Virus infected subjects in the Gezira State of central Sudan. Materials and Methods: The study was carried out on HIV infected subjects attending Wad Medani VCT/ART centre from Dec. 2010 to March 2011. Epidemiological and demographic characteristics were recorded and participants were interviewed for risk factors of viral hepatitis infection. Blood samples were then collected and tested for HBsAg and HCV antibodies. Results: A total of 50 subjects were screened with a mean age of 36.39±13.57, 52% were males, HBsAg and HCV antibodies were reactive in 8% and 0% (none) of the studied group, respectively. Conclusion: This study shows that the prevalence of HBV/HIV co-infection is consistent with both regional and global rates, while HCV/HIV co-infection is low in the studied group. ملخص: الأهداف: تحديد شيوع الإصابة بالتهاب الكبد الحموى ب (HBV) و ج (HCV) وسط المرضى المصابين بحمى عوز المناعة المكتسب (HIV  ) بولاية الجزيرة وسط السودان. المرضى و الوسائل: هذه دراسة وصفية توقعية مقطعية مبنية على المستشفى. أجريت الدراسة في المرضى المصابين بحمى عوز المناعة المكتسب المترددين على مستشفى ودمدني مركز ART/VCT في الفترة بين ديسمبر 2010م و حتى مارس 2011م الميزات الوبائية والملامح السكانية رصدت و تمت معاينة المشاركين لمعرفة عوامل الخطورة للإصابة بحمى الكبد. جمعت عينات الدم و تم فحصها للمضاد المناعي HBsAg و مضاد حمى ج HCV . النتائج:  مجموع 50 حالة تم مسحها بمتوسط عمر 36.39 ± 13.57  . نسبة ذكور كانت 52% من الحالات. مضادات HBsAg  وHCV   كانت متفاعلة في 8% و 0% (لا يوجد) على التوالي. الخلاصة: أوضحت الدراسة شيوع الاصابة بالتهاب الكبد الحموى ب HBV وسط المصابين HIV تتماشى مع معدلات شيوع الإصابة الإقليمية و العالمية . بينما الاصابه الحمى الكبدي ج (HCV) كان ضعيف فى المجموعه المدروسة

    Primary Tuberculosis of the Maxillary Sinus: A case report

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    Tuberculosis is up-to-date a leading cause of human suffering and loss of life. Although tuberculosis is a systemic disease, primary tuberculosis of the paranasal sinuses is rare. It should be kept in mind in any undiagnosed or atypical clinical infection or inflammation in this region. We present here a case of primary paranasal sinuses tuberculosis in an elderly Sudanese woman. Although Sudan is one of the highest three countries in the incidence of tuberculosis, this is the first case to be reported in Suda

    Acceptance of Papillomavirus Vaccination among Females in Al-leith Province, Saudi Arabia

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    A community-based study was carried out among females in Al-leith province, Saudi Arabia to identify the acceptance of females to be vaccinated against Human Papillomavirus (HPV). We interviewed 315 females in ages from 11 to 26, the target group of HPV vaccination. The relevant data were collected using a simple questionnaire. The findings illustrated that majority of participants were in age group (15 – 26 years), the actual target of vaccination against HPV, most of participants were Saudi females, and most of them were not married. It was found that less than half (43.8%) of females were willing to receive the vaccine, and the rest of the total females did not accept vaccination. The study concluded that still high percentage of females in Saudi Arabia did not accept vaccination against Human papillomavirus, the issue that need more efforts to increase the percentage of vaccination acceptance

    Livestock Practices: Traditional Animal Holdings Classification in Qatar 2020 Towards Sustainable Food Security

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    Background: Traditional animal holdings (TAH) in Qatar face many managerial challenges, such as inadequate usage of land capacity, low levels of animal productivity and low economic returns. The top priority of the Ministry of Municipality strategy is to take care of TAH to ensure the sustainability of this activity and to maximize its role in national food security. To support future policy choices and services provision, the ministry initiated a TAH classification system. In 2020, the Social and Economic Survey Research Institute (SESRI) of Qatar University conducted a comprehensive agriculture census that followed a well-known methodology. The census form consisted of questions that guided the classification of TAH. The aim of this study is to help assess TAH performance using data from the census. Results: The Animals Holdings Classification Index (AHCI) divided the current holdings into one of five categories (A, B, C, D or E) in accordance with seven factors as classification criteria. These factors were levels of land and barn capacity utilization, livestock productivity, economic return, biosecurity measures, husbandry system and usage of technology for animal production. The results showed that most of the holdings fell into categories C and D. The lowest-scoring criteria were commitment to biosecurity measures and economic benefit. We recommended intensifying extension and enacting legislation to organize holdings to comply with biosecurity measures and initiating marketing programs and market outlets for TAH. According to Qatar’s 2021 agriculture census, there are three different types of holdings: roving holdings (mobile), 33.6%; holdings in compounds, 57.6; and holdings outside rural houses, 8.8%. Conclusions: The AHCI not only determines a holding’s actual productivity capability but also encourages holders to develop and upgrade their holdings. Furthermore, it helps the government fill gaps and provide services based on information and evidence

    Effects of Hibiscus sabdariffa on high blood pressure, lipid profile and C- reactive protein among adult hypertensive patients

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    BackgroundHypertension is a leading cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Hibiscus is a cheap readily available preparation.AimsWe aimed to assess the effect of Hibiscus sabdariffa on blood pressure, lipid profile, plasma sugar, and h-sensitive C-reactive protein.MethodsThis is a prospective cohort study conducted among 19 College staff members at the University of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia during January 2020. The participants signed written informed consent, then responded to a questionnaire to report their demographic data. At baseline,  the blood pressure was measured, anthropometric measures collected, and, and a blood sample was taken to measure fasting plasma sugar, serum cholesterol, triglycerides, high-density lipoproteins, and high-sensitive C-reactive protein. Participants thereafter took Hibiscus sabdariffa for four weeks, then the above measurements were repeated. The compliance of the participants was also assessed.Results No significant effects of Hibiscus sabdariffa consumption were observed on systolic and diastolic blood pressure, fasting plasma glucose, lipid profile, and high-sensitive C-reactive protein, P-value< 0.05.ConclusionNo significant effects were observed among Hibiscus sabdariffa users on blood pressure, plasma sugar, lipid profile, and C-reactive protein. Further larger multicenter studies are recommended

    Knowledge and Attitude among Doctors towards Use of Prophylactic Vitamin K in Neonatal Bleeding Disorders in Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology: Experience from Haj El-Safi Hospital, Sudan

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    Background: Vitamin K is crucial for neonates to prevent bleeding disorders. Raising awareness of vitamin K use would show positive outcomes. This study aimed to assess the knowledge and attitude of prophylactic use of vitamin K for bleeding disorders in neonates among doctors working in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Haj El-Safi Hospital, Sudan.Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in February 2019, involving 36 doctors selected by convenience sampling. Data were collected by an interview-based questionnaire designed to measure the knowledge level of doctors toward vitamin K deficiency classification and interactions, guidelines availability and adherence, and parents counseling. Data were analyzed and presented in tables. Results: The doctors involved in this study were 36, including 7 registrars, 6 medical officers, 23 house officers, mostly aged 20–25 years (n=29), and female (n=27). The level of knowledge about the classification of vitamin K deficiency and the interaction of vitamin K with other drugs among doctors was mostly good (n=14 and n=15, respectively). Registrars were the most in the good category (n=6, and n=7, respectively). Most doctors (n=23) were aware of vitamin K guidelines, while only 15 have continuous adherence, 16 of doctors counseled parents about the importance of prophylactic vitamin K.Conclusion: The level of knowledge towards prophylactic vitamin K use in neonatal bleeding disorders among doctors in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Haj El-Safi Hospital is good

    Magnitude and Time Trend of Acute Respiratory Infections (Aris) Among Male School Students and Employees in Aleith

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    A setting-based descriptive study was conducted to study magnitude and time trend of acute respiratory infections (ARIs) among male school students and employees in Aleith. Data about Acute Respiratory Infections (ARIs) among school students and employees in Aleith during the last three years were collected by reviewing monthly and annual reports in school health units. The proportion of acute reparatory infections in the last three years among male student and employees in Aleith was high in year 1435 which was 50.2%, followed by the year 1437 which was 47% and 1436 was 43.3%. The time distribution of acute respiratory infections illustrates that the percentage of infection occurred during Jumada-Al-Thani (21.9%) in the year 1435, Moharam and Rabi-Al-Thani (17.3%) in the year 1436 and Jumada-Al-Awwal (18%) in the year 1437. In the year 1435, acute respiratory infection among student was 811(63.7%) and among employees was 462 (36.3%); in the year 1436, the disease was 1177 (71.4%) in students while in employees was 471 (28.6%) and in the year1437, the percentage was 747(64.7%) in students and 408(35.3%) in employees. The high percentages of Acute Respiratory Infections (ARIs) occurred among primary school students was high 35.6%, 45.5% and 48.1% in the years 1435, 1436 and 1437 respectively. The peak of ARIs occurred during the year 1435 and the minimum proportion rate of cases was found in 1436. The study concluded that ARIs were still high and more frequent in winter months

    COVID-19 clinical presentations: the modern mimic of other conditions

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    The coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has placed enormous challenges on the health sector. Diagnosis is one of these challenges, where a clinical presentation may suggest a disease other than COVID-19. In this review we describe many presentations unrelated to the respiratory system. The ACE2 receptor is present in a wide variety of body tissues and it appears that this may be a link with the clinical pathology. To find these data we searched the major academic research engines, Google Scholar, and Pubmed, as well as the most recent case reports and original research published in specialized journals. An awareness of these uncommon presentations helps health workers to recognize and treat the disease early and appropriately. Keywords: COVID-19, coronavirus, pandemic, ACE2, unusual symptoms, revie