122 research outputs found

    Mathematical Modeling and Control System Simulation of the Batch Canned Food Sterilization Processes

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    批次生产(加工)是现代工业的一种重要生产方式,在产品制造(加工)方面具有许多突出的优点。目前,该生产方式广泛应用于生物产品加工、精细化工以及食品工业。特别是在食品加工行业,批次生产过程的应用以及相关控制技术已经取得了显著的进展。在食品加工行业中,罐头食品的高压灭菌过程既是一道关键的生产工序,同时也是一个典型的批次生产过程。该生产过程既具有多变量和非线性特点,同时也是一个高能耗的生产过程,因此针对该类过程的建模,仿真以及控制技术的研究,对于保证生产过程的安全、产品的质量以及过程的能效以及可控性都具有十分重要的意义。针对于该过程,本论文进行的主要研究工作如下: 首先,基于物质很能量守恒原理,本论...Batch process is one of the most important industrial processes due to its advantages in various aspects of production and has thus been largely applied in many industries including the bioproducts, fine chemical and food industries. Moreover, the progress in both the application and control of batch processes in the food industry has been significant. Steam retort canned food sterilization is an ...学位:工学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_化学工程学号:2042012115417

    The Effect of HIV Education Program on Changing the Attitude of Secondary School Students Towards HIV/AIDS Sufferers Khartoum State (2014)

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    HIV/AIDS seriously affects adolescents throughout the world. One-third of all currently infected individuals are youth ages 15 to 24, and half of all new infections occur in same age youth. This is an Interventional Quasi study, aimed to assess the effect of health education program of Human Immune -Deficiency virus on changing attitude towards HIV and AIDS among secondary school students in Khartoum state. Five hundred students were enrolled by using multi stage random sampling, the study was done in three phases: phase one used questionnaire of 32 questions. Phase two was implementing the Sudanese National Aids Program (SNAP'S) which is a health education program in secondary schools alongside the curriculum for students in the selected secondary schools for 8 months. Phase three was Re- Evaluation by the same questionnaire used in phase one. The study revealed that few students were willing to care of a family member or friend who suffers with AIDS (25.6%) in the pre-test however the percentage increased to  (79.2%)  after intervention, (42.6%)  thought that HIV positive people should not be allowed to mix with people at mosque or church , the percentage decreased to (39.2%) after the intervention. 63.8% of students said that a teacher who is HIV positive should not be allowed to continue teaching in their school, while only (86.2%) of the students changed their mind after intervention. Also prior to intervention (27.6%) of the students accepted sharing same class with HIV infected student while (50.0%) agreed after the intervention. The study concluded that education intervention program was effective and statistically significant in the Improvement of students' attitude towards HIV/AIDS positive (P value= 0.001). معظم اصابات فيروس  مرض نقص المناعة المكتسب تحدث وسط الشباب من عمر 14-24 سنه هذه دراسه تدخليه تهدف الى تقييم أثرتدريس كتيب البرنامج القومى السودانى للايدز للتثقيف الصحى على سلوك  عينة من طلاب المدارس الثانوية بولاية الخرطوم تجاه  المصابين بالفيروس أو مرضى الأيدز و التى اشترك فيها (500) طالب تم اختيارهم عشوائيا بطريقة التعدد المرحلى . نفذت الدراسة على ثلاثة مراحل : المرحلة الأولى تم فيها جمع المعلومات بواسطة استبيان مكون  من(32) سؤال , ثم مرحلة التدخل عن طريق تدريس الذى وضع بواسطه البرنامج السودانى القومى للايدز  لمدة سته اشهر, ثم المرحلة الثالثة و التى جمعت فيها البيانات بنفس الاستبيان الأول . توصلت الدراسة الى النتائج الآتية: 25.6% من الطلاب كانوا موافقين على رعاية مريض ايدز ينتمى الى الأسرة قبل التدخل بينما ارتفعت النسبة الى 79.2% بعد التدخل . 42.2% رأوا أن المصاب بالفيروس لا يجب ان يختلط بالناس فى المسجد و قد نقصت النسبة بعد التدخل الى 39.2%. 63.8% من الطلاب قبلوا بتلقى الدراسة من معلم مصاب بالفيروس قبل التدخل و قد ارتفعت النسبة الى 86.2% بعد التدخل. كما لم يمانع 27.6% منهم على وجود زميل لهم بالفصل مصاب بالفيروس قبل التدخل  و ارتفعت النسبه الى 50.0% بعد التدخل . خلصت الدراسة الى أن منهج التثقيف الصحى للطلاب ذو أثر بالغ احصائيا  فى تحسين إتجاهات طلاب المدارس الثانوية  تجاه المصابين بفيروس نقص المناعة المكتسب أو تجاه مرضى الايدز

    Proyecto de traducción

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    Traducción de un capítulo de la novela que da título al trabajo. Novela histórica de reciente publicación del escritor egipcio Ahmad Amín

    Dokaz američke serološke skupine orbivirusa upotrebom višestruke RT-PCR.

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    A multiplex RT-PCR assay, for simultaneous detection and differentiation of United States serogroup of Orbiviruses, including bluetongue virus (BTV) and epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (EHDV) in cell culture, was developed. Sets of primers were designed to hybridize to genome segment six of EHDV-2 and to genome segment 10 of BTV-10. The RT-PCR assay utilized a single-tube PCR amplification in which EHDV and BTV primers were used simultaneously in a multiplex format. The EHDV primers produced a 387 base pair (bp) specific PCR product from RNA samples of cell culture-adapted EHDV serotypes 1 and 2, but not from BTV serotypes 2, 10, 11, 13, 17; or from total nucleic acid extract of baby hamster kidney (BHK) cells controls. Likewise, the BTV primers generated a 251-bp amplicon from RNA samples of BTV serotypes 2, 10, 11, 13, and 17, whereas EHDV-1 and EHDV-2; and BHK- 21 cells total nucleic acid extract failed to demonstrate the 251-bp specific BTV PCR product. EHDV and BTV PCR amplification products were easily identified on the basis of size differences on ethidium bromide stained agarose gels. This multiplex RT-PCR assay provides supportive diagnostic method for rapid detection of BTV and/or EHDV infections among susceptible ruminants.Rabljen je višestruki RT-PCR (lančana reakcija polimerazom uz prethodnu reverznu transkripciju) za dokazivanje i razlikovanje serološke skupine virusa bolesti plavog jezika (BPJ) i virus epizootske hemoragijske bolesti jelena (EHB) izdvojenih u SAD-u te uzgojenih na staničnoj kulturi. Određeni su parovi početnica za hibridizaciju na odsječak 6 genoma virusa EHB-2 te na odsječak 10 genoma virusa BPJ-10. Za RT-PCR korištena je PCR amplifikacija u jednoj epruveti u kojoj su početnice za virus EHB i virus BPJ istodobno upotrijebljene u višestrukom obliku. Pomoću početnica virusa EHB proizvedeno je 387 parova baza (pb) specifičnog proizvoda PCR iz uzoraka RNA serotipova 1 i 2 toga virusa prilagođenog na staničnu kulturu, ali ne i iz serotipova 2, 10, 11, 13 i 17 virusa BPJ ili iz ekstrakta ukupne nukleinske kiseline kontrolne stanične kulture bubrega hrčka (BHK). Početnice za virus BPJ dovele su do proizvoda od 251 para baza iz uzoraka RNA serotipova 2, 10, 11, 13 i 17 toga virusa, dok serotipovi 1 i 2 virusa EHB i ukupni ekstrakt nukleinske kiseline stanične kulture BHK-21 nisu doveli do specifičnog proizvoda od 251 para baza. Umnoženi proizvodi PCR za viruse EBH i BPJ mogli su se jednostavno identificirati na osnovi razlika u veličini na agaroznom gelu obojenom etidij-bromidom. Postupak višestruke RT-PCR pruža pomoćnu dijagnostičku metodu za brzo dokazivanje infekcija uzrokovanih virusima BPJ i EHB među prijemljivim preživačima

    Dokaz sudanskih izolata serološke skupine virusa bolesti plavog jezika pomoću lančane reakcije polimerazom (PCR).

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    The potential use of the recently reported reverse transcriptase (RT) polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)-based assay for detection of North American isolates of bluetongue virus (BTV) ribonucleic acid in cell culture was evaluated for detection of Sudanese isolates of BTV. Two pairs of oligoribonucleotide primers, selected from non-structural protein 1 (NS1) gene of BTV-17, were used for RT-PCR amplification. The BTV RT-PCR produced an 826 base pair (bp) amplification product. RNA from Sudanese BTV serotypes 4 and 16, propagated in cell cultures, were detected by this RT-PCR-based assay. Amplification product was not detected when the nested BTV RT-PCR based assay was applied to RNA from closely related Sudanese Orbivirus, epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (EHDV) serotype 4 and total nucleic acid extracts from uninfected Vero cells. The results of this study indicated that our previously described BTV RT-PCR assay could be used for detection of the Sudanese BTV isolates and possibly other serotypes of BTV serogroup from different continents.Lančana reakcija polimerazom uz reverznu transkripciju (RT-PCR) prethodno je razvijena za dokazivanje ribonukleinske kiseline sjevernoameričkih izolata virusa bolesti plavog jezika (BPJ) umnoženih u staničnoj kulturi te je ujedno rabljena i za dokazivanje sudanskih izolata virusa BPJ. Za RT-PCR amplifikaciju odabrana su dva para oligonukleotidnih početnica na genu koji kodira za nestrukturni protein 1 (NS1) virusa BPJ-17. Pomoću početnica dobiven je amplifikacijski proizvod od 826 parova baza (pb). Ovim RT-PCR postupkom dokazana je RNA sudanskih serotipova 4 i 16 umnoženih u staničnim kulturama. Amplifikacijski proizvod nije bio dokazan kad je metoda bila primijenjena za dokazivanje RNA usko srodnog serotipa 4 sudanskog orbivirusa epizootske hemoragijske bolesti i nukleinske kiseline izdvojene iz neinficiranih stanica Vero. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da se ranije opisani RT-PCR za virus BPJ može koristiti za dokazivanje sudanskih izolata virusa BPJ i moguće drugih serotipova serološke skupine virusa BPJ s različitih kontinenata

    Dokaz sudanskih izolata serološke skupine virusa bolesti plavog jezika pomoću lančane reakcije polimerazom (PCR).

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    The potential use of the recently reported reverse transcriptase (RT) polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)-based assay for detection of North American isolates of bluetongue virus (BTV) ribonucleic acid in cell culture was evaluated for detection of Sudanese isolates of BTV. Two pairs of oligoribonucleotide primers, selected from non-structural protein 1 (NS1) gene of BTV-17, were used for RT-PCR amplification. The BTV RT-PCR produced an 826 base pair (bp) amplification product. RNA from Sudanese BTV serotypes 4 and 16, propagated in cell cultures, were detected by this RT-PCR-based assay. Amplification product was not detected when the nested BTV RT-PCR based assay was applied to RNA from closely related Sudanese Orbivirus, epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (EHDV) serotype 4 and total nucleic acid extracts from uninfected Vero cells. The results of this study indicated that our previously described BTV RT-PCR assay could be used for detection of the Sudanese BTV isolates and possibly other serotypes of BTV serogroup from different continents.Lančana reakcija polimerazom uz reverznu transkripciju (RT-PCR) prethodno je razvijena za dokazivanje ribonukleinske kiseline sjevernoameričkih izolata virusa bolesti plavog jezika (BPJ) umnoženih u staničnoj kulturi te je ujedno rabljena i za dokazivanje sudanskih izolata virusa BPJ. Za RT-PCR amplifikaciju odabrana su dva para oligonukleotidnih početnica na genu koji kodira za nestrukturni protein 1 (NS1) virusa BPJ-17. Pomoću početnica dobiven je amplifikacijski proizvod od 826 parova baza (pb). Ovim RT-PCR postupkom dokazana je RNA sudanskih serotipova 4 i 16 umnoženih u staničnim kulturama. Amplifikacijski proizvod nije bio dokazan kad je metoda bila primijenjena za dokazivanje RNA usko srodnog serotipa 4 sudanskog orbivirusa epizootske hemoragijske bolesti i nukleinske kiseline izdvojene iz neinficiranih stanica Vero. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da se ranije opisani RT-PCR za virus BPJ može koristiti za dokazivanje sudanskih izolata virusa BPJ i moguće drugih serotipova serološke skupine virusa BPJ s različitih kontinenata

    Growth, nitrogen metabolism and carcass composition of goats fed palm oil by-products

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    Thirty-two Kacang × Boer crossbred male goats were used in a 100-day experiment to assess effects of feeding palm oil decanter cake (DC), palm kernel cake (PKC) and palm oil (PO) on growth, carcass quality and nitrogen metabolism. Goats were assigned randomly to one of four total mixed rations with approximately 16% crude protein on a dry matter basis: control diet (CD), DC diet (DCD), PKC diet (PKCD) and CD plus 5% PO diet (CPOD). The CD was based on corn grain, soybean meal and rice straw and was fed to all goats for 21 days before the start of the experiment. In the last 10 days of the experiment, four animals from each group were placed in metabolic crates for collection of feces and urine. At the end of the experiment, four animals from each treatment were sacrificed after overnight fasting for measurements of carcass quality. Goats fed PKCD had higher (P < 0.05) feed intake compared with other treatments. Daily gain, slaughter weight, and hot and cold carcass weights were higher (P < 0.05) in goats receiving CD and CPOD than in other goats (DCD and PKCD). It was concluded that a high dietary level of DC or PKC (80% of DM) might have an adverse effect on growth performance and carcass quality in goats

    Influence of Sleep on Academic Performance among Nursing students-Najran University; KSA

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    oai:ojs2.www.ijhbs.com:article/1Background and objective: Nursing students are exposed to high level of pressure due to their academic responsibilities beside other stressors. They may not be able to sleep adequately due to many assignments, examinations and other personal activities. Thus, they are at increased risk for sleep disorders. The main objective of the current study was to identify the association between sleeping patterns and the students' academic performance. Methodology: By adopting a convenience sampling technique, 60 female nursing students had been invited to participate in this study. A close-ended questionnaire was utilized for collecting the data beside obtaining the academic score (GPA) from the students' records. Results: The mean age ± standard deviation (SD) was 22.4 ± 3.1 years. Majority of students 46 (76.7%) their ages above 21 years old and half of them their GPA range between 2.0 – 3.49. 85% of the studied subjects use to sleep about four to six hours per day although 20% of them don't use to have day nap. Interestingly, 73.3% of them are currently living with their families which is correlated significantly with their GPA (P value = 0.05). Additionally, Day nap and duration of sleep hours per day were found to be statistically significant with their GPA (P value &lt; 0.05) respectively. On the other hand, the body mass index was not statistically significant with their GPA (P value &gt; 0.05). Conclusion &amp; Discussion: Sleepiness and low sleep quantity were prevalent among nursing students which was affecting their academic performance and daytime functioning. Thus students with symptoms of sleep disorders are more likely to obtain poor grades in classes and accordingly poor academic achievement. So there should be suitable programs to help students to identify the physical as well as psychological symptoms as early as possible and therefore, providing adequate guidance to improve their academic as well as physical performance. Additionally, any student that performs poorly in academics should be monitored and referred to the concerned professional for help

    WojoodNER 2023: The First Arabic Named Entity Recognition Shared Task

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    We present WojoodNER-2023, the first Arabic Named Entity Recognition (NER) Shared Task. The primary focus of WojoodNER-2023 is on Arabic NER, offering novel NER datasets (i.e., Wojood) and the definition of subtasks designed to facilitate meaningful comparisons between different NER approaches. WojoodNER-2023 encompassed two Subtasks: FlatNER and NestedNER. A total of 45 unique teams registered for this shared task, with 11 of them actively participating in the test phase. Specifically, 11 teams participated in FlatNER, while 88 teams tackled NestedNER. The winning teams achieved F1 scores of 91.96 and 93.73 in FlatNER and NestedNER, respectively

    The Psychological Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on health professionals in Sudan 2020

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    Background: The 2019 novel corona virus (COVID-19) is highly contagious with pandemic transmission, so it is associated with severe health problems and high public anxiety, with healthcare community speculation to be the most distressed because they were at the highest risk of infection. This study aimed to investigate the psychological impact on frontline medical staff in Khartoum state, Sudan, during the COVID‑19 outbreak between January and March 2020 Material and Methods: Patient Health questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), generalized anxiety Disorders (GAD-7) scale and the revised impact of event scale (IES-R) were used to assess the depression, anxiety and psychological impact of COVID-19 on participants respectively, by an online questionnaire, analyzed by the statistical package for social science (SPSS) version 24. Results: PHQ-9 depression Scale showed that 72% have some degree of depression with mild depression being the most common seen in 96 (24.2%), severe depression was found to be more among age group between 45-65 and was associated with working in the emergency room (ER), p value was 0.03.The post-traumatic stress disorder among our participants was assessed by the IES-R scale which revealed 67 (16.9%) having mild PTSD, 32 (8.1%) having moderate PTSD,75 (18.9%) having severe PTSD while with statistical association with male gender with (P value= 0.16), age group of 45-65 (P value= 0.03), working in the respiratory wards (P value of 0.039) and history of contact with a positive case of COVID 19, (P value= 0.0001). We used GAD 7anxiety score showed mild anxiety in 32 participants (23.2%) moderate anxiety in 53 (13.4%) and severe anxiety 66 (16.7%). Conclusion: These findings highlight the importance of vigor organizational support in predicting and managing health workers symptoms of burnout, and the working conditions they face during novel times of crisis. Keywords: COVID-19, Psychological impact, Health workers, Sudan, GAD-7, PHQ-9, IES-