41 research outputs found

    Maximal aerobic speed as a useful tool to understand specific training demand among elite male volleyball

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    Lakhdar Louglaib, Zerf Mohammed. Maximal aerobic speed as a useful tool to understand specific training demand among elite male volleyball. Pedagogy and Psychology of Sport. 2019;5(1):96-107. elSSN 2450-6605. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.12775/19324 http://apcz.umk.pl/czasopisma/index.php/PPS/article/view/19324 https://pbn.nauka.gov.pl/sedno-webapp/works/903078 The journal has had 5 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B (26/01/2017). © The Authors 2019; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author (s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non commercial license Share alike. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 18.01.2019. Revised: 30.01.2019. Accepted: 06.02.2019. MAXIMAL AEROBIC SPEED AS A USEFUL TOOL TO UNDERSTAND SPECIFIC TRAINING DEMAND AMONG ELITE MALE VOLLEYBALL Louglaib Lakhdar 1, Mohammed Zerf 2* 1, 2, Physical Education Institute, University of Abdel Hamid Ibn Badis Mostaganem, Algeria ABSTRACT Aim: The study aims to study the impact of Maximal Aerobic Speed (MAS) levels on the growth of skills fitness among volleyball. Methods: To achieve this objective, we assess the levels of MAS for 60 elite male volleyball players (ages 22 to 25 years with +5 years' experience in elite championships). Tested by volleyball Alberta tests and standing triple jump and T agility tests to estimate the effect of coordination abilities on players body adaptations to recover from the high-intensity and fatiguing actions as a result of levels of endurance. Results: Backup on statistics applied, centred on MAS levels as protocol. We confirmed that a high-level of MAS enhanced skills fitness. Admitted by the inverse correlation between the levels of MAS in compares with speed, power and explosive abilities. In the benefits of players with elevated levels of MAS as a beneficial condition to improve skills fitness (Serve-attack/Spike/Block) among volleyball players. Conclusion: our protocol supports the development of MAS at 4 + (m/s). Agreed as minimal components of physical condition allied to neuromuscular system adaptations, which permit players not only to improve their speed and power components. But also, their ability to recover from high-intensity and fatiguing actions. Keywords: maximal aerobic speed, volleyball, elite, skill physically ability, correlatio


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    The delimiters are the most important tools, widely used in training and tests soccer, because they embodies the dimensions of the surface and the role of defender in major of the exercises for Soccer. That literature review 90% of soccer books use the smallest delimiters (plate) and 100% of our young soccer Algerians coaches (under 15 year) composed their sessions. from that the objective of our study focuses on the different forms and volumes of these last lend, based on these differences our hypothesis confirms that they affected the information (indicators from the external environment) and qualities coordinators during the change of direction (obstruction of the upper body player). Our experience is based on a practical protocol of Vankersschaver Jacques1982 from his study entitled "Role of Visual Index and Cognitive Process in the Acquisition of a Gesture Football Technique”. Were we have introducing the different kinds of delimiters (fig1) and the inactive player to determine the most type of delimiter appropriate to evaluate and train duels with ball in young soccer. Were our finding confirmed: (1) The mannequin is the most delimiter appropriate for testing and progress in duels soccer. (2) The progress in training duels requires the smallest (familiar with the gest) arrive at the mannequin to perform with the gest (1vs1). (3) The objective of duels requires the involvement of the commitment of peripheral vision for information and central vision to master the ball. From that, the best dribbler is the player who lifts his head when he moves with the ball

    Balance as a postural key component (core) for establishing physical state in school program reports

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    Admit balance control tends to test muscle imbalances, mobility restrictions and postural-control stability problems. Specifically include in Euro fit Fitness Testing Battery and absent in FitnessGram. This cross section-study examined the importance of balancing test as a missing component (core) for establishing a physical state in school program reports. Build on Flamingo Balance test as a messing protocol requested in the FitnessGram battery test. To test this hypothesis, 400 male middle school students, age 13.03 ± 0.56-year, sector education Mostaganem for academic years 2017–2018 participate voluntaries in the present study. Classified into two groups based on their levels falls up or down to 5 in Flamingo Balance. Build on studying design, protocol and statistics applied. Our results claim balance as a key component functional fitness related to both lumbar and trunk muscular fitness strength endurance and flexibility. Recommend by this study as key assessing test motor fitness. Need to be integrated into FitnessGram to evaluate deficits in improvements postural-control related to muscular fatigue, which ultimately affects balance performance during ordinary tasks or complex dynamic activities

    Impact of the plyometric training on the vertical jump performance - case of young soccer players under U12s / Zerf Mohammed

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    Muscle strength is an essential factor to perform effectively kicks, tackles, jumps, sprints and prevent injuries in the soccer game (Benítez Sillero, J.D.; Da Silva-Grigoletto, M.E.; Muñoz Herrera, E.; Morente Montero, A. yGuillén del Castillo, M, 2015). Whereas to simulate the explosive strength needed in athletics, Verkhoshanski' introduced the Plyometrics (William D. Bandy, Barbara Sanders, 2007) that (Bram Swinnen, 2016) confirms its. However, little research has been done to investigate injury risk with plyometric training considerations. Where some authors suggest that plyometric exercises should not be performed by children (Jason Brumitt, Human Kinetics, 2010) or an individual who has not attained puberty (Edward McNeely, David Sandler, 2006). Design: the effects of Plyometrics training on vertical jump performance have been widely researched. Where some authors reported its effectiveness in vertical jump, while others reported no significant effects. Methods: for propose, our experimental protocol was integrating in the program of the coach for a period of 6 weeks as a 20 minutes’ time Plyometrics works per week session as additional exercises in the benefit of the experimental group. Results: Our results confirm the benefits of Plyometric training to improve the Vertical Jump Performance among young soccer players under U12s years where the experimental group is accrual performance than the control group. Conclusions: the pubescent athletes can engage in low- to medium-intensity Plyometrics

    Maximal aerobic speed as a useful tool to understand specific training demand among elite male volleyball

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    Aim: The study aims to study the impact of Maximal Aerobic Speed (MAS) levels on the growth of skills fitness among volleyball. Methods: To achieve this objective, we assess the levels of MAS for 60 elite male volleyball players (ages 22 to 25 years with +5 years' experience in elite championships). Tested by volleyball Alberta tests and standing triple jump and T agility tests to estimate the effect of coordination abilities on players body adaptations to recover from the high-intensity and fatiguing actions as a result of levels of endurance. Results: Backup on statistics applied, centred on MAS levels as protocol. We confirmed that a high-level of MAS enhanced skills fitness. Admitted by the inverse correlation between the levels of MAS in compares with speed, power and explosive abilities. In the benefits of players with elevated levels of MAS as a beneficial condition to improve skills fitness (Serve-attack/Spike/Block) among volleyball players. Conclusion: our protocol support the development of MAS at 4 + (m/s). Agreed as minimal components of physical condition allied to neuromuscular system adaptations, which permit players not only to improve their speed and power components. But also their ability to recover from high-intensity and fatiguing actions


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    The objective of this study is to describe and compare the techniques used by elite triple jumpers in the world to determine the impact of the modality distribution ratios in achieving results. Our subjects were the 2009-2011 global elite’s finalists with five (5) Algerian amateur athletes. In the absence of technological methods in Algeria, our study explores the reports (IAAF): 1. To describe the phase distribution of the practice model between our world champions (2009 and 2011) 2. To compare the credibility theory of distributions ratio achievement with the modality dominant techniques practiced by champions (2009 and 2011). 3. To answer this question: can we consider the phase difference ratios as a bad distribution error in the technical ideal? As a result, we chose the analysis of variance and the correlation of relative distances obtained from each phase of the official distance achieved by the athlete. For the study statistics, our used data is based on the "t" independent method compared to the impact phase distributions (hop, step, and jump) charged with the results achieved in the test. However, our goal for this research is: • Using biomechanics to determine errors and integrate the modern scientific methods in monitoring the athletic program. • To allow our elites and their coaches to examine the impact of modality distribution ratios in achieving results in order to choose the good combined efforts and the selected template model practiced to improve the best performance in training and competition


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    The goals of this study are to find ways to determine the risks cardiovascular and respiratory capacity in class obese I, II, III housewife based on them adaptation to effort. Since obesity has reached epidemic as levels in cholesterol fractions, and triglyceride as risk factors of metabolic health track into adulthood which confirmed that the body physical fitness has a significant modifying effect on other risk factors as cardiovascular disease. Our role is to expose the impact of the class obesity on the level fitness to health. In order to achieve this objective, in one hand we have chosen the Ruffier-Dickson index and Maximum Heart Rate which are safe bet in the sports medical baseline budget. On the other hand, our sample was selected by intentional method represented by 30 women; their homogeneity was calculate based on age ≤ 27, BMI≥ 35,77 and Questionnaire Physical Activity Rating (PA-R) from Non-Exercise Data and Non-Exercise Fitness Test. Our entire sample selected that prefer staying at home. In order to classify our sample, we have selected the BMI classification system for adults Programs and Health Survey for England which classed our sample in three categories obesity I, II and III. For the statistical processing, we based on Mean, SD, Correlation Paired Samples, Anova and LSD to determine the effect of overweight on the both cardio-respiratory capacity failure between the three classes in active exercise as our safe test. Based on the analyses statistics we confirm: - is a strong positive relationship between the increase BMI and the level of the variables selected in this study; - Class Body Composition reveals the weaker skeletal muscle function, decreases cardiorespiratory capacity and the low fitness aerobics ability; - Class Body Composition predict the weaken cardio respiratory capacity related to the combination of “respiratory rate and airway narrowing” which lead to fatigue of the muscles of ventilation.  Article visualizations


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    The objective of this study is to describe and compare the techniques used by elite triple jumpers in the world to determine the impact of the modality distribution ratios in achieving results. Our subjects were the 2009-2011 global elite’s finalists with five (5) Algerian amateur athletes. In the absence of technological methods in Algeria, our study explores the reports (IAAF): 1. To describe the phase distribution of the practice model between our world champions (2009 and 2011) 2. To compare the credibility theory of distributions ratio achievement with the modality dominant techniques practiced by champions (2009 and 2011). 3. To answer this question: can we consider the phase difference ratios as a bad distribution error in the technical ideal? As a result, we chose the analysis of variance and the correlation of relative distances obtained from each phase of the official distance achieved by the athlete. For the study statistics, our used data is based on the "t" independent method compared to the impact phase distributions (hop, step, and jump) charged with the results achieved in the test. However, our goal for this research is: • Using biomechanics to determine errors and integrate the modern scientific methods in monitoring the athletic program. • To allow our elites and their coaches to examine the impact of modality distribution ratios in achieving results in order to choose the good combined efforts and the selected template model practiced to improve the best performance in training and competition

    The Contribution Of Biomechanical Analysis Technology To Improve The Assessment Of Students During Certain School Sports Activities (Long Jump)

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the contribution of biomechanical analysis technology to improve the assessment of students during certain school sports activities (long jump), this by (1) determining the statistical differences between groups in variables analyzed. (2) revealing the relationship between the kinematical variables analyzed and the digital level & evaluation result. The sample included 32 students in the 1st year of secondary school (16 males, 16 females), two groups for each gender. Group ? working on the use of kinetic analysis in a correction the kinetic performance and evaluated, and group ? is guided by the observation only. The study involved the kinematical analysis of performance during long jumping activity, by using the software; Coach's Eye & MyDartfish Express.  The data were analyzed in SPSS 22.0 program, the descriptive statistics (mean ± SD, Std. E), the Anova & T-tests for difference statistical between groups, and the P test for the correlations between variables. In conclusion, our assessment problem is that it depends on the digital level only in the learning phase. Besides, these results indicate that the professors who use this kinetic analysis software have adjusted the way they evaluate students, where Improving digital achievement should depend on proper evaluation in the stages of achievement for the physical education and sports teaching process