83 research outputs found

    Characterization of Two Domestic Goat Breeds in Duhok Province / Iraq Using Microsatellites

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    In this study, a molecular‒based technique was employed to characterize two Iraqi goat breeds. For this, thirty blood samples were obtained from two Iraqi indigenous goat breeds (Native and Merzi goat) in Duhok province. Genomic DNA was extracted, out of 8 microsatellites, 6 microsatellites were amplified and produced bands in polymerase chain reactions (PCR). PCR products were subjected to 1.5% agarose gel electrophoresis for fast and easy detection of successful amplification. Then, the PCR products were subjected to 6% Polyacrylamide electrophoresis and stained with silver nitrate. Many distinct alleles were observed that they can be indicative of possible breed marker.Close genetic distance was observed between Native and Merzigoat (D=0.1667). These results can be used to establish national conservation and breed improvement strategies

    Y-chromosomal STR variation in Kurds and Arabs population in Iraqi Kurdistan

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    Background: The Iraqi Kurdistan local population involves more than eight gatherings of tenants. The Muslim Kurds make up most of the population and after that the Yezidi Kurds. Alternate gatherings incorporate Armenians, Assyrian, Chaldea, Syriacs, and little minority of Arab and Turkmen individuals.Methods: A total of 36 unrelated males from the two population groups in Iraqi Kurdistan: Kurds and Arabs were analyzed for eight Y-chromosome STRs (DYS19, DYS392, DYS437, DYS448, DYS456, DYS458, DYS635 and Y-GATA-H4). Total DNA from blood cells was extracted using DNA extraction Kit.Results: A number of genetic parameters such as mean number of alleles, allele frequency, gene diversity, polymorphic information content (PIC), and genetic distance were calculated using Power Marker V3.25 software. The DYS458 had the highest diversity (GD: 0.883), while loci DYS456 and Y-GATA-H4 had the lowest (GD: 0.574). The Dendrogram separated the populations into two main clades, the Kurd group and the Arab group except in one case only from the whole population.Conclusions: This study confirms the discriminating power of high-resolution Y-STR typing and provides first primary dataset on Iraqi Kurdistan samples. The comparison of Kurdish and Arab datasets reveals an interesting overall picture of isolation of Kurdish group. The primers DYS19, DYS448, DYS458, and DYS635 can be considered the best for their high PIC power

    GSU Event Portal

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    This is GSU Event portal platform used for event registrations and also gives access to organizers to create, promote and manage events. Here we have three roles organizer, admin and visitor. This platform will be mobile friendly, easy-to-navigate and communicate which enable organizers to manage events, and help visitors discover events and register. This application allows visitor to search the events by name, date. The application highlights are every role has their access restrictions. Organizer will describe the details about the events in the website. Organizer can give discount to all visitors or for few, by providing the coupon code. The admin can access any data. This GSU Event Portal will solve a major problem with the current student portal - GSU student boredom. The GSU Event Portal will be an excellent addition to the existing GSU Student Portal, and will be used by all GSU students. The GSU Events feature will be ready for release December 4th, 2017

    Multiplex polymerase chain reaction identification of Candida species colonized sputum of patients suffering from various respiratory tract disorders in Duhok, Iraq

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    Background: Candida species are part of the body normal flora. Under certain conditions, these opportunistic microorganisms may lead to infection. The purpose of this study was to identify Candida species isolated from sputum from patients suffering from respiratory tract disorders.Methods: A total of 59 sputum samples taken from patients attending Azadi hospital at Duhok province, Kurdistan Region/Iraq. For primary isolation, sputum samples were cultured on sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA). Suspected colonies of Candida isolates were then sub cultured on chromogenic Candida agar for presumptive identification. Genomic DNA extraction was performed using a genomic DNA extraction kit. For rapid identification of Candida spp, specific primers based on the genomic sequence of DNA topoisomerase 11 of C. albicans, C. parapsilosis I, C. parapsilosis II, C. guilliermondi, C. dubliniensis, C. krusei, C. kefyr and C. glabrata, C. tropicalis I, C. tropicalis II, C. lusitaniae were used. The Multiplex PCR products were separated by electrophoresis in 1.5% agarose gel, visualized by staining with ethidium bromide, and photographed.Results: Three Candida species namely C. albicans, C. glabrata and C. tropicalis were differentiated by their colour produced on Chromogenic Candida agar. PCR with the primer mixes yielded 4 different sized of PCR products corresponding to C. albicans, C. glabrata, C. Keyfer and C. tropicalis II, C. glabrata was the most common species (33.33%), followed by C. albicans (16.66%). The highest rate of isolation of Candida species was between the ages of 36 to 45.Conclusion: This study concluded that phenotypic characteristics on selective agar medium such as chromogenic Candida agar are useful for presumptive identification of Candiada spp with the support of molecular method such as multiplex PCR.

    Identification of Candida spp. isolated from vaginal swab by phenotypic methods and multiplex PCR in Duhok, Iraq

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    Background: Candida species are the second most common cause of vulvovaginitis worldwide. The purpose of this study was to identify the species of vaginal Candida isolates by using phenotypic and Multiplex PCR techniques.  Methods: 91 isolates from patients admitted to Azadi hospital and Maternity hospital in Duhok city were collected. The vaginal swab specimens were inoculated on Sabouraud dextrose agar. Colonies were then sub cultured on Chromogenic Candida agar. Genomic DNA extraction was performed using a Genomic DNA Extraction kit. For rapid identification of Candida spp., specific primers based on the genomic sequence of DNA topoisomerase 11 of C. albicans, C. parapsilosis I, C. parapsilosis II, C. guilliermondi, C. dubliniensis, C. krusei, C. kefyr and C. glabrata, C. tropicalis I, C. tropicalis II, C. lusitaniae were used. The multiplex PCR products were separated by electrophoresis in 1.5% agarose gel, visualized by staining with ethidium bromide, and photographed.  Results: 4 Candida species, namely C. albicans, C. glabrata, C. krusei and C. tropicalis were distinguished by Chromogenic Candida agar on the basis of colony colour and morphology. PCR with the primer mixes yielded 7 different sized of PCR products corresponding to C. albicans, C. guilliermondii, C. dubliniensis, C. glabrata, C. kefyr, C. krusei and C. tropicalis II. The analysis revealed C. glabrata and C. albicans were the most common species isolated with the percentage 40% and 30% respectively.Conclusions: This study concluded that phenotypic characteristics on selective agar medium such as chromogenic candida agar are useful for presumptive identification of Candiada spp. with the support of molecular method such as multiplex PCR.  

    Detection of Trypanozoon trypanosomes infections on Glossina fuscipes fuscipes (Diptera: Glossinidae) using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique in the Blue Nile State, Sudan

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    Tsetse flies transmit many species of trypanosomes in Africa, some of which are human and livestock pathogens of major medical and socio-economic impact. Identification of trypanosomes is essential to assess the disease risk imposed by particular tsetse populations. The present study was carried out to determine the trypanosomal infection rate of tsetse flies (Glossina fuscipes fuscipes) in the Blue Nile State of Sudan. A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay was used because of the inherent difficulty of speciating trypanosomal parasites in the fly. Our results show that 4.44% (8/180) of the flies were positive for a Trypanosoma brucei group. Three of eight positive flies reacted with primers for Trypanosoma b. rhodesiense. We did not detect flies infected with T. b. gambiense. Thus, the burden of flies harboring T. b. rhodesiense and T. b. brucei trypanosomes were 1.67 and 2.78%, respectively. This is the first evidence of T. b. rhodesiense in the Yabus District. Thus, HAT case-detection active surveillance and tsetse fly control campaigns should be conducted before the establishment of human settlement, investment of natural resources into agricultural and animal husbandry.Key words: Glossina fuscipes fuscipes, Trypanosoma brucei, T. b. gambiense, T. b. rhodesiense, infection rate, PCR technique, Blue Nile State

    Correlation of micronutrient status with atherogenic index and oxidative stress markers in metabolic syndrome

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    The prognostication of cardiovascular events in people with metabolic syndrome (MetS) is paramount due to their heightened risk profile. MetS is typified by a cluster of medical conditions such as raised blood pressure, hyperglycemia, central adiposity, and anomalous levels of cholesterol or triglycerides, which collectively increase the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease. Anticipating cardiovascular events in these individuals enables enhanced prevention approaches, more efficient management, and better patient results. The present investigation involved an examination of the correlation between a range of biomarkers, namely Lp-PLA2, Apo A1, Apo B, hs-CRP, OxLDL, MDA, and Vitamin C, and the atherogenic index in a population afflicted with MetS. The results indicated no statistically significant association between the markers mentioned above and the atherogenic index within the sample population. This suggests that these markers may not possess sufficient predictive value for cardiovascular events in this demographic. Nevertheless, it was noted that although there was no discernible correlation with the atherogenic index, the MetS cohort exhibited increased serum concentrations of Lp-PLA2, OxLDL, and MDA. The markers mentioned above are widely recognized as reliable indicators of inflammation and oxidative stress, two crucial processes in the development of atherosclerosis and subsequent cardiovascular events. As a result, the increased prevalence of MetS may indicate heightened susceptibility to cardiovascular disease, underscoring the importance of implementing a comprehensive approach to managing cardiovascular risk in affected individuals. In summary, although the markers analyzed in this investigation may not directly associate with the atherogenic index, their increased concentrations warrant prudence and emphasize the significance of vigilant management of cardiovascular risk in individuals diagnosed with MetS. Accurately forecasting cardiovascular events remains a multifaceted obstacle that necessitates the examination of numerous variables and persistent scholarly endeavors

    Debilitating floods in the Sahel are becoming frequent

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    Despite the long-lasting and widespread drought in the Sahel, flood events did punctuate in the past. The concern about floods remains dwarf on the international research and policy agenda compared to droughts. In this paper, we elucidate that floods in the Sahel are now becoming more frequent, widespread, and more devastating. We analyzed gridded daily rainfall data over the period 1981–2020, used photographs and satellite images to depict flood areas and threats, compiled and studied flood-related statistics over the past two decades, and supported the results with peer-reviewed literature. Our analysis revealed that the timing of the maximum daily rainfall occurs from the last week of July to mid-August in the Eastern Sahel, but from the last week of July to the end of August in the Western Sahel. In 2019 and 2020, flash and riverine floods took their toll in Sudan and elsewhere in the region in terms of the number of affected people, direct deaths, destroyed and damaged houses and croplands, contaminated water resources, and disease outbreaks and deaths. Changes in rainfall intensity, human interventions in the physical environment, and poor urban planning play a major role in driving catastrophic floods. Emphasis should be put on understanding flood causes and impacts on vulnerable societies, controlling water-borne diseases, and recognizing the importance of compiling relevant and reliable flood information. Extreme rainfall in this dry region could be an asset for attenuating the regional water scarcity status if well harvested and managed. We hope this paper will induce the hydroclimate scholars to carry out more flood studies for the Sahel. It is only then encumbered meaningful opportunities for flood risk management can start to unveil

    Tutors, The Valuable Resource to Enhance Medical Students’ Motivation.

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    Background: Students’ academic performance is largely affected by their motivation. Moreover, health professions’ education needs motivated students who are keen to tolerate the burden of clinical work along with the academic excellence to graduate competently. This study assessed the effect of tutors on students’ motivation. Method: A cross-sectional, institution-based study of the first-year medical students at University of Khartoum, Sudan was conducted. A self-administered questionnaire was used comprising a modified Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) with students’ evaluation of their tutors after semester one community medicine course. A total of 237 out of 324 students responded. Pearson productmoment correlation coefficient was used to test the relationship between motivation and evaluation. Hierarchical multiple regression model tested the ability of evaluation factors to predict motivation score. Results: There was a significant association between tutor’s characteristics regarding creativity in conducting the sessions, igniting discussion, and adequacy of knowledge about the course contents and the motivation score (p-value = 0.001). There was a strong, positive correlation between the perceived evaluation score and perceived motivation score (r = 0.505, n = 206, p < 0.0005). After controlling age, gender, paternal educational levels, and scores of Sudanese certificate upon entry, R squared change = 0.28, F change (9.181) = 8.416, p <0.001. In the final model, the content of the course was statistically significant, standardized Beta = 0.285, indicating that content uniquely explains 5.7% of the variance in total perceived motivation score. Conclusion: The evaluation score explained 28% of the variance in student motivation. Students’ motivation issignificantly associated with tutor’s teaching skills concerning knowledge, creativity, students’ involvement, and attractiveness in conducting the tutorials. Improving course content can enhance students’ motivation toward community medicine
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