542 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Pengendalian kualitas pada perusahaan baik  perusahaan jasa maupun perusahaan manufaktur sangatlah diperlukan. Dengan kualitas jasa ataupun barang yang dihasilkan tentunya perusahaan berharap dapat menarik konsumen dan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan serta keinginan konsumen Banyak sekali metode yang mengatur atau membahas mengenai kualitas dengan karakteristiknya masing-masing. Metode pengendalian kualitas yang diterapkan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode SPC (Statistical Process Control) dan RPN (Risk Priority Number). Salah satu keuntungan menggunakan metode SPC adalah variabilitas menjadi lebih kecil yang dihasilkan dari adanya perbaikan kinerja yang dapat dilihat oleh pelanggan, sedangkan RPN dapat memberikan usulan perbaikan pada proses produksi yang mempunyai tingkat kegagalan yang tertinggi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) mengetahui kualitas produk kantong plastik HDPE dengan analisis SPC dan RPN di PT. HSKU (2) mengetahui penyebab cacat/kerusakan pada kantong plastik HDPE (3) Memberi usulan untuk mengurangi jumlah cacat produk kantong plastik HDPE. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prosentase jumlah cacat produk dari total produksi PT. HSKU  sebesar 3,7 % pada tahun 2014. Dari total 3,9 % jenis cacat  Bentuk tidak simetris (29,5 %), Pemanasan tidak sesuai (34,9 %), Plastik Terlipat (29,2 %), Ketebalan tidak sesuai(6,5 %) sedangkan pada tahun 2015 sebesar 3,4 %. Dari total 3,4 % jenis cacat  Bentuk tidak simetris (41,7 %), Pemanasan tidak sesuai (28,4 %), Plastik Terlipat (24,1 %), Ketebalan tidak sesuai(5,9 %). Kata kunci : SPC, RPN, Produk Cacat, Kantong Plastik HDPE&nbsp

    Cannabis Use and Its Health Consequences in Afghanistan: Implication for Intervention and Prevention

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    Cannabis is the most widely used illicit drug, worldwide and also in Afghanistan. According to United Nation Office for Drug and crime (UNODC) Afghanistan Cannabis survey (2009), more than half of all drug users interviewed in Afghanistan had used cannabis in their life time. In this survey around 630,000 people, mostly men, were documented as cannabis users. On the other hand, cannabis life time use amongst regular female drug user was 40%. The annual prevalence of cannabis use was 8.1 percent in male and 0.2 percent in female populations (UNODC Afghanistan Cannabis survey 2009). In Afghanistan cannabis is most commonly used amongst various groups of individuals, including public transport and truck drivers, and law enforcement personnel, such as Afghan National Police and Afghan National Army recruits. According to a Government Accountability Report for the United States Congress in March 2010, the percentage of Afghan Police recruits who tested positive for drug use, (i.e., marijuana, hashish and opiates) was 12-40% (Nordland & Wafa, 2010). Cannabis use has been linked to a myriad of adverse health outcome included but not limited to, increased risk of schizophrenia, impairment of cognitive functioning, deterioration of motor skills, weakening of driving skills, adverse pregnancy outcome and increased risk of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases (Kalant, 2004). The aim of this paper is to highlight cannabis production, use and adverse health outcomes in Afghanistan and to propose recommendations for cannabis control and reversal of its negative health outcomes


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    There are so many problems that can be encountered by graphtechnique,  especially in the realm of information technology (IT). One of the problems is to compute aMinimum Spanning Tree (MST). By using this kind of technique, it will be obtained a range of connected lines with its merits; e.g., the  spanning tree  of minimum cost, the  least weight, and so on. There are  commonly two algorithms to find minimum spanning tree  (MST) namely Prim’s algorithm and Kruskal’s algorithm. This research aims to examine whether  or not Prim’s algorithm and Kruskal’s algorithm can be used to calculate minimum spanning tree (MST) of a connected weighted graph, to know more about the approximate time to compute minimum spanning tree (MST) of a connected weighted graph through the implementation  of Prim’s algorithm and Kruskal’s algorithm, and to find out which one of these two algorithms work best to calculate minimum spanning tree (MST) of a connected weighted graph. The development  of software  application in calculating MST using Prim’s algorithm and Kruskal’s algorithm is operated  by Windows 7, the so-called Free Pascal Program, which includes the steps of observing  and  data  gathering,  the  installation of the  program,  designing graph  model that  the weights are in accordance with the data gathered  by Free Pascal Program, simulating the model of MST weighted graph through Prim’s algorithm and Kruskal’s algorithm by using Free Pascal Program to calculate the longest edge, the order of MST, computation  time, and, lastly, to test and conclude the test result.  The data simulation uses the data of PDAM pipeline “PerumnasPatrangJember”.  The result shows that MST program used perfectly proved that Prim’s algorithm and Kruskal’s algorithm can be implemented to calculate the minimum spanning tree (MST) of a connected weighted graph. The MST program usedcan also simulate and calculate the length of the MST weighted graph through the  implementation  of Prim’s algorithm and Kruskal’s algorithm.Based on the  test  result, the  run time of Kruskal’s algorithm is shorter and/or  faster than the Prim’s algorithm to calculate a various MST weighted graph. Keywords: Simulation, Minimum Spanning  Tree (MST), Prim’s algorithm, Kruskal’s algorithm, Free Pasca

    Sikap dan Motivasi Pelajar Terhadap Kemahiran Berfikir Aras Tinggi dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Iban

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    Kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi (KBAT) telah menjadi keutamaan dalam pembelajaran masa kini khususnya dalam penyoalan dalam pengajaran dan peperiksaan. Bahasa Iban pula merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran yang mengangkat bahasa ibunda sebagai bahasa ilmiah. Namun, penguasaan KBAT pelajar dalam Bahasa Iban masih berada pada tahap yang lemah. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti sikap pelajar terhadap KBAT dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Iban berdasarkan faktor jantina, bangsa dan sekolah serta hubungannya dengan motivasi intrinsik dan ekstrinsik. Seramai 240 orang pelajar dari empat buah sekolah menengah di daerah Simunjan, Sarawak telah terlibat sebagai responden. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif di mana satu set soal selidik digunakan untuk mendapatkan data kajian yang kemudiannya dianalisis menggunakan SPSS versi 25. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan sikap pelajar lelaki dan pelajar perempuan terhadap KBAT dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Iban. Keputusan ujian ANOVA sikap pelajar berdasarkan kaum juga menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan skor min sikap pelajar terhadap KBAT dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Iban berdasarkan kaum mereka. Dari aspek sekolah juga menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan skor min sikap pelajar terhadap KBAT dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Iban berdasarkan faktor sekolah yang mereka wakili. Keputusan ujian Korelasi pula menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara motivasi intrinsik dan ekstrinsik dengan sikap pelajar terhadap KBAT dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Iban. Berdasarkan dapatan kajian, dapatlah dirumuskan bahawa sikap dan motivasi terhadap KBAT perlu diterapkan agar pelajar dapat mengoptimumkan penggunaan minda sekali gus mengaplikasikan pengetahuan dan kemahiran dalam kehidupan

    Practicum Activities in the Field of Natural Science Learning in Elementary Schools as an Alternative to the Open Natural Science Laboratory

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    Abstract:  The purpose of this research is to find out in science learning that it does not have to be theoretical, but also practical even during a pandemic. The research method is to use a qualitative research method with the phenomenology approach, namely looking at some natural facts that occur in natural events. The results of the study showed that students can be invited to practice in real, concrete, in accordance with the theory being studied (in the context of SD science, namely about the condition of the surrounding environment, or in everyday life). The problems that exist in the field are, in fact, some of the teachers only teach a few theories in the book and only apply lessons in the classroom. This is triggered by the absence of adequate laboratory facilities at schools, and the lack of motivation to make learning innovations that can be carried out during the pandemic so that it is lacking in generating practices and theories that can be implementedAbstrak: Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui pada pembelajaran IPA bahwa tidak harus dengan teori saja, tetapi juga dengan praktik meskipun di masa pandemi. Metode Penelitian adalah menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan phenomenology yaitu melihat beberapa fakta alami yang terjadi pada kejadian alam. Hasil Penelitian yaitu Peserta didik dapat diajak melaksanakan praktik secara riil, konkrit, sesuai dengan teori yang sedang dipelajari (Dalam konteks IPA SD yaitu tentang keadaan lingkungan sekitar, atau yang ada di kehidupan sehari-hari). Permasalahan yang ada di lapangan, pada kenyataanya, sebagian dari guru hanya mengajarkan beberapa teori yang ada di dalam buku dan hanya menerapkan pembalajaran di dalam ruang kelas. Hal tersebut dipicu karena tidak adanya fasilitas laboratorium yang memadai di sekolah, serta minimnya motivasi untuk membuat inovasi pembelajaran yang dapat dilakukan dimasa pandemic sehingga kurang dalam memunculkan praktik dan juga teori yang dapat dijalankan

    Islamisation or Malaynisation? : a study on the role of Islamic law in the economic development of Malaysia : 1969-1993

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    The thesis examines the role of Islam and Shariah (Islamic law) in the economic development of Malaysia and it rejects the assumption that Islam and Shariah inhibit economic development. In contemporary Malaysia, there are two 'policies' adopted by the Government. Firstly, 'Islamisation' which is for the advancement of Islamic law and institution building. Secondly, 'Malaynisation' which promotes the socio-economic development of the Malay ethnic group. The study adopts a holistic approach which covers the political economy of law in Malaysia. The thesis explores the relationship between the two policies considering in particular whether they are essentially the same. The study covers the pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial periods although the focus is on the post-1969 period which involved the application of the New Economic Policy (NEP). The NEP was a pro-Malay Policy to rectif,' the economic imbalance of the Malays vis-Ă -vis other communities. Therefore, the focus of this thesis is on the Malay- Muslim population of Peninsular Malaysia who form the bulk of the Bumiputera (indigenous people). Two Bum iputera and Islamic organisations, Bank Islam (BIIMB) and Tabung Haji (TH) as well as the Bumiputera unit trust scheme, Amanah Saham Nasional (ASN) are used as the case studies. Their establishment, structure and organisation are examined. There is a specific focus on the extent to which they are examples of Islamisation or Malaynisation. It is clear that in contemporary Malaysia, Islam and Shariah are being used by the Government to promote economic development. Islamic values have been used to further Malay economic participation in the commercial sector. As a consequence, the economic position of many Malay-Muslims has greatly improved. However, the Government position is questioned by the Islamic opposition who say that the Islamisation policy in many respects is either contrary to Islam or merely cosmetic, and want a 'pure' Islamic approach. The thesis therefore involves a critical examination of the perspectives of both the Government and the Islamic opposition


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    This study aims to describe the implementation of environmental management and environmental cost uses to measure the environmental management performance in PT JOB Pertamina East Java. It is used as basis through comparing occured cost, categorized based classification, and identifying hidden cost. The analysis followed with other aspects to support the evaluation. The research use qualitative method emphasized in evaluative approach. The data are collected by observation and literature study, interview and survey, and company field survey. The result is the company implemented environmental management effort already develops policy and program, adopted the government regulation. The environmental cost interpreted stable grows in a small amount, smallest amount departments proportions, highest classification cost is the prevention, and hidden cost is only small amount paid by society. The proper is blue, management representative is 87% satisfied, surrounding societies is 67% stated good and satisfied, and fieldwork survey is good


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    Mohammad Yasin, 2018, NIT: 50134974.T “Optimization treatment of incinerator to prevention of marine pollution in M.V. Guenther Schulte”, minithesis of Technical Program, Diploma IV, Merchant Marine Polytechnic Semarang, Supervising professor I: H. Amad Narto, M.Pd, M.Mar.E and Supervising professor II: Irma Shinta Dewi, M.Pd. In a voyage it is possible for a ship to sail within more than a week journey from one port to another, during that time many changes occur on board every single day, including amount of garbage and oil. Activity on board made an increasing amount of garbage and waste oil every day, with number of place and tanks are limited, and it is not possible to dispose both garbage and oil at sea, then need a way to reduce amount of garbage and oil, a possible way to reduce that is burned it by incinerator. This is why incinerator is an important, but on M.V. Guenther Schulte incinerator’s performance has decreased, so it does not affect to the amount of garbage and waste oil on board. To find out formulation of the problem which is factors causing of decrease incinerator performance, impact caused and action to be done for incinerator optimizing performance, the research method used is the method of Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat (SWOT), one methods which is using factors to identify the occurrence of damage by determining factor weight, support, and urgency comparison, which is further detailed in the summary value table for reference create an organizational map matrix. This data collection technique is done by through literature study, distributing questionnaires and direct observation of subjects related to incinerator. The results from the research of decreasing incinerator’s performance are due to lack of maintenance and supervision of incinerator’s operations, so that damages are not realized and affect to the burning process. To overcome the problems in order for the performance of incinerator to take normally, is a need for more repairs and supervision of all engine crew members, especially the engineers whose responsible of incinerator by raising awareness, so that possible damages can be detected early
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