430 research outputs found

    Restoring Language to Literature Pedagogy: Towards an Interactive Approach

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    English literature teaching in Bangladeshi universities has remained to be a frustrating experience for the faculties. This “frustration” is often attributed to the poor understanding of “the intellectually unequipped” and ‘linguistically unprepared’ students. This study, to understand the faculty frustration, investigates the literature teaching approaches practiced in the classes. The study also examines the role of “linguistic skill” as the learning outcome in the lesson plan of the course teachers. Finally, the paper finds that literature teaching at the tertiary level in Bangladesh does not accommodate pedagogical approaches and the linguistic skill of the students is not given the required priority in the teaching process. This paper, therefore, recommends an Interactive Approach in which language is to be integrated as one of the learning outcomes.  

    Evaluating the Evaluator: A Reflective Approach

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    Quality is a buzzword associated with education at all levels, especially in the leading private universities in Bangladesh. Quality education is made synonymous with the quality of classroom performance of the faculty members, which has led to the introduction of the quality development program through the evaluation of the faculty members by the students. This paper argues that Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) program is bound to fail because it emphasizes only the faculty performance, missing the main point of student learning and thus bringing in strong reservation and silent resistance against it by the faculty members. The paper, therefore, advocates for Reflective approach of faculty development program that ensures quality assurance and enhancement without anxiety and resistance from the faculty members. Keywords: SET-Peer Observation of Teaching-POT Models-Reflective Approach of POT-Implementatio

    Development and evaluation of sustained release losartan potassium matrix tablet using kollidon SR as release retardant

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    O presente estudo foi realizado para desenvolver (SR) matriz de comprimidos de liberação sustentada de losartana, um antagonista da angiotensina II, para o tratamento da hipertensão arterial. Os comprimidos foram preparados pelo método de compressão direta com Kollidon SR como polímero de liberação lenta. A quantidade de losartana potássica permanece fixa (100 mg) para todas as três formulações enquanto que as quantidades de Kollidon SR foram de 250 mg, 225 mg e 200 mg para F-1, F-2 e F-3, respectivamente. A avaliação envolve três etapas- propriedades micromeríticas dos grânulos, estudo das propriedades físicas dos comprimidos e estudos de cinética de liberação in vitro.. Selecionoou-se o aparelho USP tipo II para realizar o teste de dissolução em meio com 900 mL de tampão fosfato pH 6,8 . O teste foi realizado em 75 rpm e a temperatura foi mantida a 37 ºC ± 0.5 ºC. Analisou-se a cinética de liberação utilizando-se vários modelos cinéticos. Conteúdo mais alto de polímero na matriz reduziu a taxa de liberação do fármaco. Em níveis mais baixos de polímero, a taxa e a extensão de liberação do fármaco foram aumentados. Todas as formulações seguiram a cinética de liberação de Higuchi, em que os valores do coeficiente de regressão (R2) foram 0,958 , 0,944 e 0,920 para F-1, F-2 e F-3, respectivamente, e elas apresentaram liberação do fármaco dominada pela difusão. Encontraram-se diferenças estatisticamente significativas (PThe present study was undertaken to develop sustained release (SR) matrix tablets of losartan potassium, an angiotensin-II antagonist for the treatment of hypertension. The tablets were prepared by direct compression method, along with Kollidon SR as release retardant polymer. The amount of losartan potassium remains fixed (100 mg) for all the three formulations whereas the amounts of Kollidon SR were 250 mg, 225 mg, and 200 mg for F-1, F-2, and F-3 respectively. The evaluation involves three stages: the micromeritic properties evaluation of granules, physical property studies of tablets, and in-vitro release kinetics studies. The USP apparatus type II was selected to perform the dissolution test, and the dissolution medium was 900 mL phosphate buffer pH 6.8. The test was carried out at 75 rpm, and the temperature was maintained at 37 ºC ± 0.5 ºC. The release kinetics was analyzed using several kinetics models. Higher polymeric content in the matrix decreased the release rate of drug. At lower polymeric level, the rate and extent of drug release were enhanced. All the formulations followed Higuchi release kinetics where the Regression co-efficient (R²) values are 0.958, 0.944, and 0.920 for F-1, F-2, and F-3 respectively, and they exhibited diffusion dominated drug release. Statistically significant (

    Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards in Bangladesh: Benefits and Challenges

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    The study focuses on the recent adoption status of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in a developing economy like Bangladesh. The objectives of this paper are to identify the development of the accounting profession in Bangladesh, the legal and regulatory framework of accounting, IFRS adoption process, benefits and challenges of adopting IFRS in Bangladesh. The issues raised in the paper are drawn mainly from prior works of literature and secondary information. IFRS adoption promises a lot of benefits like decreased cost of capital, improved financial reporting quality, increased ability to secure borders-listing, better Access to Global Capital Markets and attraction of foreign direct investment, etc. Some challenges also exist like the development of a legal and regulatory framework, low audit fees, awareness campaign and training of personnel etc. which must be overcome for successful adoption of IAS/IFRS. The paper also argues that the Financial Reporting Council (FRC), as proposed by the draft Financial Reporting Act 2013 (FRA) should not be handled by non-experts body. This paper strongly recommends that the ICAB council may be reformed consisting of Three Board - (i) Accounting Standard Board (ii) Auditing Standard Board and (iii) Financial Reports Review Board to ensure compliance of international standard and effective implementation. Keywords: International Financial Reporting Standards, Adoption, benefits and challenges, ICAB, Bangladesh

    Electrochemical Corrosion Properties of Ternary Al and Quaternary Zr Added Bell Metal in 0.1M NaCl Solution

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    The electrochemical corrosion property of ternary Al and quaternary Zr added Bell metal in 0.1M Sodium Chloride solution has been experimentally conducted at room temperature. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) method and Potentiodynamic polarization technique are used to carry out the electrochemical investigation. Microhardness test is also conducted for all three alloys and it reveals that Al addition increases the hardness of bell metal due to the formation of different intermetallic precipitates of Cu and Al. Optical Micrograph as well as Scanning Electron Micrograph have also been studied to characterize their surface condition. It is found that Zr addition refines the grain structure of the alloy and results in increase of hardness. The EIS study reveals that the corrosion resistance is seem to be augmented with the addition of ternary Al and quaternary Zr to bell metal. The potentiodynamic polarization curves disclose that both ternary Al added and quaternary Zr added alloy show better corrosion performance than the base bell metal alloy due to the formation of stable aluminium oxide film. The currentdensity (Icorr) of base bell metal showed higher value than both ternary Al added and quaternary Zr added bell metal alloys. The corrosion potential (Ecorr) and the open circuit potential (OCP) were seen to be moved to the more positive direction for the Al and Zr added alloys. Microstructure and SEM study of the alloys after corrosion revealed a formation of an oxide film on the surface of the ternary A and quaternary Zr added alloys, the probable cause of which is the presence of Al in the respective alloys

    Formulation and Quality Optimization of Effervescent Tablet of Glipizide: An Approach to Comfort Anti-Diabetic Medication

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    The present study is targeted to formulate and prepare effervescent tablets of Glipizide to provide more elegancy, comfortability, and improved pharmacokinetics in diabetic treatment than the conventional dosage. Three formulations (F1, F2, and F3) of the effervescent tablet of Glipizide (5mg) were formulated with different amounts and ratios of excipients. By wet granulation technique, 60 tablets for every formulation were prepared with a weight of 700mg per tablet. Then, the features of both granules and tablets were evaluated by published methods. The angle of repose, Hausner ratio, Carr's index, Loss on drying (LOD), and Moisture Content (MC) used to measure granules property successfully proved right follow ability and compressibility. In contrast, physical and drug content related investigation failed to determine the perfectness of all three formulations. Friability on the formulations was around 0.70%, indicating the expected USP limit of friability (0.5 to 1%). The mean disintegration time of the formulations was from 95s to 105s. The tablet potency assay found 95.20% for F1, 88.80% for F2, and 97.40% for F3. The dissolution pattern of the drug followed a linear relationship with time. After one and a half hours, the highest amount of 59.20% cumulative dissolution was determined for F3 that revealed its strategic improvement of the drug solubility. As Glipizide is a poorly water-soluble drug, the effervescent tablet might mitigate disintegration and dissolution-related limitations and, consequently, enhance the drug's bioavailability

    Aspect of Thrombolytic Therapy: A Review

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    Thrombolytic therapy, also known as clot busting drug, is a breakthrough treatment which has saved untold lives. It has been used in the clinical area to treat venous and arterial thromboembolic complaints which are a foremost cause of death. In 1761, Morgagni lead the way of thrombolytic therapy. Now day’s different types of thrombolytic drugs are currently available in market: alteplase, anistreplase, urokinase, streptokinase, tenecteplase, and so forth. Thrombolytic therapy should be given with maintaining proper care in order to minimize the risk of clinically important bleeding as well as enhance the chances of successfully thrombolysis of clot. These cares include preinfusion care, during the infusion care, and postinfusion care. Besides proper knowledge of contraindication, evolutionary factor, and combination of drug is essential for successful thrombolytic therapy. In these review we discussed about these aspect of thrombolytic therapy

    Elucidation of membrane stabilizing Potentials of Methanolic Extract of Vigna unguiculata (cowpea) Linn (seed)

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    Different concentration of methanolic extracts of seeds of Vigna unguiculata (cowpea) Linn collected from the local area of Noakhali, Bangladesh were studied for membrane Stabilizing Assay. V.unguiculata Linn seeds were initially collected, processed and extracted with methanol. Then, five different concentration (1mg/ml, 3mg/ml, 5mg/ml, 7mg/ml, 9mg/ml) of methanolic extract of Cowpea (V.unguiculata) were subjected for determination of membrane stabilizing activity. In the assay for membrane stabilizing activity, five different concentration of crude methanol extract capable to inhibit hemolysis of erythrocyte membrane dose dependently in hypotonic solution and heat- induced conditions, which indicates the anti-inflammatory property of the samples. Where, Acetyl salicylic acid was used as standard drug. From the above discussion it is clear that Vigna unguiculata Linn seeds methanolic extract showed significant anti-inflammatory potentials. So, it will be very much possible source for isolating lead compound for curing inflammatory disorder

    Susceptibility of microorganism to selected medicinal plants in Bangladesh

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    ABSTRACTObjectiveTo analyze in-vitro antimicrobial activities of some ethno-pharmacologically significant medicinal plants (methanol extract) against the pathogenic microorganisms (Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, Aspergillus niger and Candida albicans).MethodsThe disc diffusion method was applied for antibacterial test and the poisoned food technique was applied for antifungal test.ResultsThe methanol extract of Terminalia chebula (bark), Phyllanthus acidus (fruits), Sarcochlamys pulcherrima (leaves) and Abelmoschus esculentus (fruits) had significant in vitro antibacterial activity angainst the entire test samples in comparison to standard drug ciprofloxacin. Most of the plant extracts showed low activity against Gram negative bacteria while potential activity against Gram positive bacteria. The antifungal activities of methanol extracts of these plants and standard drug griseofulvin were determined against two pathogenic fungi, and Polygonum lapathifolium (leaves) and Cinnamomum tamala (leaves) showed maximum activity, while Erioglossum rubiginosum (leaves) showed no antifungal activity.ConclusionsFurther chemical and pharmacological investigations are required to identify and isolate chemical constituents responsible for these potential bioactivities and thus to determine their full spectrum of efficacy