109 research outputs found

    The Impact of Job Security Elements on the Work Alienation at Private Universities in Jordan (A Field Study from Employees perspective)

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    This study aimed to identify the impact of job security elements on the work alienation at private universities in Jordan. A questionnaire has been developed to identify the collection of data from a sample study consisted of 209 employees in the private universities. Results showed that there is a significant impact of job security elements as a whole on the feeling of work alienation. In addition this study showed that there is no impact of demographic variables on the feeling of work alienation. At the end researchers recommended that private university is recommended to update policies and procedures continuously to enhance job security and decrease the feeling of work alienation. Key Words: job security, work alienation, private university, isolation, self estrangement, meaninglessness, powerlessness

    Weighted Gharaibeh Distribution with Real Data Applications

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    In this paper, a new continuous one parameter distribution called weighted Gharaibeh distribution(WGD) is introduced. Its moment generating function, moments and related measures, order statistics,hazard rate function, mean residual life function, Renyi entropy, mean deviations about mean and median,Stochastic ordering, Bonferroni and Lorenz curves are investigated and addressed. The parameter of theWGD is estimated using the maximum likelihood method. Applications to two real data sets are presentedand showed that the WGD has the adequacy of tting such data better than Gharaibeh distribution andsome other existing one parameter distributions

    Relationships between herbaceous diversity and biomass in two habitats in arid Mediterranean rangeland

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    Plant diversity patterns vary across the landscape. This study was conducted to answer the question: What is the pattern of species diversity (α and ÎČ) along an abstract productivity/cover gradient at two topographical positions (Wadi (a depression with overland flow) and hilltop) of a Mediterranean herbaceous plant community in Jordan? Results indicated that the less productive hilltop localities exhibited higher species richness than the more productive Wadi localities. Species richness exhibited a unimodal relationship with aboveground biomass within Wadis whereas a positive linear relationship was revealed for hilltops. Within Wadis, abundant species did not show a significant relationship with productivity while common and rare species showed a unimodal relationship. Within hilltops, abundant, common, and rare species showed a linear relationship with biomass. ÎČ-diversity, measured as species dissimilarity, showed significant negative relationship to biomass within hilltops, whereas a positive relationship was observed within Wadis. Wilson-Shmida index (ÎČT) had a unimodal function with increased differences in productivity whereas Morisita-Horn index (Cmh) showed a reverse unimodal relationship. Examination of the species richness-biomass relationship among species groups (abundant, common, and rare) suggested that abundant species maybe more important on low productivity sites whereas common and rare species maybe more important on high productivity sites

    UPLC-HRESI-MS and GC-MS analysis of the leaves of Nicotiana glauca

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    The alkaloid-rich fraction obtained by fractionation of the crude methanolic extract of the leaves of wild Tobacco tree Nicotiana glauca Graham (Solanaceae) was analyzed using UPLC-MS and GC-MS. Anabasine, a piperidine alkaloid, was identified as the major constituent with approximately 60 % (m/m) of the alkaloid-rich fraction. In addition to anabasine, six secondary metabolites were identified using high-resolution UPLC-MS. Anabasine was quantified in the leaves to be 1 mg g–1 dry plant material. The GC-MS analysis revealed five compounds with anabasine as the major component, while nicotine was not detected. Moreover, GC-MS was used for the analysis of the volatile oil that was obtained by hydrodistillation from the leaves of N. glauca. The volatile plant oil was found to be rich in oxygenated sesquiterpenes (e.g., ÎČ-bisabolol) and carboxylic acids and esters (e.g., ethyl linoleate and hexadecanoic acid), whereas anabasine was not detected

    Crystalline Field Effects on Magnetic and Thermodynamic properties of a Ferrimagnetic Centered Rectangular Structure

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    The magnetic properties and phase diagrams of the mixed spin Ising model, with spins S=1 and {\sigma}=1/2 on a centered rectangular structure, have been investigated using Monte Carlo simulations based on the Metropolis algorithm. Every spin at one lattice site has four nearest-neighbor spins of the same type and four of the other type. We have assumed ferromagnetic interaction between the same spins type, antiferromagnetic for different spin types. An additional single-site crystal field term on the S=1 site was considered. We have shown that the crystal field enhances the existence of the compensation behavior of the system. In addition, the effects of the crystal field and exchange coupling on the magnetic properties and phase diagrams of the system have been studied. Finally, the magnetic hysteresis cycles of the system for several values of the crystal field have been found.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2012.1092

    Pathological and molecular study of kidneys in apparently healthy cattle and sheep with special reference to Leptospira species in central and northern Jordan

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    Background and Aim: Renal patVhological conditions can cause significant economic losses for livestock owners. This study investigated and described the gross pathology and histopathology of lesions found in the kidneys of sheep and cattle, with particular attention to the presence of Leptospira spp. Materials and Methods: Three hundred and sixty kidneys from apparently healthy sheep and cattle (208 and 152, respectively) were collected from slaughterhouses in Jordan for gross and histopathological examinations, multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis, and gene sequencing of Leptospira spp. Results: Histopathological analysis of the samples revealed the following conditions: interstitial nephritis (4.44%), glomerulonephritis (4.16%), acute tubular necrosis (17.22%), and renal congestion (4.72%). In addition, in 26.9% of the samples, hyaline material was observed in the interstitium of the cortex and medulla. The PCR results revealed that 83 (23.1%) of the 360 samples were positive for Leptospira spp. 16S rRNA, 42/152 (28%) of cattle, and 41/208 (20%) of sheep. Four samples (two sheep and two cattle) were sequenced and deposited in GenBank with accession numbers from OL701310 to OL701313. Basic Local Alignment Search Tool search and nucleotide similarities between OL701311 and OL701313 resulted in the highest similarities with different Leptospira borgpetersenii strains, whereas OL701310 showed the highest nucleotide similarity (99.2%) with the Leptospira interrogans strain. Similarly, phylogenetic analysis revealed that OL701311 to OL701313 clustered together with different serovars of L. borgpetersenii, whereas OL701310 clustered with the L. interrogans clade. Conclusion: This is the first study to reveal a close association between pathogenic Leptospira spp. and kidney disorders in Jordanian cattle and sheep. These findings may help expand the current understanding of the causes and mechanisms of renal disease in cattle and sheep and contribute to developing more effective prevention and treatment programs

    Influence of Storage Temperature and Duration of Tomato Leaf Samples on Proline Content

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    In arid and semi-arid countries such as Jordan, shortage in water sources might affect agricultural development and reduces the effectiveness of economic benefits of most crops planted in such areas. Tomato is an important agricultural crop and faces severe drought stress due to climate changes, therefore, measurement of proline accumulation in plant tissues is used as an indicator for drought stress tolerance. This research was conducted at Jarash University Campus in northern Jordan. A field experiment was carried out to investigate the impact of different storage temperature (+4ÂșC, - 20ÂșC and -80ÂșC) and different storage durations (0, 3, 6 and 11 weeks) on proline content in five different Jordanian tomato landraces. Results indicated that the average free proline content for samples tested directly after leaves collection was 7.1 ”mol/g. Proline content in leaves stored at +4 ÂșC for 3, 6, and 11 weeks was 4.8, 1.8, and 1.1”mol/g, respectively, while for -20ÂșC was 11.8, 7.9, and 9.5 ”mol/g for samples stored for 3, 6, 11 weeks respectively. In contrast the highest values for these parameters were obtained from samples stored at -80ÂșC, the average measured values of free proline content were 9.5, 7.8, and 12.9 ”mol/g at 3, 6, and 11 weeks of storage, respectively. Based on the results obtained by this research, it is recommended to measure proline content directly after leaves collection. However, for large number of samples, keeping the samples at -20ÂșC not longer than six weeks could be a solution. Finally, we highly recommend the development of in-field method for measurement of free proline content
