588 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT MOHAMAD IQBAL, Influences of teaching motivation and student learning achievement on university studentsā€™ teaching readiness in Economic Education Programme Faculty Of Economics State University of Jakarta. Skripsi. Jakarta: Cooperation Economic Education Concentration, Economic Education Programme, Economic and Administration, Majors, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta, July 2014 This research aims at determining how much influences of teaching motivation and student learning achievement on university studentsā€™ teaching readiness, conducted at May 2014. This study uses a survey method with the correlational approach. In this research, the population is 249 university students of Economic Education Programme, Economic and Administration 2011, Majors, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta, and then 124 university students are the population sampled. Results of data analysis technique as follows: all variables on this study have normal distribution and satisfy the assumption of linearity. Obtained multiple regression equation: įæ© = 5,660 + 0,832X1 + 17,632X2. Test of regression coefficients simultaneously using ANOVA tables. This shows a significant and influential regression simultaneously, test of partial correlation using correlation tables. Test of teaching motivation variable (X1) gets tcount = 7,130 and t =1,984. This indicates that teaching motivation variable (X1) in influence of teaching readiness variable (Y). Test of learning achievement variable (X2) gets tcount = 5,623 and t = 1,984. This indicates that learning achievement variable (X2) in influence of Y variable. Test of coefficients of determination yields R2 critical = 0.441. This indicates that 44,1 % of teaching readiness variable (Y) influenced by teaching motivation variable (X1) and learning achievement variable (X2). Regression model in this study free of aberrations of classical assumption, that is the absence of symptoms of multicolinerity and heteroscedasticity. From this research can be drawn the conclusion that there is the positive influences of teaching motivation and learning achievement on the university studentsā€™ teaching readiness. Keywords: teaching motivation, learning achievement, and teaching readiness


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    Textbook is one of the teaching materials that most widely used by students and also influential on improving the quality of learning. This study was conducted to determine the achievement of criteria for instructional materials according to 4S TMD (4 Step Teaching Material Development) methods at the selection stage, on atomic structure section in 10th grade of high school textbooks chemistry (author of A publisher D) that most widely used in high school at Bandung. The research method in this study is descriptive qualitative method. There are three criteria for good teaching materials according to the 4S TMD methods. The first criterion is ā€œScope In Accordance with the Demands of Curriculumā€ that can be known by analyzing the immensity and profundity of the material. Based on analysis of the immensity of the material, it is known that the immensity of the atomic structure materials is not in accordance with the demands of the curriculum. This is because the atomic structure atom materials are delivered nine topics that are not required, and there is one less extensive knowledge expressed. Then based on the analysis of the profundity of the material, it is known that the profundity of the atomic structure of the material is also not in accordance with the demands of the curriculum. This is because there are two topics that are having high profundity in the atomic structure of materials. Furthermore, the second criterion is ā€œValidity of the Conceptā€, known by analyzing the validity of the concept. The results of this analysis indicate that not all of the concepts on the atomic structure materials scientifically correct. This is because there are two concepts that are improper. Finally, the third criterion is to instill the values, determined by analysis of value investment. Based on the analysis of value investment, discovered that there is one value embedded in the atomic structure materials which is ā€œreligious valueā€. Keywords: Textbook, Atomic Structure, 4S TMD, Immensity and Profundity of Materials, Validity of Concept, Value Investment. Buku teks pelajaran adalah salah satu bentuk bahan ajar yang paling banyak digunakan siswa serta berpengaruh dalam meningkatkan kualitas suatu pembelajaran. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui ketercapaian kriteria bahan ajar yang baik menurut metode 4S TMD (4 Step Teaching Material Development) pada tahap seleksi, pada materi struktur atom dalam buku teks pelajaran kimia SMA/MA kelas X (penulis A penerbit D) yang paling banyak digunakan di SMA Negeri se-Kota Bandung. Metode penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Terdapat tiga kriteria bahan ajar yang baik menurut metode 4S TMD. Kriteria pertama yakni kesesuaian dengan Kurikulum, kebenaran ilmiah, dan penanaman nilai-nilai (value). Hasilnya diketahui, bahwa keluasan materi struktur atom belum sesuai dengan tuntutan kurikulum. Hal ini dikarenakan dalam materi struktur atom disampaikan 9 topik yang tidak dituntut, serta terdapat 1 pengetahuan yang dinyatakan kurang luas. Kemudian berdasarkan analisis kedalaman materi, diketahui bahwa kedalaman materi struktur atom juga belum sesuai dengan tuntutan kurikulum. Hal ini dikarenakan terdapat 2 topik yang terlalu dalam pada materi struktur atom. Hasil analisis kriteria Kebenaran Konsep, diketahui dengan melakukan analisis kebenaran konsep. Hasil analisis ini menunjukkan bahwa belum semua konsep pada materi struktur atom benar secara keilmuan. Hal ini dikarenakan terdapat 2 konsep yang dinyatakan kurang tepat. Sedangkan kriteria penanaman nilai-nilai, diketahui dengan melakukan analisis penanaman nilai. Berdasarkan analisis penanaman nilai, ditemukan satu nilai yang ditanamkan pada materi struktur atom yaitu nilai religius. Kata kunci: Buku Teks Pelajaran, Struktur Atom, 4S TMD, Keluasan dan Kedalaman Materi, Kebenaran Konsep, Penanaman Nilai

    Methanol as an Alternative Fuel for Shipping

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    International Maritime Organization (IMO) regulations regarding the limit of emission content in some area (ECA) and the availability of fossil fuel is start to running out is becoming the background of shipping industries have to find alternative fuel which is environmentally friendly and sustainable. Methanol is one of the alternative fuels which provide clean burning, can be produce with renewable resources and have many other advantages to use as a marine fuel. In this thesis, methanol is discussed to replace the use of fossil fuel in an existing ship (Anonymous Ship). The discussion is analyzing the availability of methanol for the ship, quality and safety control of methanol bunkering process, safety for the crew, safety regulations for methanol fuelled ship, adjustment that must be made for the engine and the ship and some economics discussion for the engine conversion into methanol. From the discussion in this thesis, it can be concluded that technically Anonymous Ship is able to be converted into methanol fuelled ship, but there must be some consideration from the economics perspective. ================================================================= Peraturan Organisasi Maritim Internasional mengenai batas kandungan emisi di beberapa wilayah dan ketersediaan bahan bakar fosil mulai habis menjadi latar belakang industri pelayaran harus mencari bahan bakar alternatif y ang ramah lingkunga . Methanol adalah salah satu bahan bakar alternatif yang me nghasilkan pembakaran bersih, bisa diproduksi deng an sumber daya terbarukan dan memiliki banyak kelebihan lain untuk digunakan sebagai bahan bakar laut. Dalam tesis ini, metanol dibahas untuk menggantikan penggunaan bahan bakar fosil di kapal yang ada (Anonymous Ship). Pembahasan pada skripsi ini bertujua menganalisis ketersediaan metanol, pengontrolan dan pengamanan pada proses pengisian metanol, keselamatan awak kapal, peraturan keselamatan untuk kapal berbahan bakar metanol, penyesuaian yang harus dilakukan untuk mesin dan kapal serta beberapa diskusi e konomi untuk kapal tersebut. Konversi mesin menjadi metanol. Dari pembahasan di skripsi ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa secara teknis kapal Anonymous dapat dikonversi menjadi kapal berbahan bakar metanol, namun harus ada pertimbangan dari sisi ekonomi

    Work flow improvement at Kenny Leather (M) Sdn. Bhd.

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    Kenny Leather who was located at Merlimau Industrial Estate, Melaka driving force in the manufactures of leather. The company supply its product internationally and the product are well known globally due to their productā€™s quality and their commitment to give their best to the customer. Former world number one player of golf, Tiger Wood is among the user of hand glove that were made by this company. Kenny Leather has 200 workers and all of their workers are Malaysian. The managing director is Mr. Tadashi Fujisawa and main share partner is Kenny Co. Ltd. The company motto is ā€˜one for all and all for oneā€™. Kenny Leather (M) Sdn Bhd is the factory processed all the material consists of leather. The nature of business is manufacturing leather gloves (for gloves), betting gloves, dress leather, cut leather and dyed sheep/goat skin leather. This factory is one of the biggest suppliers for leather material. In fact the former number one golfer in the world which is, Mr. Eldrick Tont Woods, known as Tiger Woods is using leather products made by the Kenny Leather. One company known as FootJoy which is the main company that sponsor Tiger Wood accessories for golfing is almost 80% was supplied by Kenny Leather


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    This research purpose to know how application of Cost Reduction within increase profit PD. Bank Perkreditan Rakyat in West Java based on one of Cost Reductiontools is Fixed Cost Analysis. This research method usedĀ  descriptive quantitative. The sampling technique using non-probability sampling with purposive sampling approach with criteria (1) PD BPR in West Java publishes financial report in Bank Indonesia for three years; (2) PD BPR good categorized according to the ratio of capital adequate ratio (CAR); (3) PD BPR has positive ratio return on asset (ROA); (4) PD BPR with total assets of more than the average total assets PD BPR in West Java. The results showed that the average value of fixed cost ratio from year to year has decline, it's inversely with the value of earnings from year to year increase. It shows that the efficiency carried out use fixed cost aset affect to profitability. The proportion of lower fixed cost give opportunities for PD BPR to reach more income than expenditure variable, while result the breakeven analysis showed absence of effective implementation of cost reduction in the interest sector BPR was indicated by the absence of a link between the growth rate of the increase in profit spread

    Hepatoprotective potential of glyceryl trinitrate against chemically induced oxidative stress and hepatic injury in rats

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    Glyceryl trinitrate (GTN) has been used widely as a potent vasodilator to treat heart conditions, such as angina pectoris and chronic heart failure. This study aims to elucidate the effect of exogenous nitric oxide (NO) administration, using GTN, on carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced oxidative stress and liver injury in rats. The results obtained demonstrated that NO generated by the administration of GTN affords protection against CCl4-induced oxidative stress and liver injury. Administration of CCl4 resulted in a significant (p < 0.001) increase in lipid peroxidation and tissue damage markers (aspartate and alanine transaminase and lactate dehydrogenase) release in serum. Parallel to these changes, CCl4 also caused downregulation of antioxidant enzymes including glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione reductase (GR), and glutathione-S-transferase (GST), and several fold induction in Ī³-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) activity. Subsequent administration of GTN resulted in significant (p < 0.001) recovery of GSH-metabolizing enzymes in a dose-dependent manner. Further, administration of NO inhibitor, NG-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-NAME), exacerbated CCl4-induced oxidative tissue injury. Overall, the study suggests that GTN might suppress oxidant-induced tissue injury and hepatotoxicity in rats


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    Abstrak Jagad mujudake sekabehe bab kang ana neng jagad gumelar kang nduweni proses dumadine. Pamikiran-pamikiran para filsuf ngenani jagad diwujudake arupa teori-teori filsafat. Para pangripta karya sastra mligine karya sastra Jawa klasik anggone ngripta sawijine karya sastra nglebokake aspek-aspek filsafat kasebut marang karya sastrane. Underaning panliten, yaiku: (1) kepriye karakteristik teks Widya Kirana, (2) kepriye aspek filosofise teks Widya Kirana awujud dumadine jagad, (3) kepriye nilai kang kinandhut sajrone teks Widya Kirana. Ancas saka panliten yaiku: (1) njlentrehake karakteristik teks, (2) njllentrehake aspek filosofise teks Widya Kirana awujud dumadine jagad, (3) njlentrehake nilai kang kinandhut sajrone teks Widya Kirana. Teori kang digunakake yaiku teori kaya kang diandharake dening Endraswara yaiku minangka ilmu kearifan kang ngrembug samubarang sajrone panguripan. Miturut teori kasebut ilmu filsafat nduweni telung aspek yaiku ontologi, epistemologi, lan aksiologi. Katelu aspek kasebut bakal digunakake kanggo nganalisis teks Widya Kirana. Panliten iki kalebu panliten kualitatif kang asipat deskriptif. Asil transliterasi teks Widya Kirana dadi sumber dhata. Pethikan kang awujud tembung, ukara, lan wacana sajrone teks Widya Kirana minangka dhata kang dianalisis. Anggone ngumpulake dhata kanthi teknik axial coding utawa merang-merang. Asiling panliten nuduhake (1) karakteristik teks Widya Kirana yaiku irah-irahan, ukuran lan kahanan, panulisan lan wektu panulsan, basa, wujud, lan isi. (2) aspek filosofis sajrone dumadine jagad yaiku dumadine rembulan, lintang, srengenge, swasana, tirta, rina wengi, segara, maruta, ebun, trimurti, tripurusa, wiji, bumi, asil tambang, thethukulan lan kewan, apsara-apsari, lan manungsa. (3) Nilai-nilai kang kinandhut sajrone teks Widya Kirana ana papat yaiku welas asih, ngedohi sipat murka, tirakat, lan salat. Tembung wigati : teks Widya Kirana, filsafat, karakteristik, jagad, aspek filosofi

    Eksplorasi dan Analisis Hubungan Kekerabatan Tanaman Kelor (Moringa oleifera Lam.) di Kabupaten Probolinggo

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    Tanaman kelor memiliki kandungan nutrisi yang tinggi dan banyak masyarakat memanfaatkannya sebagai tanaman pangan serta obat-obatan. Meskipun tanaman kelor memiliki banyak manfaat, penelitian dalam pemuliaan tanaman kelor masih jarang ditemukan. Salah satu cara untuk mendapatkan sumber daya genetik adalah melalui kegiatan eksplorasi, yang dilanjutkan dengan analisis hubungan kekerabatan untuk menentukan jauh dekatnya hubungan kekerabatan sumber daya genetik tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui persebaran tanaman kelor di Kabupaten Probolinggo dan mengetahui hubungan kekerabatan tanaman kelor di Kabupaten Probolinggo berdasarkan persamaan dan perbedaan morfologi. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus hingga bulan Oktober 2021. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Probolinggo Jawa Timur, tepatnya di Kecamatan Sumberasih, Kecamatan Wonomerto, dan Kecamatan Tongas. Pengamatan morfologi tanaman kelor secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif berdasarkan panduan deskriptor Santhoshkumar et al., (2013). Hasil eksplorasi menunjukkan terdapat 74 sampel tanaman kelor yang tersebar di Kecamatan Sumberasih, Kecamatan Wonomerto, dan Kecamatan Tongas. Hasil analisis yang sudah dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa tanaman kelor di Kabupaten Probolinggo menyebar secara acak. Hasil analisis komponen utama (PCA) menunjukkan bahwa pengelompokan tanaman kelor terbagi menjadi 7 komponen utama (PC). Komponen utama 1 (PC1) memberikan kontribusi keragaman tertinggi dengan karakter yang berkontribusi adalah jumlah anak daun majemuk, jumlah daun primer, jumlah daun sekunder, panjang daun primer, lebar daun primer, panjang daun majemuk, lebar daun majemuk, dan diameter biji. Pada analisis cluster didapatkan hasil tanaman kelor terbagi menjadi tiga kelompok besar dengan koefisien kesamaan 99% sehingga tergolong memiliki hubungan kekerabatan yang dekat
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