342 research outputs found

    Some existence results for the modified binormal curvature flow equation

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    We establish existence and uniqueness results for the modified binormal curvature flow equation that generalizes the binormal curvature flow equation for a curve in R3.\R^3. In this generalization, the velocity of the curve is still directed along the binormal vector, but the magnitude of the speed is allowed to depend on th parametrization of the curve, the time and the position of the point in the space. We achieve our objective via a generalized form of the Schr\"odinger map equation

    La Gestion D'une Patiente Ayant Hypertension Pulmonaire Thromboembolique Chronique

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    The profession of Physiotherapy has been defined by the "World Confederation for Physical Therapy" (WCPT) as the services provided to individuals and populations to develop, maintain or restore an optimal functioning throughout the life. This includes services facing all the circumstances which may take place and which are caused by the age, musculoskeletal disorders, pain, diseases, disorders, environmental conditions and many other situations. The physiotherapists are thus called upon to identify and maximize the quality of life of individuals by focusing on the promotion of health, the prevention, treatment, intervention and the adaptation or even the rehabilitation. For this, in the clinical environment, the physiotherapist is confronted by a variety of clinical cases which can be very simple or having a level of complexity increased. This project presents a case that can be considered rare but requires the implementation and the integration of multiple skills to be able to manage it. It is a case of pulmonary hypertension chronic thromboembolic which has gone unnoticed for several years and which is complicated by the existence of a sociocultural component which adds to this case an additional challenge when it is supported. The success in the management of this case relies on of the establishment of a good communication with the patient and on the establishment of a relationship of trust which requires of the physiotherapist to detach from social prejudice and to present themselves as an impartial person in dealing with the individuals

    Nurses’ Awareness of Infection Control Measures, and the Role and Effect in Patient and Family Education

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    Background: Healthcare Associated Infections are serious problems in healthcare sector that threatened patient safety since decades till present. The proper adherence to infection control measures is a major factor in reducing these infections. Objectives: The objectives of this study were, to assess the level of nurses’ awareness with infection control measures in Lebanon and to determine its role in implementing patient and family education. Methodology and Results: A quantitative study was done. Questionnaires were distributed over 260 nurses, and 260 patients and family members at four well known hospitals in Lebanon. The study showed a high level of infection control awareness (81.57 %) among Lebanese nurses, and showed that Lebanese hospitals are training their nurses on IC topics (99.1 % of nurses were trained). As for patients and family members’ education, the JCI accredited hospital showed the highest level of education on infection control measures (58.3 %). Conclusion and Recommendations: The study showed that nurses who had a high awareness in infection control educated more their patients and family members on these measures than nurses with low awareness. (64.1 % and 42.1 % when educating on respiratory hygiene, p=0.013, 86.2 % and 57.9 % when educating on usage of PPE, p=0.000, 89.2 % and 68.4 % when educating on the reason for isolation, p=0.001). The major recommendations were to enhance the culture that believes in the partnership between patients, their families and healthcare providers at the hospitals level, and to include a new standard in the Lebanese Accreditation Standards that requires educating patients and family members on infection control measures at the Ministry of Public Health level

    Hybrid Approach for Energy-Aware Synchronization in Sensor Networks

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    This book chapter discusses a time synchronization scheme for wireless sensor networks that aims to save sensor battery power while maintaining network connectivity for as long as possible

    Analisis Regresi untuk Memprediksi Tahanan Kapal Cepat

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    Kapal merupakan bagian penting dari kehidupan manusia, terutama dalam bidang transportasi laut. Industri perkapalan di Indonesia telah berkembang dengan pesat, ditandai dengan berdirinya galangan-galangan kapal di Indonesia. Tahap awal dalam proses pembuatan kapal adalah menentukan ukuran dan parameter bentuk kapal. Bersamaan dengan hal tersebut terdapat faktor penting yang berhubungan dengan performa kapal, yaitu tahanan kapal. Kesalahan perhitungan tahanan kapal dapat berdampak buruk terhadap performa kapal dan juga para stakeholder kapal. Salah satu metode statistika yang memungkinkan untuk memprediksi tahanan kapal berdasarkan pengujian tahanan model kapal, yaitu analisis regresi. Pemilihan metode regresi sangat diperlukan karena metode yang tepat akan menghasilkan prediksi yang tepat juga. Pemilihan metode regresi dipengaruhi oleh kondisi data penelitian, seperti terpenuhi atau tidaknya asumsi-asumsi klasik meliputi multikolinieritas, distribusi normal, autokorelasi, dan homoskedastisitas. Hasil pengujian asumsi menunjukan asumsi multikolinieritas dan distribusi normal tidak dapat terpenuhi yang mengarahkan pada penggunaan metode regresi robust ridge

    Anchor nodes placement for effective passive localization

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    This paper discusses anchor nodes placement for effective passive localization. The authors show that, for effective passive localization, the optimal placement of the anchor nodes is at the center of the network in such a way that no three anchor nodes share linearity

    Quasi-convergence of an implementation of optimal balance by backward-forward nudging

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    Optimal balance is a non-asymptotic numerical method to compute a point on the slow manifold for certain two-scale dynamical systems. It works by solving a modified version of the system as a boundary value problem in time, where the nonlinear terms are adiabatically ramped up from zero to the fully nonlinear dynamics. A dedicated boundary value solver, however, is often not directly available. The most natural alternative is a nudging solver, where the problem is repeatedly solved forward and backward in time and the respective boundary conditions are restored whenever one of the temporal end points is visited. In this paper, we show quasi-convergence of this scheme in the sense that the termination residual of the nudging iteration is as small as the asymptotic error of the method itself, i.e., under appropriate assumptions exponentially small. This confirms that optimal balance in its nudging formulation is an effective algorithm. Further, it shows that the boundary value problem formulation of optimal balance is well posed up at most a residual error as small as the asymptotic error of the method itself. The key step in our proof is a careful two-component Gronwall inequality
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