358 research outputs found

    Oil Height Determination From Capacitance Tomography Measurements Using Neural Network.

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    This paper presents a "direct" method to gas-oil interface level determination using an artificial neural network approach based on Electrical Capacitance Tomography (ECT) measurements. "Direct" here means that the gas-oil interface levels are obtained directly from the ECT measurements without recourse to image reconstruction. The preliminary work models a separation tank that is filled with gas and oil

    Cadmium biosorption by Rhizopus oligosporus

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    Tc-99m NIDP and Tc-99m HMPAO labelled leukocyte scans in tuberculous spondylitis

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    A study was undertaken to assess the pattern of uptake on bone and labelled leukocyte scans in tuberculous spondylitis. Nine consecutive newly diagnosed cases were studied with Tc-99m MDP bone scans and Tc-99m HMPAO labelled leukocyte scans.The patients had basic laboratory investigations, plain chest and spine radiographs and computed tomography of the spine. Static images of bone scans were acquired at 3 hours and labelled leukocyte scans were acquired at 1,3 and 24 hours post-injection. A total of 11 spinal lesions were detected. Six bone scans were done demonstrating eight lesions and all showed abnormally increased activity.Labelled leukocyte scans were done in eight patients involving ten lesions and all except one showed photopaenic defects at the regions of interest.Both bone scan and leukocyte scan provided important information about the extent of the lesions and the combination of their pattern of uptake helped in the diagnosis of tuberculous spondylitis

    Pengembangan Buku Ajar Tabm Berbasis Penelitian untuk Mahasiswa S1 Jurusan Biologi Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

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    Analysis and Techniques of Molecular Biology (TABM) Subject need of competence for using a set of tools and materials in molecular biology laboratory. Department of Biology, State University of Gorontalo is planned to apply TABM courses for undegraduate students but no available a complete molecular biology laboratory. The development of research-based of TABM textbook is one solution to the student attends TABM lectures. The development of a research-based of TABM textbook was based on Borg and Gall development model. The product is validated by instructional media expert, subject matter expert and lecturer. The readability test conducted to ten students. Results of validation by media experts, subject matter experts and lecturers practitioners respectively are 93%, 92% and 89.2% with a valid category. While the test results readability of students is 87% with valid category.Perkuliahan Teknik Analisis Biologi Molekuler (TABM) sarat dengan penggunaan set alat dan bahan laboratorium Biologi molekuler yang lengkap. Jurusan Biologi Universitas Negeri Gorontalo diketahui akan menerapkan matakuliah TABM untuk mahasiswa S1 namun belum memiliki set laboratorium Biologi molekuler yang lengkap. Pengembangan buku ajar TABM berbasis penelitian merupakan salah satu solusi untuk mahasiswa mengikuti perkuliahan TABM. Pengembangan buku ajar TABM berbasis penelitian menggunakan model pengembangan Borg and Gall. Buku ajar yang dikembangkan divalidasi oleh ahli media pembelajaran, ahli materi dan dosen praktisi. Buku ajar di uji keterbacaan oleh 10 mahasiswa. Hasil validasi ahli media pembelajaran, ahli materi dan dosen praktisi secara berurutan adalah 93%, 92% dan 89,2% dengan kategori valid. Sedangkan hasil uji keterbacaan mahasiswa adalah 87% dengan kategori valid

    Cultural Perceptions of Santri on Arabic Language Learning

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    The study delves into the perceptions of santri concerning Arabic cultural elements in the teaching of the Arabic language within Salafi Pesantren. Employing a qualitative approach, the research investigates how santri perceive the significance of Arabic cultural values in the learning process and the broader implications for multicultural understanding. Data were gathered through interviews and questionnaires distributed to 42 respondents across 16 Salafi pesantren institutions in various regions of Indonesia, including Java, Sumatra, and Sulawesi. The findings reveal that santri generally recognize the importance of incorporating Arabic cultural elements into the language-learning process, as it aids in comprehending both the Arabic language and its cultural nuances. Some aspects of Arabic culture are perceived by santri as integral to Islamic teachings, influencing distinctive practices in their clothing and physical appearance. Despite these unique practices, the santri, living in a multicultural society, choose to integrate their daily lives with other communities, fostering harmony and embracing the multicultural diversity present in Indonesia. This study contributes valuable insights into the intersection of language learning, cultural values, and multicultural coexistence in the context of Salafi Pesantren education.

    Estimation of Whole Blood (WB)and Anti-Hemophiliate Factor using Extended Kalman Filter in PMI Surabaya

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    Every hospital is required to have a Hospital Blood Bank (HBB), a service unit of the hospital responsible for the availability of blood for safe transfusion, of high quality and sufficient to support health services in the hospital and other health care centers. PMI (Indonesian Red Cross) continues to campaign for blood donations as part of a lifestyle (lifestyle). Every year, PMI set its targets of up to 4.5 million blood bags to meet the national blood needs, adjusted to the standards of the International Health Institute (WHO), which is 2% of the population for each day. With a continuous campaign by PMI, the stability of blood stock and distribution on target must be maintained, and the importance of blood distribution both blood coming from blood donors and blood distributed to PMI or other regional hospitals must be taken into account, therefore a software is required to estimate blood stock.for the blood banks. In this paper an estimation of Whole Blood (WB) and Anti-Hemophiliate Factor (AHF) blood demand was made at PMI Surabaya. Estimation is made because a problem can sometimes be solved by using the previous information or data related to the problem. One estimation method used was Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), an estimation method with a fairly high degree of accuracy. Based on the simulation results, a numerical study was obtained based on the number of iterations, and that with 350 iterations showed a higher accuracy than those with 250 and 150 iterations. The accuracy reached was within the range of 95-98 %

    In vivo Spectrophotometric Assessment of the Tooth Whitening Effectiveness of Nite White 10% with Amorphous Calcium Phosphate, Potassium Nitrate and Fluoride, Over a 6-month Period

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    To clinically evaluate the effectiveness of Nite White 10% carbamide peroxide with amorphous calcium phosphate, potassium nitrate and fluoride over a 6-month follow-up period. Nite White was applied nightly for 14 days, according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The color of teeth 11 and 21 of twenty one subjects was measured with a spectrophotometer (L*; a*; b*). Subjects were instructed to take note of any tooth sensitivity and gingival irritation. For all three components (L*, a* and b*) statistical significant differences (p<0.05) in the values between base-line (pre-bleaching) and; after treatment, after 1-month, after 3-months as well as after 6-months were found (Wilcoxon Signed Rank Sum Test). Significant differences were also found amongst the ΔE*ab (0-14days) values and; ΔE*ab (0-1 month), ΔE*ab (0-3 months) and ΔE*ab (0-6 months). However, no significant differences were found between pairs of ΔE*ab (0-1 month), ΔE*ab (0-3 months) and ΔE*ab (0-6months). The decrease in ΔE*ab was the highest after 1 month (~30%). The highest decrease in L* was about 58% after 1 month. Over the 14-day treatment period tooth sensitivity was 24.5%. Conclusions: Nite White ACP demonstrated significant tooth-whitening (unit increase = 5.29) with a low tooth sensitivity (25%) probably due to the presence of amorphous calcium phosphate, potassium nitrate, and fluoride. The whitening effect decreased the most after one month and then maintained well even after a 6 month period (units 3.89)

    A training monitoring system for cyclist based on wireless sensor networks

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    This paper presents a training monitoring system for cyclist that is based on the technology of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). A stable and reliable wireless cyclist monitoring system is vital to establish a smart and efficient sports management program. A training monitoring system has been developed and tested in a real cyclist training environment in a velodrome. The system is designed is such a way that the packet loss rate is minimum. Using TelG mote as the basis, customized sensor nodes that function as a forwarder node and the relay nodes are developed to form the WSN. This WSN is linked to the cloud network on the Internet. The cloud network is then established and end users application for data accessing is designed. Several experiments have been conducted in a real scenario in a velodrome to measure the reliability of the system architecture. It is shown from the experiments that the proposed system is reliable even when the cyclist is moving at a high speed. The packet loss is less than 2% which does not give a huge impact to the data transmission