42 research outputs found
The behavioral response to Location Based Services: An examination of the influence of social and environmental benefits, and privacy
Given the importance tourism has in many economies, this research was designed to study how the social and environmental benefits of Location Based Services (LBS) in the tourism sector influence user behavior and thus contribute to sustainable development. The objective has been to study LBS as a solution that makes the deployment of tourism activities easier, more useful and improves attitudes towards it, but in a context where trust in privacy and benefits-based sustainable social and environmental development are key. To achieve this, this research identifies what could be the influence factors in the adoption of mobile applications with Location Based Services from the point of view of the tourism sector, especially if the social and environmental benefits of LBS can help improve usage behavior. We investigated the technological acceptance of LBS in tourism, using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as a solid model to explain its adoption. Nine hypotheses were investigatedbycarryingoutasurveyoftravelers(n=277)duringtheirvisittoSeville(Spain). Totest theconceptualmodel’shypotheses,thePartialLeastSquares(PLS)techniquewasappliedtoestimate variance-based structural equations models (SEM).The results of this study indicated that tourists are willing to accept these LBS services within a particular adoption model, where trust in privacy and social and environmental benefits are paramount
Reações extrapiramidais causadas por antieméticos
Antiemetics are frequently used by various areas of medicine, although there is a tendency to underestimate their neurological adverse effects. This paper aims to review the literature on the physiology, pharmacology, predisposing factors, clinical picture, and management of the extrapyramidal side effects of antiemetics. Scientific journal articles, books, and dissertations were searched. The search engines Medline, lilacs, PubMed, embase, Current Contents, and Google Scholar were used with the following keywords: dehydration, gastroenteritis, vomit, antiemetics, dystonia, dopamine, hyperthermia, cytochrome, metoclopramide, and domperidone. Two hundred and fifty-two articles were obtained, 50 of which were considered suitable for review. From the analysis, it was concluded that antiemetics are often used by general medicine and specialties such as anesthesiology and pediatrics; therefore, knowledge of the extrapyramidal effects will allow early diagnosis and treatment.Los antieméticos son usados frecuentemente por diversas áreas de la medicina, aunque existe una tendencia a subestimar sus efectos adversos neurológicos. El objetivo del presente estudio de revisión fue revisar la literatura sobre la fisiología, farmacología, factores predisponentes, clínica y manejo del extrapiramidalismo por antieméticos. Se realizó una búsqueda en la literatura de artículos de revistas científicas, libros y trabajos de grado. Se utilizaron los buscadores Medline, lilacs, PubMed, embase, Current contents y Google Scholar con las siguientes palabras claves: deshidratación, gastroenteritis, vómitos, antieméticos, distonía, dopamina, hipertermia, citocromo, metoclopramida y domperidona. Se obtuvieron 252 artículos, de los cuales 50 fueron considerados aptos para la revisión. A partir del análisis, se concluyó que el uso de antieméticos es de uso frecuente por medicina general y especialidades como anestesiología y pediatría, por lo cual un conocimiento sobre los efectos extrapiramidales permitirá un diagnóstico y manejo temprano.Os antieméticos são frequentemente usados por diversas áreas da medicina, embora possamos constatar uma tendência a subestimar seus efeitos adversos neurológicos. O objetivo do presente estudo é revisar a literatura sobre a fisiologia, a farmacologia, os fatores predisponentes, a clínica e o tratamento de reações extrapiramidais causadas por antieméticos. Foi realizada uma busca na literatura por artigos de revistas científicas, livros e monografias. Os mecanismos de busca Medline, lilacs, PubMed, embase, Current contents e Google Scholar foram utilizados com as seguintes palavras-chave: desidratação, gastroenterite, vômito, antieméticos, distonia, dopamina, hipertermia, citocromo, metoclopramida e domperidona. Foram encontrados 252 artigos, dos quais 50 foram considerados aptos para a revisão. A partir da análise, concluiu-se que os antieméticos são frequentemente utilizados pela medicina geral e especialidades, como anestesiologia e pediatria, portanto, o conhecimento dos efeitos extrapiramidais possibilitará um diagnóstico e tratamento precoces
Superovulación de hembras bovinas: alternativas para reducir el número de inyecciones de FSH
Improvements in reproductive efficiency and the multiplica-
tion of more productive genotypes are directly linked to increases in
productivity, which are decisive factors for livestock sustainability. Re-
search in this field thus proposes embryo transfer (et
) as a basic biote-
chnological tool to increase the quantity and quality of cattle produced.
The conventional process of superovulation for embryo transfer in cattle uses eight applications of follicle stimulating hormone (fsh) with 12 hour intervals. This procedure increases the handling and stress of these animals, which can adversely affect the results. The aim of this review is to compile the most marked examples of progress in research over the past two decades focused on reducing the number of fsh applications. Different strategies have been used, ranging from the simple subcutaneous hormone application to transport and controlled release through electronic devices placed in the reproductive tract, as well as vehiculization of polymeric substances to control release into the bloodstream. We conclude that these advances will certainly revolutionize the cattle industry and positively influence massive use of embryonic biotechnologies which, for obvious reasons, will facilitate genetic improvements in shorter time spans within bovine herds.Las mejorías en la eficiencia reproductiva y la multiplicación de genotipos más productivos están directamente ligadas a incrementos en la productividad, los cuales son factores decisivos para la sustentabilidad de la actividad pecuaria. Por esta razón, las investigaciones en este campo proponen la transferencia de embriones (TE) como una de las herramientas biotecnológicas básicas para aumentar la cantidad y la calidad de los bovinos producidos. El proceso convencional de superovulación para teen bovinos utiliza ocho aplicaciones de hormona folículo estimulante (FSH) con intervalos de 12 horas; este procedimiento aumenta la manipulación y el estrés de los animales, lo que hace que incida negativamente en los resultados. El objetivo de esta revisión es compilar los progresos más marcados de las dos últimas décadas en las investigaciones que han centrado su interés en la reducción del número de aplicaciones de FSH, habiendo utilizado para ello estrategias que van desde la simple aplicación subcutánea de la hormona hasta su transporte y liberación controlada en dispositivos electrónicos colocados en el tracto reproductivo, pasando también por la vehiculización en sustancias poliméricas que permiten controlar la liberación hacia el torrente sanguíneo. Concluimos que indudablemente estos avances revolucionarán la industria pecuaria e influirán de manera positiva en la masificación del uso de biotecnologías embrionarias, lo cual permitirá, por obvias razones, mejorías genéticas evidentes en lapsos de tiempo más cortos dentro de los hatos bovinos
Boletín informativo del sector arrocero Perú 2005-2018. 6 p.
La economía peruana ha experimentado un sostenido crecimiento en la última década, a la par del sector agropecuario. Por su parte, la tasa de crecimiento del valor de la producción de arroz estuvo por encima de la tasa de crecimiento del PIB Nacional y Agropecuario hasta el 2009, debido a un incremento sustancial en la superficie sembrada y los rendimientos. Tras una baja en 2010, la tasa de crecimiento se redujo y se proyecta que esté por debajo del 3% en los próximos años
STRIDE: Street View-based Environmental Feature Detection and Pedestrian Collision Prediction
This paper introduces a novel benchmark to study the impact and relationship
of built environment elements on pedestrian collision prediction, intending to
enhance environmental awareness in autonomous driving systems to prevent
pedestrian injuries actively. We introduce a built environment detection task
in large-scale panoramic images and a detection-based pedestrian collision
frequency prediction task. We propose a baseline method that incorporates a
collision prediction module into a state-of-the-art detection model to tackle
both tasks simultaneously. Our experiments demonstrate a significant
correlation between object detection of built environment elements and
pedestrian collision frequency prediction. Our results are a stepping stone
towards understanding the interdependencies between built environment
conditions and pedestrian safety
Síndrome de emaciación posdestete porcino: aspectos epidemiológicos
El propósito de este trabajo fue revisar los aspectos relacionados con el síndrome de emaciación posdestete (Postweaning Multysistemic Wasting Syndrome, PMWS) enfatizando en sus características epidemiológicas. El PMWSpertenece a un grupo de enfermedades asociadas al Circovirus porcino tipo 2 (PCVD), cuya presentación podría relacionarse con otro agente infeccioso aún no identificado o con la interacción de múltiples factores vinculados con el manejo zootécnico y con la presencia de otros agentes infecciosos. El patrón epidemiológico de la enfermedad no está claramente definido pero se ha observado que la infección con PCV2 dentro de la población porcina sigue un curso enzoótico, mientras que el desarrollo del PMWSgenera una presentación epizoótica. Se han reportado tanto la transmisión vertical como la horizontal, pero el impacto sobre el desarrollo de los animales podría involucrar, además del PCV2, otras etiologías. Los signos clínicos y las lesiones macroscópicas son inespecíficos de la enfermedad y su diagnóstico se basa en la identificación histopatológica de las lesiones características en los órganos linfoides junto con la identificación del antígeno viral asociado a ellas. La generación de estrategias de prevención y control se ha dirigido hacia el establecimiento de prácticas zootécnicas estrictas que mejoren las condiciones medioambientales en las que se mantienen los animales para disminuir la presión de infección asociada no solo al PCV2.This review pretended to describe issues related with the Postweaning Multisystemic Wasting Syndrome (PMWS) especially the epidemiological ones. PMWSbelongs to the Porcine circovirus type 2 associated diseases (PCAVD). Its presentation could be associated with another non identified infectious agent or the interaction between multiple management practices and other infectious diseases. The disease epidemiological pattern hasn’t been clearly understood; PCV2 infection appears to be enzootic while PMWSappears to be epizootic. Both vertical and horizontal transmissions have been reported for PCV2, but the PMWSdevelopment has been related not only with PCV2 infection but also with some other aetiologies. Clinical signs and macroscopic lesions aren’t specific for PMWS. Diagnosis is based on the identification of microscopic lesions in lymphoid organs and the identification of the viral antigen within them. Preventive and control strategies have been focused on specific management practices that improve the environment where animals are kept persecuting the reduction of infections rates not only associated with PCV2
Estimación del riesgo cardiovascular por composición corporal total
Introducción: La obesidad y la adiposidad están relacionadas con el aumento del riesgo cardiovascular. El índice de masa corporal (IMC) y el perímetro abdominal son las variables antropométricas más utilizadas para evaluar su magnitud. El presente estudio busca establecer la relación entre desenlaces cardiometabólicos y la adiposidad medida con Absorciometría Dual por rayos X (DXA), así como el rendimiento diagnóstico de la misma contra la medición de las variables antropométricas convencionales.
Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional de corte transversal; se calcularon las variables antropométricas y de composición corporal para 60 pacientes en programa de rehabilitación cardiaca fase II.
Resultados: Existió mayor prevalencia de obesidad por IMC y adiposidad en mujeres que en hombres (p=0,01 y 0,048). La curva ROC encontró que el rendimiento del perímetro abdominal es solo 65% y el del IMC del 65,6% para el diagnóstico de adiposidad. Se encontraron relaciones significativas entre porcentaje de masa grasa elevado y la enfermedad coronaria (OR: 1,9 p= 0,042); el IMC aumentado con la hipertensión arterial (OR: 3,0 p= 0,0334) y el LDL > 70 mg/dl (OR: 0,4 p= 0,0178); el perímetro abdominal aumentado con la falla cardiaca (OR: 0,58 p=0,0382); la TMB baja con la hipertensión arterial (OR: 1,70 p= 0,046) y finalmente el IIRME disminuido con el LDL > 70 mg/dl y la falla cardiaca (OR: 0,4 p= 0,0178 y OR 1,96 p=0,078, respectivamente).
Conclusiones: La suma de la medición de las variables antropométricas y de composición corporal por DXA ofrece información valiosa para el estudio y estimación del riesgo cardiovascular y metabólico de los pacientes.
Introduction: Obesity and adiposity are associated with increased cardiovascular risk. The body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference are the most anthropometric variables used to assess their magnitude. This study aims to establish the relationship between adiposity and cardiometabolic outcomes measured by Dual X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) as well as the diagnostic performance of the latter against the measurement of the conventional anthropometric variables.
Materials and methods: An observational cross-sectional study was conducted; anthropometric and body composition variables for 60 patients in cardiac rehabilitation program phase II were calculated.
Results: There was a higher prevalence of obesity by BMI and adiposity in women than in men (p = 0.01 and 0.048). The ROC curve found that the performance is only 65% for waist circumference and 65.6% for BMI for the diagnosis of adiposity. Significant correlations between high percentage of fat mass and coronary heart disease (OR: 1.9 p = 0.042) were found; as well as for increased BMI with hypertension (OR: 3.0 p = 0.0334) and LDL> 70mg/dl (OR: 0.4 p = 0.0178); increased waist circumference with heart failure (OR: 0.58 p = 0.0382); low basal metabolic rate (BMR) with hypertension (OR: 1.70 p = 0.046) and finally the decreased fat free mass index (FFMI) with LDL>70mg/dl and heart failure (OR: 0.4 p = 0.0178 and OR: 1.96 p = 0.078 respectively).
Conclusions: The addition of body composition variables by DXA and anthropometric variables, provides valuable information for the study and estimation of cardiovascular and metabolic risk.
Key Words: Obesity; DEXA Scans; Coronary Disease; BodyComposition; Body Mass Index; Adiposity
Impact of SARS-Cov-2 infection in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy : results of an international multicentre registry
To describe the natural history of SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) compared with a control group and to identify predictors of adverse events. Three hundred and five patients [age 56.6 ± 16.9 years old, 191 (62.6%) male patients] with HCM and SARS-Cov-2 infection were enrolled. The control group consisted of 91 131 infected individuals. Endpoints were (i) SARS-CoV-2 related mortality and (ii) severe clinical course [death or intensive care unit (ICU) admission]. New onset of atrial fibrillation, ventricular arrhythmias, shock, stroke, and cardiac arrest were also recorded. Sixty-nine (22.9%) HCM patients were hospitalized for non-ICU level care, and 21 (7.0%) required ICU care. Seventeen (5.6%) died: eight (2.6%) of respiratory failure, four (1.3%) of heart failure, two (0.7%) suddenly, and three (1.0%) due to other SARS-CoV-2-related complications. Covariates associated with mortality in the multivariable were age {odds ratio (OR) per 10 year increase 2.25 [95% confidence interval (CI): 1.12-4.51], P = 0.0229}, baseline New York Heart Association class [OR per one-unit increase 4.01 (95%CI: 1.75-9.20), P = 0.0011], presence of left ventricular outflow tract obstruction [OR 5.59 (95%CI: 1.16-26.92), P = 0.0317], and left ventricular systolic impairment [OR 7.72 (95%CI: 1.20-49.79), P = 0.0316]. Controlling for age and sex and comparing HCM patients with a community-based SARS-CoV-2 cohort, the presence of HCM was associated with a borderline significant increased risk of mortality OR 1.70 (95%CI: 0.98-2.91, P = 0.0600). Over one-fourth of HCM patients infected with SARS-Cov-2 required hospitalization, including 6% in an ICU setting. Age and cardiac features related to HCM, including baseline functional class, left ventricular outflow tract obstruction, and systolic impairment, conveyed increased risk of mortality
Late gadolinium enhancement distribution patterns in non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy: Genotype-phenotype correlation.
Late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) is frequently found in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), there is little information about its frequency and distribution pattern according to underlying genetic substrate. We sought to describe LGE patterns according to genotype and to analyze the risk of major ventricular arrhythmias (MVA) according to patterns.
Cardiac magnetic resonance findings and LGE distribution according to genetics was performed in a cohort of 600 DCM patients followed at 20 Spanish centers. After exclusion of individuals with multiple causative gene variants or with variants in infrequent DCM-causing genes, 577 patients (34% females, mean age 53.5 years, LVEF 36.9 ± 13.9%) conformed the final cohort. A causative genetic variant was identified in 219 (38%) patients and 147 (25.5%) had LGE. Significant differences were found comparing LGE patterns between genes (P < 0.001). LGE was absent or rare in patients with variants in TNNT2, RBM20 and MYH7 (0%, 5% and 20%, respectively). Patients with variants in DMD, DSP and FLNC showed predominance of LGE subepicardial pattern (50%, 41% and 18%, respectively) whereas patients with variants in TTN, BAG3, LMNA and MYBPC3 showed unspecific LGE patterns. Genetic yield differed according to LGE pattern. Patients with subepicardial, lineal midwall, transmural, right ventricular insertion points or with combination of LGE patterns showed increased risk of MVA compared with patients without LGE.
LGE patterns in DCM has a specific distribution according to the affected gene. Certain LGE patterns are associated with increased risk of MVA and with increased yield of genetic testing.This study has been funded by Instituto Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) through the
projects ‘PI18/0004, PI19/01283, and PI20/0320’ (co-funded by the
European Regional Development Fund/European Social Fund ‘A way to
make Europe’/‘Investing in your future’). The Hospital Universitario
Puerta de Hierro, the Hospital Universitario Vall Hebrón, the Hospital
General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, and the Hospital Universitario
Virgen de la Arrixaca are members of the European Reference Network
for Rare, Low Prevalence, and Complex Diseases of the Heart (ERN
GUARD-Heart). F.d.F. receives grant support from ISCIII (CM20/00101).
R.B. receives funding from the Obra Social la Caixa Foundation. M.B. receives funding from ISCIII (PI19/01283). The CNIC is supported by the
ISCIII, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of the Spanish Government
(MCIN), and Pro CNIC Foundation.S