186 research outputs found

    Reasons for irregular use of ferrous sulfate tablet in women referred to health centers in Bourojen city, 2005-2006

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    چکیده: زمینه و هدف: خانم های باردار و شیرده از جمله گروههای در معرض خطر ‌کم خونی فقر آهن می باشند. با وجود برنامه مدون در ارتباط با مصرف قرص آهن توسط مادران، آمار به دست آمده نشان میدهد حدود 67 درصد زنان باردار و شیرده قرص آهن را صحیح و منظم مصرف نمی کنند. لذا این مطالعه با هدف بررسی علل مصرف نامنظم قرص آهن در خانم های باردار و شیرده مراجعه کننده به مراکز بهداشتی درمانی شهر بروجن انجام شد. روش بررسی:در این مطالعه توصیفی – تحلیلی که در مراکز بهداشتی درمانی شهر بروجن در سال 85-1384 انجام گرفت، 270 نفر خانم که در دوره 16 هفتگی حاملگی الی 2 ماهگی پس از زایمان قرار داشتند به روش دردسترس انتخاب و طی مصاحبه حضوری به سؤالات پرسشنامه حاوی اطلاعات دموگرافیک، چگونگی مصرف قرص آهن، نگرش و عملکرد مادران در این خصوص پاسخ دادند. از آزمونهای کای دو، من ویتنی و ویلکاکسون و کروسکال والیس جهت تجزیه و تحلیل آْماری اطلاعات استفاده شد. یافته ها: نتایج نشان داد که 1/33 مادران قرص آهن را مرتب و منظم مصرف می کردند، 8/56 نامنظم و 2/10 اصلا مصرف نمی‌کردند. بین مصرف نامنظم قرص آهن و سطح اقتصادی - اجتماعی خانواده و تعداد زایمان ارتبــاط معنی داری وجود نداشت. از علل مصرف نامنظم قرص آهن 4/48 مادران فراموش کردن وعده های مصرف دارو، 4/12 تهوع و استفراغ حاملگی و 4/16 عدم آگاهی نسبت به لزوم مصرف آهن را ذکر کردند. بین تعداد زایمان و یا حاملگی، سن فرد و شاغل بودن با آگاهی، نگرش و عملکرد آنان ارتباط معنی دار وجود نداشت (05/0


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    Formation damage has been observed in several oil reservoirs and production equipment in Iranian oil fields. Laboratory and field testing confirmed that the primary cause of damage was the build-up of calcium carbonate, calcium sulfate and strontium sulfate scale either in the perforation tunnels or in the formation sandstone nears the wellbore. Conventional acid treatments could dissolve this scale, but scale precipitation from the spent acid caused rapid productivity decline. A scale removal treatment with Na2H2EDTA has been developed that can effectively dissolve scale and chelate the dissolved metal ions. Chelation of the dissolved scale prevents scale reprecipitation. This study describes the results of an experimental and theoretical study on the removal of formation damage resulting from scale formation in porous media. An experimental investigation was undertaken to look into the possible causes of the injectivity loss in a typical Iranian oilfield. Sets of experimental investigations were undertaken with different objectives in mind. Glass and sand bead packs were used to test the experimental set up and to observe the general behaviour of scale formation and removal by ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA) to determine its possible effects on the permeability of the porous medium

    Study on hybrid combustion of aero-suspensions of boron-aluminum powders in a quiescent reaction medium

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    © 2017. The present research deals with a hybrid combustion of aluminum/boron dust particles in a heterogeneous quiescent reaction medium with spatially discrete heat sources. A developed thermal model is employed to estimate flame propagation speed in a reaction medium. The burning velocity and minimum ignition energy are studied parametrically as a function of dust concentration and particle diameter for different percentages of boron powder in a hybrid mixture of aluminum/boron dust cloud. The model shows that the addition of boron powder as a component of the mixture decreases the burning rate and causes a higher amount of minimum ignition energy needed for ignition, owing to the role of boron as a heat sink. Comparison of the simulation results with the available experimental data shows that the model captures the flame propagation speed as a function of particle concentration, except at very low concentrations

    Stochastic inverse modeling of transient laboratory-scale three-dimensional two-phase core flooding scenarios

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    We develop a comprehensive and efficient workflow for a stochastic assessment of key parameters governing two-phase flow conditions associated with core-scale experiments. We rely on original and detailed datasets collected on a Berea sandstone sample. These capture the temporal evolution of pressure drop across the core and three-dimensional maps of phase saturations (determined via X-ray CT) in oil- and brine-displacement flooding scenarios characterized by diverse brine/oil viscosity contrasts. Such experiments are used as a test-bed for the proposed stochastic model calibration strategy. The latter is structured across three main steps: (i) a preliminary calibration, aimed at identifying a behavioral region of the model parameter space; (ii) a Global Sensitivity Analysis (GSA), geared towards identification of the relative importance of model parameters on observed model outputs and assessment of non-influential parameters to reduce dimensionality of the parameter space; and (iii) a stochastic inverse modeling procedure. The latter is based on a differential-evolution genetic algorithm to efficiently explore the reduced parameter space stemming from the GSA. It enables one to obtain a probabilistic description of the relevant model parameters through their frequency distributions conditional on the detailed type of information collected. Coupling GSA with a stochastic parameter estimation approach based on a genetic algorithm of the type we consider enables streamlining the procedure and effectively cope with the considerable computational efforts linked to the two-phase scenario considered. Results show a remarkable agreement with experimental data and imbue us with confidence on the potential of the approach to embed the type of rich datasets considered towards model parameter estimation fully including uncertainty

    Promotion of GM-PHD Filtering Approach for Single-Target Tracking in Raw Data of Synthetic Aperture Radar in Spotlight Imaging Mode

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    So far multi-antenna techniques have been used in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) to track moving targets. These techniques carry out the tracking of moving targets in an imaging area, using a combination of the data received by two or several antennas. The aim of this paper is single-target tracking in SAR Spotlight imaging mode based on the promoted PHD filter. In most applications, target tracking in densely cluttered environment using radar system demands robust filtering so as to increase the tracking efficiency. Therefore, tracking of moving targets in the presence of high density clutters in environment, as the particular capability of the PHD filter, has turned it into a robust approach in SAR to track moving targets. Also as the simulation results show, using Range Cell Migration Compensation (RCMC) on SAR raw data before tracking, makes it possible to track a moving target with high quality

    The effects of radiofrequency radiation on mice fetus weight, length and tissues

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    The public concern of harmful effects of radiofrequency radiation exposure, especially with rapid increase in the use of wireless and telecommunication devices, is increasing. Some studies show fetal and developmental abnormalities as the result of radiofrequency radiation exposure. We aimed to investigate possible teratogenic effects of radiofrequency in 915 MHz on mice fetus and protective role of vitamin C. 21 pregnant mice were divided into 3 groups. Control group was in normal condition without any stressor agent. Exposure group was exposed to 915 MHz RFR (8 h/day for 10 days) and 0.045 µw/cm2 power density. The exposure plus vitamin C group received 200 mg/kg vitamin C by gavage and was exposed to 915 MHz RFR (8 h/day for 10 days) and 0.045 µw/cm2 power density. The fetus weight, C-R length were measured by digital balance and caliper. Tissues were assessed after staining with H & E. Our results showed significant increase in fetus weight and C-R length and also enlarged liver, tail deformation in mice fetus in exposure group. Although usage of vitamin C caused significant decrease in mentioned parameters. The outcome of this study confirms the effects of radiofrequency radiation on growth parameters such as body weight, length and some tissues in mice fetuses and protective effect of vitamin C. However more studies on non-ionization radiation in different frequencies and severity, during pregnancy are needed to clarify the exact mechanisms of these changes and better protection. © 201

    Pore-scale characterization of residual gas remobilization in CO2 geological storage

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    A decrease in reservoir pressure can lead to remobilization of residually trapped CO2. In this study, the pore-scale processes related to trapped CO2 remobilization under pressure depletion were investigated with the use of high-resolution 3D X-ray microtomography. The distribution of CO2 in the pore space of Bentheimer sandstone was measured after waterflooding at a fluid pressure of 10 MPa, and then at pressures of 8, 6 and 5 MPa. At each stage CO2 was produced, implying that swelling of the gas phase and exsolution allowed the gas to reconnect and flow. After production, the gas reached a new position of equilibrium where it may be trapped again. At the end of the experiment, we imaged the sample again after 30 hours. Firstly, the results showed that an increase in saturation beyond the residual value was required to remobilize the gas, which is consistent with earlier field-scale results. Additionally, Ostwald ripening and continuing exsolution lead to a significant change in fluid saturation: transport of dissolved gas in the aqueous phase to equilibriate capillary pressure led to reconnection of the gas and its flow upwards under gravity. The implications for CO2 storage are discussed: an increase in saturation beyond the residual value is required to mobilize the gas, but Ostwald ripening can allow local reconnection of hitherto trapped gas, thus enhancing migration and may reduce the amount of CO2 that can be capillary trapped in storage operations

    A Comprehensive Survey of 'Metamaterial Transmission-Line Based Antennas: Design, Challenges, and Applications'

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    In this review paper, a comprehensive study on the concept, theory, and applications of composite right/left-handed transmission lines (CRLH-TLs) by considering their use in antenna system designs have been provided. It is shown that CRLH-TLs with negative permittivity (epsilon < 0) and negative permeability (mu < 0) have unique properties that do not occur naturally. Therefore, they are referred to as artificial structures called "metamaterials". These artificial structures include series left-handed (LH) capacitances (C-L), shunt LH inductances (L-L), series right-handed (RH) inductances (L-R), and shunt RH capacitances (C-R) that are realized by slots or interdigital capacitors, stubs or via-holes, unwanted current flowing on the surface, and gap distance between the surface and ground-plane, respectively. In the most cases, it is also shown that structures based on CRLH metamaterial-TLs are superior than their conventional alternatives, since they have smaller dimensions, lower-profile, wider bandwidth, better radiation patterns, higher gain and efficiency, which make them easier and more cost-effective to manufacture and mass produce. Hence, a broad range of metamaterial-based design possibilities are introduced to highlight the improvement of the performance parameters that are rare and not often discussed in available literature. Therefore, this survey provides a wide overview of key early-stage concepts of metematerial-based designs as a thorough reference for specialist antennas and microwave circuits designers. To analyze the critical features of metamaterial theory and concept, several examples are used. Comparisons on the basis of physical size, bandwidth, materials, gain, efficiency, and radiation patterns are made for all the examples that are based on CRLH metamaterial-TLs. As revealed in all the metematerial design examples, foot-print area decrement is an important issue of study that have a strong impact for the enlargement of the next generation wireless communication systems

    A feasibility study of low-power laser trepanning drilling of composite using modified DVD writer

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    In the present study, laser cutting of cotton fiber composite laminate is experimented using a modified DVD writer drive. A 250 mW diode laser is initially extracted from a DVD writer drive, and then regulated by a custom-made laser driver circuit designed using a Proteus® software. Experimental tests are carried out using multi-pass laser trepanning drilling at different drilling speeds and standoff distances (SODs). The cut quality is evaluated by measuring the extent of both oxide and resolidified resin regions. It was discovered high speed of trepanning drilling and positive SOD significantly improve cutting region quality. Furthermore, positive and negative SODs require relatively high number of passes at different drilling speeds. From SEM micrographs, it is found out that the crack formation and fiber protruding happen in thedrilling area due to thermal stresses and matrix vaporization