85 research outputs found

    Contextualising video game engagement and addiction in mental health: the mediating roles of coping and social support

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    Introduction: A challenge in defining Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) is discriminating pathological gameplay from an excessive, yet benign, involvement in video games. Although previous research has explored this theoretical distinction in the context of general computing activities, it merits consideration with regards to online gaming. Additionally, whilst comorbidities of addicted gaming and mental health outcomes have been robustly demonstrated, few studies have examined the role of mediating factors that may contextualise this relationship. As such, the present study aims to validate the distinction between addiction and engagement in online gaming, by considering the mediating roles of coping and social online and offline support in mental health. Method: One hundred and thirty-five participants completed the Computer Engagement/Addiction Questionnaire (CEAS), Depression-Anxiety-Stress Scale (DASS-21), Brief Approach-Avoidance Coping Questionnaire (BACQ) and two versions of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS). Results: Correlational analyses showed a clear distinction between gaming addiction and engagement in the context of all of depression, stress and in particular anxiety (DAS) not found in previous studies. Multiple mediation analysis showed a significant mediating effect of coping, (specifically withdrawal/resignation coping) on the relationship between video game addiction and symptoms of DAS. Offline perceived social support was a significant partial mediator in the relationship between gaming addiction and depression, as compared to any kind of online social support. The results support the distinction of the addiction and engagement concepts in gaming. This study may inform future clinical classifications of IGD, with implications on how pathological gaming is treated


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    Penelitian ini berjudul, “Proyeksi Kebutuhan Jumlah Guru Sekolah Dasar Tahun 2016-2021 di Kecamatan Cidadap Kota Bandung” yang dilatarbelakangi oleh kurang optimalnya pemerataan persebaran jumlah guru Sekolah Dasar, sehingga berdampak pada tidak efektif dan efesiennya penyelenggaraan proses belajar mengajar di sekolah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui ketersediaan guru sekolah dasar yang dibutuhkan di Kecamatan Cidadap Kota Bandung. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Dinas Pendidikan Kota Bandung, menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif dengan studi kecenderungan. Data yang digunakan adalah data penduduk, siswa dan guru. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan data sekunder dan primer, melalui studi dokumentasi, dan wawancara. Teknik analisis data menggunakan proyeksi dengan Mathematical Equations Approach. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pertumbuhan penduduk usia sekolah menjadi salah satu faktor penentu kebutuhan jumlah guru Sekolah Dasar. Keseluruhan Guru Sekolah Dasar yang dibutuhkan pada tahun 2016/2017 sebanyak 157 orang. Rekomendasi dari penelitian ini diharapkan Dinas Pendidikan Kota Bandung, dapat melakukan peninjauan mengenai keadaan guru baik dari segi jumlah maupun persebaran berupa perencanaan yang tepat dan komprehensif dalam menindaklanjuti kekurangan guru serta membuat kebijakan mengenai mutasi guru bagi sekolah-sekolah yang mengalami kelebihan guru.;--- This study is titled, “Projection in Required Quantity of Elementary Teachers around 2016-2021 in Cidadap Subdistrict, Bandung’. The background of this study is because of less optimal distribution in spreading elementary teachers, and so it impacted to ineffective and inefficient teaching process in school. The purpose of this study is to know the elementary teachers’ availability in Cidadap Subdistrict, Bandung, by using quantitative descriptive research method with study of tendency. The data that are used are population, students’ and teachers’ data. Cpllection techniques that are used involve using secondary and primary data, documentation study, and interview. The data analysis techniques were done by projection with Mathematical Equations Approach. The outcome this study shows that learning age population growth is one of the determiners in elementaryteachers required quatity. Total amount of elementary teachers required from 2016/2017 is 157 teachers. This study recommends that Bandung City Education Department should do obsevation about teachers’ quantity and distribution condition. This also includes exact planning, comprehensive in following uo problem which is lacking of teacher, and makingf policy about teachers mutation for schools with excessive teachers

    Shared User Interfaces of Physiological Data: Systematic Review of Social Biofeedback Systems and Contexts in HCI

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    As an emerging interaction paradigm, physiological computing is increasingly being used to both measure and feed back information about our internal psychophysiological states. While most applications of physiological computing are designed for individual use, recent research has explored how biofeedback can be socially shared between multiple users to augment human-human communication. Reflecting on the empirical progress in this area of study, this paper presents a systematic review of 64 studies to characterize the interaction contexts and effects of social biofeedback systems. Our findings highlight the importance of physio-temporal and social contextual factors surrounding physiological data sharing as well as how it can promote social-emotional competences on three different levels: intrapersonal, interpersonal, and task-focused. We also present the Social Biofeedback Interactions framework to articulate the current physiological-social interaction space. We use this to frame our discussion of the implications and ethical considerations for future research and design of social biofeedback interfaces.Comment: [Accepted version, 32 pages] Clara Moge, Katherine Wang, and Youngjun Cho. 2022. Shared User Interfaces of Physiological Data: Systematic Review of Social Biofeedback Systems and Contexts in HCI. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'22), ACM, https://doi.org/10.1145/3491102.351749

    Il capo dei capi : une réprésentation polémique de Totò Riina

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    La fiction Il capo dei capi réalisée en 2007 est une représentation de Totò Riina qui fait débat. Il convient dès lors de s’interroger sur les ressorts de cette représentation car l’image du personnage forge également sa mémoire auprès du public, a fortiori dans le cas d’une série télévisée qui, comme Il Capo dei capi, rencontre un large succès y compris à l’étranger. Ce pouvoir de façonner la mémoire dans l’imaginaire collectif nous impose d’étudier non seulement la représentation en soi et le message qu’elle fait passer mais également la réception de la série lors de sa diffusion. Cet article analyse donc la sédimentation des différentes facettes du personnage de Totò Riina afin de comprendre pourquoi il s’agit d’une représentation problématique et mythifiante dont le succès a déclenché de vives polémiques.La fiction Il capo dei capi realizzata nel 2007 è una rappresentazione di Totò Riina che fa discutere. Bisogna quindi interrogarsi sulle peculiarità di tale rappresentazione perché l’immagine del personaggio costruisce anche la sua memoria presso il pubblico, a maggior ragione nel caso di una serie televisiva come Il Capo dei capi, che ha avuto un grande successo anche all’estero. Questo potere di dar forma alla memoria nell’immaginario collettivo impone di studiare non solo la rappresentazione in sé e il messaggio che essa veicola, ma anche la ricezione della serie al momento della diffusione. L'articolo esamina la sedimentazione delle varie sfaccettature del personaggio di Riina per capire perché ne è stata data una rappresentazione problematica e mitizzante, il cui successo ha scatenato aspre polemiche


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    Pour beaucoup d’entre nous, enseignantes-chercheuses et enseignants-chercheurs issus de filières littéraires, formés à des traditions de recherche en langue, littérature ou civilisation et par les concours de l’enseignement, enseigner l’italien en Langues Étrangères Appliquées (LEA) demande un ajustement des pratiques pédagogiques, ainsi que l’auto-formation à de nouvelles disciplines. Les spécificités inhérentes au cursus LEA, comme l’..


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    International audienceEntrée "Italie" dans l'encyclopédie Universalis junio

    Pauline Picco, Liaisons dangereuses. Les extrĂŞmes droites en France et en Italie (1960-1984)

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    Le livre de Pauline Picco – tiré de sa thèse de doctorat et préfacé par Michelle Zancarini-Fournel – reconstitue une histoire croisée des extrêmes droites française et italienne sur plus de vingt ans. L’historienne a choisi une perspective innovante en s’intéressant aux parcours personnels des activistes et à leurs relations, de part et d’autre des Alpes. Ces itinéraires révèlent les réseaux, les circulations idéologiques et culturelles qui créent une culture politique commune ainsi que les é..

    The process of struggle against mafia from 1982 to 2012's public memory, studing a martyr's list : Pio La Torre, Carlo Alberto dalla Chiesa, Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino

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    Si la mafia est un objet d’étude, certes récent, l’antimafia reste en revanche un trou noir de l’historiographie du Mezzogiorno alors que les assasssinats des représentants de l’État sont des moments de tenisons dans l’histoire de l’Italie républicaine. Nous avons choisi de concentrer notre attention sur quatre figures emblématiques assassinées au cours des crises de violence mafieuse de 1982 et 1992 : Pio La Torre (député et secrétaire régional du PCI) ; Carlo Alberto dalla Chiesa (assassiné alors qu’il était préfet de Palerme) ; Giovanni Falcone et Paolo Borsellino (magistrats). Afin d’observer le processus de construction d’une mémoire publique de la lutte contre la mafia, nous utilisons un panel de sources typique de l’histoire du temps présent, archives, presse, productions mémorielles écrites et audiovisuelles, mais aussi des sources orales grâce aux entretiens réalisés lors de notre enquête de terrain. Ces sources nous permettent tant de comprendre le contexte que d’analyser l’évolution des représentations des martyrs de la lutte contre la mafia.La première partie est consacrée à l’étude du moment des assassinats et de la construction d’une mémoire immédiate. L’analyse de la presse au lendemain des crises de violence mafieuse fait émerger les caractéristiques de la mémoire immédiate des victimes et révèle un mobilisation civile antimafia sans précédent. La deuxième partie s’intéresse à la construction et à l’institutionnalisation de la mémoire des victimes, à travers l’étude des commémorations et des représentations. L’analyse croisée des différentes sources met au jour les différentes strates de la construction mémorielle. Enfin, la troisième partie montre que la mémoire de l’antimafia, bien qu’institutionnalisée et structurée, est en réalité une mémoire tourmentée, comme le démontrent les manquements de la justice, les usages politiques de la mémoire de l’antimafia ou le conditionnement des commémorations décennales par l’actualité. Faire l’histoire de la mémoire de l’antimafia nous permet ainsi de révéler, sous un jour nouveau, un certain nombre de tensions qui caractérisent l’Italie contemporaine. La mémoire de la lutte contre la mafia apparaît donc comme un observatoire privilégié pour examiner les mutations politiques, sociétales et culturelles de l’Italie républicaine.Though the Mafia has become recently an object of study, the Antimafia remains a black hole in the historiography of the Mezzogiorno while the assassinations of officials constitute tense moments in the history of Republican Italy. We have chosen to focus our attention on four emblematic figures that were murdered by the Mafia over its 1982 and 1992 outbursts of violence: Pio La Torre (deputy and regional secretary of the PCI); Carlo Alberto dalla Chiesa (assassinated while he was Palermo prefect); Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino (magistrates). In order to observe how a public memory of the fight against the Mafia was built, we use a panel of sources that is typical of the present time history: archives, press, written and audiovisual memory productions, but also oral sources thanks to the interviews we lead during our field investigation. These sources allow us to understand the context as well as to analyze the evolution of the representations of the anti-mafia fight’s martyrs.The first part is dedicated to the study of the moment when these four officials were assassinated and an immediate memory built. The analysis of the press, in the wake of the outbursts of violence of the Mafia, brings out the characteristics of the immediate memory of victims, and reveals an unprecedented anti-mafia civil mobilization. The second part deals with the elaboration and the institutionalization of the victims’ memory, through the study of the commemorations and the representations. The cross-study analysis of our various sources brings to light the different strata of the memory elaboration. Finally the third part shows that the anti-mafia memory, though institutionalized and structured, is actually a tormented memory, as is revealed by the justice breaches, the political uses of the anti-mafia memory or the conditioning effect of current events on the decennial commemorations. Making the history of the anti-mafia memory thus allows us to reveal under a new light a number of tensions that are characteristic of contemporary Italy. Therefore the memory of the fight against the Mafia appears as a privileged observatory to examine the political, societal and cultural mutations of Republican Italy

    Työttömien terveystarkastukset: hoitoalan ammattilaisten tunnistamat työttömiä asiakkaita kuormittavat tekijät vastaanotolla

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on kartoittaa hoitoalan ammattilaisten erityisesti sairaanhoitajien ja terveydenhoitajien tunnistamia asiakkaita kuormittavia tekijöitä työttömille suoritettavien terveystarkastusten yhteydessä sekä hoitoalan ammattilaisten esiin nostamia asiakaskunnan ongelmia ja haasteita. Tavoitteena on selvittää mitä voimavarakeskeisiä menetelmiä hoitoalan ammattilaiset hyödyntävät työttömien terveystarkastusten yhteydessä. Opinnäytetyön kehittämistehtävänä on nostaa esiin terveydenhuollon ammattilaisten näkemykset työttömien terveystarkastuksien yhteydessä ilmenevistä haasteista ja kuormittavista tekijöistä ja voiko voimavarakeskeisillä menetelmillä sujuvoittaa hoitoalanammattilaisten työtä. Tämän opinnäytetyön toimeksiantaja on Porvoon ODA-hanke. Tulokset hyödynnetään terveystarkastusten kehittämiseen hankkeessa. Tietoperustana hyödynnetään työkykyä, työttömien asiakkaiden terveydentilaa sekä hoitotyön voimavarakeskeisiä menetelmiä koskevia aikaisempia tutkimuksia. Tutkimus perustuu Joensuu, J. vuonna 2015 keräämään haastattelumateriaaliin. Haastattelumateriaali on puolistrukturoitu teemahaastattelu. Tutkimusaineisto perustuu hoitoalan ammattilaisten haastatteluihin. Tutkimusaineisto on analysoitu induktiivisen sisällönanalyysin avulla. Tutkimustulosten perusteella hoitoalan ammattilaiset tunnistivat kuormittavia tekijöitä fyysisen, psyykkisen, sosiaalisen ja taloudellisten osa-alueiden saralla. Tutkimustulosten perusteella merkittävät työttömiä terveyttä kuormittavat tekijät olivat mielenterveys -ja päihdeongelmat. Voimavarakeskeisiä menetelmiä, joita hoitajat hyödynsivät vastaanotolla, osoittautuivat motivoiva haastattelu, vastavuoroinen keskustelu ja voimavarakeskeinen ohjaus. Osa hoitajista oli sitä mieltä, että he tarvitsivat lisää PSYK-koulutusta ja työkaluja motivaatiopuutteisten asiakkaiden aktivoimiseen. Analyysin jälkeen jatkotutkimusaiheina nousi voimavarakeskeisten neuvontakäytänteiden käytön esiintyvyyden tutkiminen, motivaatiopuutteisten työttömien asiakkaiden määrän tutkiminen laajemmin sekä työttömien asiakkaiden hoitoketjujen saumattomuuden tutkiminen laajemmin.The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors that cause burden to clients identified by nursing professionals, particularly registered nurses and public health nurses, in the context of health examinations performed on unemployed people as well as the problems and challenges faced by these clients pointed out by the nursing professionals. A further aim was to examine what resource-oriented methods nursing professionals utilise in connection with the health examinations performed on unemployed people. The knowledge base included previous studies concerning work ability, health of unemployed clients, and resource-oriented nursing approaches. The study is based on interview materials collected by J. Joensuu in 2015. The interviews were carried out as a semi-structured theme interview. The data was analysed using inductive content analysis. According to the results, nursing professionals identified a variety of key factors burdening the clients. These were concerned with physical, mental, social and financial issues. Based on the results, mental health and substance abuse issues were significant factors straining the health of unemployed people. The research-oriented methods used by the nurses during appointments included motivating interviews, reciprocal discussions, and resource-oriented guidance. Some of the nurses felt that their competence in mental health and psychiatric nursing was inadequate. Nurses also felt that Topics for further research emerging from the data analysis include the prevalence of using resource-oriented counselling practices, more widely examination of the number of unemployed clients lacking motivation, and more extensive investigation of whether the care chains of unemployed clients work seamlessly
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