2,078 research outputs found

    Subsurface Fish Handling to Limit Decompression Effects on Deepwater Species

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    A method of handling hooked fish at intermediate depth was developed for species which occur deeper than conventional scuba depths. Juvenile pink snappers, Pristipomoides filamentosus, were hauled from 65-100 m to a depth of only 30 m, where the ambient pressure change was a fraction of that produced by hauling fish to the sea surface. This method afforded a unique opportunity to acoustically tag deepwater, physoclistous fish without the need to alter the fish's original swim bladder volume and without the high risk of further injury associated with surface handling. Tagged P. filamentosus survived and behaved well and were tracked successfully. This basic method could be applied to a variety of deepwater species in a number of research approaches, including tagging and dietary studies

    Combined pyrolysis and radiochemical gas chromatography for studying the thermal degradation of polymers

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    Pyrolysis gas chromatography and radioactive tracer techniques have been used independently to study the thermal degradation of polymers. In these laboratories the two techniques have been combined to elucidate some of the mechanisms of the thermal degradation of epoxy resins and polyimides. This paper describes the apparatus developed for this work

    Relative pleopod length as an indicator of size at sexual maturity in slipper (Scyllarides squammosus) and spiny Hawaiian (Panulirus marginatus) lobsters

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    Body size at gonadal maturity is described for females of the slipper lobster (Scyllarides squammosus) (Scyllaridae) and the endemic Hawaiian spiny lobster (Panulirus marginatus) (Palinuridae) based on microscopic examination of histological preparations of ovaries. These data are used to validate several morphological metrics (relative exopodite length, ovigerous condition) of functional sexual maturity. Relative exopodite length (“pleopod length”) produced consistent estimates of size at maturity when evaluated with a newly derived statistical application for estimating size at the morphometric maturation point (MMP) for the population, identified as the midpoint of a sigmoid function spanning the estimated boundaries of overlap between the largest immature and smallest adult animals. Estimates of the MMP were related to matched (same-year) characterizations of sexual maturity based on ovigerous condition — a more conventional measure of functional maturity previously used to characterize maturity for the two lobster species. Both measures of functional maturity were similar for the respective species and were within 5% and 2% of one another for slipper and spiny lobster, respectively. The precision observed for two shipboard collection series of pleopod-length data indicated that the method is reliable and not dependent on specialized expertise. Precision of maturity estimates for S. squammosus with the pleopod-length metric was similar to that for P. marginatus with any of the other measures (including conventional evidence of ovigerous condition) and greatly exceeded the precision of estimates for S. squammosus based on ovigerous condition alone. The two measures of functional maturity averaged within 8% of the estimated size at gonadal maturity for the respective species. Appendage-to-body size proportions, such as the pleopod length metric, hold great promise, particularly for species of slipper lobsters like S. squammosus for which there exist no other reliable conventional morphological measures of sexual maturity. Morphometric proportions also should be included among the factors evaluated when assessing size at sexual maturity in spiny lobster stocks; previously, these proportions have been obtained routinely only for brachyuran crabs within the Crustacea

    Dream Self-Reflectiveness as a Learned Cognitive Skill

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    Many prominent researchers subscribe to the notion that dreaming is cognitively deficient relative to normal waking consciousness (Foulkes,1983; Hartmann, 1973; Koukkou & Lehman, 1983). Dreams are perceived as massively non-reflective and single-minded as evidenced by their apparent lack of imagination, lack of lucidity (awareness of dreaming while dreaming), and tendency to be forgotten (Rechtschaffen, 1978). The notion of dream ‘isolation’ from other systems of consciousness has been posited by Rechtachaffen as an inescapable conclusion once these characteristics of dreaming have been understood

    Which executive functioning deficits are associated with AD/HD, ODD/CD and comorbid AD/HD+ODD/CD?

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    Item does not contain fulltextThis study investigated (1) whether attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD) is associated with executive functioning (EF) deficits while controlling for oppositional defiant disorder/conduct disorder (ODD/CD), (2) whether ODD/CD is associated with EF deficits while controlling for AD/HD, and (3)~whether a combination of AD/HD and ODD/CD is associated with EF deficits (and the possibility that there is no association between EF deficits and AD/HD or ODD/CD in isolation). Subjects were 99~children ages 6–12 years. Three putative domains of EF were investigated using well-validated tests: verbal fluency, working memory, and planning. Independent of ODD/CD, AD/HD was associated with deficits in planning and working memory, but not in verbal fluency. Only teacher rated AD/HD, but not parent rated AD/HD, significantly contributed to the prediction of EF task performance. No EF deficits were associated with ODD/CD. The presence of comorbid AD/HD accounts for the EF deficits in children with comorbid AD/HD+ODD/CD. These results suggest that EF deficits are unique to AD/HD and support the model proposed by R. A. Barkley (1997).17 p

    Multiplex Accurate Sensitive Quantitation (MASQ) With Application to Minimal Residual Disease in Acute Myeloid Leukemia

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    Measuring minimal residual disease in cancer has applications for prognosis, monitoring treatment and detection of recurrence. Simple sequence-based methods to detect nucleotide substitution variants have error rates (about 10-3) that limit sensitive detection. We developed and characterized the performance of MASQ (multiplex accurate sensitive quantitation), a method with an error rate below 10-6. MASQ counts variant templates accurately in the presence of millions of host genomes by using tags to identify each template and demanding consensus over multiple reads. Since the MASQ protocol multiplexes 50 target loci, we can both integrate signal from multiple variants and capture subclonal response to treatment. Compared to existing methods for variant detection, MASQ achieves an excellent combination of sensitivity, specificity and yield. We tested MASQ in a pilot study in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients who entered complete remission. We detect leukemic variants in the blood and bone marrow samples of all five patients, after induction therapy, at levels ranging from 10-2 to nearly 10-6. We observe evidence of sub-clonal structure and find higher target variant frequencies in patients who go on to relapse, demonstrating the potential for MASQ to quantify residual disease in AML

    Theory of mechanical unfolding of homopolymer globule: all-or-none transition in force-clamp mode vs phase coexistence in position-clamp mode

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    Equilibrium mechanical unfolding of a globule formed by long flexible homopolymer chain collapsed in a poor solvent and subjected to an extensional force f (force-clamp mode) or extensional deformation D (position-clamp mode) is studied theoretically. Our analysis, like all previous analysis of this problem, shows that the globule behaves essentially differently in two modes of extension. In the force-clamp mode, mechanical unfolding of the globule with increasing applied force occurs without intramolecular microphase segregation, and at certain threshold value of the pulling force the globule unfolds as a whole ("all-or-none" transition). The value of the threshold force and the corresponding jump in the distance between the chain ends increase with a deterioration of the solvent quality and/or with an increase in the degree of polymerization. In the position-clamp mode, the globule unfolding occurs via intramolecular microphase coexistence of globular and extended microphases followed by an abrupt unraveling transition. Reaction force in the microphase segregation regime demonstrates an "anomalous" decrease with increasing extension. Comparison of deformation curves in force and position-clamp modes demonstrates that at weak and strong extensions the curves for two modes coincide, differences are observed in the intermediate extension range. Another unfolding scenario is typical for short globules: in both modes of extension they unfold continuously, without jumps or intramolecular microphase coexistence, by passing a sequence of uniformly elongated configurations.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, 1 tabl

    Early risk factors for adolescent antisocial behaviour: an Australian longitudinal study

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    Objective: This investigation utilizes data from an Australian longitudinal study to identify early risk factors for adolescent antisocial behaviour. Method: Analyses are based on data from the Mater University Study of Pregnancy, an on-going longitudinal investigation of women’s and children’s health and development involving over 8000 participants. Five types of risk factors (child characteristics, perinatal factors, maternal/familial characteristics, maternal pre- and post-natal substance use and parenting practices) were included in analyses and were based on maternal reports, child assessments and medical records. Adolescent antisocial behaviour was measured when children were 14 years old, using the delinquency subscale of the Child Behaviour Checklist. Results: Based on a series of logistic regression models, significant risk factors for adolescent antisocial behaviour included children’s prior problem behaviour (i.e. aggression and attention/restlessness problems at age 5 years) and marital instability, which doubled or tripled the odds of antisocial behaviour. Perinatal factors, maternal substance use, and parenting practices were relatively poor predictors of antisocial behaviour. Conclusions: Few studies have assessed early predictors of antisocial behaviour in Australia and the current results can be used to inform prevention programs that target risk factors likely to lead to problem outcomes for Australian youth

    Expressive and Instrumental Offending: Reconciling the Paradox of Specialisation and Versatility

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    Although previous research into specialisation has been dominated by the debate over the existence of specialisation versus versatility, it is suggested that research needs to move beyond the restrictions of this dispute. The current study explores the criminal careers of 200 offenders based on their criminal records, obtained from a police database in the North West of England, aiming to understand the patterns and nature of specialisation by determining the presence of differentiation within their general offending behaviours and examining whether the framework of Expressive and Instrumental offending styles can account for any specialised tendencies that emerge. Fifty-eight offences were subjected to Smallest Space Analysis. Results revealed that a model of criminal differentiation could be identified and that any specialisation is represented in terms of Expressive and Instrumental offending styles
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