22 research outputs found

    An X-ray absorption spectroscopic study at the mercury LIII edge on phenylmercury(II) oxygen species

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    The X-ray absorption spectra of the reference and model compounds HgCl2, PhHgCl, PhHgOAc and [(PhHg)2OH][BF4].H2O have been analysed in both the XANES and EXAFS regions, and the technique was extended to determine the structures of (PhHg)2O, PhHgOH, and the basic salts PhHgOH.PhHgNO3 and PhHgOH.(PhHg)2SO4, which were previously structurally uncharacterised. Results indicate that (PhHg)2O is a molecular species with Hg-O-Hg 135°, while PhHgOH contains the [(PhHg)2OH]+ cation and is better formulated as [(PhHg)2OH]OH. The same cation is also featured in the two basic salts. Electrospray mass spectral studies of PhHgOH in aqueous solutions show that [PhHgOH2]+, [(PhHg)2OH]+ and [(PhHg)3O]+ co-exist in solution in a pH-dependent equilibrium

    Beyond large-effect loci : large-scale GWAS reveals a mixed large-effect and polygenic architecture for age at maturity of Atlantic salmon

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    Background Understanding genetic architecture is essential for determining how traits will change in response to evolutionary processes such as selection, genetic drift and/or gene flow. In Atlantic salmon, age at maturity is an important life history trait that affects factors such as survival, reproductive success, and growth. Furthermore, age at maturity can seriously impact aquaculture production. Therefore, characterizing the genetic architecture that underlies variation in age at maturity is of key interest. Results Here, we refine our understanding of the genetic architecture for age at maturity of male Atlantic salmon using a genome-wide association study of 11,166 males from a single aquaculture strain, using imputed genotypes at 512,397 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). All individuals were genotyped with a 50K SNP array and imputed to higher density using parents genotyped with a 930K SNP array and pedigree information. We found significant association signals on 28 of 29 chromosomes (P-values: 8.7 x 10(-133)-9.8 x 10(-8)), including two very strong signals spanning the six6 and vgll3 gene regions on chromosomes 9 and 25, respectively. Furthermore, we identified 116 independent signals that tagged 120 candidate genes with varying effect sizes. Five of the candidate genes found here were previously associated with age at maturity in other vertebrates, including humans. Discussion These results reveal a mixed architecture of large-effect loci and a polygenic component that consists of multiple smaller-effect loci, suggesting a more complex genetic architecture of Atlantic salmon age at maturity than previously thought. This more complex architecture will have implications for selection on this key trait in aquaculture and for management of wild salmon populations.Peer reviewe

    Beyond large-effect loci : large-scale GWAS reveals a mixed large-effect and polygenic architecture for age at maturity of Atlantic salmon

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    Background Understanding genetic architecture is essential for determining how traits will change in response to evolutionary processes such as selection, genetic drift and/or gene flow. In Atlantic salmon, age at maturity is an important life history trait that affects factors such as survival, reproductive success, and growth. Furthermore, age at maturity can seriously impact aquaculture production. Therefore, characterizing the genetic architecture that underlies variation in age at maturity is of key interest. Results Here, we refine our understanding of the genetic architecture for age at maturity of male Atlantic salmon using a genome-wide association study of 11,166 males from a single aquaculture strain, using imputed genotypes at 512,397 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). All individuals were genotyped with a 50K SNP array and imputed to higher density using parents genotyped with a 930K SNP array and pedigree information. We found significant association signals on 28 of 29 chromosomes (P-values: 8.7 x 10(-133)-9.8 x 10(-8)), including two very strong signals spanning the six6 and vgll3 gene regions on chromosomes 9 and 25, respectively. Furthermore, we identified 116 independent signals that tagged 120 candidate genes with varying effect sizes. Five of the candidate genes found here were previously associated with age at maturity in other vertebrates, including humans. Discussion These results reveal a mixed architecture of large-effect loci and a polygenic component that consists of multiple smaller-effect loci, suggesting a more complex genetic architecture of Atlantic salmon age at maturity than previously thought. This more complex architecture will have implications for selection on this key trait in aquaculture and for management of wild salmon populations.Peer reviewe

    Kroppsøving i Elverumskolen. En kartleggingsstudie av elever, lærere og skolelederes opplevelse av kroppsøvingsfaget i grunnskolen

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    Studien er en surveyundersøkelse i Elverumskolen som omfatter elever (N=751), lærere (N=57) og skoleledere (N=14) og deres opplevelse av kroppsøvingsfaget. Studien viser at de fleste elevene liker seg godt på skolen og kroppsøvingsfaget, men dette avtar med økende alder. Gutter liker kroppsøvingsfaget bedre enn jenter. Innholdet i undervisningen har mye fokus på ballspill og grunntrening. Dans og moderne aktiviteter får liten plass. Instruksjonsmetoden dominerer. Studien finner utfordringer knyttet til garderobesituasjonen, særlig bråk og tidsbruk. Lærerne har kunnskap om læreplanen i kroppsøving, og bruker den i langtidsplanlegging. Lokale læreplaner mangler på en del skoler, særlig på barnetrinnet. I vurderingsarbeidet vektlegges innsats og fysiske tester. Grunnleggende ferdigheter er ikke tydelig i kroppsøvingsundervisningen. Studien peker dermed ut to relevante områder for videreutvikling av kroppsøvingsfaget; innhold i kroppsøvingsundervisningen og realisering av styrende dokumenter. Studien kan bidra til at lærere identifiserer aktuelle utfordringer i sin lærerhverdag med tanke på utvikling av fremtidige aksjonsforskningsprosjekter i kroppsøving i Elverumskolen.This is a survey study in Elverum primary and secondary school, involving students (N = 751), teachers (N = 57) and school leaders (N = 14) and their experience of physical education (PE). The study shows that most students like being at school, and like PE very well, however this decreases with increasing age. Boys like PE better than girls. The contents in PE focuses on ball games and basic training. Dance and modern sports get little space. Instruction method dominates the subject. The study finds challenges related to wardrobe situation, particularly about noise and use of time. Teachers have knowledge of the PE curriculum, and use it in long-term planning. Local curricula are scarce, especially in primary schools. Effort and physical tests dominates the assessment process of the student. Basic skills are not evident in PE teaching. Based on this the study points out two relevant areas for further development of PE; content in PE and the realization of formalities. The study can help teachers identify current challenges in their daily lives as PE teachers for the development of future action research in PE in Elverum

    Antibiotic-loaded bone cement in prevention of periprosthetic joint infections in primary total knee arthroplasty: A register-based multicentre randomised controlled non-inferiority trial (ALBA trial)

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    Introduction The current evidence on the efficacy of antibiotic-loaded bone cement (ALBC) in reducing the risk of periprosthetic joint infections (PJI) after primary joint reconstruction is insufficient. In several European countries, the use of ALBC is routine practice unlike in the USA where ALBC use is not approved in low-risk patients. Therefore, we designed a double-blinded pragmatic multicentre register-based randomised controlled non-inferiority trial to investigate the effects of ALBC compared with plain bone cement in primary total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Methods and analysis A minimum of 9,172 patients undergoing full-cemented primary TKA will be recruited and equally randomised into the ALBC group and the plain bone cement group. This trial will be conducted in Norwegian hospitals that routinely perform cemented primary TKA. The primary outcome will be risk of revision surgery due to PJI at 1-year of follow-up. Secondary outcomes will be: risk of revision due to any reason including aseptic loosening at 1, 6, 10 and 20 years of follow-up; patient-related outcome measures like function, pain, satisfaction and health-related quality of life at 1, 6 and 10 years of follow-up; risk of changes in the microbial pattern and resistance profiles of organisms cultured in subsequent revisions at 1, 6, 10 and 20 years of follow-up; cost-effectiveness of routine ALBC versus plain bone cement use in primary TKA. We will use 1:1 randomisation with random permuted blocks and stratify by participating hospitals to randomise patients to receive ALBC or plain bone cement. Inclusion, randomisation and follow-up will be through the Norwegian Arthroplasty Register. Ethics and dissemination The trial was approved by the Western Norway Regional Committees on Medical and Health Research Ethics (reference number: 2019/751/REK vest) on 21 June 2019. The findings of this trial will be disseminated through peer-reviewed publications and conference presentations. Trial registration number NCT04135170.publishedVersio

    A. Kartlegging av truete vegetasjonstyper. Erfaringer fra Inderøy og Levanger

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    Endangered vegetation types have been mapped in the municipalities of Inderøy and Levanger in order to evaluate how well the vegetation types are covered by the municipal mapping of valuable nature types. In Inderøy the mapping is compared with the existing survey of valuable nature types, and in Levanger registrations are made to increase our experience in mapping of endangered vegetation types. The project shows that endangered vegetation types are fairly well covered by the mapping of nature types, where this is carried out by experienced vegetation ecologists. Vegetation mapping based on field surveys is neces-sary for most of the nature or vegetation types. It gives a better survey of the species content, which can lead to more localities with valuable nature types being recorded, and it is also an important contribution to the valuation of the localities. Studies using aerial photos or satellite images are well suited for recor-ding of particular mire types, although field surveys are necessary in order to map nutrient gradients, flora and vegetation. It is recommended that this project is followed by mapping of endangered vegetation types in a number of municipalities selected at random, which has already carried out mapping of nature types. Furthermore, that emphasis is put on increasing the knowledge about variation and distribution of vegetation types within the various nature types.Truete vegetasjonstyper er kartlagt i kommunene Inderøy og Levanger i Nord-Trøndelag for å vurdere hvordan disse fanges opp i kommunal naturtypekartlegging. I Inderøy er kartleggingen sammenlignet med en eksisterende naturtypekartlegging, og i Levanger er det utført registreringer for å få en bredere erfaring med kartlegging av truete vegetasjonstyper. Prosjektet viser at truete vegetasjonstyper blir rimelig godt fanget opp av naturtypekartleggingen, der denne utføres med god vegetasjonsøkologisk kompetanse. Vegetasjonstypekartlegging basert på feltarbeid er nødvendig for de fleste natur- og vegetasjonstypene. Den gir en større artsoversikt, noe som kan føre til at flere naturtypelokaliteter blir registrert, og er også et viktig bidrag i verdivurderingen av lokalitetene. Studier av fly- og satellittbilder er godt egnet til regist-rering av enkelte myrtyper, men feltarbeid må utføres for å kartlegge næringsgradienter, flora og vegetasjon. Det anbefales at dette prosjektet følges opp gjennom kartlegging av truete vegetasjonstyper i flere tilfeldig utvalgte kommuner som alle har gjennomført naturtypekartlegging. Videre at det satses på å heve kunnskapsnivået om variasjon og utbredelse av vegetasjonstyper innen de enkelte naturtypene