12 research outputs found

    Bibliometric Analysis: Lecturers' Research Performance

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    The research performance of lecturers is very important for several reasons, both in terms of the development of higher education institutions and the broader contributions to society and scientific knowledge. This study aims to identify research trends related to lecturers' research performance from 2019 to 2024. To achieve this goal, a literature review method was used, employing bibliometric analysis with VOSviewer software. In this study, the applied method is a quantitative approach using bibliometric analysis. As a data source, 644 scientific publications from the ScienceDirect database were used, selected through a search with the keyword "lecturers' research performance." The results of this study indicate that the trends in lecturers' research performance encompass topics such as higher education, artificial intelligence, education, academic performance, teacher education, Covid-19, sustainability, and motivation. Therefore, future research is suggested to investigate keywords such as gender, employability, formative assessment, self-efficacy, and collaboration


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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between organizational climate and job satisfaction together with commitment to employee organization. The population in this study were staff at Salak Tower Hotel, Bogor which amounted to 145 people, determining the number of samples using slovin formula as many as 107 people. The approach of this research is correlational consisting of two independent variabels, namely Climate Organization and Job Satisfaction, while the dependent variabel is Commitment to Organization. Analytical techniques use multiple correlation, partial correlation and dimensional analysis.The results show that (1) There is a positive and significant relationship between Climate Organization (X1) with Commitment to Organization (Y), ryx1 = 0,994). (2) There is a positive and significant relationship between Job Satisfaction (X2) and Commitment to Organization (Y), (ryx2 = 0,992). (3) There is a relationship between Organizational Climate (X1) and Job Satisfaction (X2) together with Commitment to Organization (Y), (ryx1.2 = 0.995). Thus it can be concluded that Commitment to the Organization can be improved through Organizational Climate and Job Satisfaction


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    This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of organizational support and work attitudes on work productivity of PT. Prime Prima. The research method used in this study is a survey method with a correlational approach, which is a research method designed to obtain information about the relationships between different variables in one population. The instrument used in this study consisted of questionnaires for each variable that was valid and reliable. The results of the study show that 1) Organizational support has a positive and significant effect on employee work productivity, meaning that the higher the organizational support provided, the more work productivity of employees will increase. 2) An effective work attitude has a positive and significant effect on employee work productivity, meaning that the better the work attitude that employees have, the employee's work productivity will increase. 3) Organizational support and work attitudes together have a positive and significant effect on employee work productivity, meaning that the higher the organization's support and the better the work attitude that is owned, then the work productivity of employees will increase

    Utilization of Management of Writing Scientific in the Learning Process in Higher Education

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    In a scientific work, it is closely related to a writing management. Writing which is a writing activity is inseparable in the learning process. Writing can also be used as a management communication tool in conveying information. There are 4 (four) written communication elements as media tools. But recently a new paradigm has begun to develop that a management of scientific work does not have to be based on scientific research, but also a study of a problem that is analyzed professionally by experts. With the method of description using 5 (five) principles in the management of scientific writing to solve problems. So writing management is needed in compiling scientific papers in order to create good work by following the development of the industrial era 4.0. Thus, the task of intellectuals and intellectuals is not only able to read, but also must be able to manage writing about scientific writings and master the procedures for preparing scientific works. Utilization of Management of Writing Scientific Writing in the Learning Process in Higher Education. Keywords: management of scientific work, management of writing, scientific work

    Penerapan Data Market Query (DMQ) pada Sistem Penilaian Berbasis Yii Framework

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    Di era digital / teknologi yang sangat pesat saat ini memberikan pengaruh yang besar terhadap manusia di berbagai bidang kehidupan. Salah satunya adalah penggunaan website yang membuat pekerjaan yang biasa dibuat manual diganti menjadi komputerisasi. Salah satu bidang yang terpengaruh dengan adanya perubahan tekhnologi ini adalah bidang Pendidikan. Salah satu penggunaan tekhnologi pada bidang pendidikan adalah pada bagian penilaian. Namun semakin besar suatu organisasi yang menggunakan suatu website maka semakin banyak pula user yang menggunakan. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan website menjadi semakin lambat karena pada saat akan menampilkan data harus terus membaca data baru yang dimasukkan. Terdapat 3 (tiga) Pemecahan masalah yang penulis jabarkan. Data Mart Query (DMQ) adalah sebuah sistem yang dapat digunakan agar suatu website dapat berjalan dengan lebih cepat, karena hanya membaca data pada last update saja, sehingga tidak akan teelalu lama dalam menampilkan data/informasi yang diinginkan oleh user. dengan menggunakan metode ini akan mendapatkan 3 (tiga) manfaat besar. Sedangkan Yii adalah kerangka kerja (Framework) open source berbasis php yang memiliki kinerja tinggi yang dapat digunakan untuk aplikasi web berskala besar

    Penerapan Gamifikasi pada Sistem Informasi Penilaian Ujian Mahasiswa Untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Dosen

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    Abstrak   Perkembangan teknologi dan informasi yang sangat pesat membuat lembaga pendidikan khususnya di Perguruan Tinggi terus meningkatkan mutu akademika, salah satunya adalah sistem penilaian yang memudahkan dosen dan mahasiswa. Dalam Perguruan Tinggi Raharja dosen menginput nilai secara online dan mahasiswa dapat melihat nilai pada sistem PEN+ (Penilaian Plus). Ketepatan waktu atau ontime dalam proses penginputan nilai sangat penting agar mahasiswa dapat dengan cepat menerima nilai. Namun konsep gamifikasi saat ini masih kurang menarik karena masih ada 3 (tiga) permasalahan yang terjadi. Pertama, keterlambatan dosen dalam menginput nilai dari batas waktu yang ditentukan. Kedua, kurangnya faktor motivasi bagi dosen untuk menginput nilai secara ontime, hal ini tidak efektif karena dapat menurunkan kinerja dosen serta mahasiswa terlambat dalam menerima dan melihat nilai. Ketiga, perlu adanya apresiasi guna mendukung dosen yang telah menginput nilai dengan tepat waktu (ontime) sehingga dapat memotivasi dosen. Maka perlu adanya pemecahan masalah yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini. Pertama, pengembangan gamifikasi pada PEN+ agar kinerja dosen dapat berjalan secara efektif dan efisien. Kedua, pada PEN+ terdapat trophy yang diberikan kepada 10 (sepuluh) besar rank gamifikasi PEN+. Ketiga, dosen mendapatkan 1 (satu) trophy jika masuk masuk dalam 10 (sepuluh) besar ranking gamifikasi. Penerapan gamifikasi PEN+ menggunakan metode pengumpulan data, pengembangan sistem, analisa sistem, perancangan, dan pengujian yang dapat memberikan keuntungan. Pertama, mahasiswa dapat melihat nilai dengan cepat. Kedua, memotivasi dosen dalam proses penginputan nilai. Ketiga, dapat menjaga kedisplinan dosen sehingga dapat meningkatkan mutu dosen.   Kata Kunci : Gamifikasi, Trophy. PEN+ (Penilaian Plus), Dosen, Motivasi.   Abstract   The development of technology and information very rapidly make educational institutions, especially in Higher Education continues to improve the quality of academics, one of which is a scoring system that allows lecturers and students. In Higher Education Raharja lecturers can input value online and students can see the value on the PEN + system (Rating Plus). The timeliness or ontime of the lecturer in input value is very important so that the student can receive the value in a timely manner. But the current system is still less effective and efficient because there are still 3 (three) problems that occur. First, many lecturers input the value over a predetermined time limit or overdue. Second, the lack of motivation factors for lecturers to input value in a timely manner (overdue), this is not effective because it can reduce the performance of lecturers and students late in receiving and seeing the value. Third, the need for appreciation given to lecturers who input value on time (ontime) so as to motivate lecturers. So there needs to be problem solving done in this research. First, the development of gamifikasi on PEN + for lecturer performance can run effectively and efficiently. Secondly, at PEN + there is a trophy given to 10 (ten) large PEN gamification ranks. Third, lecturers get 1 (one) trophy if entered into 10 (ten) big gamification rank. Application of PEN gamification uses data collection methods, system development, system analysis, design, and testing that can provide benefits. First, students can see the value on time. Second, motivate lecturers to input value quickly and on time. Third, to maintain the discipline of lecturers so as to improve the quality of lecturers.   Keywords: Gamification, Trophy. PEN+(Penilaian Plus), Lecturer, Motivation

    Peran Faktor Pengaruh Dinamika Organizational Commitment: Mengentaskan Melemahnya Eksistensi UKM Kuliner di Bogor

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    This research aims to identify and analyze the role and influence of the determinants of organizational commitment dynamics on the continued existence of culinary SMEs in Bogor; against the identified background of the weakening of its existence. Using mixed methods, this study randomly selected 210 samples using SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) and AHP-FAHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process-Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process) analysis techniques. The research results show that perceived organizational support, creativity and employee work motivation are determining factors that have a significant influence on organizational commitment, which ultimately contributes to the resilience and growth of culinary SMEs in Bogor

    Influence of Supply Chain towards Work Motivation and Its Implication on Employee’s Performance

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    Abstract— The purpose of this study was to know and analyze the Influence of supply chain management toward work motivation and it’s implication to employee performance. The method used in this research were descriptive survey method and explanatory survey. The population in this study amounted to 254 employees of BPNM (Christian Education Agency in Medan), with a sample size of 205 respondents. Analysis technique and hypothesis testing using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with LISREL 8.70 program. The result of research found that supply chain had positive and significant influence toward work motivation. Then also toward employee performance both partially and simultaneously supply chain management and work motivation had positive influence and significant. While, contribution percentage of supply chain, toward work motivation is 72% and contribution percentage of work motivation simultaneous toward employee performance is 85%. The implication on this research is that the employee performance especially on the quantity   will be able to be improved if BPNM able to increase work motivation especially to the needs’ motivation, work motivation will increase if BPNM is able to increase the leadership, especially in attitude dimension towards human, and increase the SCM especially to the internal integration, and supported by the improvement of interpersonal communication, mainly in social relationship. Furthermore, work motivation only have role for supply chain toward employee performance, while for SCM variable, work motivation don’t have role to escalate  employee performance, so in this model work motivation only as partial mediating

    The Influence Of Transformational Leadership, Knowledge Sharing, And Academic Integrity On Lecturer Innovativeness

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    The purpose of this study, is to test and analyze the factors that influence both partially and simultaneously on the innovativeness of lecturers at 6 First State Polytechnic Colleges in the Ministry of Research and Technology, using a questionnaire that has been tested for validity and reliability against 200 respondents, in a verification way carried out through the method and analysis of structural equation models (Structural Equation Modeling) using Lisrel V.8.80 software. The results of research and hypothesis testing show that transformational leadership, knowledge sharing, and academic integrity affect both partially and simultaneously on the innovativeness of lecturers with a contribution of 73%. Of the three variables, academic integrity has a more dominant influence compared to other variables

    Pengaruh Komitmen, Kompetensi, dan Locus of Control Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Pemerintahan

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    The aim of this study is the level of influence of commitment on employee performance in several Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD). The method used is a survey with an associative type. The processed data is questionnaire filling data for all Civil Servants (PNS) in the Solok City Regional Government, totaling 158 people. The results of this study are that commitment has a significant effect, competition has no significant effect, and Locus of Control has a significant effect on employee performance. So the leadership of several OPDs continues to pay attention to the commitment and Locus of Control of each employee to improve employee performanc