19 research outputs found

    Calibration of Separate Window Model Factors to Calculate Land Surface Temperature using MODIS Images

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    Land surface temperature (LST) is one of the most important parameters influencing physical processes of energy on the land surface and in high seas, both in local and global scales. Satellite infrared temperature data (TIR) is linked directly to LST using radiation transmission models. However, direct estimation of LST from radiation in TIR spectrum will be of low accuracy. Since the radiation measured by satellites depends not only on land surface parameters (temperature and irradiance power) but also on atmospheric influences. LST calculation suggests different methods for decreasing atmospheric influences, which can be classified in three major classes: single band methods, multiple band methods, and multiple angle methods. The present article investigates multi-temporal data of MODIS images in 12 different dates with quite uniform temporal distribution during 2014 using five useful multiple band methods of calculating LST including, Price Model (1994), Becker and Li Model (1990), Platt and Prata Model (1991), Ulivieri et al. model (1994), Coll et al. model (1994). Then, coefficients of investigated models were calibrated using the least repetitive squares model. During the calibration, main coefficients of the models were used as the initial value and optimal coefficients were calculated using a series of data. Afterward, the accuracy of the modified models was evaluated using LST from MODIS and the Iranian weather stations data. Results illustrate the modified Price Model by an average of RMSE 0.41 Centigrade degree as the most accurate model. Moreover, the variance of RMSE is 0.08 for mentioned dates which confirm generalizability of the outcomes. The maximum and minimum of RMSE equals 0.26 and 0.50 respectively (February 19th and June 27th respectively) for modified Price model. Finally, the linear relation was investigated, between LST calculated using modified Price Model and data measured by Iranian weather stations. The linear regression factor of these two series of data was 0.9978 which indicates a significant linear relation between calculated LST data and reference temperatures of the Iranian weather stations

    Copula-based analysis of correlation structures in case of GRACE coefficients

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    Data from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) has significantly improved our knowledge of the terrestrial water cycle. With the availability of GRACE data from 2002, we are now able to perform even climate change studies with respect to water storage variations. However, as GRACE is already after its expected lifetime, we have to find methods for filling the missing months in the past data and to possibly bridge the gap until GRACE Follow On. In this study, we, therefore, analyze the potential of Copula-based methods for simulating GRACE coefficients data from other hydrological data sources. The method exploits linear and non-linear relationships between two or more variables by fitting a theoretical Copula function into an empirical bivariate or multivariate distribution function. Finally, new data, which is then consistent with the previously derived dependence structure, can be simulated by evaluating the conditional distribution function given by the theoretical Copula. First, we want to analyze the applicability of the proposed method to spherical harmonic coefficients data from GRACE. As the approach involves several drawings of random data, we are interested if this random nature has any impact on the results. We therefore generate filtered out of unfiltered GRACE coefficients, based on the previously derived dependence structure. The comparison between the simulated and filtered data shows a very good agreement with negligible differences in both of the spatial and spectral domain. We also want to evaluate if Copula-based methods are able to estimate reliable water storage changes from the independent hydrological data. Therefore, we derive the dependence structure between filtered water storage changes from GRACE and global gridded precipitation data from the Global Precipitation Climatology Center GPCC. Based on the fitted theoretical Copula, we then simulate water storage changes from precipitation data. The Copula-based estimates are compared with filtered GRACE coefficients data in both of the spectral and spatial domain. We also perform a catchment-based analysis between area-aggregated time-series of simulated and GRACE-derived water storage change. The analysis shows that our estimates and the original filtered GRACE coefficients data are in very good agreement. Thus, we conclude that the proposed method is indeed able to fill the missing months in the GRACE-dataset and to extend even the time-series until the launch of GRACE Follow On

    Detection of a New Large Free Core Nutation Phase Jump

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    We announce the detection of a new large jump in the phase of the free core nutation (FCN). This is only the second such large FCN phase jump in more than thirty years of FCN monitoring by means of a very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) technique. The new event was revealed and confirmed by analyzing two FCN models derived from a long-time series of VLBI observations. The jump started in 2021 and is expected to last until the late fall of 2022. The amplitude of the phase jump is expected to be approximately 3 rad, which is as much as 1.5 times larger than the first phase jump in 1999–2000. A connection of the new FCN phase jump with the recent geomagnetic jerk started in 2020 is suggested.Santiago Belda was partially supported by Generalitat Valenciana (SEJIGENT/2021/001), the European Union–Next Generation EU (ZAMBRANO 21-04) and Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spanish Project PID2020-119383GB-I00)

    Inter-Comparison of UT1-UTC from 24-Hour, Intensives, and VGOS Sessions during CONT17

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    This work focuses on the assessment of UT1-UTC estimates from various types of sessions during the CONT17 campaign. We chose the CONT17 campaign as it provides 15 days of continuous, high-quality VLBI data from two legacy networks (S/X band), i.e., Legacy-1 (IVS) and Legacy-2 (VLBA) (having different network geometry and are non-overlapping), two types of Intensive sessions, i.e., IVS and Russian Intensives, and five days of new-generation, broadband VGOS sessions. This work also investigates different approaches to optimally compare dUT1 from Intensives with respect to the 24 h sessions given the different parameterization adopted for analyzing Intensives and different session lengths. One approach includes the estimation of dUT1 from pseudo Intensives, which are created from the 24 h sessions having their epochs synchronized with respect to the Intensive sessions. Besides, we assessed the quality of the dUT1 estimated from VGOS sessions at daily and sub-daily resolution. The study suggests that a different approach should be adopted when comparing the dUT1 from the Intensives, i.e., comparison of dUT1 value at the mean epoch of an Intensive session. The initial results regarding the VGOS sessions show that the dUT1 estimated from VGOS shows good agreement with the legacy network despite featuring fewer observations and stations. In the case of sub-daily dUT1 from VGOS sessions, we found that estimating dUT1 with 6 h resolution is superior to other sub-daily resolutions. Moreover, we introduced a new concept of sub-daily dUT1-tie to improve the estimation of dUT1 from the Intensive sessions. We observed an improvement of up to 20% with respect to the dUT1 from the 24 h sessions.The publication costs are supported within the funding programme “Open Access Publikationskosten” Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation)—Project Number 491075472. K.B. is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation)– Project-ID 434617780—SFB 1464 (TerraQ). S.B. was partially supported by Generalitat Valenciana (SEJIGENT/2021/001), the European Union—NextGenerationEU (ZAMBRANO 21-04) and Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spanish Project PID2020-119383GB-I00)

    Investigating the Relationship Between Length of Day and El-Niño Using Wavelet Coherence Method

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    The relationship between the length of day (LOD) and El-Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has been well studied since the 1980s. LOD is the negative time-derivative of UT1-UTC, which is directly proportional to Earth Rotation Angle (ERA), one of the Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP). The EOP can be determined using Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI), which is a space geodetic technique. In addition, satellite techniques such as the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR), Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite (DORIS) can provide Earth Rotation Parameters, i.e., polar motion and LOD. ENSO is a climate phenomenon occurring over the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean that mainly affects the tropics and the subtropics. Extreme ENSO events can cause extreme weather like flooding and droughts in many parts of the world. In this work, we investigated the effect of ENSO on the LOD from January 1979 to April 2022 using the wavelet coherence method. This method computes the coherence between the two non-stationary time-series in the time-frequency domain using the real-valued Morlet wavelet. We used the Multivariate ENSO index version 2 (MEI v.2) which is the most robust series as the climate index for the ENSO, and LOD time-series from IERS (EOP 14 C04 (IAU2000A)). We also used Oceanic Niño and Southern Oscillation index in this study for comparison. The results show strong coherence of 0.7 to 0.9 at major ENSO events for the periods 2–4 years between LOD and MEI.v2.Kyriakos Balidakis is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation)—Project-ID 434617780—SFB 1464 (TerraQ). Santiago Belda was partially supported by Generalitat Valenciana (SEJIGENT/2021/001), the European Union—NextGenerationEU (ZAMBRANO 21-04) and Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spanish Project PID2020-119383GB-I00). Chaiyaporn Kitpracha acknowledges funding from Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) under grant number 91650950

    The Short-Term Prediction of Length of Day Using 1D Convolutional Neural Networks (1D CNN)

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    Accurate Earth orientation parameter (EOP) predictions are needed for many applications, e.g., for the tracking and navigation of interplanetary spacecraft missions. One of the most difficult parameters to forecast is the length of day (LOD), which represents the variation in the Earth’s rotation rate since it is primarily affected by the torques associated with changes in atmospheric circulation. In this study, a new-generation time-series prediction algorithm is developed. The one-dimensional convolutional neural network (1D CNN), which is one of the deep learning methods, is introduced to model and predict the LOD using the IERS EOP 14 C04 and axial Z component of the atmospheric angular momentum (AAM), which was taken from the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) since it is strongly correlated with the LOD changes. The prediction procedure operates as follows: first, we detrend the LOD and Z-component series using the LS method, then, we obtain the residual series of each one to be used in the 1D CNN prediction algorithm. Finally, we analyze the results before and after introducing the AAM function. The results prove the potential of the proposed method as an optimal algorithm to successfully reconstruct and predict the LOD for up to 7 days.S.B. was partially supported by Generalitat Valenciana (SEJIGENT/2021/001) and the European Union—NextGenerationEU (ZAMBRANO 21-04). J.M. was partially supported by Spanish Projects PID2020-119383GB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and PROMETEO/2021/030 (Generalitat Valenciana)

    Towards Understanding the Interconnection between Celestial Pole Motion and Earth’s Magnetic Field Using Space Geodetic Techniques

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    The understanding of forced temporal variations in celestial pole motion (CPM) could bring us significantly closer to meeting the accuracy goals pursued by the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG), i.e., 1 mm accuracy and 0.1 mm/year stability on global scales in terms of the Earth orientation parameters. Besides astronomical forcing, CPM excitation depends on the processes in the fluid core and the core–mantle boundary. The same processes are responsible for the variations in the geomagnetic field (GMF). Several investigations were conducted during the last decade to find a possible interconnection of GMF changes with the length of day (LOD) variations. However, less attention was paid to the interdependence of the GMF changes and the CPM variations. This study uses the celestial pole offsets (CPO) time series obtained from very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations and data such as spherical harmonic coefficients, geomagnetic jerk, and magnetic field dipole moment from a state-of-the-art geomagnetic field model to explore the correlation between them. In this study, we use wavelet coherence analysis to compute the correspondence between the two non-stationary time series in the time–frequency domain. Our preliminary results reveal interesting common features in the CPM and GMF variations, which show the potential to improve the understanding of the GMF’s contribution to the Earth’s rotation. Special attention is given to the corresponding signal between FCN and GMF and potential time lags between geomagnetic jerks and rotational variations.J.M.F was partially supported by Spanish Projects PID2020-119383GB-I00 (AEI/FEDER, UE) and PROMETEO/2021/030 (Generalitat Valenciana). S.B was supported by the Generalitat Valenciana SEJIGENT program (SEJIGENT/2021/001) and by the European Research Council (ERC) under the ERC2017-STG SENTIFLEX project (Grant Agreement 755617)

    A First Assessment of the Corrections for the Consistency of the IAU2000 and IAU2006 Precession-Nutation Models

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    [EN] The Earth precession-nutation model endorsed by resolutions of each the International Astronomical Union and the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics is composed of two theories developed independently, namely IAU2006 precession and IAU2000A nutation. The IAU2006 precession was adopted to supersede the precession part of the IAU 2000A precession-nutation model and tried to get the new precession theory dynamically consistent with the IAU2000A nutation. However, full consistency was not reached, and slight adjustments of the IAU2000A nutation amplitudes at the micro arcsecond level were required to ensure consistency. The first set of formulae for these corrections derived by Capitaine et al. (Astrophys 432(1):355–367, 2005), which was not included in IAU2006 but provided in some standards and software for computing nutations. Later, Escapa et al. showed that a few additional terms of the same order of magnitude have to be added to the 2005 expressions to get complete dynamical consistency between the official precession and nutation models. In 2018 Escapa and Capitaine made a joint review of the problem and proposed three alternative ways of nutation model and its parameters to achieve consistency to certain different extents, although no estimation of their respective effects could be worked out to illustrate the proposals. Here we present some preliminary results on the assessment of the effects of each of the three sets of corrections suggested by Escapa and Capitaine (Proceedings of the Journées, des Systémes de Référence et de la Rotation Terrestre: Furthering our Knowledge of Earth Rotation, Alicante, 2018) by testing them in conjunction with the conventional celestial pole offsets given in the IERS EOP14C04 time series

    Inter-Comparison of UT1-UTC from 24-Hour, Intensives, and VGOS Sessions during CONT17

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    This work focuses on the assessment of UT1-UTC estimates from various types of sessions during the CONT17 campaign. We chose the CONT17 campaign as it provides 15 days of continuous, high-quality VLBI data from two legacy networks (S/X band), i.e., Legacy-1 (IVS) and Legacy-2 (VLBA) (having different network geometry and are non-overlapping), two types of Intensive sessions, i.e., IVS and Russian Intensives, and five days of new-generation, broadband VGOS sessions. This work also investigates different approaches to optimally compare dUT1 from Intensives with respect to the 24 h sessions given the different parameterization adopted for analyzing Intensives and different session lengths. One approach includes the estimation of dUT1 from pseudo Intensives, which are created from the 24 h sessions having their epochs synchronized with respect to the Intensive sessions. Besides, we assessed the quality of the dUT1 estimated from VGOS sessions at daily and sub-daily resolution. The study suggests that a different approach should be adopted when comparing the dUT1 from the Intensives, i.e., comparison of dUT1 value at the mean epoch of an Intensive session. The initial results regarding the VGOS sessions show that the dUT1 estimated from VGOS shows good agreement with the legacy network despite featuring fewer observations and stations. In the case of sub-daily dUT1 from VGOS sessions, we found that estimating dUT1 with 6 h resolution is superior to other sub-daily resolutions. Moreover, we introduced a new concept of sub-daily dUT1-tie to improve the estimation of dUT1 from the Intensive sessions. We observed an improvement of up to 20% with respect to the dUT1 from the 24 h sessions.DFG, 491075472, Open-Access-Publikationskosten / 2022-2024 / Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ / Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung (PIK)DFG, 434617780, SFB 1464: Relativistische und quanten-basierte Geodäsie (TerraQ