147 research outputs found

    Avaliação do desempenho do sistema Universidade Aberta do Brasil (UAB) na relação ingressantes/ formados: uma comparação com a modalidade presencial

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    Esta dissertação, com o propósito de obtenção do grau de mestre, no âmbito do programa de Pós-graduação em Educação em Ciências: Química da Vida e Saúde do Instituto de Ciências Básicas da Saúde da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), procurou, em sua base metodológica e teórica argumentativa, ampliar o debate sobre a educação geral e a distância enquanto modalidade, no âmbito das reformas educacionais, principalmente aquelas surgidas a partir de 1990, em que se observou a atuação do Estado priorizando ações que pudessem assegurar o acesso e a permanência, bem como a formação básica e continuada de professores. Nesse contexto, a Universidade Aberta do Brasil (UAB) se estabelece institucionalmente como um programa da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) se consolidando como a maior ação pública na oferta de cursos de licenciatura e de educação continuada na modalidade a distância (MD). Nesta pesquisa procurou-se evidências comparativas, para auferior o desempenho em cursos de Licenciatura nas modalidades presencial e a distância. Foram comparados e avaliados os desempenhos dos 12 cursos de Licenciatura pertencentes à Base Nacional Comum Curricular das MD da UAB e Modalidade Presencial (MP), no período de 2009-2016, usando como parâmetro o Índice de Eficiência Máxima (IEM). Os dados da MD foram obtidos no banco de dados da UAB e os da MP, no Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira (INEP). O teste t não paramétrico Mann-Whitney (GraphPad 6) foi utilizado para análise estatística. Constatou-se que os cursos da MD apresentam IEM inferior (0,44) quando comparados aos da MP (0.89). Os cursos de Biologia, Física e Matemática atingiram valores predominantemente inferiores à média, enquanto que os cursos de Educação Física, Letras Português e Pedagogia atingiram valores predominantemente iguais ou superiores à média.This work, with the purpose of obtaining a master's degree, within the scope of the Graduate Program in Science Education: Life Chemistry and Health at the Institute of Basic Health Sciences of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), sought, in its methodological and theoretical argumentative basis, to expand the debate on general and distance education as a modality, within the scope of educational reforms, especially those that arose since 1990, in which the State's performance was observed prioritizing actions that could ensure access and permanence, as well as teacher training at the undergraduation and graduation levels. The Open University of Brazil (UAB) has been established itself as the largest public program on offering under graduation and graduate courses in the distance learning modality (DM). In this study, we compare and evaluate the performance of 12 graduation courses belonging to the National Common Curricular Grade ofthe UAB’s DM comparatively with the Classroom-Based Course (CBC), between the years of 2009 to 2016, using the Maximum Efficiency Index parameter. The data from DM were obtained from the UAB database system (SISUAB) and data from CBC were obtained from the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research – Anísio Teixeira (INEP).For statistical analysis was used the non-parametric Mann-Whitney t test.The DM courses showed a lower IEM (0,44) when compared to the CBC (0,89). Biology, Physics, and Mathematics undergraduate courses predominantly reached lower IEM mean values whereas the Physical Education, Portuguese and Pedagogy courses reached equal or high values than the mean

    Cultura, patrimônio e territórios do vinho

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    Avaliação do processo Gerir movimentação do Exército brasileiro

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (especialização)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração, Contabilidade e Gestão de Políticas Públicas, Departamento de Administração, 2020.Este estudo avalia o desempenho do processo Gerir movimentação do Exército Brasileiro, a partir da percepção dos militares (usuários finais) que trabalham com esse processo junto à Diretoria de Controle de Efetivos e Movimentações (DCEM), do Departamento-Geral do Pessoal do Exército. O processo em análise passou por uma remodelagem recentemente e a avaliação realizada teve por objetivo verificar até que ponto o redesenho do processo atendeu às expectativas do setor responsável pela operacionalização do mesmo. A metodologia utilizada foi a Multicritério de Apoio à Decisão (MCDA), por entender que esta metodologia se adequava aos propósitos do estudo realizado. O modelo multicritério de avaliação foi construído com o apoio de uma equipe de especialistas em processos e constou de quatro eixos de avaliação. Após a tabulação e tratamento dos dados da pesquisa de campo, chegou-se aos seguintes resultados, por eixo de avaliação e global, numa escala de 0 a 10: Efetividade - 7,0; Economicidade - 6,4; Acessibilidade - 6,6; e Integração - 6,8. A avaliação global do processo ficou com a nota 6,7.This study evaluates the performance of the Brazilian Army's Manage Movement process, based on the perception of the military (end users) who work with this process with the Personnel and Movements Control Directorate (DCEM), of the Army's General Personnel Department. The process under analysis underwent a remodeling recently and the evaluation carried out aimed at verifying the extent to which the redesign of the process met the expectations of the sector responsible for its operationalization. The methodology used was the Decision Support Multicriteria (MCDA), as it understands that this methodology was suitable for the purposes of the study. The multicriteria evaluation model was built with the support of a team of process experts and consisted of four evaluation axes. After the tabulation and treatment of the field research data, the following results were obtained, by evaluation and overall, on a scale of 0 to 10: Effectiveness - 7.0; Economics - 6.4; Accessibility - 6.6; and Integration - 6.8. The overall assessment of the process was rated 6.7

    Analysis of the presence of ethics in the teaching guides of the undergraduate degrees in Design

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    This article presents the most significant results of a study on teaching ethics in curricular content of Design undergraduate degrees at Spanish universities. From documentary observation technique, a content analysis of the teaching guides of thirty-three universities that offered the forty-seven degrees that shape the design programs was performed, to confirm the presence of the discipline in these degrees. The results of the study have shown the existence of formal teaching of ethics in these degrees, as opposed to the initial hypothesis of the absence or informality of the practice, perceived by designers, teachers, and authors in the field, identified through literature review.Este artículo presenta los principales resultados de un análisis sobre la enseñanza de la ética en los documentos curriculares formales de los grados en Diseño en las universidades españolas. Con la técnica de observación documental, se realizó un análisis de contenido de esos documentos en treinta y tres universidades que ofertan cuarenta y siete títulos oficiales de grado, con el objetivo de confirmar la presencia de la disciplina en la formación del futuro diseñador. Los resultados del estudio han demostrado la existencia de una enseñanza formal (curriculum) de ética en estos títulos, en oposición a la premisa inicial de ausencia o informalidad de la práctica percibida por diseñadores, profesores y autores del ámbito, identificada en una revisión previa de literatura

    Land use change and ecosystem service provision in Pampas and Campos grasslands of southern South America

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    New livestock production models need to simultaneously meet the increasing global demand for meat and preserve biodiversity and ecosystem services. Since the 16th century beef cattle has been produced on the Pampas and Campos native grasslands in southern South America, with only small amounts of external inputs. We synthesised 242 references from peer-reviewed and grey literature published between 1945 and mid-2015 and analysed secondary data to examine the evidence on the ecosystem services provided by this grassland biodiversity hotspot and the way they are affected by land use changes and their drivers. The analysis followed the requirements of systematic review from the PRISMA statement (Moher et al 2009 Acad. Clin. Ann. Intern. Med. 151 264–9). The Pampas and Campos provide feed for 43 million heads of cattle and 14 million sheep. The biome is habitat of 4000 native plant species, 300 species of birds, 29 species of mammals, 49 species of reptiles and 35 species of amphibians. The soils of the region stock 5% of the soil organic carbon of Latin America on 3% of its area. Driven by high prices of soybean, the soybean area increased by 210% between 2000 and 2010, at the expense of 2 million ha (5%) of native grassland, mostly in the Pampas. Intensification of livestock production was apparent in two spatially distinct forms. In subregions where cropping increased, intensification of livestock production was reflected in an increased use of grains for feed as part of feedlots. In subregions dominated by native grasslands, stocking rates increased. The review showed that land use change and grazing regimes with low forage allowances were predominantly associated with negative effects on ecosystem service provision by reducing soil organic carbon stocks and the diversity of plants, birds and mammals, and by increasing soil erosion. We found little quantitative information on changes in the ecosystem services water provision, nutrient cycling and erosion control. We discuss how changing grazing regimes to higher forage allowance can contribute to greater meat production and enhancing ecosystem services from native grasslands. This would require working with farmers on changing their management strategies and creating enabling economic conditions. (Résumé d'auteur

    Evaluación de sustentabilidad como herramienta en la carrera de Ingeniería Agronómica

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    La temprana aplicación de indicadores de sostenibilidad por estudiantes de la carrera de ingeniería agronómica busca ampliar la mirada más allá del enfoque productivo/económico. Se presentan resultados de dos años en la región de Nueva Helvecia-Colonia Valdense, Uruguay. Los datos se recogieron mediante entrevistas estructuradas realizadas por un grupo de 25 estudiantes a 13 productores. En la evaluación (2009) no se identificaron sistemas con promedios por debajo de 6/10; sin embargo un tercio de los sistemas podrían tener problemas de “insustentabilidad” en "calidad de vida" y "contaminación por efluentes". La comparación 2010-2009 arrojó una disminución generalizada, excepto “calidad de vida”. El uso de un conjunto de indicadores para los mismos productores permitiría aproximar una evaluación multidimensional de la sostenibilidad en más de 150 sistemas; paralelamente queda disponible un instrumento para mostrar una “nueva mirada” a las familias rurales sobre sus actividades.The early application of sustainability indicators with agronomy students seek to expand the vision of future professionals beyond the productive/economic approach. We present the results of two years in the region of Nueva Helvecia-Colonia Valdense, Uruguay. Data were collected in farms through structured interviews done by 25 students to 13 farmers. In the 2009 evaluation no systems with average values below 6/10 were identified; nevertheless one third of the systems could be having "unsustainability" problems associated with "quality of life" and "effluents pollution". The comparison 2010-2009 showed a widespread decline, except “quality of life”. The use of a set of indicators for same farmers every year could allow a multidimensional evaluation of sustainability in more than 150 systems; at the same moment an instrument to show rural families a "new look" on their activities is created.Eje A4: Ambiente, Naturaleza y AgroecologíaFacultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Evaluación de sustentabilidad como herramienta en la carrera de Ingeniería Agronómica

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    La temprana aplicación de indicadores de sostenibilidad por estudiantes de la carrera de ingeniería agronómica busca ampliar la mirada más allá del enfoque productivo/económico. Se presentan resultados de dos años en la región de Nueva Helvecia-Colonia Valdense, Uruguay. Los datos se recogieron mediante entrevistas estructuradas realizadas por un grupo de 25 estudiantes a 13 productores. En la evaluación (2009) no se identificaron sistemas con promedios por debajo de 6/10; sin embargo un tercio de los sistemas podrían tener problemas de “insustentabilidad” en "calidad de vida" y "contaminación por efluentes". La comparación 2010-2009 arrojó una disminución generalizada, excepto “calidad de vida”. El uso de un conjunto de indicadores para los mismos productores permitiría aproximar una evaluación multidimensional de la sostenibilidad en más de 150 sistemas; paralelamente queda disponible un instrumento para mostrar una “nueva mirada” a las familias rurales sobre sus actividades.The early application of sustainability indicators with agronomy students seek to expand the vision of future professionals beyond the productive/economic approach. We present the results of two years in the region of Nueva Helvecia-Colonia Valdense, Uruguay. Data were collected in farms through structured interviews done by 25 students to 13 farmers. In the 2009 evaluation no systems with average values below 6/10 were identified; nevertheless one third of the systems could be having "unsustainability" problems associated with "quality of life" and "effluents pollution". The comparison 2010-2009 showed a widespread decline, except “quality of life”. The use of a set of indicators for same farmers every year could allow a multidimensional evaluation of sustainability in more than 150 systems; at the same moment an instrument to show rural families a "new look" on their activities is created.Eje A4: Ambiente, Naturaleza y AgroecologíaFacultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale